// // System.Web.Compilation.CachingCompiler // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (C) 2002 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // (c) Copyright Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Web.Configuration; namespace System.Web.Compilation { class CachingCompiler { static string dynamicBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.DynamicBase; static Hashtable compilationTickets = new Hashtable (); const string cachePrefix = "@@Assembly"; const string cacheTypePrefix = "@@@Type"; public static void InsertTypeFileDep (Type type, string filename) { CacheDependency dep = new CacheDependency (filename); HttpRuntime.Cache.InsertPrivate (cacheTypePrefix + filename, type, dep); } public static void InsertType (Type type, string filename) { string [] cacheKeys = new string [] { cachePrefix + filename }; CacheDependency dep = new CacheDependency (null, cacheKeys); HttpRuntime.Cache.InsertPrivate (cacheTypePrefix + filename, type, dep); } public static Type GetTypeFromCache (string filename) { return (Type) HttpRuntime.Cache [cacheTypePrefix + filename]; } public static CompilerResults Compile (BaseCompiler compiler) { Cache cache = HttpRuntime.Cache; string key = cachePrefix + compiler.Parser.InputFile; CompilerResults results = (CompilerResults) cache [key]; #if NET_2_0 if (!compiler.IsRebuildingPartial) #endif if (results != null) return results; object ticket; bool acquired = AcquireCompilationTicket (key, out ticket); try { Monitor.Enter (ticket); results = (CompilerResults) cache [key]; #if NET_2_0 if (!compiler.IsRebuildingPartial) #endif if (results != null) return results; ICodeCompiler comp = compiler.Compiler; results = comp.CompileAssemblyFromDom (compiler.CompilerParameters, compiler.Unit); string [] deps = (string []) compiler.Parser.Dependencies.ToArray (typeof (string)); cache.InsertPrivate (key, results, new CacheDependency (deps)); } finally { Monitor.Exit (ticket); if (acquired) ReleaseCompilationTicket (key); } return results; } public static CompilerResults Compile (WebServiceCompiler compiler) { string key = cachePrefix + compiler.Parser.PhysicalPath; Cache cache = HttpRuntime.Cache; CompilerResults results = (CompilerResults) cache [key]; if (results != null) return results; object ticket; bool acquired = AcquireCompilationTicket (key, out ticket); try { Monitor.Enter (ticket); results = (CompilerResults) cache [key]; if (results != null) return results; SimpleWebHandlerParser parser = compiler.Parser; CompilerParameters options = compiler.CompilerOptions; options.IncludeDebugInformation = parser.Debug; results = compiler.Compiler.CompileAssemblyFromFile (options, compiler.InputFile); string [] deps = (string []) parser.Dependencies.ToArray (typeof (string)); cache.InsertPrivate (key, results, new CacheDependency (deps)); } finally { Monitor.Exit (ticket); if (acquired) ReleaseCompilationTicket (key); } return results; } internal static CompilerParameters GetOptions (ICollection assemblies) { CompilerParameters options = new CompilerParameters (); if (assemblies != null) { StringCollection coll = options.ReferencedAssemblies; foreach (string str in assemblies) coll.Add (str); } return options; } public static CompilerResults Compile (string language, string key, string file, ArrayList assemblies) { Cache cache = HttpRuntime.Cache; CompilerResults results = (CompilerResults) cache [cachePrefix + key]; if (results != null) return results; if (!Directory.Exists (dynamicBase)) Directory.CreateDirectory (dynamicBase); object ticket; bool acquired = AcquireCompilationTicket (cachePrefix + key, out ticket); try { Monitor.Enter (ticket); results = (CompilerResults) cache [cachePrefix + key]; if (results != null) return results; #if NET_2_0 CompilationSection config = (CompilationSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/compilation"); Compiler c = config.Compilers[language]; Type t = Type.GetType (c.Type, true); CodeDomProvider provider = Activator.CreateInstance (t) as CodeDomProvider; #else CompilationConfiguration config; config = CompilationConfiguration.GetInstance (HttpContext.Current); CodeDomProvider provider = config.GetProvider (language); #endif if (provider == null) throw new HttpException ("Configuration error. Language not supported: " + language, 500); ICodeCompiler compiler = provider.CreateCompiler (); CompilerParameters options = GetOptions (assemblies); TempFileCollection tempcoll = new TempFileCollection (config.TempDirectory, true); string dllfilename = Path.GetFileName (tempcoll.AddExtension ("dll", true)); options.OutputAssembly = Path.Combine (dynamicBase, dllfilename); results = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromFile (options, file); ArrayList realdeps = new ArrayList (assemblies.Count + 1); realdeps.Add (file); for (int i = assemblies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string current = (string) assemblies [i]; if (Path.IsPathRooted (current)) realdeps.Add (current); } string [] deps = (string []) realdeps.ToArray (typeof (string)); cache.InsertPrivate (cachePrefix + key, results, new CacheDependency (deps)); } finally { Monitor.Exit (ticket); if (acquired) ReleaseCompilationTicket (cachePrefix + key); } return results; } public static Type CompileAndGetType (string typename, string language, string key, string file, ArrayList assemblies) { CompilerResults result = CachingCompiler.Compile (language, key, file, assemblies); if (result.NativeCompilerReturnValue != 0) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (file); throw new CompilationException (file, result.Errors, reader.ReadToEnd ()); } Assembly assembly = result.CompiledAssembly; if (assembly == null) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (file); throw new CompilationException (file, result.Errors, reader.ReadToEnd ()); } Type type = assembly.GetType (typename, true); InsertType (type, file); return type; } static bool AcquireCompilationTicket (string key, out object ticket) { lock (compilationTickets.SyncRoot) { ticket = compilationTickets [key]; if (ticket == null) { ticket = new object (); compilationTickets [key] = ticket; return true; } } return false; } static void ReleaseCompilationTicket (string key) { lock (compilationTickets.SyncRoot) { compilationTickets.Remove (key); } } } }