// // System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid.cs // // Authors: // Jackson Harper (jackson@ximian.com) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Web.Util; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Permissions; namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { // CAS [AspNetHostingPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] // attributes [Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridComponentEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof(System.ComponentModel.ComponentEditor))] [Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")] public class DataGrid : BaseDataList, INamingContainer { public const string CancelCommandName = "Cancel"; public const string DeleteCommandName = "Delete"; public const string EditCommandName = "Edit"; public const string SelectCommandName = "Select"; public const string SortCommandName = "Sort"; public const string UpdateCommandName = "Update"; public const string PageCommandName = "Page"; public const string NextPageCommandArgument = "Next"; public const string PrevPageCommandArgument = "Prev"; private static readonly object CancelCommandEvent = new object (); private static readonly object DeleteCommandEvent = new object (); private static readonly object EditCommandEvent = new object (); private static readonly object ItemCommandEvent = new object (); private static readonly object ItemCreatedEvent = new object (); private static readonly object ItemDataBoundEvent = new object (); private static readonly object PageIndexChangedEvent = new object (); private static readonly object SortCommandEvent = new object (); private static readonly object UpdateCommandEvent = new object (); private TableItemStyle alt_item_style; private TableItemStyle edit_item_style; private TableItemStyle footer_style; private TableItemStyle header_style; private TableItemStyle item_style; private TableItemStyle selected_style; private DataGridPagerStyle pager_style; private ArrayList items_list; private DataGridItemCollection items; private ArrayList columns_list; private DataGridColumnCollection columns; private ArrayList data_source_columns_list; private DataGridColumnCollection data_source_columns; private Table render_table; private DataGridColumn [] render_columns; private PagedDataSource paged_data_source; private IEnumerator data_enumerator; [DefaultValue(false)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Paging")] public virtual bool AllowCustomPaging { get { return ViewState.GetBool ("AllowCustomPaging", false); } set { ViewState ["AllowCustomPaging"] = value; } } [DefaultValue(false)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Paging")] public virtual bool AllowPaging { get { return ViewState.GetBool ("AllowPaging", false); } set { ViewState ["AllowPaging"] = value; } } [DefaultValue(false)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Behavior")] public virtual bool AllowSorting { get { return ViewState.GetBool ("AllowSorting", false); } set { ViewState ["AllowSorting"] = value; } } [DefaultValue(true)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Behavior")] public virtual bool AutoGenerateColumns { get { return ViewState.GetBool ("AutoGenerateColumns", true); } set { ViewState ["AutoGenerateColumns"] = value; } } #if NET_2_0 [UrlProperty] #else [Bindable(true)] #endif [DefaultValue("")] [Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Appearance")] public virtual string BackImageUrl { get { return TableStyle.BackImageUrl; } set { TableStyle.BackImageUrl = value; } } #if ONLY_1_1 [Bindable(true)] #endif [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Behavior")] public int CurrentPageIndex { get { return ViewState.GetInt ("CurrentPageIndex", 0); } set { if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value"); ViewState ["CurrentPageIndex"] = value; } } [DefaultValue(-1)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Misc")] public virtual int EditItemIndex { get { return ViewState.GetInt ("EditItemIndex", -1); } set { if (value < -1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value"); ViewState ["EditItemIndex"] = value; } } [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public int PageCount { get { if (paged_data_source != null) return paged_data_source.PageCount; return ViewState.GetInt ("PageCount", 0); } } [DefaultValue(10)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Paging")] public virtual int PageSize { get { return ViewState.GetInt ("PageSize", 10); } set { if (value < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value"); ViewState ["PageSize"] = value; } } void AdjustItemTypes (int prev_select, int new_select) { if (items_list == null) return; // nothing to select int count = items_list.Count; if (count == 0) return; // nothing to select DataGridItem item; // Restore item type for the previously selected one. if (prev_select >= 0 && prev_select < count) { item = (DataGridItem) items_list [prev_select]; if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.EditItem) { // nothing to do. This has priority. } else if ((item.ItemIndex % 2) != 0) { item.SetItemType (ListItemType.AlternatingItem); } else { item.SetItemType (ListItemType.Item); } } if (new_select == -1 || new_select >= count) return; // nothing to select item = (DataGridItem) items_list [new_select]; if (item.ItemType != ListItemType.EditItem) // EditItem takes precedence item.SetItemType (ListItemType.SelectedItem); } [Bindable(true)] [DefaultValue(-1)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Paging")] public virtual int SelectedIndex { get { return ViewState.GetInt ("SelectedIndex", -1); } set { if (value < -1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value"); int selected_index = ViewState.GetInt ("SelectedIndex", -1); AdjustItemTypes (selected_index, value); ViewState ["SelectedIndex"] = value; } } [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty(true)] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public virtual TableItemStyle AlternatingItemStyle { get { if (alt_item_style == null) { alt_item_style = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) alt_item_style.TrackViewState (); } return alt_item_style; } } [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty(true)] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public virtual TableItemStyle EditItemStyle { get { if (edit_item_style == null) { edit_item_style = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) edit_item_style.TrackViewState (); } return edit_item_style; } } [DefaultValue(null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty(true)] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public virtual TableItemStyle FooterStyle { get { if (footer_style == null) { footer_style = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) footer_style.TrackViewState (); } return footer_style; } } [DefaultValue(null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty(true)] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public virtual TableItemStyle HeaderStyle { get { if (header_style == null) { header_style = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) header_style.TrackViewState (); } return header_style; } } [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty(true)] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public virtual TableItemStyle ItemStyle { get { if (item_style == null) { item_style = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) item_style.TrackViewState (); } return item_style; } } [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty(true)] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public virtual TableItemStyle SelectedItemStyle { get { if (selected_style == null) { selected_style = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) selected_style.TrackViewState (); } return selected_style; } } [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [NotifyParentProperty(true)] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public virtual DataGridPagerStyle PagerStyle { get { if (pager_style == null) { pager_style = new DataGridPagerStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) pager_style.TrackViewState (); } return pager_style; } } [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Style")] public virtual DataGridItemCollection Items { get { EnsureChildControls (); if (items == null) { if (items_list == null) items_list = new ArrayList (); items = new DataGridItemCollection (items_list); } return items; } } [DefaultValue (null)] [Editor ("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridColumnCollectionEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))] [MergableProperty (false)] [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Behavior")] public virtual DataGridColumnCollection Columns { get { if (columns == null) { columns_list = new ArrayList (); columns = new DataGridColumnCollection (this, columns_list); if (IsTrackingViewState) { IStateManager manager = (IStateManager) columns; manager.TrackViewState (); } } return columns; } } private DataGridColumnCollection DataSourceColumns { get { if (data_source_columns == null) { data_source_columns_list = new ArrayList (); data_source_columns = new DataGridColumnCollection (this, data_source_columns_list); if (IsTrackingViewState) { IStateManager manager = (IStateManager) data_source_columns; manager.TrackViewState (); } } return data_source_columns; } } class TableID : Table { Control parent; public TableID (Control parent) { this.parent = parent; } protected override void AddAttributesToRender (HtmlTextWriter writer) { base.AddAttributesToRender (writer); if (ID == null) writer.AddAttribute ("id", parent.ClientID); } } private Table RenderTable { get { if (render_table == null) { #if ONLY_1_1 render_table = new TableID (this); #else render_table = new ChildTable (); #endif render_table.AutoID = false; } return render_table; } } [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Paging")] public virtual DataGridItem SelectedItem { get { if (SelectedIndex == -1) return null; return Items [SelectedIndex]; } } #if ONLY_1_1 [Bindable(true)] #endif [DefaultValue(false)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Appearance")] public virtual bool ShowFooter { get { return ViewState.GetBool ("ShowFooter", false); } set { ViewState ["ShowFooter"] = value; } } #if ONLY_1_1 [Bindable(true)] #endif [DefaultValue(true)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Appearance")] public virtual bool ShowHeader { get { return ViewState.GetBool ("ShowHeader", true); } set { ViewState ["ShowHeader"] = value; } } [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Appearance")] public virtual int VirtualItemCount { get { return ViewState.GetInt ("VirtualItemCount", 0); } set { if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value"); ViewState ["VirtualItemCount"] = value; } } #if NET_2_0 protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey { get { return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } } #endif private TableStyle TableStyle { get { return (TableStyle) ControlStyle; } } static Type [] item_args = new Type [] {typeof (int) }; void AddColumnsFromSource (PagedDataSource data_source) { PropertyDescriptorCollection props = null; Type ptype = null; bool no_items = false; // Use plain reflection for the Item property. // If we use TypeDescriptor, props will hold // all of the Type properties, which will be listed as columns Type ds_type = data_source.GetType (); PropertyInfo pinfo = ds_type.GetProperty ("Item", item_args); if (pinfo == null) { IEnumerator items = (data_source.DataSource != null) ? data_source.GetEnumerator () : null; if (items != null && items.MoveNext ()) { object data = items.Current; if ((data is ICustomTypeDescriptor) || (!IsBindableType(data.GetType()))) props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (data); else if (data != null) ptype = data.GetType (); data_enumerator = items; } else { no_items = true; } } else { ptype = pinfo.PropertyType; } if (ptype != null) { // Found the "Item" property AddPropertyToColumns (); } else if (props != null) { foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in props) AddPropertyToColumns (pd, false); } else if (!no_items) { // This is not thrown for an empty ArrayList. string msg = String.Format ("DataGrid '{0}' cannot autogenerate " + "columns from the given datasource. {1}", ID, ptype); throw new HttpException (msg); } } protected virtual ArrayList CreateColumnSet (PagedDataSource dataSource, bool useDataSource) { ArrayList res = new ArrayList (); if (columns_list != null) res.AddRange (columns_list); if (AutoGenerateColumns) { if (useDataSource) { data_enumerator = null; PropertyDescriptorCollection props = dataSource.GetItemProperties (null); DataSourceColumns.Clear (); if (props != null) { foreach (PropertyDescriptor d in props) AddPropertyToColumns (d, false); } else { AddColumnsFromSource (dataSource); } } if (data_source_columns != null && data_source_columns.Count > 0) res.AddRange (data_source_columns); } return res; } private void AddPropertyToColumns () { BoundColumn b = new BoundColumn (); if (IsTrackingViewState) { IStateManager m = (IStateManager) b; m.TrackViewState (); } b.Set_Owner (this); b.HeaderText = "Item"; b.SortExpression = "Item"; b.DataField = BoundColumn.thisExpr; DataSourceColumns.Add (b); } private void AddPropertyToColumns (PropertyDescriptor prop, bool tothis) { BoundColumn b = new BoundColumn (); b.Set_Owner (this); if (IsTrackingViewState) { IStateManager m = (IStateManager) b; m.TrackViewState (); } b.HeaderText = prop.Name; b.DataField = (tothis ? BoundColumn.thisExpr : prop.Name); b.SortExpression = prop.Name; #if NET_2_0 if (string.Compare (DataKeyField, b.DataField, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { b.ReadOnly = true; } #endif DataSourceColumns.Add (b); } protected override void TrackViewState () { base.TrackViewState (); if (pager_style != null) pager_style.TrackViewState (); if (header_style != null) header_style.TrackViewState (); if (footer_style != null) footer_style.TrackViewState (); if (item_style != null) item_style.TrackViewState (); if (alt_item_style != null) alt_item_style.TrackViewState (); if (selected_style != null) selected_style.TrackViewState (); if (edit_item_style != null) edit_item_style.TrackViewState (); #if NET_2_0 if (ControlStyleCreated) ControlStyle.TrackViewState (); #endif IStateManager manager = (IStateManager) columns; if (manager != null) manager.TrackViewState (); } protected override object SaveViewState () { #if NET_2_0 object [] res = new object [11]; #else object [] res = new object [10]; #endif res [0] = base.SaveViewState (); if (columns != null) { IStateManager cm = (IStateManager) columns; res [1] = cm.SaveViewState (); } if (pager_style != null) res [2] = pager_style.SaveViewState (); if (header_style != null) res [3] = header_style.SaveViewState (); if (footer_style != null) res [4] = footer_style.SaveViewState (); if (item_style != null) res [5] = item_style.SaveViewState (); if (alt_item_style != null) res [6] = alt_item_style.SaveViewState (); if (selected_style != null) res [7] = selected_style.SaveViewState (); if (edit_item_style != null) res [8] = edit_item_style.SaveViewState (); #if NET_2_0 if (ControlStyleCreated) res [9] = ControlStyle.SaveViewState (); if (data_source_columns != null) { IStateManager m = (IStateManager) data_source_columns; res [10] = m.SaveViewState (); } #else if (data_source_columns != null) { IStateManager m = (IStateManager) data_source_columns; res [9] = m.SaveViewState (); } #endif return res; } protected override void LoadViewState (object savedState) { object [] pieces = savedState as object []; if (pieces == null) return; base.LoadViewState (pieces [0]); if (columns != null) { IStateManager cm = (IStateManager) columns; cm.LoadViewState (pieces [1]); } if (pieces [2] != null) PagerStyle.LoadViewState (pieces [2]); if (pieces [3] != null) HeaderStyle.LoadViewState (pieces [3]); if (pieces [4] != null) FooterStyle.LoadViewState (pieces [4]); if (pieces [5] != null) ItemStyle.LoadViewState (pieces [5]); if (pieces [6] != null) AlternatingItemStyle.LoadViewState (pieces [6]); if (pieces [7] != null) SelectedItemStyle.LoadViewState (pieces [7]); if (pieces [8] != null) EditItemStyle.LoadViewState (pieces [8]); #if NET_2_0 if (pieces [9] != null) ControlStyle.LoadViewState (pieces [8]); if (pieces [10] != null) { // IStateManager manager = (IStateManager) DataSourceColumns; // manager.LoadViewState (pieces [10]); object [] cols = (object []) pieces [10]; foreach (object o in cols) { BoundColumn c = new BoundColumn (); ((IStateManager) c).TrackViewState (); c.Set_Owner (this); ((IStateManager) c).LoadViewState (o); DataSourceColumns.Add (c); } } #else if (pieces [9] != null) { // IStateManager manager = (IStateManager) DataSourceColumns; // manager.LoadViewState (pieces [9]); object [] cols = (object []) pieces [9]; foreach (object o in cols) { BoundColumn c = new BoundColumn (); c.Set_Owner (this); ((IStateManager) c).LoadViewState (o); DataSourceColumns.Add (c); } } #endif } protected override Style CreateControlStyle () { #if NET_2_0 TableStyle res = new TableStyle (); #else TableStyle res = new TableStyle (ViewState); #endif res.GridLines = GridLines.Both; res.CellSpacing = 0; return res; } protected virtual void InitializeItem (DataGridItem item, DataGridColumn [] columns) { bool th = UseAccessibleHeader && item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header; for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { TableCell cell = null; if (th) { cell = new TableHeaderCell (); cell.Attributes["scope"] = "col"; } else cell = new TableCell (); columns [i].InitializeCell (cell, i, item.ItemType); item.Cells.Add (cell); } } protected virtual void InitializePager (DataGridItem item, int columnSpan, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { TableCell pager_cell; if (PagerStyle.Mode == PagerMode.NextPrev) pager_cell = InitializeNextPrevPager (item, columnSpan, pagedDataSource); else pager_cell = InitializeNumericPager (item, columnSpan, pagedDataSource); item.Controls.Add (pager_cell); } private TableCell InitializeNumericPager (DataGridItem item, int columnSpan, PagedDataSource paged) { TableCell res = new TableCell (); res.ColumnSpan = columnSpan; int button_count = PagerStyle.PageButtonCount; int current = paged.CurrentPageIndex; int start = current - (current % button_count); int end = start + button_count; if (end > paged.PageCount) end = paged.PageCount; if (start > 0) { LinkButton link = new LinkButton (); link.Text = "..."; link.CommandName = PageCommandName; link.CommandArgument = start.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); link.CausesValidation = false; res.Controls.Add (link); res.Controls.Add (new LiteralControl (" ")); } for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Control number = null; string page = (i + 1).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (i != paged.CurrentPageIndex) { LinkButton link = new LinkButton (); link.Text = page; link.CommandName = PageCommandName; link.CommandArgument = page; link.CausesValidation = false; number = link; } else { Label pageLabel = new Label(); pageLabel.Text = page; number = pageLabel; } res.Controls.Add (number); if (i < end - 1) res.Controls.Add (new LiteralControl (" ")); } if (end < paged.PageCount) { res.Controls.Add (new LiteralControl (" ")); LinkButton link = new LinkButton (); link.Text = "..."; link.CommandName = PageCommandName; link.CommandArgument = (end + 1).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); link.CausesValidation = false; res.Controls.Add (link); } return res; } private TableCell InitializeNextPrevPager (DataGridItem item, int columnSpan, PagedDataSource paged) { TableCell res = new TableCell (); res.ColumnSpan = columnSpan; Control prev; Control next; if (paged.IsFirstPage) { Label l = new Label (); l.Text = PagerStyle.PrevPageText; prev = l; } else { #if NET_2_0 LinkButton l = new DataControlLinkButton (); #else LinkButton l = new LinkButton (); #endif l.Text = PagerStyle.PrevPageText; l.CommandName = PageCommandName; l.CommandArgument = PrevPageCommandArgument; l.CausesValidation = false; prev = l; } if (paged.Count > 0 && !paged.IsLastPage) { #if NET_2_0 LinkButton l = new DataControlLinkButton (); #else LinkButton l = new LinkButton (); #endif l.Text = PagerStyle.NextPageText; l.CommandName = PageCommandName; l.CommandArgument = NextPageCommandArgument; l.CausesValidation = false; next = l; } else { Label l = new Label (); l.Text = PagerStyle.NextPageText; next = l; } res.Controls.Add (prev); res.Controls.Add (new LiteralControl (" ")); res.Controls.Add (next); return res; } protected virtual DataGridItem CreateItem (int itemIndex, int dataSourceIndex, ListItemType itemType) { DataGridItem res = new DataGridItem (itemIndex, dataSourceIndex, itemType); return res; } private DataGridItem CreateItem (int item_index, int data_source_index, ListItemType type, bool data_bind, object data_item, PagedDataSource paged) { DataGridItem res = CreateItem (item_index, data_source_index, type); DataGridItemEventArgs args = new DataGridItemEventArgs (res); bool no_pager = (type != ListItemType.Pager); if (no_pager) { InitializeItem (res, render_columns); if (data_bind) res.DataItem = data_item; OnItemCreated (args); } else { InitializePager (res, render_columns.Length, paged); if (pager_style != null) res.ApplyStyle (pager_style); OnItemCreated (args); } // Add before the column is bound, so that the // value is saved in the viewstate RenderTable.Controls.Add (res); if (no_pager && data_bind) { res.DataBind (); OnItemDataBound (args); res.DataItem = null; } return res; } class NCollection : ICollection { int n; public NCollection (int n) { this.n = n; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) yield return i; } public int Count { get { return n; } } public bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } } public object SyncRoot { get { return this; } } public void CopyTo (Array array, int index) { throw new NotImplementedException ("This should never be called"); } } protected override void CreateControlHierarchy (bool useDataSource) { Controls.Clear (); RenderTable.Controls.Clear (); Controls.Add (RenderTable); IEnumerable data_source; ArrayList keys = null; if (useDataSource) { #if NET_2_0 if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID) data_source = GetData (); else #endif data_source = DataSourceResolver.ResolveDataSource (DataSource, DataMember); if (data_source == null) { Controls.Clear (); return; } keys = DataKeysArray; keys.Clear (); } else { int nitems = ViewState.GetInt ("Items", 0); data_source = new NCollection (nitems); } paged_data_source = new PagedDataSource (); PagedDataSource pds = paged_data_source; pds.AllowPaging = AllowPaging; pds.AllowCustomPaging = AllowCustomPaging; pds.DataSource = data_source; pds.CurrentPageIndex = CurrentPageIndex; pds.PageSize = PageSize; pds.VirtualCount = VirtualItemCount; if ((pds.IsPagingEnabled) && (pds.PageCount < pds.CurrentPageIndex)) { Controls.Clear (); throw new HttpException ("Invalid DataGrid PageIndex"); } ArrayList cList = CreateColumnSet (paged_data_source, useDataSource); if (cList.Count == 0) { Controls.Clear (); return; } Page page = this.Page; if (page != null) page.RequiresPostBackScript (); render_columns = new DataGridColumn [cList.Count]; for (int c = 0; c < cList.Count; c++) { DataGridColumn col = (DataGridColumn) cList [c]; col.Set_Owner (this); col.Initialize (); render_columns [c] = col; } if (pds.IsPagingEnabled) CreateItem (-1, -1, ListItemType.Pager, false, null, pds); CreateItem (-1, -1, ListItemType.Header, useDataSource, null, pds); // No indexer on PagedDataSource so we have to do // this silly foreach and index++ if (items_list == null) items_list = new ArrayList (); else items_list.Clear(); bool skip_first = false; IEnumerator enumerator = null; if (data_enumerator != null) { // replaced when creating bound columns enumerator = data_enumerator; skip_first = true; } else if (pds.DataSource != null) { enumerator = pds.GetEnumerator (); } else { enumerator = null; } int index = 0; bool first = true; string key = null; int dataset_index = pds.FirstIndexInPage; int selected_index = SelectedIndex; int edit_item_index = EditItemIndex; while (enumerator != null && (skip_first || enumerator.MoveNext ())) { // MS does not render
on empty datasource. if (first) { first = false; key = DataKeyField; skip_first = false; } object data = enumerator.Current; // This will throw if the DataKeyField is not there. As on MS, this // will not be hit on an empty datasource. // The values stored here can be used in events so that you can // get, for example, the row that was clicked // (data.Rows.Find (ItemsGrid.DataKeys [e.Item.ItemIndex])) // BaseDataList will keep the array across postbacks. if (useDataSource && key != "") keys.Add (DataBinder.GetPropertyValue (data, key)); ListItemType type = ListItemType.Item; if (index == edit_item_index) type = ListItemType.EditItem; else if (index == selected_index) type = ListItemType.SelectedItem; else if (index % 2 != 0) type = ListItemType.AlternatingItem; items_list.Add (CreateItem (index, dataset_index, type, useDataSource, data, pds)); index++; dataset_index++; } CreateItem (-1, -1, ListItemType.Footer, useDataSource, null, paged_data_source); if (pds.IsPagingEnabled) { CreateItem (-1, -1, ListItemType.Pager, false, null, paged_data_source); if (useDataSource) ViewState ["Items"] = pds.IsCustomPagingEnabled ? index : pds.DataSourceCount; } else if (useDataSource) { ViewState ["Items"] = index; } } void ApplyColumnStyle (TableCellCollection cells, ListItemType type) { int ncells = Math.Min (cells.Count, render_columns.Length); if (ncells <= 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < ncells; i++) { Style style = null; TableCell cell = cells [i]; DataGridColumn column = render_columns [i]; if (!column.Visible) { cell.Visible = false; continue; } style = column.GetStyle (type); if (style != null) cell.MergeStyle (style); } } protected override void PrepareControlHierarchy () { if (!HasControls () || Controls.Count == 0) return; // No one called CreateControlHierarchy() with DataSource != null Table rt = render_table; rt.CopyBaseAttributes (this); rt.ApplyStyle (ControlStyle); rt.Caption = Caption; rt.CaptionAlign = CaptionAlign; rt.Enabled = Enabled; bool top_pager = true; foreach (DataGridItem item in rt.Rows) { switch (item.ItemType) { case ListItemType.Item: ApplyItemStyle (item); break; case ListItemType.AlternatingItem: ApplyItemStyle (item); break; case ListItemType.EditItem: item.MergeStyle (edit_item_style); ApplyItemStyle (item); ApplyColumnStyle (item.Cells, ListItemType.EditItem); break; case ListItemType.Footer: if (!ShowFooter) { item.Visible = false; break; } if (footer_style != null) item.MergeStyle (footer_style); ApplyColumnStyle (item.Cells, ListItemType.Footer); break; case ListItemType.Header: if (!ShowHeader) { item.Visible = false; break; } if (header_style != null) item.MergeStyle (header_style); ApplyColumnStyle (item.Cells, ListItemType.Header); break; case ListItemType.SelectedItem: item.MergeStyle (selected_style); ApplyItemStyle (item); ApplyColumnStyle (item.Cells, ListItemType.SelectedItem); break; case ListItemType.Separator: ApplyColumnStyle (item.Cells, ListItemType.Separator); break; case ListItemType.Pager: DataGridPagerStyle ps = PagerStyle; if (ps.Visible == false || !paged_data_source.IsPagingEnabled) { item.Visible = false; } else { if (top_pager) item.Visible = (ps.Position != PagerPosition.Bottom); else item.Visible = (ps.Position != PagerPosition.Top); top_pager = false; } if (item.Visible) item.MergeStyle (pager_style); break; } } } void ApplyItemStyle (DataGridItem item) { if (item.ItemIndex % 2 != 0) item.MergeStyle (alt_item_style); item.MergeStyle (item_style); ApplyColumnStyle (item.Cells, ListItemType.Item); } protected override bool OnBubbleEvent (object source, EventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventArgs de = e as DataGridCommandEventArgs; if (de == null) return false; string cn = de.CommandName; CultureInfo inv = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; OnItemCommand (de); if (String.Compare (cn, CancelCommandName, true, inv) == 0) { OnCancelCommand (de); } else if (String.Compare (cn, DeleteCommandName, true, inv) == 0) { OnDeleteCommand (de); } else if (String.Compare (cn, EditCommandName, true, inv) == 0) { OnEditCommand (de); } else if (String.Compare (cn, SelectCommandName, true, inv) == 0) { SelectedIndex = de.Item.ItemIndex; OnSelectedIndexChanged (de); } else if (String.Compare (cn, SortCommandName, true, inv) == 0) { DataGridSortCommandEventArgs se = new DataGridSortCommandEventArgs (de.CommandSource, de); OnSortCommand (se); } else if (String.Compare (cn, UpdateCommandName, true, inv) == 0) { OnUpdateCommand (de); } else if (String.Compare (cn, PageCommandName, true, inv) == 0) { int new_index; if (String.Compare ((string) de.CommandArgument, NextPageCommandArgument, true, inv) == 0) { new_index = CurrentPageIndex + 1; } else if (String.Compare ((string) de.CommandArgument, PrevPageCommandArgument, true, inv) == 0) { new_index = CurrentPageIndex - 1; } else { // It seems to just assume it's an int and parses, no // checks to make sure its valid or anything. // also it's always one less then specified, not sure // why that is. new_index = Int32.Parse ((string) de.CommandArgument, inv) - 1; } DataGridPageChangedEventArgs pc = new DataGridPageChangedEventArgs ( de.CommandSource, new_index); OnPageIndexChanged (pc); } return true; } protected virtual void OnCancelCommand (DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler) Events [CancelCommandEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnDeleteCommand (DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler) Events [DeleteCommandEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnEditCommand (DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler) Events [EditCommandEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnItemCommand (DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler) Events [ItemCommandEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnItemCreated (DataGridItemEventArgs e) { DataGridItemEventHandler handler = (DataGridItemEventHandler) Events [ItemCreatedEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnItemDataBound (DataGridItemEventArgs e) { DataGridItemEventHandler handler = (DataGridItemEventHandler) Events [ItemDataBoundEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnPageIndexChanged (DataGridPageChangedEventArgs e) { DataGridPageChangedEventHandler handler = (DataGridPageChangedEventHandler) Events [PageIndexChangedEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnSortCommand (DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridSortCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridSortCommandEventHandler) Events [SortCommandEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnUpdateCommand (DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DataGridCommandEventHandler handler = (DataGridCommandEventHandler) Events [UpdateCommandEvent]; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler CancelCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (CancelCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (CancelCommandEvent, value); } } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler DeleteCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (DeleteCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DeleteCommandEvent, value); } } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler EditCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (EditCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (EditCommandEvent, value); } } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler ItemCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (ItemCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ItemCommandEvent, value); } } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridItemEventHandler ItemCreated { add { Events.AddHandler (ItemCreatedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ItemCreatedEvent, value); } } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridItemEventHandler ItemDataBound { add { Events.AddHandler (ItemDataBoundEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ItemDataBoundEvent, value); } } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridPageChangedEventHandler PageIndexChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (PageIndexChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (PageIndexChangedEvent, value); } } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridSortCommandEventHandler SortCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (SortCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (SortCommandEvent, value); } } [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Action")] public event DataGridCommandEventHandler UpdateCommand { add { Events.AddHandler (UpdateCommandEvent, value); } remove { Events.AddHandler (UpdateCommandEvent, value); } } } }