// // System.Web.SessionState.SessionSQLServerHandler // // Author(s): // Jackson Harper (jackson@ximian.com) // // (C) 2003 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com), All rights reserved // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if !NET_2_0 using System; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Reflection; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Web.Configuration; namespace System.Web.SessionState { internal class SessionSQLServerHandler : ISessionHandler { private static Type cncType = null; private IDbConnection cnc = null; private SessionConfig config; private string AppPath = String.Empty; const string defaultParamPrefix = ":"; string paramPrefix; string selectCommandText = "SELECT timeout,staticobjectsdata,sessiondata FROM ASPStateTempSessions WHERE SessionID = :SessionID AND Expires > :Expires AND AppPath = :AppPath"; IDbCommand selectCommand = null; string insertCommandText = "INSERT INTO ASPStateTempSessions (SessionId, AppPath, Created, expires, timeout, StaticObjectsData, SessionData) VALUES (:SessionID, :AppPath, :Created, :Expires, :Timeout, :StaticObjectsData, :SessionData)"; IDbCommand insertCommand = null; string updateCommandText = "UPDATE ASPStateTempSessions SET expires = :Expires, timeout = :Timeout, SessionData = :SessionData WHERE SessionId = :SessionID"; IDbCommand updateCommand = null; string deleteCommandText = "DELETE FROM ASPStateTempSessions WHERE SessionId = :SessionID"; IDbCommand deleteCommand = null; public void Dispose () { if (cnc != null) { cnc.Close (); cnc = null; } } public void Init (SessionStateModule module, HttpApplication context, SessionConfig config) { string connectionTypeName; string providerAssemblyName; string cncString; this.config = config; this.AppPath = context.Request.ApplicationPath; GetConnectionData (out providerAssemblyName, out connectionTypeName, out cncString); if (cncType == null) { Assembly dbAssembly = Assembly.Load (providerAssemblyName); cncType = dbAssembly.GetType (connectionTypeName, true); if (!typeof (IDbConnection).IsAssignableFrom (cncType)) throw new ApplicationException ("The type '" + cncType + "' does not implement IDB Connection.\n" + "Check 'DbConnectionType' in server.exe.config."); } cnc = (IDbConnection) Activator.CreateInstance (cncType); cnc.ConnectionString = cncString; try { InitializeConnection (); } catch (Exception exc) { cnc = null; throw exc; } if (paramPrefix != defaultParamPrefix) { ReplaceParamPrefix (ref selectCommandText); ReplaceParamPrefix (ref insertCommandText); ReplaceParamPrefix (ref updateCommandText); ReplaceParamPrefix (ref deleteCommandText); } } void ReplaceParamPrefix(ref string command) { command = command.Replace (defaultParamPrefix, paramPrefix); } public void UpdateHandler (HttpContext context, SessionStateModule module) { HttpSessionState session = context.Session; if (session == null || session.IsReadOnly) return; string id = session.SessionID; if (!session._abandoned) { SessionDictionary dict = session.SessionDictionary; UpdateSessionWithRetry (id, session.Timeout, dict); } else { DeleteSessionWithRetry (id); } } public HttpSessionState UpdateContext (HttpContext context, SessionStateModule module, bool required, bool read_only, ref bool isNew) { if (!required) return null; HttpSessionState session = null; string id = SessionId.Lookup (context.Request, config.CookieLess); if (id != null) { session = SelectSession (id, read_only); if (session != null) return session; } id = SessionId.Create (); session = new HttpSessionState (id, new SessionDictionary (), HttpApplicationFactory.ApplicationState.SessionObjects, config.Timeout, true, config.CookieLess, SessionStateMode.SQLServer, read_only); InsertSessionWithRetry (session, config.Timeout); isNew = true; return session; } private void GetConnectionData (out string providerAssembly, out string cncTypeName, out string cncString) { providerAssembly = null; cncTypeName = null; cncString = null; NameValueCollection config = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings; if (config != null) { providerAssembly = config ["StateDBProviderAssembly"]; cncTypeName = config ["StateDBConnectionType"]; paramPrefix = config ["StateDBParamPrefix"]; } cncString = this.config.SqlConnectionString; if (providerAssembly == null || providerAssembly == String.Empty) providerAssembly = "Npgsql.dll"; if (cncTypeName == null || cncTypeName == String.Empty) cncTypeName = "Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection"; if (cncString == null || cncString == String.Empty) cncString = "SERVER=;USER ID=monostate;PASSWORD=monostate;dbname=monostate"; if (paramPrefix == null || paramPrefix == String.Empty) paramPrefix = defaultParamPrefix; } IDataReader GetReader (string id) { ((IDataParameter)selectCommand.Parameters["SessionID"]).Value = id; ((IDataParameter)selectCommand.Parameters["Expires"]).Value = DateTime.Now; ((IDataParameter)selectCommand.Parameters["AppPath"]).Value = this.AppPath; return selectCommand.ExecuteReader (); } IDataReader GetReaderWithRetry (string id) { try { return GetReader (id); } catch { } try { DisposeConnection(); } catch { } InitializeConnection(); return GetReader (id); } private HttpSessionState SelectSession (string id, bool read_only) { HttpSessionState session = null; using (IDataReader reader = GetReaderWithRetry (id)) { if (!reader.Read ()) return null; SessionDictionary dict; HttpStaticObjectsCollection sobjs; int timeout; dict = SessionDictionary.FromByteArray (ReadBytes (reader, reader.FieldCount-1)); sobjs = HttpStaticObjectsCollection.FromByteArray (ReadBytes (reader, reader.FieldCount-2)); // try to support as many DBs/int types as possible timeout = Convert.ToInt32 (reader.GetValue (reader.FieldCount-3)); session = new HttpSessionState (id, dict, sobjs, timeout, false, config.CookieLess, SessionStateMode.SQLServer, read_only); return session; } } void InsertSession (HttpSessionState session, int timeout) { ((IDataParameter)insertCommand.Parameters["SessionID"]).Value = session.SessionID; ((IDataParameter)insertCommand.Parameters["AppPath"]).Value = this.AppPath; ((IDataParameter)insertCommand.Parameters["Created"]).Value = DateTime.Now; ((IDataParameter)insertCommand.Parameters["Expires"]).Value = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes (timeout); ((IDataParameter)insertCommand.Parameters["Timeout"]).Value = timeout; ((IDataParameter)insertCommand.Parameters["StaticObjectsData"]).Value = session.StaticObjects.ToByteArray (); ((IDataParameter)insertCommand.Parameters["SessionData"]).Value = session.SessionDictionary.ToByteArray (); insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (); } void InsertSessionWithRetry (HttpSessionState session, int timeout) { try { InsertSession (session, timeout); return; } catch { } try { DisposeConnection (); } catch { } InitializeConnection (); InsertSession (session, timeout); } void UpdateSession (string id, int timeout, SessionDictionary dict) { ((IDataParameter)updateCommand.Parameters["SessionID"]).Value = id; ((IDataParameter)updateCommand.Parameters["Expires"]).Value = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes (timeout); ((IDataParameter)updateCommand.Parameters["Timeout"]).Value = timeout; ((IDataParameter)updateCommand.Parameters["SessionData"]).Value = dict.ToByteArray (); updateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (); } void UpdateSessionWithRetry (string id, int timeout, SessionDictionary dict) { try { UpdateSession (id, timeout, dict); return; } catch { } try { DisposeConnection (); } catch { } InitializeConnection (); UpdateSession (id, timeout, dict); } void DeleteSession (string id) { ((IDataParameter)deleteCommand.Parameters["SessionID"]).Value = id; deleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (); } void DeleteSessionWithRetry (string id) { try { DeleteSession (id); return; } catch { } try { DisposeConnection (); } catch { } InitializeConnection (); DeleteSession (id); } void InitializeConnection() { cnc.Open (); selectCommand = cnc.CreateCommand (); selectCommand.CommandText = selectCommandText; selectCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (selectCommand, DbType.String, "SessionID", String.Empty)); selectCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (selectCommand, DbType.DateTime, "Expires", DateTime.MinValue )); selectCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (selectCommand, DbType.String, "AppPath", String.Empty)); selectCommand.Prepare (); insertCommand = cnc.CreateCommand (); insertCommand.CommandText = insertCommandText; insertCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (insertCommand, DbType.String, "SessionID", String.Empty)); insertCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (insertCommand, DbType.String, "AppPath", String.Empty)); insertCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (insertCommand, DbType.DateTime, "Created", DateTime.MinValue)); insertCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (insertCommand, DbType.DateTime, "Expires", DateTime.MinValue)); insertCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (insertCommand, DbType.Int32, "Timeout", 0)); insertCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (insertCommand, DbType.Binary, "StaticObjectsData",new byte[0] )); insertCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (insertCommand, DbType.Binary, "SessionData", new byte[0])); insertCommand.Prepare(); updateCommand = cnc.CreateCommand (); updateCommand.CommandText = updateCommandText; updateCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (updateCommand, DbType.String, "SessionID", String.Empty)); updateCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (updateCommand, DbType.DateTime, "Expires", DateTime.MinValue)); updateCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (updateCommand, DbType.Int32, "Timeout", 0)); updateCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (updateCommand, DbType.Binary, "SessionData", new byte[0])); updateCommand.Prepare(); deleteCommand = cnc.CreateCommand (); deleteCommand.CommandText = deleteCommandText; deleteCommand.Parameters.Add (CreateParam (deleteCommand, DbType.String, "SessionID", String.Empty)); deleteCommand.Prepare(); } void DisposeConnection() { selectCommand.Dispose(); insertCommand.Dispose(); updateCommand.Dispose(); deleteCommand.Dispose(); cnc.Close(); } private IDataParameter CreateParam (IDbCommand command, DbType type, string name, object value) { IDataParameter result = command.CreateParameter (); result.DbType = type; result.ParameterName = paramPrefix + name; result.Value = value; return result; } private byte [] ReadBytes (IDataReader reader, int index) { int len = (int) reader.GetBytes (index, 0, null, 0, 0); byte [] data = new byte [len]; reader.GetBytes (index, 0, data, 0, len); return data; } } } #endif