// // System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataList.cs // // Authors: // Gaurav Vaish (gvaish@iitk.ac.in) // Andreas Nahr (ClassDevelopment@A-SoftTech.com) // // (C) Gaurav Vaish (2002) // (C) 2003 Andreas Nahr // using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Util; namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { [Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataListDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof (IDesigner))] [Editor ("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataListComponentEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof (ComponentEditor))] public class DataList: BaseDataList, INamingContainer, IRepeatInfoUser { public const string CancelCommandName = "Cancel"; public const string DeleteCommandName = "Delete"; public const string EditCommandName = "Edit"; public const string SelectCommandName = "Select"; public const string UpdateCommandName = "Update"; static readonly object CancelCommandEvent = new object (); static readonly object DeleteCommandEvent = new object (); static readonly object EditCommandEvent = new object (); static readonly object ItemCommandEvent = new object (); static readonly object ItemCreatedEvent = new object (); static readonly object ItemDataBoundEvent = new object (); static readonly object UpdateCommandEvent = new object (); TableItemStyle alternatingItemStyle; TableItemStyle editItemStyle; TableItemStyle footerStyle; TableItemStyle headerStyle; TableItemStyle itemStyle; TableItemStyle selectedItemStyle; TableItemStyle separatorStyle; ITemplate alternatingItemTemplate; ITemplate editItemTemplate; ITemplate footerTemplate; ITemplate headerTemplate; ITemplate itemTemplate; ITemplate selectedItemTemplate; ITemplate separatorTemplate; ArrayList itemsArray; DataListItemCollection items; bool extractTemplateRows; public DataList () { } [DefaultValue (null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty (true)] [WebCategory ("Style")] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The style applied to alternating items.")] public virtual TableItemStyle AlternatingItemStyle { get { if (alternatingItemStyle == null) { alternatingItemStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) alternatingItemStyle.TrackViewState (); } return alternatingItemStyle; } } [Browsable (false)] [DefaultValue (null)] [TemplateContainer (typeof (DataListItem))] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The template used for alternating items.")] public virtual ITemplate AlternatingItemTemplate { get { return alternatingItemTemplate; } set { alternatingItemTemplate = value; } } [DefaultValue (-1)] [WebCategory ("Misc")] [WebSysDescription ("The index of the item shown in edit mode.")] public virtual int EditItemIndex { get { object o = ViewState ["EditItemIndex"]; if (o != null) return (int) o; return -1; } set { if (value < -1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); ViewState ["EditItemIndex"] = value; } } [DefaultValue (null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty (true)] [WebCategory ("Style")] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The style applied to items in edit mode.")] public virtual TableItemStyle EditItemStyle { get { if (editItemStyle == null) { editItemStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) editItemStyle.TrackViewState (); } return editItemStyle; } } [Browsable (false)] [DefaultValue (null)] [TemplateContainer (typeof (DataListItem))] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The template used for items in edit mode.")] public virtual ITemplate EditItemTemplate { get { return editItemTemplate; } set { editItemTemplate = value; } } [DefaultValue (false), WebCategory ("Misc")] [WebSysDescription ("Extract rows in the template.")] public virtual bool ExtractTemplateRows { get { object o = ViewState ["ExtractTemplateRows"]; if (o != null) return (bool) o; return false; } set { ViewState ["ExtractTemplateRows"] = value; } } [DefaultValue (null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty (true)] [WebCategory ("Style")] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The style applied to the footer.")] public virtual TableItemStyle FooterStyle { get { if (footerStyle == null) { footerStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) footerStyle.TrackViewState (); } return footerStyle; } } [Browsable (false)] [DefaultValue (null)] [TemplateContainer (typeof (DataListItem))] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The template used for the footer.")] public virtual ITemplate FooterTemplate { get { return footerTemplate; } set { footerTemplate = value; } } [DefaultValue (typeof (GridLines), "None")] public override GridLines GridLines { get { return base.GridLines; } set { base.GridLines = value; } } [DefaultValue (null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty (true)] [WebCategory ("Style")] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The style applied to the header.")] public virtual TableItemStyle HeaderStyle { get { if (headerStyle == null) { headerStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) headerStyle.TrackViewState (); } return headerStyle; } } [Browsable (false)] [DefaultValue (null)] [TemplateContainer (typeof (DataListItem))] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The template used for the header.")] public virtual ITemplate HeaderTemplate { get { return headerTemplate; } set { headerTemplate = value; } } [Browsable (false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [WebSysDescription ("A colletion containing all items.")] public virtual DataListItemCollection Items { get { if (items == null) { if (itemsArray == null) { EnsureChildControls (); itemsArray = new ArrayList (); } items = new DataListItemCollection (itemsArray); } return items; } } [DefaultValue (null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty (true)] [WebCategory ("Style")] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The style applied to items.")] public virtual TableItemStyle ItemStyle { get { if (itemStyle == null) { itemStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) itemStyle.TrackViewState (); } return itemStyle; } } [Browsable (false)] [DefaultValue (null)] [TemplateContainer (typeof (DataListItem))] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The template used for items.")] public virtual ITemplate ItemTemplate { get { return itemTemplate; } set { itemTemplate = value; } } [DefaultValue (0), Bindable (true), WebCategory ("Layout")] [WebSysDescription ("The number of columns that should be used.")] public virtual int RepeatColumns { get { object o = ViewState ["RepeatColumns"]; if (o != null) return (int) o; return 0; } set { if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value", "RepeatColumns value has to be 0 for 'not set' or > 0."); ViewState ["RepeatColumns"] = value; } } [DefaultValue (typeof (RepeatDirection), "Vertical"), Bindable (true), WebCategory ("Layout")] [WebSysDescription ("Which direction should be used when filling the columns.")] public virtual RepeatDirection RepeatDirection { get { object o = ViewState ["RepeatDirection"]; if (o != null) return (RepeatDirection) o; return RepeatDirection.Vertical; } set { if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (RepeatDirection), value)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value", "Only valid enumeration members are allowed"); ViewState ["RepeatDirection"] = value; } } [DefaultValue (typeof (RepeatLayout), "Table"), Bindable (true), WebCategory ("Layout")] [WebSysDescription ("The type of layout - mechanism that is used.")] public virtual RepeatLayout RepeatLayout { get { object o = ViewState ["RepeatLayout"]; if (o != null) return (RepeatLayout) o; return RepeatLayout.Table; } set { if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (RepeatLayout), value)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value", "Only valid enumeration members are allowed"); ViewState ["RepeatLayout"] = value; } } [DefaultValue (-1), Bindable (true)] [WebSysDescription ("The currently selected item index number.")] public virtual int SelectedIndex { get { object o = ViewState ["SelectedIndex"]; if (o != null) return (int) o; return -1; } set { //FIXME: Looks like a bug in Microsoft's specs. // Exception is missing in document. I haven't tested the case // But I think exception should follow if (value < -1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); int prevSel = SelectedIndex; ViewState ["SelectedIndex"] = value; DataListItem prevSelItem; ListItemType liType; if (itemsArray != null) { if (prevSel >= 0 && prevSel < itemsArray.Count) { prevSelItem = (DataListItem) itemsArray [prevSel]; if (prevSelItem.ItemType != ListItemType.EditItem) { liType = ((prevSel % 2) == 0 ? ListItemType.AlternatingItem : ListItemType.Item); prevSelItem.SetItemType (liType); } } if (value >= 0 && value < itemsArray.Count) { prevSelItem = (DataListItem) itemsArray [value]; if (prevSelItem.ItemType != ListItemType.EditItem) { prevSelItem.SetItemType (ListItemType.SelectedItem); } } } } } [Browsable (false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [WebSysDescription ("The currently selected item.")] public virtual DataListItem SelectedItem { get { if (SelectedIndex == -1) return null; return Items [SelectedIndex]; } } [DefaultValue (null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty (true)] [WebCategory ("Style")] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The style used for the currently selected item.")] public virtual TableItemStyle SelectedItemStyle { get { if (selectedItemStyle == null) { selectedItemStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) selectedItemStyle.TrackViewState (); } return selectedItemStyle; } } [Browsable (false)] [DefaultValue (null)] [TemplateContainer (typeof (DataListItem))] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The template used for currently selected items.")] public virtual ITemplate SelectedItemTemplate { get { return selectedItemTemplate; } set { selectedItemTemplate = value; } } [DefaultValue (null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty (true)] [WebCategory ("Style")] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The style applied to separators.")] public virtual TableItemStyle SeparatorStyle { get { if (separatorStyle == null) { separatorStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) separatorStyle.TrackViewState (); } return separatorStyle; } } [Browsable (false)] [DefaultValue (null)] [TemplateContainer (typeof (DataListItem))] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("The template used for separators.")] public virtual ITemplate SeparatorTemplate { get { return separatorTemplate; } set { separatorTemplate = value; } } [DefaultValue (true), Bindable (true), WebCategory ("Appearance")] [WebSysDescription ("Display the header for the DataList.")] public virtual bool ShowHeader { get { object o = ViewState ["ShowHeader"]; if (o != null) return (bool) o; return true; } set { ViewState ["ShowHeader"] = value; } } [DefaultValue (true), Bindable (true), WebCategory ("Appearance")] [WebSysDescription ("Display the footer for the DataList.")] public virtual bool ShowFooter { get { object o = ViewState ["ShowFooter"]; if (o != null) return (bool) o; return true; } set { ViewState["ShowFooter"] = value; } } [WebCategory ("Action")] [WebSysDescription ("Raised when a cancel command is generated.")] public event DataListCommandEventHandler CancelCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (CancelCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (CancelCommandEvent, value); } } [WebCategory ("Action")] [WebSysDescription ("Raised when a delete command is generated.")] public event DataListCommandEventHandler DeleteCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (DeleteCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DeleteCommandEvent, value); } } [WebCategory ("Action")] [WebSysDescription ("Raised when an edit command is generated.")] public event DataListCommandEventHandler EditCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (EditCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (EditCommandEvent, value); } } [WebCategory ("Action")] [WebSysDescription ("Raised when an item command is generated.")] public event DataListCommandEventHandler ItemCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (ItemCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ItemCommandEvent, value); } } [WebCategory ("Behavior")] [WebSysDescription ("Raised when a new item is created.")] public event DataListItemEventHandler ItemCreated { add { Events.AddHandler (ItemCreatedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ItemCreatedEvent, value); } } [WebCategory ("Behavior")] [WebSysDescription ("Raised when a item gets data-bound.")] public event DataListItemEventHandler ItemDataBound { add { Events.AddHandler (ItemDataBoundEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ItemDataBoundEvent, value); } } [WebCategory ("Action")] [WebSysDescription ("Raised when an update command is generated.")] public event DataListCommandEventHandler UpdateCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (UpdateCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UpdateCommandEvent, value); } } protected override Style CreateControlStyle () { TableStyle retVal = new TableStyle (ViewState); retVal.CellSpacing = 0; return retVal; } protected override void LoadViewState (object savedState) { if (savedState == null) return; object [] states = (object []) savedState; if (states [0] != null) base.LoadViewState (states [0]); if (states [1] != null) alternatingItemStyle.LoadViewState (states [1]); if (states [2] != null) editItemStyle.LoadViewState (states [2]); if (states [3] != null) footerStyle.LoadViewState (states [3]); if (states [4] != null) headerStyle.LoadViewState (states [4]); if (states [5] != null) itemStyle.LoadViewState (states [5]); if (states [6] != null) selectedItemStyle.LoadViewState (states [6]); if (states [7] != null) separatorStyle.LoadViewState (states [7]); } protected override object SaveViewState() { object [] states = new object [8]; states [0] = base.SaveViewState (); states [1] = (alternatingItemStyle == null ? null : alternatingItemStyle.SaveViewState ()); states [2] = (editItemStyle == null ? null : editItemStyle.SaveViewState ()); states [3] = (footerStyle == null ? null : footerStyle.SaveViewState ()); states [4] = (headerStyle == null ? null : headerStyle.SaveViewState ()); states [5] = (itemStyle == null ? null : itemStyle.SaveViewState ()); states [6] = (selectedItemStyle == null ? null : selectedItemStyle.SaveViewState ()); states [7] = (separatorStyle == null ? null : separatorStyle.SaveViewState ()); return states; } protected override void TrackViewState () { base.TrackViewState (); if (alternatingItemStyle != null) alternatingItemStyle.TrackViewState (); if (editItemStyle != null) editItemStyle.TrackViewState (); if (footerStyle != null) footerStyle.TrackViewState (); if (headerStyle != null) headerStyle.TrackViewState (); if (itemStyle != null) itemStyle.TrackViewState (); if (selectedItemStyle != null) selectedItemStyle.TrackViewState (); if (separatorStyle != null) separatorStyle.TrackViewState (); } protected override bool OnBubbleEvent (object source, EventArgs e) { if (!(e is DataListCommandEventArgs)) return false; DataListCommandEventArgs args = (DataListCommandEventArgs) e; OnItemCommand (args); string cmdName = args.CommandName.ToLower (); if (cmdName == "cancel") { OnCancelCommand (args); } else if (cmdName == "delete") { OnDeleteCommand (args); } else if (cmdName == "edit") { OnEditCommand (args); } else if (cmdName == "select") { SelectedIndex = args.Item.ItemIndex; OnSelectedIndexChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } else if (cmdName == "update") { OnUpdateCommand (args); } return true; } void InvokeCommandEvent (DataListCommandEventArgs args, object key) { DataListCommandEventHandler dlceh = (DataListCommandEventHandler) Events [key]; if (dlceh != null) dlceh (this, args); } void InvokeItemEvent (DataListItemEventArgs args, object key) { DataListItemEventHandler dlieh = (DataListItemEventHandler) Events [key]; if (dlieh != null) dlieh (this, args); } protected virtual void OnCancelCommand (DataListCommandEventArgs e) { InvokeCommandEvent (e, CancelCommandEvent); } protected virtual void OnDeleteCommand (DataListCommandEventArgs e) { InvokeCommandEvent (e, DeleteCommandEvent); } protected virtual void OnEditCommand (DataListCommandEventArgs e) { InvokeCommandEvent (e, EditCommandEvent); } protected virtual void OnItemCommand (DataListCommandEventArgs e) { InvokeCommandEvent (e, ItemCommandEvent); } protected virtual void OnItemCreated (DataListItemEventArgs e) { InvokeItemEvent (e, ItemCreatedEvent); } protected virtual void OnItemDataBound (DataListItemEventArgs e) { InvokeItemEvent (e, ItemDataBoundEvent); } protected virtual void OnUpdateCommand (DataListCommandEventArgs e) { InvokeCommandEvent (e, UpdateCommandEvent); } protected override void RenderContents (HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (Controls.Count == 0) return; RepeatInfo repeater = new RepeatInfo (); Table templateTable = null; if (extractTemplateRows) { repeater.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Vertical; repeater.RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Flow; repeater.RepeatColumns = 1; repeater.OuterTableImplied = true; templateTable = new Table (); templateTable.ID = ClientID; templateTable.CopyBaseAttributes (this); templateTable.ApplyStyle (ControlStyle); templateTable.RenderBeginTag (writer); } else { repeater.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection; repeater.RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout; repeater.RepeatColumns = RepeatColumns; } repeater.RenderRepeater (writer, this, ControlStyle, this); if (templateTable != null) { templateTable.RenderEndTag (writer); } } private DataListItem GetItem (ListItemType itemType, int repeatIndex) { DataListItem retVal = null; switch (itemType) { case ListItemType.Header: retVal = (DataListItem) Controls [0]; break; case ListItemType.Footer: retVal = (DataListItem) Controls [Controls.Count - 1]; break; case ListItemType.Item: goto case ListItemType.EditItem; case ListItemType.AlternatingItem: goto case ListItemType.EditItem; case ListItemType.SelectedItem: goto case ListItemType.EditItem; case ListItemType.EditItem: retVal = (DataListItem) itemsArray [repeatIndex]; break; case ListItemType.Separator: int index = 2 * repeatIndex + 1; if (headerTemplate != null) index ++; retVal = (DataListItem) Controls [index]; break; } return retVal; } /// /// Undocumented /// protected override void CreateControlHierarchy (bool useDataSource) { IEnumerable source = null; ArrayList dkeys = DataKeysArray; if (itemsArray != null) { itemsArray.Clear (); } else { itemsArray = new ArrayList (); } extractTemplateRows = ExtractTemplateRows; if (!useDataSource) { int count = (int) ViewState ["_!ItemCount"]; if (count != -1) { source = new DataSourceInternal (count); itemsArray.Capacity = count; } } else { dkeys.Clear (); source = GetResolvedDataSource (); if (source is ICollection) { dkeys.Capacity = ((ICollection) source).Count; itemsArray.Capacity = ((ICollection) source).Count; } } int itemCount = 0; if (source != null) { int index = 0; int editIndex = EditItemIndex; int selIndex = SelectedIndex; string dataKey = DataKeyField; if (headerTemplate != null) CreateItem (-1, ListItemType.Header, useDataSource, null); foreach (object current in source) { if (useDataSource) { try { dkeys.Add (DataBinder.GetPropertyValue (current, dataKey)); } catch { dkeys.Add (dkeys.Count); } } ListItemType type = ListItemType.Item; if (index == editIndex) { type = ListItemType.EditItem; } else if (index == selIndex) { type = ListItemType.SelectedItem; } else if ((index % 2) != 0) { type = ListItemType.AlternatingItem; } itemsArray.Add (CreateItem (index, type, useDataSource, current)); if (separatorTemplate != null) CreateItem (index, ListItemType.Separator, useDataSource, null); itemCount++; index++; } if (footerTemplate != null) CreateItem (-1, ListItemType.Footer, useDataSource, null); } if (useDataSource) ViewState ["_!ItemCount"] = (source != null ? itemCount : -1); } /// /// Undocumented /// protected virtual DataListItem CreateItem (int itemIndex, ListItemType itemType) { return new DataListItem (itemIndex, itemType); } private DataListItem CreateItem (int itemIndex, ListItemType itemType, bool dataBind, object dataItem) { DataListItem retVal = CreateItem (itemIndex, itemType); DataListItemEventArgs e = new DataListItemEventArgs (retVal); InitializeItem (retVal); if (dataBind) retVal.DataItem = dataItem; OnItemCreated (e); Controls.Add (retVal); if (dataBind) { retVal.DataBind (); OnItemDataBound (e); retVal.DataItem = null; } return retVal; } /// /// Undocumented /// protected override void PrepareControlHierarchy () { if (Controls.Count == 0) return; Style defaultStyle = null; Style rowStyle = null; if (alternatingItemStyle != null) { defaultStyle = new TableItemStyle (); defaultStyle.CopyFrom (itemStyle); defaultStyle.CopyFrom (alternatingItemStyle); } else { defaultStyle = itemStyle; } foreach (DataListItem current in Controls) { rowStyle = null; switch (current.ItemType) { case ListItemType.Header: if (headerStyle != null) rowStyle = headerStyle; break; case ListItemType.Footer: if (footerStyle != null) rowStyle = footerStyle; break; case ListItemType.Separator: rowStyle = separatorStyle; break; case ListItemType.Item: rowStyle = itemStyle; break; case ListItemType.AlternatingItem: rowStyle = defaultStyle; break; case ListItemType.SelectedItem: rowStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if ((current.ItemIndex % 2) == 0) { rowStyle.CopyFrom (itemStyle); } else { rowStyle.CopyFrom (defaultStyle); } rowStyle.CopyFrom (selectedItemStyle); break; case ListItemType.EditItem: rowStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if ((current.ItemIndex % 2) == 0) { rowStyle.CopyFrom (itemStyle); } else { rowStyle.CopyFrom (defaultStyle); } if (current.ItemIndex == SelectedIndex) rowStyle.CopyFrom (selectedItemStyle); rowStyle.CopyFrom (editItemStyle); break; } if (rowStyle == null) continue; if (!extractTemplateRows) { current.MergeStyle (rowStyle); continue; } foreach (Control currentCtrl in current.Controls) { if (!(currentCtrl is Table)) continue; foreach (TableRow cRow in ((Table) currentCtrl).Rows) cRow.MergeStyle (rowStyle); } } } /// /// Undocumented /// protected virtual void InitializeItem (DataListItem item) { ListItemType type = item.ItemType; ITemplate template = itemTemplate; switch (type) { case ListItemType.Header: template = headerTemplate; break; case ListItemType.Footer: template = footerTemplate; break; case ListItemType.AlternatingItem: if (alternatingItemTemplate != null) template = alternatingItemTemplate; break; case ListItemType.SelectedItem: if (selectedItemTemplate != null) { template = selectedItemTemplate; break; } if ((item.ItemIndex % 2) != 0) goto case ListItemType.AlternatingItem; break; case ListItemType.EditItem: if (editItemTemplate != null) { template = editItemTemplate; break; } if (item.ItemIndex == SelectedIndex) goto case ListItemType.SelectedItem; if ((item.ItemIndex % 2) != 0) goto case ListItemType.AlternatingItem; break; case ListItemType.Separator: template = separatorTemplate; break; } if (template != null) template.InstantiateIn (item); } bool IRepeatInfoUser.HasFooter { get { return (ShowFooter && footerTemplate != null); } } bool IRepeatInfoUser.HasHeader { get { return (ShowHeader && headerTemplate != null); } } bool IRepeatInfoUser.HasSeparators { get { return (separatorTemplate != null); } } int IRepeatInfoUser.RepeatedItemCount { get { if (itemsArray != null) return itemsArray.Count; return 0; } } void IRepeatInfoUser.RenderItem (ListItemType itemType, int repeatIndex, RepeatInfo repeatInfo, HtmlTextWriter writer) { DataListItem item = GetItem (itemType, repeatIndex); if (item != null) item.RenderItem (writer, extractTemplateRows, (repeatInfo.RepeatLayout == RepeatLayout.Table)); } Style IRepeatInfoUser.GetItemStyle (ListItemType itemType, int repeatIndex) { DataListItem item = GetItem (itemType, repeatIndex); if (item == null || !item.ControlStyleCreated) return null; return item.ControlStyle; } } }