// // System.Web.HttpCachePolicy // // Authors: // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Util; namespace System.Web { // CAS - no InheritanceDemand here as the class is sealed [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public sealed class HttpCachePolicy { internal HttpCachePolicy () { } #if NET_2_0 HttpCacheVaryByContentEncodings vary_by_content_encodings = new HttpCacheVaryByContentEncodings (); #endif HttpCacheVaryByHeaders vary_by_headers = new HttpCacheVaryByHeaders (); HttpCacheVaryByParams vary_by_params = new HttpCacheVaryByParams (); ArrayList validation_callbacks; StringBuilder cache_extension; internal HttpCacheability Cacheability; string etag; bool etag_from_file_dependencies; bool last_modified_from_file_dependencies; // // Used externally // internal bool have_expire_date; internal DateTime expire_date; internal bool have_last_modified; internal DateTime last_modified; //bool LastModifiedFromFileDependencies; HttpCacheRevalidation revalidation; string vary_by_custom; bool HaveMaxAge; TimeSpan MaxAge; bool HaveProxyMaxAge; TimeSpan ProxyMaxAge; ArrayList fields; bool sliding_expiration; int duration; bool allow_response_in_browser_history; bool allow_server_caching = true; bool set_no_store; bool set_no_transform; bool valid_until_expires; // always false in 1.x bool omit_vary_star; #if NET_2_0 public HttpCacheVaryByContentEncodings VaryByContentEncodings { get { return vary_by_content_encodings; } } #endif public HttpCacheVaryByHeaders VaryByHeaders { get { return vary_by_headers; } } public HttpCacheVaryByParams VaryByParams { get { return vary_by_params; } } internal bool AllowServerCaching { get { return allow_server_caching; } } internal int Duration { get { return duration; } set { duration = value; } } internal bool Sliding { get { return sliding_expiration; } } internal DateTime Expires { get { return expire_date; } } internal ArrayList ValidationCallbacks { get { return validation_callbacks; } } // always false in 1.x internal bool OmitVaryStar { get { return omit_vary_star; } } internal bool ValidUntilExpires { get { return valid_until_expires; } } internal int ExpireMinutes () { if (!have_expire_date) return 0; return (expire_date - DateTime.Now).Minutes; } public void AddValidationCallback (HttpCacheValidateHandler handler, object data) { if (handler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("handler"); if (validation_callbacks == null) validation_callbacks = new ArrayList (); validation_callbacks.Add (new Pair (handler, data)); } public void AppendCacheExtension (string extension) { if (extension == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("extension"); if (cache_extension == null) cache_extension = new StringBuilder (extension); else cache_extension.Append (", " + extension); } // // This one now allows the full range of Cacheabilities. // public void SetCacheability (HttpCacheability cacheability) { if (cacheability < HttpCacheability.NoCache || cacheability > HttpCacheability.ServerAndPrivate) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("cacheability"); if (Cacheability > 0 && cacheability > Cacheability) return; Cacheability = cacheability; } public void SetCacheability (HttpCacheability cacheability, string field) { if (field == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("field"); if (cacheability != HttpCacheability.NoCache && cacheability != HttpCacheability.Private) throw new ArgumentException ("Must be NoCache or Private", "cacheability"); if (fields == null) fields = new ArrayList (); fields.Add (new Pair (cacheability, field)); } public void SetETag (string etag) { if (etag == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("etag"); if (this.etag != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The ETag header has already been set"); if (etag_from_file_dependencies) throw new InvalidOperationException ("SetEtagFromFileDependencies has already been called"); this.etag = etag; } public void SetETagFromFileDependencies () { if (this.etag != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The ETag header has already been set"); etag_from_file_dependencies = true; } public void SetExpires (DateTime date) { if (have_expire_date && date > expire_date) return; have_expire_date = true; expire_date = date; } public void SetLastModified (DateTime date) { if (date > DateTime.Now) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("date"); if (have_last_modified && date < last_modified) return; have_last_modified = true; last_modified = date; } public void SetLastModifiedFromFileDependencies () { last_modified_from_file_dependencies = true; } public void SetMaxAge (TimeSpan date) { if (date < TimeSpan.Zero) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("date"); if (HaveMaxAge && MaxAge < date) return; MaxAge = date; HaveMaxAge = true; } public void SetNoServerCaching () { allow_server_caching = false; } public void SetNoStore () { set_no_store = true; } public void SetNoTransforms () { set_no_transform = true; } public void SetProxyMaxAge (TimeSpan delta) { if (delta < TimeSpan.Zero) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("delta"); if (HaveProxyMaxAge && ProxyMaxAge < delta) return; ProxyMaxAge = delta; } public void SetRevalidation (HttpCacheRevalidation revalidation) { if (revalidation < HttpCacheRevalidation.AllCaches || revalidation > HttpCacheRevalidation.None) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("revalidation"); if (this.revalidation > revalidation) this.revalidation = revalidation; } public void SetSlidingExpiration (bool slide) { sliding_expiration = slide; } public void SetValidUntilExpires (bool validUntilExpires) { valid_until_expires = validUntilExpires; } public void SetVaryByCustom (string custom) { if (custom == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("custom"); if (vary_by_custom != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("VaryByCustom has already been set."); vary_by_custom = custom; } internal string GetVaryByCustom () { return vary_by_custom; } public void SetAllowResponseInBrowserHistory (bool allow) { if (Cacheability == HttpCacheability.NoCache || Cacheability == HttpCacheability.ServerAndNoCache) allow_response_in_browser_history = allow; } internal void SetHeaders (HttpResponse response, ArrayList headers) { bool noCache = false; string cc = null; switch (Cacheability) { case HttpCacheability.Public: cc = "public"; break; case HttpCacheability.NoCache: case HttpCacheability.ServerAndNoCache: noCache = true; cc = "no-cache"; break; case HttpCacheability.Private: case HttpCacheability.ServerAndPrivate: default: cc = "private"; break; } if (noCache) { response.CacheControl = cc; if (!allow_response_in_browser_history) { headers.Add (new UnknownResponseHeader ("Expires", "-1")); headers.Add (new UnknownResponseHeader ("Pragma", "no-cache")); } } else { if (MaxAge.TotalSeconds != 0) cc = String.Concat (cc, ", max-age=", ((long) MaxAge.TotalSeconds).ToString ()); if (have_expire_date) { string expires = TimeUtil.ToUtcTimeString (expire_date); headers.Add (new UnknownResponseHeader ("Expires", expires)); } } if (set_no_store) cc = String.Concat (cc, ", no-store"); if (set_no_transform) cc = String.Concat (cc, ", no-transform"); headers.Add (new UnknownResponseHeader ("Cache-Control", cc)); if (last_modified_from_file_dependencies || etag_from_file_dependencies) HeadersFromFileDependencies (response); if (etag != null) headers.Add (new UnknownResponseHeader ("ETag", etag)); if (have_last_modified) headers.Add (new UnknownResponseHeader ("Last-Modified", TimeUtil.ToUtcTimeString (last_modified))); if (!vary_by_params.IgnoreParams) { BaseResponseHeader vb = vary_by_params.GetResponseHeader (); if (vb != null) headers.Add (vb); } } void HeadersFromFileDependencies (HttpResponse response) { string [] fileDeps = response.FileDependencies; if (fileDeps == null || fileDeps.Length == 0) return; bool doEtag = etag != null && etag_from_file_dependencies; if (!doEtag && !last_modified_from_file_dependencies) return; DateTime latest_mod = DateTime.MinValue, mod; StringBuilder etagsb = new StringBuilder (); foreach (string f in fileDeps) { if (!File.Exists (f)) continue; try { mod = File.GetLastWriteTime (f); } catch { // ignore continue; } if (last_modified_from_file_dependencies && mod > latest_mod) latest_mod = mod; if (doEtag) etagsb.AppendFormat ("{0}", mod.Ticks.ToString ("x")); } if (last_modified_from_file_dependencies && latest_mod > DateTime.MinValue) { last_modified = latest_mod; have_last_modified = true; } if (doEtag && etagsb.Length > 0) etag = etagsb.ToString (); } #if NET_2_0 public void SetOmitVaryStar (bool omit) { omit_vary_star = omit; } #endif } }