// // System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (C) 2002,2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; namespace System.Web.Compilation { class BuilderLocation { public ControlBuilder Builder; public ILocation Location; public BuilderLocation (ControlBuilder builder, ILocation location) { this.Builder = builder; this.Location = location; } } class BuilderLocationStack : Stack { public override void Push (object o) { if (!(o is BuilderLocation)) throw new InvalidOperationException (); base.Push (o); } public virtual void Push (ControlBuilder builder, ILocation location) { BuilderLocation bl = new BuilderLocation (builder, location); Push (bl); } public new BuilderLocation Peek () { return (BuilderLocation) base.Peek (); } public new BuilderLocation Pop () { return (BuilderLocation) base.Pop (); } public ControlBuilder Builder { get { return Peek ().Builder; } } } class AspGenerator { string filename; AspParser parser; BuilderLocationStack stack; TemplateParser tparser; StringBuilder text; RootBuilder rootBuilder; bool inScript; ILocation location; static Hashtable emptyHash = new Hashtable (); public AspGenerator (TemplateParser tparser) { this.tparser = tparser; this.filename = Path.GetFullPath (tparser.InputFile); tparser.AddDependency (tparser.InputFile); text = new StringBuilder (); stack = new BuilderLocationStack (); rootBuilder = new RootBuilder (tparser); stack.Push (rootBuilder, null); tparser.RootBuilder = rootBuilder; } BaseCompiler GetCompilerFromType () { Type type = tparser.GetType (); if (type == typeof (PageParser)) return new PageCompiler ((PageParser) tparser); if (type == typeof (ApplicationFileParser)) return new GlobalAsaxCompiler ((ApplicationFileParser) tparser); if (type == typeof (UserControlParser)) return new UserControlCompiler ((UserControlParser) tparser); throw new Exception ("Got type: " + type); } public Type GetCompiledType () { //FIXME: use the encoding of the file or the one specified in the machine.config/web.config file. StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (filename, Encoding.Default); parser = new AspParser (filename, reader); parser.Error += new ParseErrorHandler (ParseError); parser.TagParsed += new TagParsedHandler (TagParsed); parser.TextParsed += new TextParsedHandler (TextParsed); parser.Parse (); if (text.Length > 0) FlushText (); #if DEBUG PrintTree (rootBuilder, 0); #endif if (stack.Count > 1) throw new ParseException (stack.Builder.location, "Expecting " + stack.Builder); BaseCompiler compiler = GetCompilerFromType (); return compiler.GetCompiledType (); } #if DEBUG static void PrintTree (ControlBuilder builder, int indent) { if (builder == null) return; string i = new string ('\t', indent); Console.Write (i); Console.WriteLine ("b: {0} id: {1} type: {2} parent: {3}", builder, builder.ID, builder.ControlType, builder.parentBuilder); if (builder.Children != null) foreach (object o in builder.Children) { if (o is ControlBuilder) PrintTree ((ControlBuilder) o, indent++); } } #endif static void PrintLocation (ILocation loc) { Console.WriteLine ("\tFile name: " + loc.Filename); Console.WriteLine ("\tBegin line: " + loc.BeginLine); Console.WriteLine ("\tEnd line: " + loc.EndLine); Console.WriteLine ("\tBegin column: " + loc.BeginColumn); Console.WriteLine ("\tEnd column: " + loc.EndColumn); Console.WriteLine ("\tPlainText: " + loc.PlainText); Console.WriteLine (); } void ParseError (ILocation location, string message) { throw new ParseException (location, message); } void TagParsed (ILocation location, TagType tagtype, string tagid, TagAttributes attributes) { this.location = new Location (location); if (tparser != null) tparser.Location = location; if (text.Length != 0) FlushText (); if (0 == String.Compare (tagid, "script", true)) { if (ProcessScript (tagtype, attributes)) return; } switch (tagtype) { case TagType.Directive: if (tagid == "") tagid = tparser.DefaultDirectiveName; tparser.AddDirective (tagid, attributes.GetDictionary (null)); break; case TagType.Tag: if (!ProcessTag (tagid, attributes)) TextParsed (location, location.PlainText); break; case TagType.Close: if (!CloseControl (tagid)) TextParsed (location, location.PlainText); break; case TagType.SelfClosing: int count = stack.Count; if (!ProcessTag (tagid, attributes)) { TextParsed (location, location.PlainText); } else if (stack.Count != count) { CloseControl (tagid); } break; case TagType.DataBinding: goto case TagType.CodeRender; case TagType.CodeRenderExpression: goto case TagType.CodeRender; case TagType.CodeRender: ProcessCode (tagtype, tagid, location); break; case TagType.Include: string file = attributes ["virtual"] as string; bool isvirtual = (file != null); if (!isvirtual) file = attributes ["file"] as string; TextParsed (location, tparser.ProcessInclude (isvirtual, file)); break; default: break; } //PrintLocation (location); } void TextParsed (ILocation location, string text) { if (text.IndexOf ("<%") != -1) { if (this.text.Length > 0) FlushText (); CodeRenderParser r = new CodeRenderParser (text, stack.Builder); r.AddChildren (); return; } this.text.Append (text); //PrintLocation (location); } void FlushText () { string t = text.ToString (); text.Length = 0; if (inScript) { // TODO: store location tparser.Scripts.Add (t); return; } if (tparser.DefaultDirectiveName == "application" && t.Trim () != "") throw new ParseException (location, "Content not valid for application file."); stack.Builder.AppendLiteralString (t); } bool ProcessTag (string tagid, TagAttributes atts) { ControlBuilder parent = stack.Builder; ControlBuilder builder = null; BuilderLocation bl = null; Hashtable htable = (atts != null) ? atts.GetDictionary (null) : emptyHash; if (stack.Count > 1) builder = parent.CreateSubBuilder (tagid, htable, null, tparser, location); if (builder == null && atts != null && atts.IsRunAtServer ()) builder = rootBuilder.CreateSubBuilder (tagid, htable, null, tparser, location); if (builder == null) return false; builder.location = location; builder.ID = htable ["id"] as string; if (builder.HasBody ()) { if (builder is TemplateBuilder) { // push the id list } stack.Push (builder, location); } else { // FIXME:ObjectTags... parent.AppendSubBuilder (builder); builder.CloseControl (); } return true; } bool ProcessScript (TagType tagtype, TagAttributes attributes) { if (tagtype != TagType.Close && attributes != null && attributes.IsRunAtServer ()) { if (tagtype == TagType.Tag) { parser.VerbatimID = "script"; inScript = true; } //else if (tagtype == TagType.SelfClosing) // load script file here return true; } bool result = inScript; inScript = false; return result; } bool CloseControl (string tagid) { ControlBuilder current = stack.Builder; string btag = current.TagName; if (0 != String.Compare (tagid, btag, true)) return false; // if (current is TemplateBuilder) // pop from the id list current.CloseControl (); stack.Pop (); stack.Builder.AppendSubBuilder (current); return true; } bool ProcessCode (TagType tagtype, string code, ILocation location) { ControlBuilder b = null; if (tagtype == TagType.CodeRender) b = new CodeRenderBuilder (code, false, location); else if (tagtype == TagType.CodeRenderExpression) b = new CodeRenderBuilder (code, true, location); else if (tagtype == TagType.DataBinding) b = new DataBindingBuilder (code, location); else throw new HttpException ("Should never happen"); stack.Builder.AppendSubBuilder (b); return true; } public ILocation Location { get { return location; } } // Used to get CodeRender tags in attribute values class CodeRenderParser { string str; ControlBuilder builder; public CodeRenderParser (string str, ControlBuilder builder) { this.str = str; this.builder = builder; } public void AddChildren () { int index = str.IndexOf ("<%"); if (index > 0) { TextParsed (null, str.Substring (0, index)); str = str.Substring (index); } AspParser parser = new AspParser ("@@inner_string@@", new StringReader (str)); parser.Error += new ParseErrorHandler (ParseError); parser.TagParsed += new TagParsedHandler (TagParsed); parser.TextParsed += new TextParsedHandler (TextParsed); parser.Parse (); } void TagParsed (ILocation location, TagType tagtype, string tagid, TagAttributes attributes) { if (tagtype == TagType.CodeRender) builder.AppendSubBuilder (new CodeRenderBuilder (tagid, false, location)); else if (tagtype == TagType.CodeRenderExpression) builder.AppendSubBuilder (new CodeRenderBuilder (tagid, true, location)); else if (tagtype == TagType.DataBinding) builder.AppendSubBuilder (new DataBindingBuilder (tagid, location)); else builder.AppendLiteralString (location.PlainText); } void TextParsed (ILocation location, string text) { builder.AppendLiteralString (text); } void ParseError (ILocation location, string message) { throw new ParseException (location, message); } } } }