// // System.Web.SiteMapNode // // Authors: // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sourceforge.net) // // (C) 2003 Ben Maurer // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Resources; namespace System.Web { public class SiteMapNode : IHierarchyData, INavigateUIData, ICloneable { private SiteMapNode () {} public SiteMapNode (SiteMapProvider provider, string key) : this (provider, key, null, null, null, null, null, null, null) {} public SiteMapNode (SiteMapProvider provider, string key, string url) : this (provider, key, url, null, null, null, null, null, null) {} public SiteMapNode (SiteMapProvider provider, string key, string url, string title) : this (provider, key, url, title, null, null, null, null, null) {} public SiteMapNode (SiteMapProvider provider, string key, string url, string title, string description) : this (provider, key, url, title, description, null, null, null, null) {} public SiteMapNode (SiteMapProvider provider, string key, string url, string title, string description, IList roles, NameValueCollection attributes, NameValueCollection explicitResourceKeys, string implicitResourceKey) { if (provider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("provider"); if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("key"); this.provider = provider; this.key = key; this.url = url; this.title = title; this.description = description; this.roles = roles; this.attributes = attributes; this.resourceKeys = explicitResourceKeys; this.implicitResourceKey = implicitResourceKey; } public SiteMapDataSourceView GetDataSourceView (SiteMapDataSource owner, string viewName) { return new SiteMapDataSourceView (owner, viewName, this); } public SiteMapHierarchicalDataSourceView GetHierarchicalDataSourceView () { return new SiteMapHierarchicalDataSourceView (this); } public virtual bool IsAccessibleToUser (System.Web.HttpContext ctx) { return provider.IsAccessibleToUser (ctx, this); } public override string ToString() { return Title; } public virtual bool HasChildNodes { get { return ChildNodes != null && ChildNodes.Count != 0; } } public SiteMapNodeCollection GetAllNodes () { SiteMapNodeCollection ret; ret = new SiteMapNodeCollection (); GetAllNodesRecursive (ret); return SiteMapNodeCollection.ReadOnly (ret); } void GetAllNodesRecursive(SiteMapNodeCollection c) { SiteMapNodeCollection childNodes = this.ChildNodes; if (childNodes != null && childNodes.Count > 0) { c.AddRange (childNodes); foreach (SiteMapNode n in childNodes) n.GetAllNodesRecursive (c); } } public virtual bool IsDescendantOf (SiteMapNode node) { for (SiteMapNode n = ParentNode; n != null; n = n.ParentNode) if (n == node) return true; return false; } public virtual SiteMapNode NextSibling { get { IList siblings = this.SiblingNodes; if (siblings == null) return null; int pos = siblings.IndexOf (this); if (pos >= 0 && pos < siblings.Count - 1) return (SiteMapNode) siblings [pos + 1]; return null; } } public virtual SiteMapNode PreviousSibling { get { IList siblings = this.SiblingNodes; if (siblings == null) return null; int pos = siblings.IndexOf (this); if (pos > 0 && pos < siblings.Count) return (SiteMapNode) siblings [pos - 1]; return null; } } public virtual SiteMapNode ParentNode { get { if (parent != null) return parent; SiteMapProvider provider = this.provider; do { parent = provider.GetParentNode (this); if (parent != null) return parent; provider = provider.ParentProvider; } while (provider != null); return null; } set { CheckWritable (); parent = value; } } public virtual SiteMapNodeCollection ChildNodes { get { if (childNodes != null) return childNodes; return provider.GetChildNodes (this); } set { CheckWritable (); childNodes = value; } } public virtual SiteMapNode RootNode { get { return provider.RootProvider.RootNode; } } SiteMapNodeCollection SiblingNodes { get { if (ParentNode != null) return ParentNode.ChildNodes; return null; } } protected string GetExplicitResourceString (string attributeName, string defaultValue, bool throwIfNotFound) { if (attributeName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("attributeName"); if (resourceKeys != null){ string[] values = resourceKeys.GetValues (attributeName); if (values != null && values.Length == 2) { try { object o = HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject (values [0], values [1]); if (o is string) return (string) o; } catch (MissingManifestResourceException) { } if (throwIfNotFound && defaultValue == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("The resource object with classname '{0}' and key '{1}' was not found.", values [0], values [1])); } } return defaultValue; } protected string GetImplicitResourceString (string attributeName) { if (attributeName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("attributeName"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (implicitResourceKey)) return null; try { string reskey = provider.ResourceKey; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (reskey)) reskey = reskey + "." + implicitResourceKey + "." + attributeName; else reskey = String.Concat (implicitResourceKey, ".", attributeName); object o = HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject ("Web.sitemap", reskey); if (o is string) return (string) o; } catch (MissingManifestResourceException) { } return null; } public virtual string this [string key] { get { if (provider.EnableLocalization) { string val = GetImplicitResourceString (key); if (val == null) val = GetExplicitResourceString (key, null, true); if (val != null) return val; } if (attributes != null) return attributes [key]; return null; } set { CheckWritable (); if (attributes == null) attributes = new NameValueCollection (); attributes [key] = value; } } object ICloneable.Clone () { return Clone (false); } public virtual SiteMapNode Clone () { return Clone (false); } public virtual SiteMapNode Clone (bool cloneParentNodes) { SiteMapNode node = new SiteMapNode (); node.provider = provider; node.key = key; node.url = url; node.title = title; node.description = description; if (roles != null) node.roles = new ArrayList (roles); if (attributes != null) node.attributes = new NameValueCollection (attributes); if (cloneParentNodes && ParentNode != null) node.parent = (SiteMapNode) ParentNode.Clone (true); return node; } public override bool Equals (object ob) { SiteMapNode node = ob as SiteMapNode; if (node == null) return false; if (node.key != key || node.url != url || node.title != title || node.description != description) { return false; } if (roles == null || node.roles == null) { if (roles != node.roles) return false; } else { if (roles.Count != node.roles.Count) return false; foreach (object role in roles) if (!node.roles.Contains (role)) return false; } if (attributes == null || node.attributes == null) { if (attributes != node.attributes) return false; } else { if (attributes.Count != node.attributes.Count) return false; foreach (string k in attributes) if (attributes[k] != node.attributes[k]) return false; } return true; } public override int GetHashCode () { return (key + url + title + description).GetHashCode (); } void CheckWritable () { if (readOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't modify read-only node"); } #region Field Accessors protected NameValueCollection Attributes { get { return attributes; } set { CheckWritable (); attributes = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string Description { get { string ret = null; if (provider.EnableLocalization) { ret = GetImplicitResourceString ("description"); if (ret == null) ret = GetExplicitResourceString ("description", description, true); } else ret = description; return ret != null ? ret : String.Empty; } set { CheckWritable (); description = value; } } [LocalizableAttribute (true)] public virtual string Title { get { string ret = null; if (provider.EnableLocalization) { ret = GetImplicitResourceString ("title"); if (ret == null) ret = GetExplicitResourceString ("title", title, true); } else ret = title; return ret != null ? ret : String.Empty; } set { CheckWritable (); title = value; } } public virtual string Url { get { return url != null ? url : ""; } set { CheckWritable (); url = value; } } public IList Roles { get { return roles; } set { CheckWritable (); roles = value; } } public bool ReadOnly { get { return readOnly; } set { readOnly = value; } } public string ResourceKey { get { return resourceKey; } set { resourceKey = value; } } public string Key { get { return key; } } public SiteMapProvider Provider { get { return provider; } } #endregion #region INavigateUIData IHierarchicalEnumerable System.Web.UI.IHierarchyData.GetChildren () { return ChildNodes; } IHierarchyData System.Web.UI.IHierarchyData.GetParent () { return ParentNode; } bool System.Web.UI.IHierarchyData.HasChildren { get { return HasChildNodes; } } object System.Web.UI.IHierarchyData.Item { get { return this; } } string System.Web.UI.IHierarchyData.Path { get { return Url; } } string System.Web.UI.IHierarchyData.Type { get { return "SiteMapNode"; } } #endregion #region INavigateUIData string INavigateUIData.Name { get { return Title; } } string INavigateUIData.NavigateUrl { get { return Url; } } string INavigateUIData.Value { get { return Title; } } #endregion #region Fields SiteMapProvider provider; string key; string url; string title; string description; IList roles; NameValueCollection attributes; NameValueCollection resourceKeys; bool readOnly; string resourceKey; SiteMapNode parent; string implicitResourceKey; SiteMapNodeCollection childNodes; #endregion } } #endif