// // System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.CodeDom; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.Util; using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; #if NET_2_0 using System.Configuration; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Web.Configuration; #endif namespace System.Web.Compilation { class TemplateControlCompiler : BaseCompiler { static BindingFlags noCaseFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase; TemplateControlParser parser; int dataBoundAtts; ILocation currentLocation; static TypeConverter colorConverter; internal static CodeVariableReferenceExpression ctrlVar = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("__ctrl"); #if NET_2_0 static Regex bindRegex = new Regex (@"Bind\s*\(""(.*?)""\)\s*%>", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); static Regex bindRegexInValue = new Regex (@"Bind\s*\(""(.*?)""\)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); #endif public TemplateControlCompiler (TemplateControlParser parser) : base (parser) { this.parser = parser; } protected void EnsureID (ControlBuilder builder) { if (builder.ID == null || builder.ID.Trim () == "") builder.ID = builder.GetNextID (null); } void CreateField (ControlBuilder builder, bool check) { if (builder == null || builder.ID == null || builder.ControlType == null) return; #if NET_2_0 if (partialNameOverride [builder.ID] != null) return; #endif MemberAttributes ma = MemberAttributes.Family; currentLocation = builder.location; if (check && CheckBaseFieldOrProperty (builder.ID, builder.ControlType, ref ma)) return; // The field or property already exists in a base class and is accesible. CodeMemberField field; field = new CodeMemberField (builder.ControlType.FullName, builder.ID); field.Attributes = ma; #if NET_2_0 field.Type.Options |= CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GlobalReference; if (partialClass != null) partialClass.Members.Add (field); else #endif mainClass.Members.Add (field); } bool CheckBaseFieldOrProperty (string id, Type type, ref MemberAttributes ma) { FieldInfo fld = parser.BaseType.GetField (id, noCaseFlags); Type other = null; if (fld == null || fld.IsPrivate) { PropertyInfo prop = parser.BaseType.GetProperty (id, noCaseFlags); if (prop != null) { MethodInfo setm = prop.GetSetMethod (true); if (setm != null) other = prop.PropertyType; } } else { other = fld.FieldType; } if (other == null) return false; if (!other.IsAssignableFrom (type)) { #if NET_2_0 ma |= MemberAttributes.New; return false; #else string msg = String.Format ("The base class includes the field '{0}', but its " + "type '{1}' is not compatible with {2}", id, other, type); throw new ParseException (currentLocation, msg); #endif } return true; } void AddParsedSubObjectStmt (ControlBuilder builder, CodeExpression expr) { if (!builder.haveParserVariable) { CodeVariableDeclarationStatement p = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement(); p.Name = "__parser"; p.Type = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (IParserAccessor)); p.InitExpression = new CodeCastExpression (typeof (IParserAccessor), ctrlVar); builder.methodStatements.Add (p); builder.haveParserVariable = true; } CodeVariableReferenceExpression var = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("__parser"); CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (var, "AddParsedSubObject"); invoke.Parameters.Add (expr); builder.methodStatements.Add (invoke); } void InitMethod (ControlBuilder builder, bool isTemplate, bool childrenAsProperties) { string tailname = ((builder is RootBuilder) ? "Tree" : ("_" + builder.ID)); CodeMemberMethod method = new CodeMemberMethod (); builder.method = method; builder.methodStatements = method.Statements; method.Name = "__BuildControl" + tailname; method.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Final; Type type = builder.ControlType; /* in the case this is the __BuildControlTree * method, allow subclasses to insert control * specific code. */ if (builder is RootBuilder) { #if NET_2_0 SetCustomAttributes (method); #endif AddStatementsToInitMethod (method); } if (builder.HasAspCode) { CodeMemberMethod renderMethod = new CodeMemberMethod (); builder.renderMethod = renderMethod; renderMethod.Name = "__Render" + tailname; renderMethod.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Final; CodeParameterDeclarationExpression arg1 = new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression (); arg1.Type = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (HtmlTextWriter)); arg1.Name = "__output"; CodeParameterDeclarationExpression arg2 = new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression (); arg2.Type = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (Control)); arg2.Name = "parameterContainer"; renderMethod.Parameters.Add (arg1); renderMethod.Parameters.Add (arg2); mainClass.Members.Add (renderMethod); } if (childrenAsProperties || builder.ControlType == null) { string typeString; if (builder is RootBuilder) typeString = parser.ClassName; else { if (builder.ControlType != null && builder.isProperty && !typeof (ITemplate).IsAssignableFrom (builder.ControlType)) typeString = builder.ControlType.FullName; else typeString = "System.Web.UI.Control"; } method.Parameters.Add (new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression (typeString, "__ctrl")); } else { if (typeof (Control).IsAssignableFrom (type)) method.ReturnType = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (Control)); // _ctrl = new $controlType ($parameters); // CodeObjectCreateExpression newExpr = new CodeObjectCreateExpression (type); object [] atts = type.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (ConstructorNeedsTagAttribute), true); if (atts != null && atts.Length > 0) { ConstructorNeedsTagAttribute att = (ConstructorNeedsTagAttribute) atts [0]; if (att.NeedsTag) newExpr.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (builder.TagName)); } else if (builder is DataBindingBuilder) { newExpr.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (0)); newExpr.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (1)); } method.Statements.Add (new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement (builder.ControlType, "__ctrl")); CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = ctrlVar; assign.Right = newExpr; method.Statements.Add (assign); // this.$builderID = _ctrl; // CodeFieldReferenceExpression builderID = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (); builderID.TargetObject = thisRef; builderID.FieldName = builder.ID; assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = builderID; assign.Right = ctrlVar; method.Statements.Add (assign); if (typeof (UserControl).IsAssignableFrom (type)) { CodeMethodReferenceExpression mref = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (); mref.TargetObject = builderID; mref.MethodName = "InitializeAsUserControl"; CodeMethodInvokeExpression initAsControl = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (mref); initAsControl.Parameters.Add (new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (thisRef, "Page")); method.Statements.Add (initAsControl); } #if NET_2_0 if (builder.ParentTemplateBuilder is System.Web.UI.WebControls.ContentBuilderInternal) { PropertyInfo pi; try { pi = type.GetProperty ("TemplateControl"); } catch (Exception) { pi = null; } if (pi != null && pi.CanWrite) { // __ctrl.TemplateControl = this; assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, "TemplateControl");; assign.Right = thisRef; method.Statements.Add (assign); } } // _ctrl.SkinID = $value // _ctrl.ApplyStyleSheetSkin (this); // // the SkinID assignment needs to come // before the call to // ApplyStyleSheetSkin, for obvious // reasons. We skip SkinID in // CreateAssignStatementsFromAttributes // below. // if (builder.attribs != null) { string skinid = builder.attribs ["skinid"] as string; if (skinid != null) CreateAssignStatementFromAttribute (builder, "skinid"); } if (typeof (WebControl).IsAssignableFrom (type)) { CodeMethodInvokeExpression applyStyleSheetSkin = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (ctrlVar, "ApplyStyleSheetSkin"); if (typeof (Page).IsAssignableFrom (parser.BaseType)) applyStyleSheetSkin.Parameters.Add (thisRef); else applyStyleSheetSkin.Parameters.Add (new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (thisRef, "Page")); method.Statements.Add (applyStyleSheetSkin); } #endif // process ID here. It should be set before any other attributes are // assigned, since the control code may rely on ID being set. We // skip ID in CreateAssignStatementsFromAttributes if (builder.attribs != null) { string ctl_id = builder.attribs ["id"] as string; if (ctl_id != null && ctl_id != String.Empty) CreateAssignStatementFromAttribute (builder, "id"); } #if NET_2_0 if (typeof (ContentPlaceHolder).IsAssignableFrom (type)) { CodePropertyReferenceExpression prop = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (thisRef, "ContentPlaceHolders"); CodeMethodInvokeExpression addPlaceholder = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (prop, "Add"); addPlaceholder.Parameters.Add (ctrlVar); method.Statements.Add (addPlaceholder); CodeConditionStatement condStatement; // Add the __Template_* field CodeMemberField fld = new CodeMemberField (typeof (ITemplate), "__Template_" + builder.ID); fld.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private; mainClass.Members.Add (fld); CodeFieldReferenceExpression templateID = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (); templateID.TargetObject = thisRef; templateID.FieldName = "__Template_" + builder.ID; // if ((this.ContentTemplates != null)) { // this.__Template_$builder.ID = ((System.Web.UI.ITemplate)(this.ContentTemplates["$builder.ID"])); // } // CodeFieldReferenceExpression contentTemplates = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (); contentTemplates.TargetObject = thisRef; contentTemplates.FieldName = "ContentTemplates"; CodeIndexerExpression indexer = new CodeIndexerExpression (); indexer.TargetObject = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (thisRef, "ContentTemplates"); indexer.Indices.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (builder.ID)); assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = templateID; assign.Right = new CodeCastExpression (new CodeTypeReference (typeof (ITemplate)), indexer); condStatement = new CodeConditionStatement (new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (contentTemplates, CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality, new CodePrimitiveExpression (null)), assign); method.Statements.Add (condStatement); // if ((this.__Template_mainContent != null)) { // this.__Template_mainContent.InstantiateIn(__ctrl); // } // and also set things up such that any additional code ends up in: // else { // ... // } // CodeMethodReferenceExpression methodRef = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (); methodRef.TargetObject = templateID; methodRef.MethodName = "InstantiateIn"; CodeMethodInvokeExpression instantiateInInvoke; instantiateInInvoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (methodRef, ctrlVar); condStatement = new CodeConditionStatement (new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (templateID, CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality, new CodePrimitiveExpression (null)), new CodeExpressionStatement (instantiateInInvoke)); method.Statements.Add (condStatement); // this is the bit that causes the following stuff to end up in the else { } builder.methodStatements = condStatement.FalseStatements; } #endif } mainClass.Members.Add (method); } #if NET_2_0 void SetCustomAttribute (CodeMemberMethod method, UnknownAttributeDescriptor uad) { CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression ( new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression("__ctrl"), uad.Info.Name); assign.Right = GetExpressionFromString (uad.Value.GetType (), uad.Value.ToString (), uad.Info); method.Statements.Add (assign); } void SetCustomAttributes (CodeMemberMethod method) { Type baseType = parser.BaseType; if (baseType == null) return; List attrs = parser.UnknownMainAttributes; if (attrs == null || attrs.Count == 0) return; foreach (UnknownAttributeDescriptor uad in attrs) SetCustomAttribute (method, uad); } #endif protected virtual void AddStatementsToInitMethod (CodeMemberMethod method) { } void AddLiteralSubObject (ControlBuilder builder, string str) { if (!builder.HasAspCode) { CodeObjectCreateExpression expr; expr = new CodeObjectCreateExpression (typeof (LiteralControl), new CodePrimitiveExpression (str)); AddParsedSubObjectStmt (builder, expr); } else { CodeMethodReferenceExpression methodRef = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (); methodRef.TargetObject = new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression ("__output"); methodRef.MethodName = "Write"; CodeMethodInvokeExpression expr; expr = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (methodRef, new CodePrimitiveExpression (str)); builder.renderMethod.Statements.Add (expr); } } string TrimDB (string value) { string str = value.Trim (); str = str.Substring (3); return str.Substring (0, str.Length - 2); } string DataBoundProperty (ControlBuilder builder, Type type, string varName, string value) { value = TrimDB (value); CodeMemberMethod method; string dbMethodName = builder.method.Name + "_DB_" + dataBoundAtts++; #if NET_2_0 bool need_if = false; value = value.Trim (); if (StrUtils.StartsWith (value, "Bind", true)) { Match match = bindRegexInValue.Match (value); if (match.Success) { value = "Eval" + value.Substring (4); need_if = true; } } #endif method = CreateDBMethod (dbMethodName, GetContainerType (builder), builder.ControlType); CodeVariableReferenceExpression targetExpr = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("target"); // This should be a CodePropertyReferenceExpression for properties... but it works anyway CodeFieldReferenceExpression field = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (targetExpr, varName); CodeExpression expr; if (type == typeof (string)) { CodeMethodInvokeExpression tostring = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (); CodeTypeReferenceExpression conv = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (typeof (Convert)); tostring.Method = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (conv, "ToString"); tostring.Parameters.Add (new CodeSnippetExpression (value)); expr = tostring; } else { CodeSnippetExpression snippet = new CodeSnippetExpression (value); expr = new CodeCastExpression (type, snippet); } CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (field, expr); #if NET_2_0 if (need_if) { CodeExpression page = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (thisRef, "Page"); CodeExpression left = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (page, "GetDataItem"); CodeBinaryOperatorExpression ce = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (left, CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality, new CodePrimitiveExpression (null)); CodeConditionStatement ccs = new CodeConditionStatement (ce, assign); method.Statements.Add (ccs); } else #endif method.Statements.Add (assign); mainClass.Members.Add (method); return method.Name; } void AddCodeForPropertyOrField (ControlBuilder builder, Type type, string var_name, string att, MemberInfo member, bool isDataBound, bool isExpression) { CodeMemberMethod method = builder.method; bool isWritable = IsWritablePropertyOrField (member); if (isDataBound && isWritable) { string dbMethodName = DataBoundProperty (builder, type, var_name, att); AddEventAssign (method, "DataBinding", typeof (EventHandler), dbMethodName); return; } #if NET_2_0 else if (isExpression && isWritable) { AddExpressionAssign (method, member, type, var_name, att); return; } #endif CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, var_name); currentLocation = builder.location; assign.Right = GetExpressionFromString (type, att, member); method.Statements.Add (assign); } bool IsDataBound (string value) { if (value == null || value == "") return false; string str = value.Trim (); return (StrUtils.StartsWith (str, "<%#") && StrUtils.EndsWith (str, "%>")); } #if NET_2_0 bool IsExpression (string value) { if (value == null || value == "") return false; string str = value.Trim (); return (StrUtils.StartsWith (str, "<%$") && StrUtils.EndsWith (str, "%>")); } void RegisterBindingInfo (ControlBuilder builder, string propName, ref string value) { string str = value.Trim (); str = str.Substring (3).Trim (); // eats "<%#" if (StrUtils.StartsWith (str, "Bind", true)) { Match match = bindRegex.Match (str); if (match.Success) { string bindingName = match.Groups [1].Value; TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = builder.ParentTemplateBuilder; if (templateBuilder == null || templateBuilder.BindingDirection == BindingDirection.OneWay) throw new HttpException ("Bind expression not allowed in this context."); string id = builder.attribs ["ID"] as string; if (id == null) throw new HttpException ("Control of type '" + builder.ControlType + "' using two-way binding on property '" + propName + "' must have an ID."); templateBuilder.RegisterBoundProperty (builder.ControlType, propName, id, bindingName); } } } #endif /* static bool InvariantCompare (string a, string b) { return (0 == String.Compare (a, b, false, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } */ static bool InvariantCompareNoCase (string a, string b) { return (0 == String.Compare (a, b, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } static MemberInfo GetFieldOrProperty (Type type, string name) { MemberInfo member = null; try { member = type.GetProperty (name, noCaseFlags & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic); } catch {} if (member != null) return member; try { member = type.GetField (name, noCaseFlags & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic); } catch {} return member; } static bool IsWritablePropertyOrField (MemberInfo member) { PropertyInfo pi = member as PropertyInfo; if (pi != null) return pi.CanWrite; FieldInfo fi = member as FieldInfo; if (fi != null) return !fi.IsInitOnly; throw new ArgumentException ("Argument must be of PropertyInfo or FieldInfo type", "member"); } bool ProcessPropertiesAndFields (ControlBuilder builder, MemberInfo member, string id, string attValue, string prefix) { int hyphen = id.IndexOf ('-'); bool isPropertyInfo = (member is PropertyInfo); bool isDataBound = IsDataBound (attValue); #if NET_2_0 bool isExpression = !isDataBound && IsExpression (attValue); #else bool isExpression = false; #endif Type type; if (isPropertyInfo) { type = ((PropertyInfo) member).PropertyType; } else { type = ((FieldInfo) member).FieldType; } if (InvariantCompareNoCase (member.Name, id)) { #if NET_2_0 if (isDataBound) RegisterBindingInfo (builder, member.Name, ref attValue); #endif if (!IsWritablePropertyOrField (member)) return false; AddCodeForPropertyOrField (builder, type, member.Name, attValue, member, isDataBound, isExpression); return true; } if (hyphen == -1) return false; string prop_field = id.Replace ("-", "."); string [] parts = prop_field.Split (new char [] {'.'}); int length = parts.Length; if (length < 2 || !InvariantCompareNoCase (member.Name, parts [0])) return false; if (length > 2) { MemberInfo sub_member = GetFieldOrProperty (type, parts [1]); if (sub_member == null) return false; string new_prefix = prefix + member.Name + "."; string new_id = id.Substring (hyphen + 1); return ProcessPropertiesAndFields (builder, sub_member, new_id, attValue, new_prefix); } MemberInfo subpf = GetFieldOrProperty (type, parts [1]); if (!(subpf is PropertyInfo)) return false; PropertyInfo subprop = (PropertyInfo) subpf; if (subprop.CanWrite == false) return false; bool is_bool = (subprop.PropertyType == typeof (bool)); if (!is_bool && attValue == null) return false; // Font-Size -> Font-Size="" as html string val = attValue; if (attValue == null && is_bool) val = "true"; // Font-Bold <=> Font-Bold="true" #if NET_2_0 if (isDataBound) RegisterBindingInfo (builder, prefix + member.Name + "." + subprop.Name, ref attValue); #endif AddCodeForPropertyOrField (builder, subprop.PropertyType, prefix + member.Name + "." + subprop.Name, val, subprop, isDataBound, isExpression); return true; } #if NET_2_0 void AddExpressionAssign (CodeMemberMethod method, MemberInfo member, Type type, string name, string value) { CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, name); // First let's find the correct expression builder string expr = value.Substring (3, value.Length - 5).Trim (); int colon = expr.IndexOf (':'); if (colon == -1) return; string prefix = expr.Substring (0, colon).Trim (); System.Configuration.Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration (""); if (config == null) return; CompilationSection cs = (CompilationSection)config.GetSection ("system.web/compilation"); if (cs == null) return; if (cs.ExpressionBuilders == null || cs.ExpressionBuilders.Count == 0) return; System.Web.Configuration.ExpressionBuilder ceb = cs.ExpressionBuilders[prefix]; if (ceb == null) return; string builderType = ceb.Type; Type t; try { t = System.Type.GetType (builderType, true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HttpException ( String.Format ("Failed to load expression builder type `{0}'", builderType), e); } if (!typeof (System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilder).IsAssignableFrom (t)) throw new HttpException ( String.Format ( "Type {0} is not descendant from System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilder", builderType)); System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilder eb = null; object parsedData; ExpressionBuilderContext ctx; try { eb = Activator.CreateInstance (t) as System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilder; ctx = new ExpressionBuilderContext (HttpContext.Current.Request.FilePath); parsedData = eb.ParseExpression (expr.Substring (colon + 1).Trim (), type, ctx); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HttpException ( String.Format ("Failed to create an instance of type `{0}'", builderType), e); } BoundPropertyEntry bpe = CreateBoundPropertyEntry (member as PropertyInfo, prefix, expr); assign.Right = eb.GetCodeExpression (bpe, parsedData, ctx); method.Statements.Add (assign); } BoundPropertyEntry CreateBoundPropertyEntry (PropertyInfo pi, string prefix, string expr) { if (pi == null) return null; BoundPropertyEntry ret = new BoundPropertyEntry (); ret.Expression = expr; ret.ExpressionPrefix = prefix; ret.Generated = false; ret.Name = pi.Name; ret.PropertyInfo = pi; ret.Type = pi.PropertyType; return ret; } void AssignPropertyFromResources (CodeMemberMethod method, MemberInfo mi, string attvalue) { bool isProperty = mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property; bool isField = !isProperty && (mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field); if (!isProperty && !isField || !IsWritablePropertyOrField (mi)) return; string memberName = mi.Name; string resname = String.Format ("{0}.{1}", attvalue, memberName); // __ctrl.Text = System.Convert.ToString(HttpContext.GetLocalResourceObject("ButtonResource1.Text")); string inputFile = parser.InputFile; string physPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; if (StrUtils.StartsWith (inputFile, physPath)) inputFile = parser.InputFile.Substring (physPath.Length - 1); else return; object obj = HttpContext.GetLocalResourceObject (inputFile, resname); if (obj == null) return; if (!isProperty && !isField) return; // an "impossible" case Type declaringType = mi.DeclaringType; CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, memberName); assign.Right = ResourceExpressionBuilder.CreateGetLocalResourceObject (mi, resname); method.Statements.Add (assign); } void AssignPropertiesFromResources (CodeMemberMethod method, Type controlType, string attvalue) { // Process all public fields and properties of the control. We don't use GetMembers to make the code // faster FieldInfo [] fields = controlType.GetFields ( BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); PropertyInfo [] properties = controlType.GetProperties ( BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); foreach (FieldInfo fi in fields) AssignPropertyFromResources (method, fi, attvalue); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in properties) AssignPropertyFromResources (method, pi, attvalue); } void AssignPropertiesFromResources (ControlBuilder builder, string attvalue) { if (attvalue == null || attvalue.Length == 0) return; Type controlType = builder.ControlType; if (controlType == null) return; AssignPropertiesFromResources (builder.method, controlType, attvalue); } #endif void AddEventAssign (CodeMemberMethod method, string name, Type type, string value) { //"__ctrl.{0} += new {1} (this.{2});" CodeEventReferenceExpression evtID = new CodeEventReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, name); CodeDelegateCreateExpression create; create = new CodeDelegateCreateExpression (new CodeTypeReference (type), thisRef, value); CodeAttachEventStatement attach = new CodeAttachEventStatement (evtID, create); method.Statements.Add (attach); } void CreateAssignStatementFromAttribute (ControlBuilder builder, string id) { EventInfo [] ev_info = null; Type type = builder.ControlType; string attvalue = builder.attribs [id] as string; if (id.Length > 2 && id.Substring (0, 2).ToUpper () == "ON"){ if (ev_info == null) ev_info = type.GetEvents (); string id_as_event = id.Substring (2); foreach (EventInfo ev in ev_info){ if (InvariantCompareNoCase (ev.Name, id_as_event)){ AddEventAssign (builder.method, ev.Name, ev.EventHandlerType, attvalue); return; } } } #if NET_2_0 if (id.ToLower () == "meta:resourcekey") { AssignPropertiesFromResources (builder, attvalue); return; } #endif int hyphen = id.IndexOf ('-'); string alt_id = id; if (hyphen != -1) alt_id = id.Substring (0, hyphen); MemberInfo fop = GetFieldOrProperty (type, alt_id); if (fop != null) { if (ProcessPropertiesAndFields (builder, fop, id, attvalue, null)) return; } if (!typeof (IAttributeAccessor).IsAssignableFrom (type)) throw new ParseException (builder.location, "Unrecognized attribute: " + id); string val; CodeMemberMethod method = builder.method; bool databound = IsDataBound (attvalue); if (databound) { val = attvalue.Substring (3); val = val.Substring (0, val.Length - 2); CreateDBAttributeMethod (builder, id, val); } else { CodeCastExpression cast; CodeMethodReferenceExpression methodExpr; CodeMethodInvokeExpression expr; cast = new CodeCastExpression (typeof (IAttributeAccessor), ctrlVar); methodExpr = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (cast, "SetAttribute"); expr = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (methodExpr); expr.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (id)); expr.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (attvalue)); method.Statements.Add (expr); } } protected void CreateAssignStatementsFromAttributes (ControlBuilder builder) { #if NET_2_0 bool haveMetaKey = false; #endif this.dataBoundAtts = 0; IDictionary atts = builder.attribs; if (atts == null || atts.Count == 0) return; foreach (string id in atts.Keys) { if (InvariantCompareNoCase (id, "runat")) continue; // ID is assigned in BuildControltree if (InvariantCompareNoCase (id, "id")) continue; #if NET_2_0 /* we skip SkinID here as it's assigned in BuildControlTree */ if (InvariantCompareNoCase (id, "skinid")) continue; if (InvariantCompareNoCase (id, "meta:resourcekey")) { haveMetaKey = true; continue; } #endif CreateAssignStatementFromAttribute (builder, id); } #if NET_2_0 if (haveMetaKey) CreateAssignStatementFromAttribute (builder, "meta:resourcekey"); #endif } void CreateDBAttributeMethod (ControlBuilder builder, string attr, string code) { if (code == null || code.Trim () == "") return; string id = builder.GetNextID (null); string dbMethodName = "__DataBind_" + id; CodeMemberMethod method = builder.method; AddEventAssign (method, "DataBinding", typeof (EventHandler), dbMethodName); method = CreateDBMethod (dbMethodName, GetContainerType (builder), builder.ControlType); CodeCastExpression cast; CodeMethodReferenceExpression methodExpr; CodeMethodInvokeExpression expr; CodeVariableReferenceExpression targetExpr = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("target"); cast = new CodeCastExpression (typeof (IAttributeAccessor), targetExpr); methodExpr = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (cast, "SetAttribute"); expr = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (methodExpr); expr.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (attr)); CodeMethodInvokeExpression tostring = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (); tostring.Method = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression ( new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (typeof (Convert)), "ToString"); tostring.Parameters.Add (new CodeSnippetExpression (code)); expr.Parameters.Add (tostring); method.Statements.Add (expr); mainClass.Members.Add (method); } void AddRenderControl (ControlBuilder builder) { CodeIndexerExpression indexer = new CodeIndexerExpression (); indexer.TargetObject = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression ( new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression ("parameterContainer"), "Controls"); indexer.Indices.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (builder.renderIndex)); CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (indexer, "RenderControl"); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression ("__output")); builder.renderMethod.Statements.Add (invoke); builder.renderIndex++; } protected void AddChildCall (ControlBuilder parent, ControlBuilder child) { if (parent == null || child == null) return; CodeMethodReferenceExpression m = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (thisRef, child.method.Name); CodeMethodInvokeExpression expr = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (m); object [] atts = null; if (child.ControlType != null) child.ControlType.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (PartialCachingAttribute), true); if (atts != null && atts.Length > 0) { PartialCachingAttribute pca = (PartialCachingAttribute) atts [0]; CodeTypeReferenceExpression cc = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression("System.Web.UI.StaticPartialCachingControl"); CodeMethodInvokeExpression build = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (cc, "BuildCachedControl"); build.Parameters.Add (new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression("__ctrl")); build.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (child.ID)); #if NET_1_1 if (pca.Shared) build.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (child.ControlType.GetHashCode ().ToString ())); else #endif build.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ())); build.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (pca.Duration)); build.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (pca.VaryByParams)); build.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (pca.VaryByControls)); build.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (pca.VaryByCustom)); build.Parameters.Add (new CodeDelegateCreateExpression ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (System.Web.UI.BuildMethod)), thisRef, child.method.Name)); parent.methodStatements.Add (build); if (parent.HasAspCode) AddRenderControl (parent); return; } if (child.isProperty || parent.ChildrenAsProperties) { expr.Parameters.Add (new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, child.TagName)); parent.methodStatements.Add (expr); return; } parent.methodStatements.Add (expr); CodeFieldReferenceExpression field = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (thisRef, child.ID); if (parent.ControlType == null || typeof (IParserAccessor).IsAssignableFrom (parent.ControlType)) { AddParsedSubObjectStmt (parent, field); } else { CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (ctrlVar, "Add"); invoke.Parameters.Add (field); parent.methodStatements.Add (invoke); } if (parent.HasAspCode) AddRenderControl (parent); } void AddTemplateInvocation (CodeMemberMethod method, string name, string methodName) { CodePropertyReferenceExpression prop = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, name); CodeDelegateCreateExpression newBuild = new CodeDelegateCreateExpression ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (BuildTemplateMethod)), thisRef, methodName); CodeObjectCreateExpression newCompiled = new CodeObjectCreateExpression (typeof (CompiledTemplateBuilder)); newCompiled.Parameters.Add (newBuild); CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (prop, newCompiled); method.Statements.Add (assign); } #if NET_2_0 void AddBindableTemplateInvocation (CodeMemberMethod method, string name, string methodName, string extractMethodName) { CodePropertyReferenceExpression prop = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, name); CodeDelegateCreateExpression newBuild = new CodeDelegateCreateExpression ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (BuildTemplateMethod)), thisRef, methodName); CodeDelegateCreateExpression newExtract = new CodeDelegateCreateExpression ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (ExtractTemplateValuesMethod)), thisRef, extractMethodName); CodeObjectCreateExpression newCompiled = new CodeObjectCreateExpression (typeof (CompiledBindableTemplateBuilder)); newCompiled.Parameters.Add (newBuild); newCompiled.Parameters.Add (newExtract); CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (prop, newCompiled); method.Statements.Add (assign); } string CreateExtractValuesMethod (TemplateBuilder builder) { CodeMemberMethod method = new CodeMemberMethod (); method.Name = "__ExtractValues_" + builder.ID; method.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Final; method.ReturnType = new CodeTypeReference (typeof(IOrderedDictionary)); CodeParameterDeclarationExpression arg = new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression (); arg.Type = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (Control)); arg.Name = "__container"; method.Parameters.Add (arg); mainClass.Members.Add (method); CodeObjectCreateExpression newTable = new CodeObjectCreateExpression (); newTable.CreateType = new CodeTypeReference (typeof(OrderedDictionary)); method.Statements.Add (new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement (typeof(OrderedDictionary), "__table", newTable)); CodeVariableReferenceExpression tableExp = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("__table"); if (builder.Bindings != null) { Hashtable hash = new Hashtable (); foreach (TemplateBinding binding in builder.Bindings) { CodeConditionStatement sif; CodeVariableReferenceExpression control; CodeAssignStatement assign; if (hash [binding.ControlId] == null) { CodeVariableDeclarationStatement dec = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement (binding.ControlType, binding.ControlId); method.Statements.Add (dec); CodeVariableReferenceExpression cter = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("__container"); CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (cter, "FindControl"); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (binding.ControlId)); assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); control = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression (binding.ControlId); assign.Left = control; assign.Right = new CodeCastExpression (binding.ControlType, invoke); method.Statements.Add (assign); sif = new CodeConditionStatement (); sif.Condition = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (control, CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality, new CodePrimitiveExpression (null)); method.Statements.Add (sif); hash [binding.ControlId] = sif; } sif = (CodeConditionStatement) hash [binding.ControlId]; control = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression (binding.ControlId); assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = new CodeIndexerExpression (tableExp, new CodePrimitiveExpression (binding.FieldName)); assign.Right = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (control, binding.ControlProperty); sif.TrueStatements.Add (assign); } } method.Statements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (tableExp)); return method.Name; } void AddContentTemplateInvocation (ContentBuilderInternal cbuilder, CodeMemberMethod method, string methodName) { CodeDelegateCreateExpression newBuild = new CodeDelegateCreateExpression ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (BuildTemplateMethod)), thisRef, methodName); CodeObjectCreateExpression newCompiled = new CodeObjectCreateExpression (typeof (CompiledTemplateBuilder)); newCompiled.Parameters.Add (newBuild); CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (thisRef, "AddContentTemplate"); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (cbuilder.ContentPlaceHolderID)); invoke.Parameters.Add (newCompiled); method.Statements.Add (invoke); } #endif void AddCodeRender (ControlBuilder parent, CodeRenderBuilder cr) { if (cr.Code == null || cr.Code.Trim () == "") return; if (!cr.IsAssign) { CodeSnippetStatement code = new CodeSnippetStatement (cr.Code); parent.renderMethod.Statements.Add (code); return; } CodeMethodInvokeExpression expr = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (); expr.Method = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression ( new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression ("__output"), "Write"); expr.Parameters.Add (new CodeSnippetExpression (cr.Code)); parent.renderMethod.Statements.Add (expr); } static Type GetContainerType (ControlBuilder builder) { TemplateBuilder tb = builder as TemplateBuilder; if (tb != null && tb.ContainerType != null) return tb.ContainerType; #if NET_2_0 return builder.BindingContainerType; #else Type type = builder.BindingContainerType; PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty ("Items", noCaseFlags & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (prop == null) return type; Type ptype = prop.PropertyType; if (!typeof (ICollection).IsAssignableFrom (ptype)) return type; prop = ptype.GetProperty ("Item", noCaseFlags & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (prop == null) return type; return prop.PropertyType; #endif } CodeMemberMethod CreateDBMethod (string name, Type container, Type target) { CodeMemberMethod method = new CodeMemberMethod (); method.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Final; method.Name = name; method.Parameters.Add (new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression (typeof (object), "sender")); method.Parameters.Add (new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression (typeof (EventArgs), "e")); CodeTypeReference containerRef = new CodeTypeReference (container); CodeTypeReference targetRef = new CodeTypeReference (target); CodeVariableDeclarationStatement decl = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement(); decl.Name = "Container"; decl.Type = containerRef; method.Statements.Add (decl); decl = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement(); decl.Name = "target"; decl.Type = targetRef; method.Statements.Add (decl); CodeVariableReferenceExpression targetExpr = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("target"); CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = targetExpr; assign.Right = new CodeCastExpression (targetRef, new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression ("sender")); method.Statements.Add (assign); assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("Container"); assign.Right = new CodeCastExpression (containerRef, new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (targetExpr, "BindingContainer")); method.Statements.Add (assign); return method; } void AddDataBindingLiteral (ControlBuilder builder, DataBindingBuilder db) { if (db.Code == null || db.Code.Trim () == "") return; EnsureID (db); CreateField (db, false); string dbMethodName = "__DataBind_" + db.ID; // Add the method that builds the DataBoundLiteralControl InitMethod (db, false, false); CodeMemberMethod method = db.method; AddEventAssign (method, "DataBinding", typeof (EventHandler), dbMethodName); method.Statements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (ctrlVar)); // Add the DataBind handler method = CreateDBMethod (dbMethodName, GetContainerType (builder), typeof (DataBoundLiteralControl)); CodeVariableReferenceExpression targetExpr = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression ("target"); CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (); invoke.Method = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (targetExpr, "SetDataBoundString"); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (0)); CodeMethodInvokeExpression tostring = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (); tostring.Method = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression ( new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (typeof (Convert)), "ToString"); tostring.Parameters.Add (new CodeSnippetExpression (db.Code)); invoke.Parameters.Add (tostring); method.Statements.Add (invoke); mainClass.Members.Add (method); AddChildCall (builder, db); } void FlushText (ControlBuilder builder, StringBuilder sb) { if (sb.Length > 0) { AddLiteralSubObject (builder, sb.ToString ()); sb.Length = 0; } } protected void CreateControlTree (ControlBuilder builder, bool inTemplate, bool childrenAsProperties) { EnsureID (builder); bool isTemplate = (typeof (TemplateBuilder).IsAssignableFrom (builder.GetType ())); if (!isTemplate && !inTemplate) { CreateField (builder, true); } else if (!isTemplate) { bool doCheck = false; #if NET_2_0 bool singleInstance = false; ControlBuilder pb = builder.parentBuilder; TemplateBuilder tpb; while (pb != null) { tpb = pb as TemplateBuilder; if (tpb == null) { pb = pb.parentBuilder; continue; } if (tpb.TemplateInstance == TemplateInstance.Single) singleInstance = true; break; } if (!singleInstance) #endif builder.ID = builder.GetNextID (null); #if NET_2_0 else doCheck = true; #endif CreateField (builder, doCheck); } InitMethod (builder, isTemplate, childrenAsProperties); if (!isTemplate || builder.GetType () == typeof (RootBuilder)) CreateAssignStatementsFromAttributes (builder); if (builder.Children != null && builder.Children.Count > 0) { ArrayList templates = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); foreach (object b in builder.Children) { if (b is string) { sb.Append ((string) b); continue; } FlushText (builder, sb); if (b is ObjectTagBuilder) { ProcessObjectTag ((ObjectTagBuilder) b); continue; } StringPropertyBuilder pb = b as StringPropertyBuilder; if (pb != null){ if (pb.Children != null && pb.Children.Count > 0) { StringBuilder asb = new StringBuilder (); foreach (string s in pb.Children) asb.Append (s); CodeMemberMethod method = builder.method; CodeAssignStatement assign = new CodeAssignStatement (); assign.Left = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, pb.PropertyName); assign.Right = new CodePrimitiveExpression (asb.ToString ()); method.Statements.Add (assign); } continue; } #if NET_2_0 if (b is ContentBuilderInternal) { ContentBuilderInternal cb = (ContentBuilderInternal) b; CreateControlTree (cb, false, true); AddContentTemplateInvocation (cb, builder.method, cb.method.Name); continue; } #endif if (b is TemplateBuilder) { if (templates == null) templates = new ArrayList (); templates.Add (b); continue; } if (b is CodeRenderBuilder) { AddCodeRender (builder, (CodeRenderBuilder) b); continue; } if (b is DataBindingBuilder) { AddDataBindingLiteral (builder, (DataBindingBuilder) b); continue; } if (b is ControlBuilder) { ControlBuilder child = (ControlBuilder) b; CreateControlTree (child, inTemplate, builder.ChildrenAsProperties); AddChildCall (builder, child); continue; } throw new Exception ("???"); } FlushText (builder, sb); if (templates != null) { foreach (TemplateBuilder b in templates) { CreateControlTree (b, true, false); #if NET_2_0 if (b.BindingDirection == BindingDirection.TwoWay) { string extractMethod = CreateExtractValuesMethod (b); AddBindableTemplateInvocation (builder.method, b.TagName, b.method.Name, extractMethod); } else #endif AddTemplateInvocation (builder.method, b.TagName, b.method.Name); } } } if (builder.defaultPropertyBuilder != null) { ControlBuilder b = builder.defaultPropertyBuilder; CreateControlTree (b, false, true); AddChildCall (builder, b); } if (builder.HasAspCode) { CodeMethodReferenceExpression m = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (); m.TargetObject = thisRef; m.MethodName = builder.renderMethod.Name; CodeDelegateCreateExpression create = new CodeDelegateCreateExpression (); create.DelegateType = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (RenderMethod)); create.TargetObject = thisRef; create.MethodName = builder.renderMethod.Name; CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (); invoke.Method = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (ctrlVar, "SetRenderMethodDelegate"); invoke.Parameters.Add (create); builder.methodStatements.Add (invoke); } if (!childrenAsProperties && typeof (Control).IsAssignableFrom (builder.ControlType)) builder.method.Statements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (ctrlVar)); #if NET_2_0 if (builder is RootBuilder) if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (parser.MetaResourceKey)) AssignPropertiesFromResources (builder.method, parser.BaseType, parser.MetaResourceKey); #endif } protected internal override void CreateMethods () { base.CreateMethods (); CreateProperties (); CreateControlTree (parser.RootBuilder, false, false); CreateFrameworkInitializeMethod (); } void CallBaseFrameworkInitialize (CodeMemberMethod method) { CodeBaseReferenceExpression baseRef = new CodeBaseReferenceExpression (); CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (baseRef, "FrameworkInitialize"); method.Statements.Add (invoke); } void CreateFrameworkInitializeMethod () { CodeMemberMethod method = new CodeMemberMethod (); method.Name = "FrameworkInitialize"; method.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Override; PrependStatementsToFrameworkInitialize (method); CallBaseFrameworkInitialize (method); AppendStatementsToFrameworkInitialize (method); mainClass.Members.Add (method); } protected virtual void PrependStatementsToFrameworkInitialize (CodeMemberMethod method) { } protected virtual void AppendStatementsToFrameworkInitialize (CodeMemberMethod method) { if (!parser.EnableViewState) { CodeAssignStatement stmt = new CodeAssignStatement (); stmt.Left = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (thisRef, "EnableViewState"); stmt.Right = new CodePrimitiveExpression (false); method.Statements.Add (stmt); } CodeMethodReferenceExpression methodExpr; methodExpr = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (thisRef, "__BuildControlTree"); CodeMethodInvokeExpression expr = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (methodExpr, thisRef); method.Statements.Add (new CodeExpressionStatement (expr)); } protected override void AddApplicationAndSessionObjects () { foreach (ObjectTagBuilder tag in GlobalAsaxCompiler.ApplicationObjects) { CreateFieldForObject (tag.Type, tag.ObjectID); CreateApplicationOrSessionPropertyForObject (tag.Type, tag.ObjectID, true, false); } foreach (ObjectTagBuilder tag in GlobalAsaxCompiler.SessionObjects) { CreateApplicationOrSessionPropertyForObject (tag.Type, tag.ObjectID, false, false); } } protected void ProcessObjectTag (ObjectTagBuilder tag) { string fieldName = CreateFieldForObject (tag.Type, tag.ObjectID); CreatePropertyForObject (tag.Type, tag.ObjectID, fieldName, false); } void CreateProperties () { if (!parser.AutoEventWireup) { CreateAutoEventWireup (); } else { CreateAutoHandlers (); } CreateApplicationInstance (); } void CreateApplicationInstance () { CodeMemberProperty prop = new CodeMemberProperty (); Type appType = typeof (HttpApplication); prop.Type = new CodeTypeReference (appType); prop.Name = "ApplicationInstance"; prop.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Final; CodePropertyReferenceExpression propRef = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (thisRef, "Context"); propRef = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (propRef, "ApplicationInstance"); CodeCastExpression cast = new CodeCastExpression (appType.FullName, propRef); prop.GetStatements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (cast)); #if NET_2_0 if (partialClass != null) partialClass.Members.Add (prop); else #endif mainClass.Members.Add (prop); } void CreateAutoHandlers () { // Create AutoHandlers property CodeMemberProperty prop = new CodeMemberProperty (); prop.Type = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (int)); prop.Name = "AutoHandlers"; prop.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Override; CodeMethodReturnStatement ret = new CodeMethodReturnStatement (); CodeFieldReferenceExpression fldRef ; fldRef = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (mainClassExpr, "__autoHandlers"); ret.Expression = fldRef; prop.GetStatements.Add (ret); prop.SetStatements.Add (new CodeAssignStatement (fldRef, new CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression ())); #if NET_2_0 CodeAttributeDeclaration attr = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.Obsolete"); prop.CustomAttributes.Add (attr); #endif mainClass.Members.Add (prop); // Add the __autoHandlers field CodeMemberField fld = new CodeMemberField (typeof (int), "__autoHandlers"); fld.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Static; mainClass.Members.Add (fld); } void CreateAutoEventWireup () { // The getter returns false CodeMemberProperty prop = new CodeMemberProperty (); prop.Type = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (bool)); prop.Name = "SupportAutoEvents"; prop.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Override; prop.GetStatements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (new CodePrimitiveExpression (false))); mainClass.Members.Add (prop); } #if NET_2_0 protected virtual string HandleUrlProperty (string str, MemberInfo member) { return str; } #endif TypeConverter GetConverterForMember (MemberInfo member) { TypeConverterAttribute tca = null; object[] attrs; #if NET_2_0 attrs = member.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (TypeConverterAttribute), true); if (attrs.Length > 0) tca = attrs [0] as TypeConverterAttribute; #else attrs = member.GetCustomAttributes (true); foreach (object attr in attrs) { tca = attr as TypeConverterAttribute; if (tca != null) break; } #endif if (tca == null) return null; string typeName = tca.ConverterTypeName; if (typeName == null || typeName.Length == 0) return null; Type t = null; try { t = Type.GetType (typeName); } catch (Exception) { // ignore } if (t == null) return null; return (TypeConverter) Activator.CreateInstance (t); } CodeExpression GetExpressionFromString (Type type, string str, MemberInfo member) { TypeConverter cvt = GetConverterForMember (member); if (cvt != null && !cvt.CanConvertFrom (typeof (string))) cvt = null; object convertedFromAttr = null; bool preConverted = false; if (cvt != null) { convertedFromAttr = cvt.ConvertFromInvariantString (str); if (convertedFromAttr != null) { type = convertedFromAttr.GetType (); preConverted = true; } } #if NET_2_0 bool wasNullable = false; if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)) { Type[] types = type.GetGenericArguments(); type = types[0]; // we're interested only in the first type here wasNullable = true; } #endif if (type == typeof (string)) { if (preConverted) return new CodePrimitiveExpression ((string) convertedFromAttr); #if NET_2_0 object[] urlAttr = member.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (UrlPropertyAttribute), true); if (urlAttr.Length != 0) str = HandleUrlProperty (str, member); #endif return new CodePrimitiveExpression (str); } if (type == typeof (bool)) { if (preConverted) return new CodePrimitiveExpression ((bool) convertedFromAttr); if (str == null || str == "" || InvariantCompareNoCase (str, "true")) return new CodePrimitiveExpression (true); else if (InvariantCompareNoCase (str, "false")) return new CodePrimitiveExpression (false); #if NET_2_0 else if (wasNullable && InvariantCompareNoCase(str, "null")) return new CodePrimitiveExpression (null); #endif else throw new ParseException (currentLocation, "Value '" + str + "' is not a valid boolean."); } if (str == null) return new CodePrimitiveExpression (null); if (type.IsPrimitive) return new CodePrimitiveExpression ( Convert.ChangeType (preConverted ? convertedFromAttr : str, type, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (type == typeof (string [])) { string [] subs; if (preConverted) subs = (string[])convertedFromAttr; else subs = str.Split (','); CodeArrayCreateExpression expr = new CodeArrayCreateExpression (); expr.CreateType = new CodeTypeReference (typeof (string)); foreach (string v in subs) expr.Initializers.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (v.Trim ())); return expr; } if (type == typeof (Color)) { Color c; if (!preConverted) { if (colorConverter == null) colorConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (Color)); if (str.Trim().Length == 0) { CodeTypeReferenceExpression ft = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (typeof (Color)); return new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (ft, "Empty"); } try { if (str.IndexOf (',') == -1) { c = (Color) colorConverter.ConvertFromString (str); } else { int [] argb = new int [4]; argb [0] = 255; string [] parts = str.Split (','); int length = parts.Length; if (length < 3) throw new Exception (); int basei = (length == 4) ? 0 : 1; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { argb [basei + i] = (int) Byte.Parse (parts [i]); } c = Color.FromArgb (argb [0], argb [1], argb [2], argb [3]); } } catch (Exception e) { // Hack: "LightGrey" is accepted, but only for ASP.NET, as the // TypeConverter for Color fails to ConvertFromString. // Hence this hack... if (InvariantCompareNoCase ("LightGrey", str)) { c = Color.LightGray; } else { throw new ParseException (currentLocation, "Color " + str + " is not a valid color.", e); } } } else c = (Color)convertedFromAttr; if (c.IsKnownColor) { CodeFieldReferenceExpression expr = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (); if (c.IsSystemColor) type = typeof (SystemColors); expr.TargetObject = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (type); expr.FieldName = c.Name; return expr; } else { CodeMethodReferenceExpression m = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (); m.TargetObject = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (type); m.MethodName = "FromArgb"; CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (m); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (c.A)); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (c.R)); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (c.G)); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (c.B)); return invoke; } } TypeConverter converter = preConverted ? cvt : TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (member.DeclaringType) [member.Name].Converter; if (preConverted || (converter != null && converter.CanConvertFrom (typeof (string)))) { object value = preConverted ? convertedFromAttr : converter.ConvertFromInvariantString (str); if (converter.CanConvertTo (typeof (InstanceDescriptor))) { InstanceDescriptor idesc = (InstanceDescriptor) converter.ConvertTo (value, typeof(InstanceDescriptor)); return new CodeCastExpression (type, GenerateInstance (idesc, true)); } CodeExpression exp = GenerateObjectInstance (value, false); if (exp != null) return exp; CodeMethodReferenceExpression m = new CodeMethodReferenceExpression (); m.TargetObject = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (typeof (TypeDescriptor)); m.MethodName = "GetConverter"; CodeMethodInvokeExpression invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (m); CodeTypeReference tref = new CodeTypeReference (type); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodeTypeOfExpression (tref)); invoke = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (invoke, "ConvertFrom"); invoke.Parameters.Add (new CodePrimitiveExpression (str)); return new CodeCastExpression (tref, invoke); } Console.WriteLine ("Unknown type: " + type + " value: " + str); return new CodePrimitiveExpression (str); } CodeExpression GenerateInstance (InstanceDescriptor idesc, bool throwOnError) { CodeExpression[] parameters = new CodeExpression [idesc.Arguments.Count]; int n = 0; foreach (object ob in idesc.Arguments) { CodeExpression exp = GenerateObjectInstance (ob, throwOnError); if (exp == null) return null; parameters [n++] = exp; } switch (idesc.MemberInfo.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Constructor: CodeTypeReference tob = new CodeTypeReference (idesc.MemberInfo.DeclaringType); return new CodeObjectCreateExpression (tob, parameters); case MemberTypes.Method: CodeTypeReferenceExpression mt = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (idesc.MemberInfo.DeclaringType); return new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (mt, idesc.MemberInfo.Name, parameters); case MemberTypes.Field: CodeTypeReferenceExpression ft = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (idesc.MemberInfo.DeclaringType); return new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (ft, idesc.MemberInfo.Name); case MemberTypes.Property: CodeTypeReferenceExpression pt = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (idesc.MemberInfo.DeclaringType); return new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (pt, idesc.MemberInfo.Name); } throw new ParseException (currentLocation, "Invalid instance type."); } CodeExpression GenerateObjectInstance (object value, bool throwOnError) { if (value == null) return new CodePrimitiveExpression (null); if (value is System.Type) { CodeTypeReference tref = new CodeTypeReference (value.ToString ()); return new CodeTypeOfExpression (tref); } Type t = value.GetType (); if (t.IsPrimitive || value is string) return new CodePrimitiveExpression (value); if (t.IsArray) { Array ar = (Array) value; CodeExpression[] items = new CodeExpression [ar.Length]; for (int n=0; n