// // System.Web.HttpResponse // // Authors: // Patrik Torstensson (Patrik.Torstensson@labs2.com) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (c) 2002 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com) // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Web.Util; namespace System.Web { public sealed class HttpResponse { // Chunked encoding static helpers static byte [] s_arrChunkSuffix = { 10, 13 }; static byte [] s_arrChunkEnd = { 10 , 13 }; static string s_sChunkedPrefix = "\r\n"; ArrayList _Headers; bool _bClientDisconnected; bool _bSuppressHeaders; bool _bSuppressContent; bool _bChunked; bool _bEnded; bool _bBuffering; bool _bHeadersSent; bool _bFlushing; bool filtered; long _lContentLength; int _iStatusCode; bool _ClientDisconnected; bool closed; string _sContentType; string _sCacheControl; string _sTransferEncoding; string _sCharset; string _sStatusDescription; HttpCookieCollection _Cookies; HttpCachePolicy _CachePolicy; Encoding _ContentEncoding; HttpContext _Context; HttpWriter _Writer; TextWriter _TextWriter; HttpWorkerRequest _WorkerRequest; ArrayList fileDependencies; public HttpResponse (TextWriter output) { _bBuffering = true; _bFlushing = false; _bHeadersSent = false; _Headers = new ArrayList (); _sContentType = "text/html"; _iStatusCode = 200; _sCharset = null; _sCacheControl = null; _lContentLength = 0; _bSuppressContent = false; _bSuppressHeaders = false; _bClientDisconnected = false; _bChunked = false; _TextWriter = output; } internal HttpResponse (HttpWorkerRequest WorkerRequest, HttpContext Context) { _Context = Context; _WorkerRequest = WorkerRequest; _bBuffering = true; _bFlushing = false; _bHeadersSent = false; _Headers = new ArrayList (); _sContentType = "text/html"; _iStatusCode = 200; _sCharset = null; _sCacheControl = null; _lContentLength = 0; _bSuppressContent = false; _bSuppressHeaders = false; _bClientDisconnected = false; _bChunked = false; _Writer = new HttpWriter (this); _TextWriter = _Writer; } internal void FinalFlush () { Flush (true); } internal void DoFilter (bool really) { if (really && null != _Writer) _Writer.FilterData (true); filtered = true; } [MonoTODO("We need to add cache headers also")] private ArrayList GenerateHeaders () { ArrayList oHeaders = new ArrayList (_Headers.ToArray ()); oHeaders.Add (new HttpResponseHeader ("X-Powered-By", "Mono")); // save culture info, we need us info here CultureInfo oSavedInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; string date = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime ().ToString ("ddd, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss "); oHeaders.Add (new HttpResponseHeader ("Date", date + "GMT")); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = oSavedInfo; if (_lContentLength > 0) { oHeaders.Add (new HttpResponseHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength, _lContentLength.ToString ())); } if (_sContentType != null) { if (_sContentType.IndexOf ("charset=") == -1) { if (Charset.Length == 0) { Charset = ContentEncoding.HeaderName; } // Time to build our string if (Charset.Length > 0) { _sContentType += "; charset=" + Charset; } } oHeaders.Add (new HttpResponseHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType, _sContentType)); } if (_CachePolicy != null) _CachePolicy.SetHeaders (this, oHeaders); if (_sCacheControl != null) { oHeaders.Add (new HttpResponseHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderPragma, _sCacheControl)); } if (_sTransferEncoding != null) { oHeaders.Add (new HttpResponseHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderTransferEncoding, _sTransferEncoding)); } if (_Cookies != null) { int length = _Cookies.Count; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { oHeaders.Add (_Cookies.Get (i).GetCookieHeader ()); } } return oHeaders; } private void SendHeaders () { _WorkerRequest.SendStatus (StatusCode, StatusDescription); ArrayList oHeaders = GenerateHeaders (); foreach (HttpResponseHeader oHeader in oHeaders) oHeader.SendContent (_WorkerRequest); _bHeadersSent = true; } public string Status { get { return String.Format ("{0} {1}", StatusCode, StatusDescription); } set { string sMsg = "OK"; int iCode = 200; try { iCode = Int32.Parse (value.Substring (0, value.IndexOf (' '))); sMsg = value.Substring (value.IndexOf (' ') + 1); } catch (Exception) { throw new HttpException ("Invalid status string"); } StatusCode = iCode; StatusDescription = sMsg; } } [MonoTODO()] public void AddCacheItemDependencies (ArrayList cacheKeys) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO()] public void AddCacheItemDependency(string cacheKey) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public void AddFileDependencies (ArrayList filenames) { if (filenames == null || filenames.Count == 0) return; if (fileDependencies == null) { fileDependencies = (ArrayList) filenames.Clone (); return; } foreach (string fn in filenames) AddFileDependency (fn); } public void AddFileDependency (string filename) { if (fileDependencies == null) fileDependencies = new ArrayList (); fileDependencies.Add (filename); } public void AddHeader (string name, string value) { AppendHeader(name, value); } public void AppendCookie (HttpCookie cookie) { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Cannot append cookies after HTTP headers have been sent"); Cookies.Add (cookie); } [MonoTODO()] public void AppendToLog (string param) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public string ApplyAppPathModifier (string virtualPath) { if (virtualPath == null) return null; if (virtualPath == "") return _Context.Request.RootVirtualDir; if (UrlUtils.IsRelativeUrl (virtualPath)) { virtualPath = UrlUtils.Combine (_Context.Request.RootVirtualDir, virtualPath); } else if (UrlUtils.IsRooted (virtualPath)) { virtualPath = UrlUtils.Reduce (virtualPath); } return virtualPath; } public bool Buffer { get { return BufferOutput; } set { BufferOutput = value; } } public bool BufferOutput { get { return _bBuffering; } set { if (_Writer != null) _Writer.Update (); _bBuffering = value; } } public HttpCachePolicy Cache { get { if (null == _CachePolicy) _CachePolicy = new HttpCachePolicy (); return _CachePolicy; } } [MonoTODO("Set status in the cache policy")] public string CacheControl { get { return _sCacheControl; } set { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); _sCacheControl = value; } } public string Charset { get { if (null == _sCharset) _sCharset = ContentEncoding.WebName; return _sCharset; } set { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); _sCharset = value; } } public Encoding ContentEncoding { get { if (_ContentEncoding == null) _ContentEncoding = WebEncoding.ResponseEncoding; return _ContentEncoding; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("Can't set a null as encoding"); _ContentEncoding = value; if (_Writer != null) _Writer.Update (); } } public string ContentType { get { return _sContentType; } set { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); _sContentType = value; } } public HttpCookieCollection Cookies { get { if (null == _Cookies) _Cookies = new HttpCookieCollection (this, false); return _Cookies; } } [MonoTODO("Set expires in the cache policy")] public int Expires { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } [MonoTODO("Set expiresabsolute in the cache policy")] public DateTime ExpiresAbsolute { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public Stream Filter { get { if (_Writer != null) return _Writer.GetActiveFilter (); return null; } set { if (_Writer == null) throw new HttpException ("Filtering is not allowed"); _Writer.ActivateFilter (value); } } public bool IsClientConnected { get { if (_ClientDisconnected) return false; if (null != _WorkerRequest && (!_WorkerRequest.IsClientConnected ())) { _ClientDisconnected = false; return false; } return true; } } public TextWriter Output { get { return _TextWriter; } } public Stream OutputStream { get { if (_Writer == null) throw new HttpException ("an Output stream not available when " + "running with custom text writer"); return _Writer.OutputStream; } } public string StatusDescription { get { if (null == _sStatusDescription) _sStatusDescription = HttpWorkerRequest.GetStatusDescription (_iStatusCode); return _sStatusDescription; } set { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); _sStatusDescription = value; } } public int StatusCode { get { return _iStatusCode; } set { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); _sStatusDescription = null; _iStatusCode = value; } } public bool SuppressContent { get { return _bSuppressContent; } set { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); _bSuppressContent = true; } } HttpRequest Request { get { if (_Context == null) return null; return _Context.Request; } } internal void AppendHeader (int iIndex, string value) { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); switch (iIndex) { case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength: _lContentLength = Int64.Parse (value); break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentEncoding: _sContentType = value; break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderTransferEncoding: _sTransferEncoding = value; if (value.Equals ("chunked")) { _bChunked = true; } else { _bChunked = false; } break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderPragma: _sCacheControl = value; break; default: _Headers.Add (new HttpResponseHeader (iIndex, value)); break; } } public void AppendHeader (string name, string value) { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); switch (name.ToLower ()) { case "content-length": _lContentLength = Int64.Parse (value); break; case "content-type": _sContentType = value; break; case "transfer-encoding": _sTransferEncoding = value; if (value.Equals ("chunked")) { _bChunked = true; } else { _bChunked = false; } break; case "pragma": _sCacheControl = value; break; default: _Headers.Add (new HttpResponseHeader (name, value)); break; } } internal TextWriter SetTextWriter (TextWriter w) { TextWriter prev = _TextWriter; _TextWriter = w; return prev; } public void BinaryWrite (byte [] buffer) { OutputStream.Write (buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } public void Clear () { if (_Writer != null) _Writer.Clear (); } public void ClearContent () { Clear(); } public void ClearHeaders () { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); _sContentType = "text/html"; _iStatusCode = 200; _sCharset = null; _Headers = new ArrayList (); _sCacheControl = null; _sTransferEncoding = null; _lContentLength = 0; _bSuppressContent = false; _bSuppressHeaders = false; _bClientDisconnected = false; } public void Close () { if (closed && !_bClientDisconnected) { _bClientDisconnected = false; _WorkerRequest.CloseConnection (); _bClientDisconnected = true; } } internal void Dispose () { if (_Writer != null) { _Writer.Dispose (); _Writer = null; } } [MonoTODO("Handle callbacks into before done with session, needs to have a non ended flush here")] internal void FlushAtEndOfRequest () { Flush (true); } public void End () { if (_bEnded) return; Flush (); _bEnded = true; _Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest (); } public void Flush () { if (closed) throw new HttpException ("Response already finished."); Flush (false); } private void Flush (bool bFinish) { if (_bFlushing || closed) return; _bFlushing = true; if (_Writer == null) { _TextWriter.Flush (); _bFlushing = false; return; } try { if (_bClientDisconnected) return; long length = _Writer.BufferSize; if (!_bHeadersSent && !_bSuppressHeaders) { if (bFinish) { if (length == 0 && _lContentLength == 0) _sContentType = null; SendHeaders (); length = _Writer.BufferSize; if (length != 0) _WorkerRequest.SendCalculatedContentLength ((int) length); } else { if (_lContentLength == 0 && _iStatusCode == 200 && _sTransferEncoding == null) { // Check we are going todo chunked encoding string sProto = Request.ServerVariables ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]; sProto = "HTTP/1.0"; // Remove this line when we support properly // chunked content if (sProto != null && sProto == "HTTP/1.1") { AppendHeader ( HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderTransferEncoding, "chunked"); } else { // Just in case, the old browsers send a HTTP/1.0 // request with Connection: Keep-Alive AppendHeader ( HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderConnection, "Close"); } } length = _Writer.BufferSize; SendHeaders (); } } if (!filtered) { _Writer.FilterData (false); length = _Writer.BufferSize; } if (length == 0) { _WorkerRequest.FlushResponse (bFinish); if (!bFinish) _Writer.Clear (); return; } if (!_bSuppressContent && Request.HttpMethod == "HEAD") _bSuppressContent = true; if (!_bSuppressContent) { _bClientDisconnected = false; if (_bChunked) { Encoding oASCII = Encoding.ASCII; string chunk = Convert.ToString(_Writer.BufferSize, 16); byte [] arrPrefix = oASCII.GetBytes (chunk + s_sChunkedPrefix); _WorkerRequest.SendResponseFromMemory (arrPrefix, arrPrefix.Length); _Writer.SendContent (_WorkerRequest); _WorkerRequest.SendResponseFromMemory (s_arrChunkSuffix, s_arrChunkSuffix.Length); if (bFinish) _WorkerRequest.SendResponseFromMemory ( s_arrChunkEnd, s_arrChunkEnd.Length); } else { _Writer.SendContent (_WorkerRequest); } } _WorkerRequest.FlushResponse (bFinish); _Writer.Clear (); } finally { if (bFinish) closed = true; _bFlushing = false; } } public void Pics (string value) { AppendHeader ("PICS-Label", value); } public void Redirect (string url) { Redirect (url, true); } public void Redirect (string url, bool endResponse) { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Headers has been sent to the client"); Clear (); url = ApplyAppPathModifier (url); StatusCode = 302; AppendHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderLocation, url); // Text for browsers that can't handle location header Write ("Object moved\r\n"); Write ("

Object moved to here

\r\n"); Write ("\r\n"); if (endResponse) End (); } public void Write (char ch) { _TextWriter.Write(ch); } public void Write (object obj) { _TextWriter.Write(obj); } public void Write (string str) { _TextWriter.Write (str); } public void Write (char [] buffer, int index, int count) { _TextWriter.Write (buffer, index, count); } [MonoTODO()] public static void RemoveOutputCacheItem (string path) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public void SetCookie (HttpCookie cookie) { if (_bHeadersSent) throw new HttpException ("Cannot append cookies after HTTP headers have been sent"); Cookies.Add (cookie); } private void WriteFromStream (Stream stream, long offset, long length, long bufsize) { if (offset < 0 || length <= 0) return; long stLength = stream.Length; if (offset + length > stLength) length = stLength - offset; if (offset > 0) stream.Seek (offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte [] fileContent = new byte [bufsize]; int count = (int) Math.Min (Int32.MaxValue, bufsize); while (length > 0 && (count = stream.Read (fileContent, 0, count)) != 0) { _Writer.WriteBytes (fileContent, 0, count); length -= count; count = (int) Math.Min (length, fileContent.Length); } } public void WriteFile (string filename) { WriteFile (filename, false); } public void WriteFile (string filename, bool readIntoMemory) { FileStream fs = null; try { fs = File.OpenRead (filename); long size = fs.Length; if (readIntoMemory) { WriteFromStream (fs, 0, size, size); } else { WriteFromStream (fs, 0, size, 8192); } } finally { if (fs != null) fs.Close (); } } public void WriteFile (string filename, long offset, long size) { FileStream fs = null; try { fs = File.OpenRead (filename); WriteFromStream (fs, offset, size, 8192); } finally { if (fs != null) fs.Close (); } } public void WriteFile (IntPtr fileHandle, long offset, long size) { FileStream fs = null; try { fs = new FileStream (fileHandle, FileAccess.Read); WriteFromStream (fs, offset, size, 8192); } finally { if (fs != null) fs.Close (); } } [MonoTODO()] internal void OnCookieAdd (HttpCookie cookie) { } [MonoTODO("Do we need this?")] internal void OnCookieChange (HttpCookie cookie) { } [MonoTODO()] internal void GoingToChangeCookieColl () { } [MonoTODO()] internal void ChangedCookieColl () { } } }