// // (C) 2005 Mainsoft Corporation (http://www.mainsoft.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #define USE_APPSERVER_THREAD using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Threading; using System.Web.Hosting; using javax.servlet; using javax.servlet.http; using vmw.common; namespace System.Web.J2EE { public class BaseHttpServlet : HttpServlet { //private AppDomain _servletDomain; static LocalDataStoreSlot _servletRequestSlot = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(J2EEConsts.SERVLET_REQUEST); static LocalDataStoreSlot _servletResponseSlot = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(J2EEConsts.SERVLET_RESPONSE); static LocalDataStoreSlot _servletSlot = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(J2EEConsts.CURRENT_SERVLET); public BaseHttpServlet() { } override public void init(ServletConfig config) { base.init(config); InitServlet(config); } protected virtual void InitServlet(ServletConfig config) { try { AppDomain servletDomain = createServletDomain(config); vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.setAppDomain(servletDomain); //GH Infromation Initizalization int nowInt = DateTime.Now.ToString().GetHashCode(); servletDomain.SetData(".domainId", nowInt.ToString("x")); nowInt += "/".GetHashCode (); servletDomain.SetData(".appId", nowInt.ToString("x")); servletDomain.SetData(".appName", nowInt.ToString("x")); servletDomain.SetData(J2EEConsts.CLASS_LOADER, vmw.common.TypeUtils.ToClass(this).getClassLoader()); servletDomain.SetData(J2EEConsts.SERVLET_CONFIG, config); servletDomain.SetData(J2EEConsts.RESOURCE_LOADER, new vmw.@internal.j2ee.ServletResourceLoader(config.getServletContext())); config.getServletContext().setAttribute(J2EEConsts.APP_DOMAIN, servletDomain); } finally { vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.cleanTLS(); vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.clearAppDomain(); } } override protected void service (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { #if !USE_APPSERVER_THREAD // temporary workaround PersonalServiceThread pt = new PersonalServiceThread (new PersonalServiceThread.ServiceDelegate (service2), req, resp); pt.RunWait (); } protected void service2(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { #endif try { // Very important - to update Virtual Path!!! AppDomain servletDomain = (AppDomain)this.getServletContext().getAttribute(J2EEConsts.APP_DOMAIN); servletDomain.SetData(IAppDomainConfig.APP_VIRT_DIR, req.getContextPath()); servletDomain.SetData(".hostingVirtualPath", req.getContextPath()); // Put to the TLS current AppDomain of the servlet, so anyone can use it. vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.setAppDomain(servletDomain); //put request to the TLS Thread.SetData(_servletRequestSlot, req); //put response to the TLS Thread.SetData(_servletResponseSlot, resp); //put the servlet object to the TLS Thread.SetData(_servletSlot, this); resp.setHeader("X-Powered-By", "ASP.NET"); resp.setHeader("X-AspNet-Version", "1.1.4322"); //PageMapper.LoadFileList(); resp.setContentType("text/html"); HttpWorkerRequest gwr = new ServletWorkerRequest(this, req, resp); HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest(gwr); } finally { HttpContext.Current = null; Thread.SetData(_servletRequestSlot, null); Thread.SetData(_servletResponseSlot, null); Thread.SetData(_servletSlot, null); vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.clearAppDomain(); //cleaning //vmw.Utils.cleanTLS(); //clean up all TLS entries for current Thread. //java.lang.Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(null); } } override public void destroy() { try { AppDomain servletDomain = (AppDomain)this.getServletContext().getAttribute(J2EEConsts.APP_DOMAIN); vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.setAppDomain(servletDomain); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Destroy of GhHttpServlet"); #endif base.destroy(); HttpRuntime.Close(); vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.cleanAllBeforeServletDestroy(this); this.getServletContext().removeAttribute(J2EEConsts.APP_DOMAIN); java.lang.Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(null); } catch(Exception e) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("ERROR in Servlet Destroy {0},{1}",e.GetType(), e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); #endif } finally { vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.clearAppDomain(); } } private AppDomain createServletDomain(ServletConfig config) { string rootPath = J2EEUtils.GetApplicationRealPath(config); AppDomainSetup domainSetup = new AppDomainSetup(); string name = config.getServletName();//.getServletContextName(); if (name == null) name = "GH Application"; domainSetup.ApplicationName = name; domainSetup.ConfigurationFile = rootPath + "/Web.config"; AppDomain servletDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(name, null, domainSetup); //servletDomain.SetData(IAppDomainConfig.APP_PHYS_DIR, J2EEUtils.GetApplicationPhysicalPath(config)); //servletDomain.SetData(IAppDomainConfig.WEB_APP_DIR, rootPath); servletDomain.SetData(IAppDomainConfig.APP_PHYS_DIR, J2EEUtils.GetApplicationPhysicalPath(config)); servletDomain.SetData(IAppDomainConfig.WEB_APP_DIR, rootPath); // The BaseDir is the full path to the physical dir of the app // and allows the application to modify files in the case of // open deployment. string webApp_baseDir = config.getServletContext().getRealPath(""); if (webApp_baseDir == null || webApp_baseDir == "") webApp_baseDir = rootPath; servletDomain.SetData(IAppDomainConfig.APP_BASE_DIR , webApp_baseDir); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Initialization of webapp " + webApp_baseDir); #endif // Mordechai : setting the web app deserializer object. servletDomain.SetData(J2EEConsts.DESERIALIZER_CONST , this.GetDeserializer()); servletDomain.SetData(vmw.@internal.EnvironmentUtils.GH_DRIVER_UTILS_CONST, this.getDriverUtils()); //servletDomain.SetData(".hostingVirtualPath", "/"); //servletDomain.SetData(".hostingInstallDir", "/"); return servletDomain; } virtual protected vmw.@internal.io.IObjectsDeserializer GetDeserializer() { if (m_deseializer == null) m_deseializer = new GHWebDeseserializer(); return m_deseializer; } protected vmw.@internal.io.IObjectsDeserializer m_deseializer = null; /// Mordechai: This class comes to solve a problem in class deserialize /// within web application. The problem is that the classloader that created /// some user web class (for example aspx page) is not the class loader /// that de-serialize it - thus we end with ClassDefNotFoundException. /// To prevent this situation we delegate the serialization back the the /// web app (which has the correct class loader...) /// virtual protected vmw.@internal.IDriverUtils getDriverUtils() { //by default no driver utils, the specific servlet will override this method return null; } } public class GHWebDeseserializer : vmw.@internal.io.IObjectsDeserializer { Object vmw.@internal.io.IObjectsDeserializer.Deserialize(java.io.ObjectInputStream stream) { object obj = stream.readObject(); return obj; } } #if !USE_APPSERVER_THREAD public class PersonalServiceThread { public delegate void ServiceDelegate (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp); HttpServletRequest _req = null; HttpServletResponse _resp = null; Thread _worker = null; ServiceDelegate _service = null; public PersonalServiceThread (ServiceDelegate service, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { _service = service; _req = req; _resp = resp; _worker = new Thread (new ThreadStart (Run)); } public void RunWait () { _worker.Start (); _worker.Join (); } private void Run () { _service(_req, _resp); } } #endif } namespace System.Web.GH { public class BaseHttpServlet : System.Web.J2EE.BaseHttpServlet { } }