// // System.Web.Configuration.PagesSection // // Authors: // Chris Toshok (toshok@ximian.com) // // (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Configuration; using System.Web.UI; using System.Xml; namespace System.Web.Configuration { public sealed class PagesSection: ConfigurationSection { static ConfigurationPropertyCollection properties; static ConfigurationProperty asyncTimeoutProp; static ConfigurationProperty autoEventWireupProp; static ConfigurationProperty bufferProp; static ConfigurationProperty controlsProp; static ConfigurationProperty enableEventValidationProp; static ConfigurationProperty enableSessionStateProp; static ConfigurationProperty enableViewStateProp; static ConfigurationProperty enableViewStateMacProp; static ConfigurationProperty maintainScrollPositionOnPostBackProp; static ConfigurationProperty masterPageFileProp; static ConfigurationProperty maxPageStateFieldLengthProp; static ConfigurationProperty modeProp; static ConfigurationProperty namespacesProp; static ConfigurationProperty pageBaseTypeProp; static ConfigurationProperty pageParserFilterTypeProp; static ConfigurationProperty smartNavigationProp; static ConfigurationProperty styleSheetThemeProp; static ConfigurationProperty tagMappingProp; static ConfigurationProperty themeProp; static ConfigurationProperty userControlBaseTypeProp; static ConfigurationProperty validateRequestProp; static ConfigurationProperty viewStateEncryptionModeProp; static PagesSection () { asyncTimeoutProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("asyncTimeout", typeof (TimeSpan), null, PropertyHelper.TimeSpanSecondsConverter, PropertyHelper.PositiveTimeSpanValidator, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None); autoEventWireupProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("autoEventWireup", typeof(bool), true); bufferProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("buffer", typeof(bool), false); controlsProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("controls", typeof(TagPrefixCollection), null, null, null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None); enableEventValidationProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("enableEventValidation", typeof (bool), true); enableSessionStateProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("enableSessionState", typeof (PagesEnableSessionState), PagesEnableSessionState.@true); enableViewStateProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("enableViewState", typeof (bool), true); enableViewStateMacProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("enableViewStateMac", typeof (bool), true); maintainScrollPositionOnPostBackProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack", typeof (bool), false); masterPageFileProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("masterPageFile", typeof (string), ""); maxPageStateFieldLengthProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("maxPageStateFieldLength", typeof (int), -1); modeProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("compilationMode", typeof (CompilationMode), CompilationMode.Always, new GenericEnumConverter (typeof (CompilationMode)), PropertyHelper.DefaultValidator, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None); namespacesProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("namespaces", typeof (NamespaceCollection), null, null, null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None); pageBaseTypeProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("pageBaseType", typeof (string), "System.Web.UI.Page"); pageParserFilterTypeProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("pageParserFilterType", typeof (string), ""); smartNavigationProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("smartNavigation", typeof (bool), false); styleSheetThemeProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("styleSheetTheme", typeof (string), ""); tagMappingProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("tagMapping", typeof (TagMapCollection), null, null, null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None); themeProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("theme", typeof (string), ""); userControlBaseTypeProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("userControlBaseType", typeof (string), "System.Web.UI.UserControl"); validateRequestProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("validateRequest", typeof (bool), true); viewStateEncryptionModeProp = new ConfigurationProperty ("viewStateEncryptionMode", typeof (ViewStateEncryptionMode), ViewStateEncryptionMode.Auto, new GenericEnumConverter (typeof (ViewStateEncryptionMode)), PropertyHelper.DefaultValidator, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None); properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection (); properties.Add (asyncTimeoutProp); properties.Add (autoEventWireupProp); properties.Add (bufferProp); properties.Add (controlsProp); properties.Add (enableEventValidationProp); properties.Add (enableSessionStateProp); properties.Add (enableViewStateProp); properties.Add (enableViewStateMacProp); properties.Add (maintainScrollPositionOnPostBackProp); properties.Add (masterPageFileProp); properties.Add (maxPageStateFieldLengthProp); properties.Add (modeProp); properties.Add (namespacesProp); properties.Add (pageBaseTypeProp); properties.Add (pageParserFilterTypeProp); properties.Add (smartNavigationProp); properties.Add (styleSheetThemeProp); properties.Add (tagMappingProp); properties.Add (themeProp); properties.Add (userControlBaseTypeProp); properties.Add (validateRequestProp); properties.Add (viewStateEncryptionModeProp); } public PagesSection () { } [TimeSpanValidator (MinValueString = "00:00:00", MaxValueString = "10675199.02:48:05.4775807")] [TypeConverter (typeof (TimeSpanSecondsConverter))] [ConfigurationProperty ("asyncTimeout", DefaultValue = "00:00:45")] public TimeSpan AsyncTimeout { get { return (TimeSpan) base [asyncTimeoutProp]; } set { base [asyncTimeoutProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("autoEventWireup", DefaultValue = true)] public bool AutoEventWireup { get { return (bool) base [autoEventWireupProp]; } set { base [autoEventWireupProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("buffer", DefaultValue = true)] public bool Buffer { get { return (bool) base [bufferProp]; } set { base [bufferProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("compilationMode", DefaultValue = CompilationMode.Always)] public CompilationMode CompilationMode { get { return (CompilationMode) base [modeProp]; } set { base [modeProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("controls")] public TagPrefixCollection Controls { get { return (TagPrefixCollection) base[controlsProp]; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("enableEventValidation", DefaultValue = true)] public bool EnableEventValidation { get { return (bool) base[enableEventValidationProp]; } set { base[enableEventValidationProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("enableSessionState", DefaultValue = System.Web.Configuration.PagesEnableSessionState.True)] public System.Web.Configuration.PagesEnableSessionState EnableSessionState { get { PagesEnableSessionState state = (PagesEnableSessionState) base [enableSessionStateProp]; int tmpState = (int) state; return (System.Web.Configuration.PagesEnableSessionState) tmpState; } set { int tmpState = (int) value; PagesEnableSessionState state = (PagesEnableSessionState) tmpState; base [enableSessionStateProp] = state; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("enableViewState", DefaultValue = true)] public bool EnableViewState { get { return (bool) base[enableViewStateProp]; } set { base[enableViewStateProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("enableViewStateMac", DefaultValue = true)] public bool EnableViewStateMac { get { return (bool) base[enableViewStateMacProp]; } set { base[enableViewStateMacProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack", DefaultValue = false)] public bool MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack { get { return (bool) base[maintainScrollPositionOnPostBackProp]; } set { base [maintainScrollPositionOnPostBackProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("masterPageFile", DefaultValue = "")] public string MasterPageFile { get { return (string) base[masterPageFileProp]; } set { base[masterPageFileProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("maxPageStateFieldLength", DefaultValue = -1)] public int MaxPageStateFieldLength { get { return (int) base[maxPageStateFieldLengthProp]; } set { base[maxPageStateFieldLengthProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("namespaces")] public NamespaceCollection Namespaces { get { return (NamespaceCollection) base[namespacesProp]; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("pageBaseType", DefaultValue = "System.Web.UI.Page")] public string PageBaseType { get { return (string) base[pageBaseTypeProp]; } set { base[pageBaseTypeProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("pageParserFilterType", DefaultValue = "")] public string PageParserFilterType { get { return (string) base[pageParserFilterTypeProp]; } set { base [pageParserFilterTypeProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("smartNavigation", DefaultValue = false)] public bool SmartNavigation { get { return (bool) base[smartNavigationProp]; } set { base[smartNavigationProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("styleSheetTheme", DefaultValue = "")] public string StyleSheetTheme { get { return (string) base[styleSheetThemeProp]; } set { base[styleSheetThemeProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("tagMapping")] public TagMapCollection TagMapping { get { return (TagMapCollection) base [tagMappingProp]; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("theme", DefaultValue = "")] public string Theme { get { return (string) base[themeProp]; } set { base[themeProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("userControlBaseType", DefaultValue = "System.Web.UI.UserControl")] public string UserControlBaseType { get { return (string) base[userControlBaseTypeProp]; } set { base[userControlBaseTypeProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("validateRequest", DefaultValue = true)] public bool ValidateRequest { get { return (bool) base[validateRequestProp]; } set { base[validateRequestProp] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty ("viewStateEncryptionMode", DefaultValue = ViewStateEncryptionMode.Auto)] public ViewStateEncryptionMode ViewStateEncryptionMode { get { return (ViewStateEncryptionMode) base [viewStateEncryptionModeProp]; } set { base [viewStateEncryptionModeProp] = value; } } protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { return properties; } } protected override void DeserializeSection (XmlReader reader) { base.DeserializeSection (reader); /* XXX more here?.. */ } private enum PagesEnableSessionState { @false = 0, ReadOnly = 1, @true = 2 } } } #endif