// // System.Web.HttpRequest.cs // // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@novell.com) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@novell.com) // Marek Habersack // // // Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Xamarin, Inc (http://xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Management; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Util; using System.Globalization; #if NET_4_0 using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection; using System.Web.Routing; #endif namespace System.Web { // CAS - no InheritanceDemand here as the class is sealed [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public sealed partial class HttpRequest { HttpWorkerRequest worker_request; HttpContext context; WebROCollection query_string_nvc; // //string filename; string orig_url = null; UriBuilder url_components; string client_target; // // On-demand computed values // HttpBrowserCapabilities browser_capabilities; string file_path, base_virtual_dir, root_virtual_dir, client_file_path; string content_type; int content_length = -1; Encoding encoding; string current_exe_path; string physical_path; string unescaped_path; string original_path; string path_info; string raw_url; WebROCollection all_params; WebROCollection headers; Stream input_stream; InputFilterStream input_filter; Stream filter; HttpCookieCollection cookies; string http_method; WebROCollection form; HttpFileCollection files; ServerVariablesCollection server_variables; HttpClientCertificate client_cert; string request_type; string [] accept_types; string [] user_languages; Uri cached_url; TempFileStream request_file; readonly static System.Net.IPAddress [] host_addresses; // Validations bool validate_cookies, validate_query_string, validate_form; bool checked_cookies, checked_query_string, checked_form; static readonly UrlMappingCollection urlMappings; readonly static char [] queryTrimChars = {'?'}; #if NET_4_0 bool lazyFormValidation; bool lazyQueryStringValidation; bool inputValidationEnabled; RequestContext requestContext; static bool validateRequestNewMode; internal static bool ValidateRequestNewMode { get { return validateRequestNewMode; } } internal bool InputValidationEnabled { get { return inputValidationEnabled; } } private static char[] RequestPathInvalidCharacters { get; set; } private static char[] CharsFromList (string list) { // List format is very strict and enforced by the Configuration // there must be a single char separated by commas with no trailing comma // whitespace is allowed though and should be trimmed. string [] pieces = list.Split (','); char [] chars = new char [pieces.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++) { string trimmed = pieces [i].Trim (); if (trimmed.Length != 1) { // This should have been caught by System.Web.Configuration // and throw a configuration error. This is just here for sanity throw new System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException (); } chars [i] = trimmed [0]; } return chars; } #endif static HttpRequest () { try { UrlMappingsSection ums = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection ("system.web/urlMappings") as UrlMappingsSection; if (ums != null && ums.IsEnabled) { urlMappings = ums.UrlMappings; if (urlMappings.Count == 0) urlMappings = null; } #if NET_4_0 Version validationMode = HttpRuntime.Section.RequestValidationMode; if (validationMode >= new Version (4, 0)) { validateRequestNewMode = true; string invalidChars = HttpRuntime.Section.RequestPathInvalidCharacters; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (invalidChars)) RequestPathInvalidCharacters = CharsFromList (invalidChars); } #endif } catch { // unlikely to happen } host_addresses = GetLocalHostAddresses (); } public HttpRequest (string filename, string url, string queryString) { // warning 169: what are we supposed to do with filename? //this.filename = filename; orig_url = url; url_components = new UriBuilder (url); url_components.Query = queryString; query_string_nvc = new WebROCollection (); if (queryString != null) HttpUtility.ParseQueryString (queryString, Encoding.Default, query_string_nvc); query_string_nvc.Protect (); } internal HttpRequest (HttpWorkerRequest worker_request, HttpContext context) { this.worker_request = worker_request; this.context = context; } internal UriBuilder UrlComponents { get { if (url_components == null) { string query; byte[] queryStringRaw = worker_request.GetQueryStringRawBytes(); if(queryStringRaw != null) query = ContentEncoding.GetString(queryStringRaw); else query = worker_request.GetQueryString(); BuildUrlComponents (ApplyUrlMapping (worker_request.GetUriPath ()), query); } return url_components; } } void BuildUrlComponents (string path, string query) { if (url_components != null) return; url_components = new UriBuilder (); url_components.Scheme = worker_request.GetProtocol (); url_components.Host = worker_request.GetServerName (); url_components.Port = worker_request.GetLocalPort (); url_components.Path = path; if (query != null && query.Length > 0) url_components.Query = query.TrimStart (queryTrimChars); } internal string ApplyUrlMapping (string url) { if (urlMappings == null) return url; string relUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative (url); UrlMapping um = null; foreach (UrlMapping u in urlMappings) { if (u == null) continue; if (String.Compare (relUrl, u.Url, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { um = u; break; } } if (um == null) return url; string rawUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute (um.MappedUrl.Trim ()); Uri newUrl = new Uri ("http://host.com" + rawUrl); if (url_components != null) { url_components.Path = newUrl.AbsolutePath; url_components.Query = newUrl.Query.TrimStart (queryTrimChars); query_string_nvc = new WebROCollection (); HttpUtility.ParseQueryString (newUrl.Query, Encoding.Default, query_string_nvc); query_string_nvc.Protect (); } else BuildUrlComponents (newUrl.AbsolutePath, newUrl.Query); return url_components.Path; } string [] SplitHeader (int header_index) { string [] result = null; string header = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (header_index); if (header != null && header != "" && header.Trim () != "") { result = header.Split (','); for (int i = result.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) result [i] = result [i].Trim (); } return result; } public string [] AcceptTypes { get { if (worker_request == null) return null; if (accept_types == null) accept_types = SplitHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAccept); return accept_types; } } #if !TARGET_JVM public WindowsIdentity LogonUserIdentity { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } #endif string anonymous_id; public string AnonymousID { get { return anonymous_id; } internal set { anonymous_id = value; } } public string ApplicationPath { get { if (worker_request == null) return null; return worker_request.GetAppPath (); } } public HttpBrowserCapabilities Browser { get { if (browser_capabilities == null) #if NET_4_0 browser_capabilities = HttpCapabilitiesBase.BrowserCapabilitiesProvider.GetBrowserCapabilities (this); #else browser_capabilities = (HttpBrowserCapabilities) HttpCapabilitiesBase.GetConfigCapabilities (null, this); #endif return browser_capabilities; } set { browser_capabilities = value; } } internal bool BrowserMightHaveSpecialWriter { get { return (browser_capabilities != null || HttpApplicationFactory.AppBrowsersFiles.Length > 0); } } internal bool BrowserMightHaveAdapters { get { return (browser_capabilities != null || HttpApplicationFactory.AppBrowsersFiles.Length > 0); } } public HttpClientCertificate ClientCertificate { get { if (client_cert == null) client_cert = new HttpClientCertificate (worker_request); return client_cert; } } static internal string GetParameter (string header, string attr) { int ap = header.IndexOf (attr); if (ap == -1) return null; ap += attr.Length; if (ap >= header.Length) return null; char ending = header [ap]; if (ending != '"') ending = ' '; int end = header.IndexOf (ending, ap+1); if (end == -1) return (ending == '"') ? null : header.Substring (ap); return header.Substring (ap+1, end-ap-1); } public Encoding ContentEncoding { get { if (encoding == null){ if (worker_request == null) throw HttpException.NewWithCode ("No HttpWorkerRequest", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort); string content_type = ContentType; string parameter = GetParameter (content_type, "; charset="); if (parameter == null) { encoding = WebEncoding.RequestEncoding; } else { try { // Do what the #1 web server does encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (parameter); } catch { encoding = WebEncoding.RequestEncoding; } } } return encoding; } set { encoding = value; } } public int ContentLength { get { if (content_length == -1){ if (worker_request == null) return 0; string cl = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength); if (cl != null) { try { content_length = Int32.Parse (cl); } catch { } } } // content_length will still be < 0, but we know we gotta read from the client if (content_length < 0) return 0; return content_length; } } public string ContentType { get { if (content_type == null){ if (worker_request != null) content_type = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType); if (content_type == null) content_type = String.Empty; } return content_type; } set { content_type = value; } } public HttpCookieCollection Cookies { get { if (cookies == null) { if (worker_request == null) { cookies = new HttpCookieCollection (); } else { string cookie_hv = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCookie); cookies = new HttpCookieCollection (cookie_hv); } } #if TARGET_J2EE // For J2EE portal support we emulate cookies using the session. GetSessionCookiesForPortal (cookies); #endif bool needValidation = validate_cookies; #if NET_4_0 needValidation |= validateRequestNewMode; #endif if (needValidation && !checked_cookies) { // Setting this before calling the validator prevents // possible endless recursion checked_cookies = true; ValidateCookieCollection (cookies); } return cookies; } } public string CurrentExecutionFilePath { get { if (current_exe_path != null) return current_exe_path; return FilePath; } } #if NET_4_0 public string CurrentExecutionFilePathExtension { get { return global::System.IO.Path.GetExtension (CurrentExecutionFilePath); } } #endif public string AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath { get { return VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative (CurrentExecutionFilePath); } } public string FilePath { get { if (worker_request == null) return "/"; // required for 2.0 if (file_path == null) file_path = UrlUtils.Canonic (ApplyUrlMapping (worker_request.GetFilePath ())); return file_path; } } internal string ClientFilePath { get { if (client_file_path == null) { if (worker_request == null) return "/"; return UrlUtils.Canonic (ApplyUrlMapping (worker_request.GetFilePath ())); } return client_file_path; } set { if (value == null || value.Length == 0) client_file_path = null; else client_file_path = value; } } internal string BaseVirtualDir { get { if (base_virtual_dir == null){ base_virtual_dir = FilePath; if (UrlUtils.HasSessionId (base_virtual_dir)) base_virtual_dir = UrlUtils.RemoveSessionId (VirtualPathUtility.GetDirectory (base_virtual_dir), base_virtual_dir); int p = base_virtual_dir.LastIndexOf ('/'); if (p != -1) { if (p == 0) p = 1; base_virtual_dir = base_virtual_dir.Substring (0, p); } else base_virtual_dir = "/"; } return base_virtual_dir; } } public HttpFileCollection Files { get { if (files == null) { files = new HttpFileCollection (); if ((worker_request != null) && IsContentType ("multipart/form-data", true)) { form = new WebROCollection (); LoadMultiPart (); form.Protect (); } } return files; } } public Stream Filter { get { if (filter != null) return filter; if (input_filter == null) input_filter = new InputFilterStream (); return input_filter; } set { // This checks that get_ was called before. if (input_filter == null) throw new HttpException ("Invalid filter"); filter = value; } } // GetSubStream returns a 'copy' of the InputStream with Position set to 0. static Stream GetSubStream (Stream stream) { #if !TARGET_JVM if (stream is IntPtrStream) return new IntPtrStream (stream); #endif if (stream is MemoryStream) { MemoryStream other = (MemoryStream) stream; return new MemoryStream (other.GetBuffer (), 0, (int) other.Length, false, true); } if (stream is TempFileStream) { ((TempFileStream) stream).SavePosition (); return stream; } throw new NotSupportedException ("The stream is " + stream.GetType ()); } static void EndSubStream (Stream stream) { if (stream is TempFileStream) { ((TempFileStream) stream).RestorePosition (); } } // // Loads the data on the form for multipart/form-data // void LoadMultiPart () { string boundary = GetParameter (ContentType, "; boundary="); if (boundary == null) return; Stream input = GetSubStream (InputStream); HttpMultipart multi_part = new HttpMultipart (input, boundary, ContentEncoding); HttpMultipart.Element e; while ((e = multi_part.ReadNextElement ()) != null) { if (e.Filename == null){ byte [] copy = new byte [e.Length]; input.Position = e.Start; input.Read (copy, 0, (int) e.Length); form.Add (e.Name, ContentEncoding.GetString (copy)); } else { // // We use a substream, as in 2.x we will support large uploads streamed to disk, // HttpPostedFile sub = new HttpPostedFile (e.Filename, e.ContentType, input, e.Start, e.Length); files.AddFile (e.Name, sub); } } EndSubStream (input); } // // Adds the key/value to the form, and sets the argumets to empty // void AddRawKeyValue (StringBuilder key, StringBuilder value) { string decodedKey = HttpUtility.UrlDecode (key.ToString (), ContentEncoding); form.Add (decodedKey, HttpUtility.UrlDecode (value.ToString (), ContentEncoding)); key.Length = 0; value.Length = 0; } // // Loads the form data from on a application/x-www-form-urlencoded post // #if TARGET_J2EE void RawLoadWwwForm () #else void LoadWwwForm () #endif { using (Stream input = GetSubStream (InputStream)) { using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader (input, ContentEncoding)) { StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder (); int c; while ((c = s.Read ()) != -1){ if (c == '='){ value.Length = 0; while ((c = s.Read ()) != -1){ if (c == '&'){ AddRawKeyValue (key, value); break; } else value.Append ((char) c); } if (c == -1){ AddRawKeyValue (key, value); return; } } else if (c == '&') AddRawKeyValue (key, value); else key.Append ((char) c); } if (c == -1) AddRawKeyValue (key, value); EndSubStream (input); } } } bool IsContentType (string ct, bool starts_with) { if (starts_with) return StrUtils.StartsWith (ContentType, ct, true); return String.Compare (ContentType, ct, true, Helpers.InvariantCulture) == 0; } internal WebROCollection FormUnvalidated { get { if (form == null){ form = new WebROCollection (); files = new HttpFileCollection (); if (IsContentType ("multipart/form-data", true)) LoadMultiPart (); else if ( IsContentType ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", true)) LoadWwwForm (); form.Protect (); } return form; } } public NameValueCollection Form { get { NameValueCollection form = FormUnvalidated; #if NET_4_0 if (validateRequestNewMode && !checked_form) { if (!lazyFormValidation) { // Setting this before calling the validator prevents // possible endless recursion checked_form = true; ValidateNameValueCollection ("Form", form, RequestValidationSource.Form); } } else #endif if (validate_form && !checked_form){ checked_form = true; ValidateNameValueCollection ("Form", form); } return form; } } public NameValueCollection Headers { get { if (headers == null) { headers = new HeadersCollection (this); #if NET_4_0 if (validateRequestNewMode) { RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current; int validationFailureIndex; foreach (string hkey in headers.AllKeys) { string value = headers [hkey]; if (!validator.IsValidRequestString (HttpContext.Current, value, RequestValidationSource.Headers, hkey, out validationFailureIndex)) ThrowValidationException ("Headers", hkey, value); } } #endif } return headers; } } public string HttpMethod { get { if (http_method == null){ if (worker_request != null) http_method = worker_request.GetHttpVerbName (); else http_method = "GET"; } return http_method; } } void DoFilter (byte [] buffer) { if (input_filter == null || filter == null) return; if (buffer.Length < 1024) buffer = new byte [1024]; // Replace the input with the filtered input input_filter.BaseStream = input_stream; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (); while (true) { int n = filter.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (n <= 0) break; ms.Write (buffer, 0, n); } // From now on input_stream has the filtered input input_stream = new MemoryStream (ms.GetBuffer (), 0, (int) ms.Length, false, true); } #if !TARGET_JVM const int INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 32*1024; TempFileStream GetTempStream () { string tempdir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.DynamicBase; TempFileStream f = null; string path; Random rnd = new Random (); int num; do { num = rnd.Next (); num++; path = System.IO.Path.Combine (tempdir, "tmp" + num.ToString("x") + ".req"); try { f = new TempFileStream (path); } catch (SecurityException) { // avoid an endless loop throw; } catch { } } while (f == null); return f; } void MakeInputStream () { if (input_stream != null) return; if (worker_request == null) { input_stream = new MemoryStream (new byte [0], 0, 0, false, true); DoFilter (new byte [1024]); return; } // // Use an unmanaged memory block as this might be a large // upload // int content_length = ContentLength; int content_length_kb = content_length / 1024; HttpRuntimeSection config = HttpRuntime.Section; if (content_length_kb > config.MaxRequestLength) throw HttpException.NewWithCode (400, "Upload size exceeds httpRuntime limit.", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge); int total = 0; byte [] buffer; buffer = worker_request.GetPreloadedEntityBody (); // we check the instance field 'content_length' here, not the local var. if (this.content_length <= 0 || worker_request.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded ()) { if (buffer == null || content_length == 0) { input_stream = new MemoryStream (new byte [0], 0, 0, false, true); } else { input_stream = new MemoryStream (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, false, true); } DoFilter (new byte [1024]); return; } if (buffer != null) total = buffer.Length; if (content_length > 0 && content_length_kb >= config.RequestLengthDiskThreshold) { // Writes the request to disk total = Math.Min (content_length, total); request_file = GetTempStream (); Stream output = request_file; if (total > 0) output.Write (buffer, 0, total); if (total < content_length) { buffer = new byte [Math.Min (content_length, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)]; do { int n; int min = Math.Min (content_length - total, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); n = worker_request.ReadEntityBody (buffer, min); if (n <= 0) break; output.Write (buffer, 0, n); total += n; } while (total < content_length); } request_file.SetReadOnly (); input_stream = request_file; } else if (content_length > 0) { // Buffers the request in an IntPtrStream total = Math.Min (content_length, total); IntPtr content = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (content_length); if (content == (IntPtr) 0) throw HttpException.NewWithCode ( String.Format ("Not enough memory to allocate {0} bytes.", content_length), WebEventCodes.WebErrorOtherError); if (total > 0) Marshal.Copy (buffer, 0, content, total); if (total < content_length) { buffer = new byte [Math.Min (content_length, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)]; do { int n; int min = Math.Min (content_length - total, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); n = worker_request.ReadEntityBody (buffer, min); if (n <= 0) break; Marshal.Copy (buffer, 0, (IntPtr) ((long)content + total), n); total += n; } while (total < content_length); } input_stream = new IntPtrStream (content, total); } else { // Buffers the request in a MemoryStream or writes to disk if threshold exceeded MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (); Stream output = ms; if (total > 0) ms.Write (buffer, 0, total); buffer = new byte [INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; long maxlength = config.MaxRequestLength * 1024L; long disk_th = config.RequestLengthDiskThreshold * 1024L; int n; while (true) { n = worker_request.ReadEntityBody (buffer, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (n <= 0) break; total += n; if (total < 0 || total > maxlength) throw HttpException.NewWithCode (400, "Upload size exceeds httpRuntime limit.", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorPostTooLarge); if (ms != null && total > disk_th) { // Swith to on-disk file. request_file = GetTempStream (); ms.WriteTo (request_file); ms = null; output = request_file; } output.Write (buffer, 0, n); } if (ms != null) { input_stream = new MemoryStream (ms.GetBuffer (), 0, (int) ms.Length, false, true); } else { request_file.SetReadOnly (); input_stream = request_file; } } DoFilter (buffer); if (total < content_length) throw HttpException.NewWithCode (411, "The request body is incomplete.", WebEventCodes.WebErrorOtherError); } #endif internal void ReleaseResources () { Stream stream; if (input_stream != null){ stream = input_stream; input_stream = null; try { stream.Close (); } catch {} } if (request_file != null) { stream = request_file; request_file = null; try { stream.Close (); } catch {} } } #if NET_4_0 public RequestContext RequestContext { get { if (requestContext == null) requestContext = new RequestContext (new HttpContextWrapper (this.context ?? HttpContext.Current), new RouteData ()); return requestContext; } internal set { requestContext = value; } } public ChannelBinding HttpChannelBinding { get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("This property is not supported."); } } #endif public Stream InputStream { get { if (input_stream == null) MakeInputStream (); return input_stream; } } public bool IsAuthenticated { get { if (context.User == null || context.User.Identity == null) return false; return context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated; } } public bool IsSecureConnection { get { if (worker_request == null) return false; return worker_request.IsSecure (); } } public string this [string key] { [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] get { // "The QueryString, Form, Cookies, or ServerVariables collection member // specified in the key parameter." string val = QueryString [key]; if (val == null) val = Form [key]; if (val == null) { HttpCookie cookie = Cookies [key]; if (cookie != null) val = cookie.Value; } if (val == null) val = ServerVariables [key]; return val; } } public NameValueCollection Params { [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] get { if (all_params == null) all_params = new HttpParamsCollection (QueryString, Form, ServerVariables, Cookies); return all_params; } } internal string PathNoValidation { get { if (original_path == null) { if (url_components != null) // use only if it's already been instantiated, so that we can't go into endless // recursion in some scenarios original_path = UrlComponents.Path; else original_path = ApplyUrlMapping (worker_request.GetUriPath ()); } return original_path; } } public string Path { get { if (unescaped_path == null) { unescaped_path = PathNoValidation; #if NET_4_0 if (validateRequestNewMode) { RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current; int validationFailureIndex; if (!validator.IsValidRequestString (HttpContext.Current, unescaped_path, RequestValidationSource.Path, null, out validationFailureIndex)) ThrowValidationException ("Path", "Path", unescaped_path); } #endif } return unescaped_path; } } public string PathInfo { get { if (path_info == null) { if (worker_request == null) return String.Empty; path_info = worker_request.GetPathInfo () ?? String.Empty; #if NET_4_0 if (validateRequestNewMode) { RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current; int validationFailureIndex; if (!validator.IsValidRequestString (HttpContext.Current, path_info, RequestValidationSource.PathInfo, null, out validationFailureIndex)) ThrowValidationException ("PathInfo", "PathInfo", path_info); } #endif } return path_info; } } public string PhysicalApplicationPath { get { if (worker_request == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (); // like 2.0, 1.x throws TypeInitializationException string path = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath; if (SecurityManager.SecurityEnabled) { new FileIOPermission (FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, path).Demand (); } return path; } } public string PhysicalPath { get { if (worker_request == null) return String.Empty; // don't check security with an empty string! if (physical_path == null) { // Don't call HttpRequest.MapPath here, as that one *trims* the input physical_path = worker_request.MapPath (FilePath); } if (SecurityManager.SecurityEnabled) { new FileIOPermission (FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, physical_path).Demand (); } return physical_path; } } internal string RootVirtualDir { get { if (root_virtual_dir == null){ string fp = FilePath; int p = fp.LastIndexOf ('/'); if (p < 1) root_virtual_dir = "/"; else root_virtual_dir = fp.Substring (0, p); } return root_virtual_dir; } } internal WebROCollection QueryStringUnvalidated { get { if (query_string_nvc == null) { query_string_nvc = new WebROCollection (); string q = UrlComponents.Query; if (q != null) { if (q.Length != 0) q = q.Remove(0, 1); HttpUtility.ParseQueryString (q, ContentEncoding, query_string_nvc); } query_string_nvc.Protect(); } return query_string_nvc; } } public NameValueCollection QueryString { get { NameValueCollection query_string_nvc = QueryStringUnvalidated; #if NET_4_0 if (validateRequestNewMode && !checked_query_string) { if (!lazyQueryStringValidation) { // Setting this before calling the validator prevents // possible endless recursion checked_query_string = true; ValidateNameValueCollection ("QueryString", query_string_nvc, RequestValidationSource.QueryString); } } else #endif if (validate_query_string && !checked_query_string) { // Setting this before calling the validator prevents // possible endless recursion checked_query_string = true; ValidateNameValueCollection ("QueryString", query_string_nvc); } return query_string_nvc; } } public string RawUrl { get { if (raw_url == null) { if (worker_request != null) raw_url = worker_request.GetRawUrl (); else raw_url = UrlComponents.Path + UrlComponents.Query; if (raw_url == null) raw_url = String.Empty; #if NET_4_0 if (validateRequestNewMode) { RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current; int validationFailureIndex; if (!validator.IsValidRequestString (HttpContext.Current, raw_url, RequestValidationSource.RawUrl, null, out validationFailureIndex)) ThrowValidationException ("RawUrl", "RawUrl", raw_url); } #endif } return raw_url; } } // // "GET" or "SET" // public string RequestType { get { if (request_type == null){ if (worker_request != null) { request_type = worker_request.GetHttpVerbName (); http_method = request_type; } else { request_type = "GET"; } } return request_type; } set { request_type = value; } } public NameValueCollection ServerVariables { [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low)] get { if (server_variables == null) server_variables = new ServerVariablesCollection (this); return server_variables; } } public int TotalBytes { get { Stream ins = InputStream; return (int) ins.Length; } } public Uri Url { get { if (cached_url == null) { if (orig_url == null) cached_url = UrlComponents.Uri; else cached_url = new Uri (orig_url); } return cached_url; } } public Uri UrlReferrer { get { if (worker_request == null) return null; string hr = worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderReferer); if (hr == null) return null; Uri uri = null; try { uri = new Uri (hr); } catch (UriFormatException) {} return uri; } } public string UserAgent { get { if (worker_request == null) return null; return worker_request.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent); } } public string UserHostAddress { get { if (worker_request == null) return null; return worker_request.GetRemoteAddress (); } } public string UserHostName { get { if (worker_request == null) return null; return worker_request.GetRemoteName (); } } public string [] UserLanguages { get { if (worker_request == null) return null; if (user_languages == null) user_languages = SplitHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptLanguage); return user_languages; } } public byte [] BinaryRead (int count) { if (count < 0) throw new ArgumentException ("count is < 0"); Stream s = InputStream; byte [] ret = new byte [count]; if (s.Read (ret, 0, count) != count) throw new ArgumentException ( String.Format ("count {0} exceeds length of available input {1}", count, s.Length - s.Position)); return ret; } public int [] MapImageCoordinates (string imageFieldName) { string method = HttpMethod; NameValueCollection coll = null; if (method == "HEAD" || method == "GET") coll = QueryString; else if (method == "POST") coll = Form; if (coll == null) return null; string x = coll [imageFieldName + ".x"]; if (x == null || x == "") return null; string y = coll [imageFieldName + ".y"]; if (y == null || y == "") return null; int [] result = new int [2]; try { result [0] = Int32.Parse (x); result [1] = Int32.Parse (y); } catch { return null; } return result; } public string MapPath (string virtualPath) { if (worker_request == null) return null; return MapPath (virtualPath, BaseVirtualDir, true); } public string MapPath (string virtualPath, string baseVirtualDir, bool allowCrossAppMapping) { if (worker_request == null) throw HttpException.NewWithCode ("No HttpWorkerRequest", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort); if (virtualPath == null) virtualPath = "~"; else { virtualPath = virtualPath.Trim (); if (virtualPath.Length == 0) virtualPath = "~"; } if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsValidVirtualPath (virtualPath)) throw HttpException.NewWithCode (String.Format ("'{0}' is not a valid virtual path.", virtualPath), WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort); string appVirtualPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath; if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsRooted (virtualPath)) { if (StrUtils.IsNullOrEmpty (baseVirtualDir)) baseVirtualDir = appVirtualPath; virtualPath = VirtualPathUtility.Combine (VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash (baseVirtualDir), virtualPath); if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsAbsolute (virtualPath)) virtualPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute (virtualPath, false); } else if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsAbsolute (virtualPath)) virtualPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute (virtualPath, false); bool isAppVirtualPath = String.Compare (virtualPath, appVirtualPath, RuntimeHelpers.StringComparison) == 0; appVirtualPath = VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash (appVirtualPath); if (!allowCrossAppMapping){ if (!StrUtils.StartsWith (virtualPath, appVirtualPath, true)) throw new ArgumentException ("MapPath: Mapping across applications not allowed"); if (appVirtualPath.Length > 1 && virtualPath.Length > 1 && virtualPath [0] != '/') throw HttpException.NewWithCode ("MapPath: Mapping across applications not allowed", WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorRequestAbort); } if (!isAppVirtualPath && !virtualPath.StartsWith (appVirtualPath, RuntimeHelpers.StringComparison)) throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("Failed to map path '{0}'", virtualPath)); #if TARGET_JVM return worker_request.MapPath (virtualPath); #else string path = worker_request.MapPath (virtualPath); if (virtualPath [virtualPath.Length - 1] != '/' && path [path.Length - 1] == System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) path = path.TrimEnd (System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); return path; #endif } public void SaveAs (string filename, bool includeHeaders) { Stream output = new FileStream (filename, FileMode.Create); if (includeHeaders) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); string version = String.Empty; string path = "/"; if (worker_request != null) { version = worker_request.GetHttpVersion (); path = UrlComponents.Path; } string qs = UrlComponents.Query; sb.AppendFormat ("{0} {1}{2} {3}\r\n", HttpMethod, path, qs, version); NameValueCollection coll = Headers; foreach (string k in coll.AllKeys) { sb.Append (k); sb.Append (':'); sb.Append (coll [k]); sb.Append ("\r\n"); } sb.Append ("\r\n"); // latin1 byte [] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding (28591).GetBytes (sb.ToString ()); output.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } // More than 1 call to SaveAs works fine on MS, so we "copy" the stream // to keep InputStream in its state. Stream input = GetSubStream (InputStream); try { long len = input.Length; int buf_size = (int) Math.Min ((len < 0 ? 0 : len), 8192); byte [] data = new byte [buf_size]; int count = 0; while (len > 0 && (count = input.Read (data, 0, buf_size)) > 0) { output.Write (data, 0, count); len -= count; } } finally { output.Flush (); output.Close (); EndSubStream (input); } } public void ValidateInput () { validate_cookies = true; validate_query_string = true; validate_form = true; #if NET_4_0 inputValidationEnabled = true; #endif } #if NET_4_0 internal void Validate () { var cfg = HttpRuntime.Section; string query = UrlComponents.Query; if (query != null && query.Length > cfg.MaxQueryStringLength) throw new HttpException (400, "The length of the query string for this request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength value."); string path = PathNoValidation; if (path != null) { if (path.Length > cfg.MaxUrlLength) throw new HttpException (400, "The length of the URL for this request exceeds the configured maxUrlLength value."); char[] invalidChars = RequestPathInvalidCharacters; if (invalidChars != null) { int idx = path.IndexOfAny (invalidChars); if (idx != -1) throw HttpException.NewWithCode ( String.Format ("A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client ({0}).", path [idx]), WebEventCodes.RuntimeErrorValidationFailure ); } } if (validateRequestNewMode) ValidateInput (); } #endif #region internal routines internal string ClientTarget { get { return client_target; } set { client_target = value; } } public bool IsLocal { get { string address = worker_request.GetRemoteAddress (); if (StrUtils.IsNullOrEmpty (address)) return false; if (address == "") return true; System.Net.IPAddress remoteAddr = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse (address); if (System.Net.IPAddress.IsLoopback (remoteAddr)) return true; for (int i = 0; i < host_addresses.Length; i++) if (remoteAddr.Equals (host_addresses [i])) return true; return false; } } internal void SetFilePath (string path) { file_path = path; physical_path = null; original_path = null; } internal void SetCurrentExePath (string path) { cached_url = null; current_exe_path = path; UrlComponents.Path = path + PathInfo; // recreated on demand root_virtual_dir = null; base_virtual_dir = null; physical_path = null; unescaped_path = null; original_path = null; } internal void SetPathInfo (string pi) { cached_url = null; path_info = pi; original_path = null; string path = UrlComponents.Path; UrlComponents.Path = path + PathInfo; } #if NET_4_0 internal void SetFormCollection (WebROCollection coll, bool lazyValidation) { if (coll == null) return; form = coll; lazyFormValidation = lazyValidation; } internal void SetQueryStringCollection (WebROCollection coll, bool lazyValidation) { if (coll == null) return; query_string_nvc = coll; lazyQueryStringValidation = lazyValidation; } #endif // Headers is ReadOnly, so we need this hack for cookie-less sessions. internal void SetHeader (string name, string value) { WebROCollection h = (WebROCollection) Headers; h.Unprotect (); h [name] = value; h.Protect (); } // Notice: there is nothing raw about this querystring. internal string QueryStringRaw { get { UriBuilder urlComponents = UrlComponents; if (urlComponents == null) { string ret = worker_request.GetQueryString (); if (ret == null || ret.Length == 0) return String.Empty; if (ret [0] == '?') return ret; return "?" + ret; } return UrlComponents.Query; } set { UrlComponents.Query = value; cached_url = null; query_string_nvc = null; } } // Internal, dont know what it does, so flagged as public so we can see it. internal void SetForm (WebROCollection coll) { form = coll; } internal HttpWorkerRequest WorkerRequest { get { return worker_request; } } internal HttpContext Context { get { return context; } set { context = value; } } static void ValidateNameValueCollection (string name, NameValueCollection coll) { if (coll == null) return; foreach (string key in coll.Keys) { string val = coll [key]; if (val != null && val.Length > 0 && IsInvalidString (val)) ThrowValidationException (name, key, val); } } #if NET_4_0 static void ValidateNameValueCollection (string name, NameValueCollection coll, RequestValidationSource source) { if (coll == null) return; RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current; int validationFailureIndex; HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; foreach (string key in coll.Keys) { string val = coll [key]; if (val != null && val.Length > 0 && !validator.IsValidRequestString (context, val, source, key, out validationFailureIndex)) ThrowValidationException (name, key, val); } } [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)] public void InsertEntityBody () { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("This method is not supported."); } [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High)] public void InsertEntityBody (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("This method is not supported."); } #endif static void ValidateCookieCollection (HttpCookieCollection cookies) { if (cookies == null) return; int size = cookies.Count; HttpCookie cookie; #if NET_4_0 RequestValidator validator = RequestValidator.Current; int validationFailureIndex; HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; #endif bool invalid; for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) { cookie = cookies[i]; if (cookie == null) continue; string value = cookie.Value; string name = cookie.Name; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) { #if NET_4_0 if (validateRequestNewMode) invalid = !validator.IsValidRequestString (context, value, RequestValidationSource.Cookies, name, out validationFailureIndex); else #endif invalid = IsInvalidString (value); if (invalid) ThrowValidationException ("Cookies", name, value); } } } static void ThrowValidationException (string name, string key, string value) { string v = "\"" + value + "\""; if (v.Length > 20) v = v.Substring (0, 16) + "...\""; string msg = String.Format ("A potentially dangerous Request.{0} value was " + "detected from the client ({1}={2}).", name, key, v); throw new HttpRequestValidationException (msg); } #if NET_4_0 internal static void ValidateString (string key, string value, RequestValidationSource source) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) return; #pragma warning disable 219 int ignore; #pragma warning restore 219 if (IsInvalidString (value, out ignore)) ThrowValidationException (source.ToString (), key, value); } #endif internal static bool IsInvalidString (string val) { #pragma warning disable 219 int validationFailureIndex; #pragma warning restore 219 return IsInvalidString (val, out validationFailureIndex); } internal static bool IsInvalidString (string val, out int validationFailureIndex) { validationFailureIndex = 0; int len = val.Length; if (len < 2) return false; char current = val [0]; for (int idx = 1; idx < len; idx++) { char next = val [idx]; // See http://secunia.com/advisories/14325 if (current == '<' || current == '\xff1c') { if (next == '!' || next < ' ' || (next >= 'a' && next <= 'z') || (next >= 'A' && next <= 'Z')) { validationFailureIndex = idx - 1; return true; } } else if (current == '&' && next == '#') { validationFailureIndex = idx - 1; return true; } current = next; } return false; } static System.Net.IPAddress [] GetLocalHostAddresses () { try { string hostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName (); System.Net.IPAddress [] ipaddr = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses (hostName); return ipaddr; } catch { return new System.Net.IPAddress[0]; } } } #endregion #region Helper classes // // Stream-based multipart handling. // // In this incarnation deals with an HttpInputStream as we are now using // IntPtr-based streams instead of byte []. In the future, we will also // send uploads above a certain threshold into the disk (to implement // limit-less HttpInputFiles). // class HttpMultipart { public class Element { public string ContentType; public string Name; public string Filename; public long Start; public long Length; public override string ToString () { return "ContentType " + ContentType + ", Name " + Name + ", Filename " + Filename + ", Start " + Start.ToString () + ", Length " + Length.ToString (); } } Stream data; string boundary; byte [] boundary_bytes; byte [] buffer; bool at_eof; Encoding encoding; StringBuilder sb; const byte HYPHEN = (byte) '-', LF = (byte) '\n', CR = (byte) '\r'; // See RFC 2046 // In the case of multipart entities, in which one or more different // sets of data are combined in a single body, a "multipart" media type // field must appear in the entity's header. The body must then contain // one or more body parts, each preceded by a boundary delimiter line, // and the last one followed by a closing boundary delimiter line. // After its boundary delimiter line, each body part then consists of a // header area, a blank line, and a body area. Thus a body part is // similar to an RFC 822 message in syntax, but different in meaning. public HttpMultipart (Stream data, string b, Encoding encoding) { this.data = data; boundary = b; boundary_bytes = encoding.GetBytes (b); buffer = new byte [boundary_bytes.Length + 2]; // CRLF or '--' this.encoding = encoding; sb = new StringBuilder (); } string ReadLine () { // CRLF or LF are ok as line endings. bool got_cr = false; int b = 0; sb.Length = 0; while (true) { b = data.ReadByte (); if (b == -1) { return null; } if (b == LF) { break; } got_cr = (b == CR); sb.Append ((char) b); } if (got_cr) sb.Length--; return sb.ToString (); } static string GetContentDispositionAttribute (string l, string name) { int idx = l.IndexOf (name + "=\""); if (idx < 0) return null; int begin = idx + name.Length + "=\"".Length; int end = l.IndexOf ('"', begin); if (end < 0) return null; if (begin == end) return ""; return l.Substring (begin, end - begin); } string GetContentDispositionAttributeWithEncoding (string l, string name) { int idx = l.IndexOf (name + "=\""); if (idx < 0) return null; int begin = idx + name.Length + "=\"".Length; int end = l.IndexOf ('"', begin); if (end < 0) return null; if (begin == end) return ""; string temp = l.Substring (begin, end - begin); byte [] source = new byte [temp.Length]; for (int i = temp.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) source [i] = (byte) temp [i]; return encoding.GetString (source); } bool ReadBoundary () { try { string line = ReadLine (); while (line == "") line = ReadLine (); if (line [0] != '-' || line [1] != '-') return false; if (!StrUtils.EndsWith (line, boundary, false)) return true; } catch { } return false; } string ReadHeaders () { string s = ReadLine (); if (s == "") return null; return s; } bool CompareBytes (byte [] orig, byte [] other) { for (int i = orig.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (orig [i] != other [i]) return false; return true; } long MoveToNextBoundary () { long retval = 0; bool got_cr = false; int state = 0; int c = data.ReadByte (); while (true) { if (c == -1) return -1; if (state == 0 && c == LF) { retval = data.Position - 1; if (got_cr) retval--; state = 1; c = data.ReadByte (); } else if (state == 0) { got_cr = (c == CR); c = data.ReadByte (); } else if (state == 1 && c == '-') { c = data.ReadByte (); if (c == -1) return -1; if (c != '-') { state = 0; got_cr = false; continue; // no ReadByte() here } int nread = data.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length); int bl = buffer.Length; if (nread != bl) return -1; if (!CompareBytes (boundary_bytes, buffer)) { state = 0; data.Position = retval + 2; if (got_cr) { data.Position++; got_cr = false; } c = data.ReadByte (); continue; } if (buffer [bl - 2] == '-' && buffer [bl - 1] == '-') { at_eof = true; } else if (buffer [bl - 2] != CR || buffer [bl - 1] != LF) { state = 0; data.Position = retval + 2; if (got_cr) { data.Position++; got_cr = false; } c = data.ReadByte (); continue; } data.Position = retval + 2; if (got_cr) data.Position++; break; } else { // state == 1 state = 0; // no ReadByte() here } } return retval; } public Element ReadNextElement () { if (at_eof || ReadBoundary ()) return null; Element elem = new Element (); string header; while ((header = ReadHeaders ()) != null) { if (StrUtils.StartsWith (header, "Content-Disposition:", true)) { elem.Name = GetContentDispositionAttribute (header, "name"); elem.Filename = StripPath (GetContentDispositionAttributeWithEncoding (header, "filename")); } else if (StrUtils.StartsWith (header, "Content-Type:", true)) { elem.ContentType = header.Substring ("Content-Type:".Length).Trim (); } } long start = data.Position; elem.Start = start; long pos = MoveToNextBoundary (); if (pos == -1) return null; elem.Length = pos - start; return elem; } static string StripPath (string path) { if (path == null || path.Length == 0) return path; if (path.IndexOf (":\\") != 1 && !path.StartsWith ("\\\\")) return path; return path.Substring (path.LastIndexOf ('\\') + 1); } } #endregion }