/* System.Web.UI.HtmlControls * Authors * Leen Toelen (toelen@hotmail.com) */ using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Web.UI.HtmlControls{ public class HtmlTable : HtmlContainerControl { private HtmlTableRowCollection _rows; public HtmlTable():base("table"){} protected override ControlCollection CreateControlCollection(){ return new HtmlTableRowControlCollection(this); } protected override void RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer){ writer.WriteLine(); writer.Indent = writer.Indent + 1; base.RenderChildren(writer); writer.Indent = writer.Indent - 1; } protected override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer){ base.RenderEndTag(writer); writer.WriteLine(); } public string Align { get{ string attr = Attributes["align"]; if (attr != null) return attr; return String.Empty; } set{ Attributes["align"] = AttributeToString(value); } } public string BgColor { get{ string attr = Attributes["bgcolor"]; if (attr != null) return attr; return String.Empty; } set{ Attributes["bgcolor"] = AttributeToString(value); } } public int Border { get{ string attr = Attributes["border"]; if (attr != null) return Int32.Parse(attr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return -1; } set{ Attributes["border"] = AttributeToString(value); } } public string BorderColor { get{ string attr = Attributes["bordercolor"]; if (attr != null) return attr; return String.Empty; } set{ Attributes["bordercolor"] = AttributeToString(value); } } public int CellPadding { get{ string attr = Attributes["cellpadding"]; if (attr != null) return Int32.Parse(attr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return -1; } set{ Attributes["cellpadding"] = AttributeToString(value); } } public int CellSpacing { get{ string attr = Attributes["cellspacing"]; if (attr != null) return Int32.Parse(attr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return -1; } set{ Attributes["cellspacing"] = AttributeToString(value); } } public string Height { get{ string attr = Attributes["height"]; if (attr != null) return attr; return String.Empty; } set{ Attributes["height"] = AttributeToString(value); } } public override string InnerHtml { get{ throw new NotSupportedException("InnerHtml property not supported by HtmlTable"); } set{ throw new NotSupportedException("InnerHtml property not supported by HtmlTable"); } } public override string InnerText { get{ throw new NotSupportedException("InnerText property not supported by HtmlTable"); } set{ throw new NotSupportedException("InnerText property not supported by HtmlTable"); } } public virtual HtmlTableRowCollection Rows { get{ if (_rows == null) _rows = new HtmlTableRowCollection(this); return _rows; } } public string Width { get{ string attr = Attributes["width"]; if (attr != null) return attr; return String.Empty; } set{ Attributes["width"] = AttributeToString(value); } } protected class HtmlTableRowControlCollection : ControlCollection { internal HtmlTableRowControlCollection(Control owner): base(owner){} public override void Add(Control child){ if ((child as HtmlTableCell) != null){ base.Add(child); } else{ throw new ArgumentException("HtmlTableRow cannot have children of type" + child.GetType().Name); } } public override void AddAt(int index, Control child){ if ((child as HtmlTableCell) != null){ base.AddAt(index,child); } else{ throw new ArgumentException("HtmlTableRow cannot have children of type" + child.GetType().Name); } } } // end of HtmlTableRowControlCollection } // end of System.Web.UI.HtmlControl }