// // System.Web.HttpRequest // // Authors: // Patrik Torstensson (Patrik.Torstensson@labs2.com) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (c) 2001, 2002 Patrick Torstensson // (c) 2002 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com) // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Util; namespace System.Web { [MonoTODO("Review security in all path access function")] public sealed class HttpRequest { private string [] _arrAcceptTypes; private string [] _arrUserLanguages; private byte [] _arrRawContent; private int _iContentLength; private string _sContentType; private string _sHttpMethod; private string _sRawUrl; private string _sUserAgent; private string _sUserHostAddress; private string _sUserHostName; private string _sPath; private string _sPathInfo; private string _sFilePath; private string _sPathTranslated; private string _sQueryStringRaw; private string _sRequestType; private string _sRequestRootVirtualDir; private Encoding _oContentEncoding; private Uri _oUriReferrer; private Uri _oUrl; private int _iTotalBytes; private HttpContext _oContext; private HttpWorkerRequest _WorkerRequest; private HttpRequestStream _oInputStream; private HttpClientCertificate _ClientCert; private HttpValueCollection _oServerVariables; private HttpValueCollection _oHeaders; private HttpValueCollection _oQueryString; private HttpValueCollection _oFormData; private HttpValueCollection _oParams; private HttpBrowserCapabilities _browser; private HttpCookieCollection cookies; public HttpRequest(string Filename, string Url, string Querystring) { _iContentLength = -1; _iTotalBytes = -1; _WorkerRequest = null; _sPathTranslated = Filename; _sRequestType = "GET"; _oUrl = new Uri(Url); _sPath = _oUrl.AbsolutePath; _sQueryStringRaw = Querystring; _oQueryString = new HttpValueCollection(Querystring, true, WebEncoding.Encoding); } internal HttpRequest(HttpWorkerRequest WorkRequest, HttpContext Context) { _WorkerRequest = WorkRequest; _oContext = Context; _iContentLength = -1; _iTotalBytes = -1; } static private string MakeServerVariableFromHeader(string header) { return "HTTP_" + header.ToUpper().Replace("-", "_"); } [MonoTODO("Need to support non-raw mode also..")] private string GetAllHeaders(bool Raw) { StringBuilder oData; if (null == _WorkerRequest) { return null; } oData = new StringBuilder(512); string sHeaderValue; string sHeaderName; int iCount = 0; // Add all know headers for (; iCount != 40; iCount++) { sHeaderValue = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(iCount); if (null != sHeaderValue && sHeaderValue.Length > 0) { sHeaderName = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(iCount); if (null != sHeaderName && sHeaderName.Length > 0) { oData.Append(sHeaderName); oData.Append(": "); oData.Append(sHeaderValue); oData.Append("\r\n"); } } } // Get all other headers string [][] arrUnknownHeaders = _WorkerRequest.GetUnknownRequestHeaders(); if (null != arrUnknownHeaders) { for (iCount = 0; iCount != arrUnknownHeaders.Length; iCount++) { oData.Append(arrUnknownHeaders[iCount][0]); oData.Append(": "); oData.Append(arrUnknownHeaders[iCount][1]); oData.Append("\r\n"); } } return oData.ToString(); } [MonoTODO("We need to handly 'dynamic' variables like AUTH_USER, that can be changed during runtime... special collection")] private void ParseServerVariables() { if (null == _WorkerRequest) { return; } if (_oServerVariables == null) { string sTmp; _oServerVariables = new HttpValueCollection(); _oServerVariables.Add("ALL_HTTP", GetAllHeaders(false)); _oServerVariables.Add("ALL_RAW", GetAllHeaders(true)); _oServerVariables.Add("APPL_MD_PATH", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("APPL_MD_PATH")); _oServerVariables.Add("AUTH_PASSWORD", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("AUTH_PASSWORD")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_COOKIE", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_COOKIE")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_FLAGS", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_FLAGS")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_ISSUER", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_ISSUER")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_KEYSIZE", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_KEYSIZE")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_SECRETKEYSIZE", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_SECRETKEYSIZE")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_SERIALNUMBER", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_SERIALNUMBER")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_SERVER_ISSUER", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_SERVER_ISSUER")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT")); _oServerVariables.Add("CERT_SUBJECT", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("CERT_SUBJECT")); _oServerVariables.Add("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("GATEWAY_INTERFACE")); _oServerVariables.Add("HTTPS", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("HTTPS")); _oServerVariables.Add("HTTPS_KEYSIZE", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("HTTPS_KEYSIZE")); _oServerVariables.Add("HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE")); _oServerVariables.Add("CONTENT_TYPE", ContentType); _oServerVariables.Add("HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER")); _oServerVariables.Add("HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT")); _oServerVariables.Add("INSTANCE_ID", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("INSTANCE_ID")); _oServerVariables.Add("INSTANCE_META_PATH", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("INSTANCE_META_PATH")); _oServerVariables.Add("LOCAL_ADDR", _WorkerRequest.GetLocalAddress()); _oServerVariables.Add("REMOTE_ADDR", UserHostAddress); _oServerVariables.Add("REMOTE_HOST", UserHostName); _oServerVariables.Add("REQUEST_METHOD", HttpMethod); _oServerVariables.Add("SERVER_NAME", _WorkerRequest.GetServerName()); _oServerVariables.Add("SERVER_PORT", _WorkerRequest.GetLocalPort().ToString()); _oServerVariables.Add("SERVER_PROTOCOL", _WorkerRequest.GetHttpVersion()); _oServerVariables.Add("SERVER_SOFTWARE", _WorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("SERVER_SOFTWARE")); if (_WorkerRequest.IsSecure()) { _oServerVariables.Add("SERVER_PORT_SECURE", "1"); } else { _oServerVariables.Add("SERVER_PORT_SECURE", "0"); } sTmp = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength); if (null != sTmp) { _oServerVariables.Add("CONTENT_LENGTH", sTmp); } // TODO: Should be dynamic if (null != _oContext.User && _oContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { _oServerVariables.Add("AUTH_TYPE", _oContext.User.Identity.AuthenticationType); _oServerVariables.Add("AUTH_USER", _oContext.User.Identity.Name); } else { _oServerVariables.Add("AUTH_TYPE", ""); _oServerVariables.Add("AUTH_USER", ""); } _oServerVariables.Add("PATH_INFO", PathInfo); _oServerVariables.Add("PATH_TRANSLATED", PhysicalPath); _oServerVariables.Add("QUERY_STRING", QueryStringRaw); _oServerVariables.Add("SCRIPT_NAME", FilePath); // end dynamic _oServerVariables.MakeReadOnly(); } } [MonoTODO("Handle multipart/form-data")] private void ParseFormData () { if (_oFormData != null) return; string contentType = ContentType; if (0 != String.Compare (contentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", true)) { Console.WriteLine ("Content-Type -> {0} not supported", contentType); _oFormData = new HttpValueCollection (); return; } byte [] arrData = GetRawContent (); Encoding enc = ContentEncoding; string data = enc.GetString (arrData); _oFormData = new HttpValueCollection (data, true, enc); } [MonoTODO("void Dispose")] internal void Dispose() { } private byte [] GetRawContent () { if (_arrRawContent != null) return _arrRawContent; if (null == _WorkerRequest) { if (QueryStringRaw == null) return null; char [] q = QueryStringRaw.ToCharArray (); _arrRawContent = new byte [q.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < q.Length; i++) _arrRawContent [i] = (byte) q [i]; return _arrRawContent; } _arrRawContent = _WorkerRequest.GetPreloadedEntityBody (); if (_arrRawContent == null) _arrRawContent = new byte [0]; int length = ContentLength; if (_WorkerRequest.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded () || length <= _arrRawContent.Length) return _arrRawContent; byte [] arrBuffer = new byte [Math.Min (16384, length)]; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (arrBuffer.Length); ms.Write (_arrRawContent, 0, _arrRawContent.Length); int read = 0; for (int loaded = _arrRawContent.Length; loaded < length; loaded += read) { read = _WorkerRequest.ReadEntityBody (arrBuffer, arrBuffer.Length); if (read == 0) break; ms.Write (arrBuffer, 0, read); } _arrRawContent = ms.GetBuffer (); return _arrRawContent; } public string [] AcceptTypes { get { if (null == _arrAcceptTypes && null != _WorkerRequest) { _arrAcceptTypes = HttpHelper.ParseMultiValueHeader(_WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAccept)); } return _arrAcceptTypes; } } public string ApplicationPath { get { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { return _WorkerRequest.GetAppPath(); } return null; } } public HttpBrowserCapabilities Browser { get { return _browser; } set { _browser = value; } } public HttpClientCertificate ClientCertificate { get { if (null == _ClientCert) { _ClientCert = new HttpClientCertificate(_oContext); } return _ClientCert; } } private string GetValueFromHeader (string header, string attr) { int where = header.IndexOf (attr + '='); if (where == -1) return null; where += attr.Length + 1; int max = header.Length; if (where >= max) return String.Empty; char ending = header [where]; if (ending != '"') ending = ' '; int end = header.Substring (where + 1).IndexOf (ending); if (end == -1) return (ending == '"') ? null : header.Substring (where); return header.Substring (where, end); } public Encoding ContentEncoding { get { if (_oContentEncoding == null) { if (_WorkerRequest != null && (!_WorkerRequest.HasEntityBody () || ContentType != String.Empty)) { _oContentEncoding = WebEncoding.Encoding; } else { string charset; charset = GetValueFromHeader (_sContentType, "charset"); try { _oContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (charset); } catch { _oContentEncoding = WebEncoding.Encoding; } } } return _oContentEncoding; } set { _oContentEncoding = value; } } public int ContentLength { get { if (_iContentLength == -1 && null != _WorkerRequest) { string sLength = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength); if (sLength != null) { try { _iContentLength = Int32.Parse(sLength); } catch(Exception) { } } } if (_iContentLength < 0) { _iContentLength = 0; } return _iContentLength; } } public string ContentType { get { if (null == _sContentType) { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { _sContentType = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType); } if (null == _sContentType) { _sContentType = string.Empty; } } return _sContentType; } } static private string GetCookieValue (string str, int length, bool allowComma, ref int i) { if (i >= length) return null; int k = i; while (k < length && Char.IsWhiteSpace (str [k])) k++; int begin = k; while (k < length && (str [k] != ';' || (allowComma && str [k] == ','))) k++; i = k; return str.Substring (begin, i - begin).Trim (); } static private string GetCookieName (string str, int length, ref int i) { if (i >= length) return null; int k = i; while (k < length && Char.IsWhiteSpace (str [k])) k++; int begin = k; while (k < length && str [k] != ';' && str [k] != '=') k++; i = k + 1; return str.Substring (begin, k - begin).Trim (); } private void GetCookies () { string header = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader (HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCookie); if (header == null || header.Length == 0) return; /* RFC 2109 * cookie = "Cookie:" cookie-version * 1*((";" | ",") cookie-value) * cookie-value = NAME "=" VALUE [";" path] [";" domain] * cookie-version = "$Version" "=" value * NAME = attr * VALUE = value * path = "$Path" "=" value * domain = "$Domain" "=" value * * MS ignores $Version! * ',' as a separator produces errors. */ cookies = new HttpCookieCollection (_oContext.Response, false); string [] name_values = header.Trim ().Split (';'); int length = name_values.Length; HttpCookie cookie = null; int pos; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { pos = 0; string name_value = name_values [i].Trim (); string name = GetCookieName (name_value, name_value.Length, ref pos); string value = GetCookieName (name_value, name_value.Length, ref pos); if (cookie != null) { if (name == "$Path") { cookie.Path = value; continue; } else if (name == "$Domain") { cookie.Domain = value; continue; } else { cookies.Add (cookie); cookie = null; } } cookie = new HttpCookie (name, value); } if (cookie != null) cookies.Add (cookie); } public HttpCookieCollection Cookies { get { if (cookies == null) { cookies = new HttpCookieCollection (null, false); if (_WorkerRequest != null) GetCookies (); } return cookies; } } [MonoTODO()] public string CurrentExecutionFilePath { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public string FilePath { get { if (null == _sFilePath && null != _WorkerRequest) { _sFilePath = _WorkerRequest.GetFilePath(); } return _sFilePath; } } [MonoTODO()] public HttpFileCollection Files { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } [MonoTODO("Use stream filter in the request stream")] public Stream Filter { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public NameValueCollection Form { get { ParseFormData(); return (NameValueCollection) _oFormData; } } public NameValueCollection Headers { get { if (_oHeaders == null) { _oHeaders = new HttpValueCollection(); if (null != _WorkerRequest) { string sHeaderValue; string sHeaderName; int iCount = 0; // Add all know headers for (; iCount != 40; iCount++) { sHeaderValue = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(iCount); if (null != sHeaderValue && sHeaderValue.Length > 0) { sHeaderName = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(iCount); if (null != sHeaderName && sHeaderName.Length > 0) { _oHeaders.Add(sHeaderName, sHeaderValue); } } } // Get all other headers string [][] arrUnknownHeaders = _WorkerRequest.GetUnknownRequestHeaders(); if (null != arrUnknownHeaders) { for (iCount = 0; iCount != arrUnknownHeaders.Length; iCount++) { _oHeaders.Add(arrUnknownHeaders[iCount][0], arrUnknownHeaders[iCount][1]); } } } // Make headers read-only _oHeaders.MakeReadOnly(); } return (NameValueCollection) _oHeaders; } } public string HttpMethod { get { if (null == _sHttpMethod) { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { _sHttpMethod = _WorkerRequest.GetHttpVerbName().ToUpper(); } if (_sHttpMethod == null) { if (RequestType != null) _sHttpMethod = RequestType; else _sHttpMethod = "GET"; } } return _sHttpMethod; } } public Stream InputStream { get { if (_oInputStream == null) { byte [] arrInputData = GetRawContent (); if (null != arrInputData) { _oInputStream = new HttpRequestStream(arrInputData, 0, arrInputData.Length); } else { _oInputStream = new HttpRequestStream(null, 0, 0); } } return _oInputStream; } } public bool IsAuthenticated { get { if (_oContext != null && _oContext.User != null && _oContext.User.Identity != null) { return _oContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated; } return false; } } public bool IsSecureConnection { get { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { return _WorkerRequest.IsSecure(); } return false; } } [MonoTODO("Call item in querystring, form, cookie and servervariables")] public string this [string sKey] { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } [MonoTODO("Add cookie collection to our Params collection via merge")] public NameValueCollection Params { get { if (_oParams == null) { _oParams = new HttpValueCollection(); _oParams.Merge(QueryString); _oParams.Merge(Form); _oParams.Merge(ServerVariables); // TODO: Cookie _oParams.MakeReadOnly(); } return (NameValueCollection) _oParams; } } public string Path { get { if (_sPath == null) { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { _sPath = _WorkerRequest.GetUriPath(); } if (_sPath == null) { _sPath = string.Empty; } } return _sPath; } } public string PathInfo { get { if (_sPathInfo == null) { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { _sPathInfo = _WorkerRequest.GetPathInfo(); } if (_sPathInfo == null) { _sPathInfo = string.Empty; } } return _sPathInfo; } } public string PhysicalApplicationPath { get { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { return _WorkerRequest.GetAppPathTranslated(); } return null; } } public string PhysicalPath { get { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { _sPathTranslated = _WorkerRequest.GetFilePathTranslated(); if (null == _sPathTranslated) { _sPathTranslated = _WorkerRequest.MapPath(FilePath); } } return _sPathTranslated; } } public NameValueCollection QueryString { get { if (_oQueryString == null) { _oQueryString = new HttpValueCollection(QueryStringRaw, true, WebEncoding.Encoding); } return _oQueryString; } } // Used to parse the querystring internal string QueryStringRaw { get { if (_sQueryStringRaw == null && null != _WorkerRequest) { byte [] arrQuerystringBytes = _WorkerRequest.GetQueryStringRawBytes(); if (null != arrQuerystringBytes && arrQuerystringBytes.Length > 0) { _sQueryStringRaw = ContentEncoding.GetString(arrQuerystringBytes); } else { _sQueryStringRaw = _WorkerRequest.GetQueryString(); } } if (_sQueryStringRaw == null) { _sQueryStringRaw = string.Empty; } return _sQueryStringRaw; } } public string RawUrl { get { if (null == _sRawUrl) { if (null != _WorkerRequest) { _sRawUrl = _WorkerRequest.GetRawUrl(); } else { _sRawUrl = Path; if (QueryStringRaw != null && QueryStringRaw.Length > 0) { _sRawUrl = _sRawUrl + "?" + QueryStringRaw; } } } return _sRawUrl; } } public string RequestType { get { if (null == _sRequestType) { return HttpMethod; } return _sRequestType; } set { _sRequestType = value; } } public NameValueCollection ServerVariables { get { ParseServerVariables(); return (NameValueCollection) _oServerVariables; } } public int TotalBytes { get { if (_iTotalBytes == -1) { if (null != InputStream) { _iTotalBytes = (int) InputStream.Length; } else { _iTotalBytes = 0; } } return _iTotalBytes; } } public Uri Url { get { if (null == _oUrl) { _oUrl = new Uri(RawUrl); } return _oUrl; } } public Uri UrlReferrer { get { if (null == _oUriReferrer && null != _WorkerRequest) { string sReferrer = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderReferer); if (null != sReferrer && sReferrer.Length > 0) { try { if (sReferrer.IndexOf("://") >= 0) { _oUriReferrer = new Uri(sReferrer); } else { _oUriReferrer = new Uri(this.Url, sReferrer); } } catch (Exception) { } } } return _oUriReferrer; } } public string UserAgent { get { if (_sUserAgent == null && _WorkerRequest != null) { _sUserAgent = _WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent); } if (_sUserAgent == null) { _sUserAgent = string.Empty; } return _sUserAgent; } } public string UserHostAddress { get { if (_sUserHostAddress == null && null != _WorkerRequest) { _sUserHostAddress = _WorkerRequest.GetRemoteAddress(); } if (_sUserHostAddress == null || _sUserHostAddress.Length == 0) { _sUserHostAddress = ""; } return _sUserHostAddress; } } public string UserHostName { get { if (_sUserHostName == null && null != _WorkerRequest) { _sUserHostName = _WorkerRequest.GetRemoteName(); } if (_sUserHostName == null || _sUserHostName.Length == 0) { _sUserHostName = UserHostAddress; } return _sUserHostName; } } public string [] UserLanguages { get { if (_arrUserLanguages == null && null != _WorkerRequest) { _arrUserLanguages = HttpHelper.ParseMultiValueHeader(_WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptLanguage)); } return _arrUserLanguages; } } public byte [] BinaryRead(int count) { int iSize = TotalBytes; if (iSize == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(); } byte [] arrData = new byte[iSize]; int iRetSize = InputStream.Read(arrData, 0, iSize); if (iRetSize != iSize) { byte [] tmpData = new byte[iRetSize]; if (iRetSize > 0) { Array.Copy(arrData, 0, tmpData, 0, iRetSize); } arrData = tmpData; } return arrData; } public int [] MapImageCoordinates(string ImageFieldName) { NameValueCollection oItems; if (HttpMethod == "GET" || HttpMethod == "HEAD") { oItems = QueryString; } else if (HttpMethod == "POST") { oItems = Form; } else { return null; } int [] arrRet = null; try { string sX = oItems.Get(ImageFieldName + ".x"); string sY = oItems.Get(ImageFieldName + ".y"); if (null != sX && null != sY) { int [] arrTmp = new Int32[2]; arrRet[0] = Int32.Parse(sX); arrRet[1] = Int32.Parse(sY); arrRet = arrTmp; } } catch (Exception) { } return arrRet; } public string MapPath(string VirtualPath) { return MapPath (VirtualPath, _sRequestRootVirtualDir, true); } [MonoTODO] public string MapPath(string virtualPath, string baseVirtualDir, bool allowCrossAppMapping) { if (_WorkerRequest == null) throw new HttpException ("No HttpWorkerRequest!!!"); if (virtualPath == null || virtualPath.Length == 0) virtualPath = "."; virtualPath = System.IO.Path.Combine (baseVirtualDir, virtualPath); return _WorkerRequest.MapPath (virtualPath); } public void SaveAs(string filename, bool includeHeaders) { FileStream oFile; TextWriter oWriter; HttpRequestStream oData; oFile = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.CreateNew); if (includeHeaders) { oWriter = new StreamWriter(oFile); oWriter.Write(HttpMethod + " " + Path); if (QueryStringRaw != null && QueryStringRaw.Length > 0) oWriter.Write("?" + QueryStringRaw); if (_WorkerRequest != null) { oWriter.Write(" " + _WorkerRequest.GetHttpVersion() + "\r\n"); oWriter.Write(GetAllHeaders(true)); } else { oWriter.Write("\r\n"); } oWriter.Write("\r\n"); oWriter.Flush(); } oData = (HttpRequestStream) InputStream; if (oData.DataLength > 0) { oFile.Write(oData.Data, oData.DataOffset, oData.DataLength); } oFile.Flush(); oFile.Close(); } } }