// // System.Web.CapabilitiesLoader // // Loads data from browscap.ini file provided by Gary J. Keith from // http://www.GaryKeith.com/browsers. Please don't abuse the // site when updating browscap.ini file. Use the update-browscap.exe tool. // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (c) 2003 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Web.Configuration; namespace System.Web { sealed class BrowserData { static char [] wildchars = new char [] {'*', '?'}; object this_lock = new object (); BrowserData parent; string text; string pattern; #if TARGET_JVM java.util.regex.Pattern regex; #else Regex regex; #endif ListDictionary data; public BrowserData (string pattern) { int norx = pattern.IndexOfAny (wildchars); if (norx == -1) { text = pattern; } else { this.pattern = pattern.Substring (norx); text = pattern.Substring (0, norx); if (text.Length == 0) text = null; this.pattern = this.pattern.Replace (".", "\\."); this.pattern = this.pattern.Replace ("(", "\\("); this.pattern = this.pattern.Replace (")", "\\)"); this.pattern = this.pattern.Replace ("[", "\\["); this.pattern = this.pattern.Replace ("]", "\\]"); this.pattern = this.pattern.Replace ('?', '.'); this.pattern = this.pattern.Replace ("*", ".*"); } } public BrowserData Parent { get { return parent; } set { parent = value; } } public void Add (string key, string value) { if (data == null) data = new ListDictionary (); data.Add (key, value); } public Hashtable GetProperties (Hashtable tbl) { if (parent != null) parent.GetProperties (tbl); if (data ["browser"] != null) { // Last one (most derived) will win. tbl ["browser"] = data ["browser"]; } else if (tbl ["browser"] == null) { // If none so far defined value set to * tbl ["browser"] = "*"; } if (!tbl.ContainsKey ("browsers")) { tbl ["browsers"] = new ArrayList (); } ((ArrayList) tbl ["browsers"]).Add (tbl["browser"]); foreach (string key in data.Keys) tbl [key.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim ()] = data [key]; return tbl; } public string GetParentName () { return (string)(data.Contains("parent")? data ["parent"] : null); } public string GetAlternateBrowser () { return (pattern == null) ? text : null; } public string GetBrowser () { if (pattern == null) return text; return (string) data ["browser"]; } public bool IsMatch (string expression) { if (expression == null || expression.Length == 0) return false; if (text != null) { if (text [0] != expression [0] || String.Compare (text, 1, expression, 1, text.Length - 1, false, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0) { return false; } expression = expression.Substring (text.Length); } if (pattern == null) return expression.Length == 0; lock (this_lock) { if (regex == null) #if TARGET_JVM regex = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile (pattern); #else regex = new Regex (pattern); #endif } #if TARGET_JVM return regex.matcher ((java.lang.CharSequence) (object) expression).matches (); #else return regex.Match (expression).Success; #endif } } sealed class CapabilitiesLoader : MarshalByRefObject { const int userAgentsCacheSize = 3000; static Hashtable defaultCaps; static readonly object lockobj = new object (); #if TARGET_JVM static bool loaded { get { return alldata != null; } set { if (alldata == null) alldata = new ArrayList (); } } const string alldataKey = "System.Web.CapabilitiesLoader.alldata"; static ICollection alldata { get { return (ICollection) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData (alldataKey); } set { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData (alldataKey, value); } } const string userAgentsCacheKey = "System.Web.CapabilitiesLoader.userAgentsCache"; static Hashtable userAgentsCache { get { lock (typeof (CapabilitiesLoader)) { Hashtable agentsCache = (Hashtable) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData (userAgentsCacheKey); if (agentsCache == null) { agentsCache = Hashtable.Synchronized (new Hashtable (userAgentsCacheSize + 10)); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData (userAgentsCacheKey, agentsCache); } return agentsCache; } } } #else static volatile bool loaded; static ICollection alldata; static Hashtable userAgentsCache = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable(userAgentsCacheSize+10)); #endif CapabilitiesLoader () {} static CapabilitiesLoader () { defaultCaps = new Hashtable (); defaultCaps.Add ("activexcontrols", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("alpha", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("aol", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("aolversion", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("authenticodeupdate", ""); defaultCaps.Add ("backgroundsounds", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("beta", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("browser", "*"); defaultCaps.Add ("browsers", new ArrayList ()); defaultCaps.Add ("cdf", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("clrversion", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("cookies", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("crawler", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("css", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("cssversion", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("ecmascriptversion", "0.0"); defaultCaps.Add ("frames", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("iframes", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("isbanned", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("ismobiledevice", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("issyndicationreader", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("javaapplets", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("javascript", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("majorver", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("minorver", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("msdomversion", "0.0"); defaultCaps.Add ("netclr", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("platform", "unknown"); defaultCaps.Add ("stripper", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportscss", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("tables", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("vbscript", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("version", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("w3cdomversion", "0.0"); defaultCaps.Add ("wap", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("win16", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("win32", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("win64", "False"); #if NET_2_0 defaultCaps.Add ("adapters", new Hashtable ()); defaultCaps.Add ("cancombineformsindeck", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("caninitiatevoicecall", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("canrenderafterinputorselectelement", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("canrenderemptyselects", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("canrenderinputandselectelementstogether", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("canrendermixedselects", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("canrenderoneventandprevelementstogether", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("canrenderpostbackcards", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("canrendersetvarzerowithmultiselectionlist", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("cansendmail", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("defaultsubmitbuttonlimit", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("gatewayminorversion", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("gatewaymajorversion", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("gatewayversion", "None"); defaultCaps.Add ("hasbackbutton", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("hidesrightalignedmultiselectscrollbars", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("inputtype", "telephoneKeypad"); defaultCaps.Add ("iscolor", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("jscriptversion", "0.0"); defaultCaps.Add ("maximumhreflength", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("maximumrenderedpagesize", "2000"); defaultCaps.Add ("maximumsoftkeylabellength", "5"); defaultCaps.Add ("minorversionstring", "0.0"); defaultCaps.Add ("mobiledevicemanufacturer", "Unknown"); defaultCaps.Add ("mobiledevicemodel", "Unknown"); defaultCaps.Add ("numberofsoftkeys", "0"); defaultCaps.Add ("preferredimagemime", "image/gif"); defaultCaps.Add ("preferredrenderingmime", "text/html"); defaultCaps.Add ("preferredrenderingtype", "html32"); defaultCaps.Add ("preferredrequestencoding", ""); defaultCaps.Add ("preferredresponseencoding", ""); defaultCaps.Add ("rendersbreakbeforewmlselectandinput", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("rendersbreaksafterhtmllists", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("rendersbreaksafterwmlanchor", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("rendersbreaksafterwmlinput", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("renderswmldoacceptsinline", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("renderswmlselectsasmenucards", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiredmetatagnamevalue", ""); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresattributecolonsubstitution", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requirescontenttypemetatag", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requirescontrolstateinsession", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresdbcscharacter", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requireshtmladaptiveerrorreporting", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresleadingpagebreak", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresnobreakinformatting", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresoutputoptimization", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresphonenumbersasplaintext", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresspecialviewstateencoding", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresuniquefilepathsuffix", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresuniquehtmlcheckboxnames", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresuniquehtmlinputnames", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("requiresurlencodedpostfieldvalues", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("screenbitdepth", "1"); defaultCaps.Add ("screencharactersheight", "6"); defaultCaps.Add ("screencharacterswidth", "12"); defaultCaps.Add ("screenpixelsheight", "72"); defaultCaps.Add ("screenpixelswidth", "96"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsaccesskeyattribute", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsbodycolor", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsbold", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportscachecontrolmetatag", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportscallback", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsdivalign", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsdivnowrap", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsemptystringincookievalue", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsfontcolor", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsfontname", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsfontsize", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsimagesubmit", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsimodesymbols", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsinputistyle", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsinputmode", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsitalic", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsjphonemultimediaattributes", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsjphonesymbols", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsquerystringinformaction", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsredirectwithcookie", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsselectmultiple", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsuncheck", "True"); defaultCaps.Add ("supportsxmlhttp", "False"); defaultCaps.Add ("type", "Unknown"); #endif } public static Hashtable GetCapabilities (string userAgent) { Init (); if (userAgent != null) userAgent = userAgent.Trim (); if (alldata == null || userAgent == null || userAgent.Length == 0) return defaultCaps; Hashtable userBrowserCaps = (Hashtable) (userAgentsCache.Contains(userAgent)? userAgentsCache [userAgent] : null); if (userBrowserCaps == null) { foreach (BrowserData bd in alldata) { if (bd.IsMatch (userAgent)) { Hashtable tbl; tbl = new Hashtable (defaultCaps); userBrowserCaps = bd.GetProperties (tbl); break; } } if (userBrowserCaps == null) userBrowserCaps = defaultCaps; lock (lockobj) { if (userAgentsCache.Count >= userAgentsCacheSize) userAgentsCache.Clear (); } userAgentsCache [userAgent] = userBrowserCaps; } return userBrowserCaps; } static void Init () { if (loaded) return; lock (lockobj) { if (loaded) return; #if TARGET_J2EE string filepath = "browscap.ini"; #else string dir = HttpRuntime.MachineConfigurationDirectory; string filepath = Path.Combine (dir, "browscap.ini"); if (!File.Exists (filepath)) { // try removing the trailing version directory dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (dir); filepath = Path.Combine (dir, "browscap.ini"); } #endif try { LoadFile (filepath); } catch (Exception) {} loaded = true; } } #if TARGET_J2EE static TextReader GetJavaTextReader(string filename) { try { java.lang.ClassLoader cl = (java.lang.ClassLoader) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("GH_ContextClassLoader"); if (cl == null) return null; string custom = String.Concat("browscap/", filename); java.io.InputStream inputStream = cl.getResourceAsStream(custom); if (inputStream == null) inputStream = cl.getResourceAsStream(filename); if (inputStream == null) return null; return new StreamReader (new System.Web.J2EE.J2EEUtils.InputStreamWrapper (inputStream)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } #endif static void LoadFile (string filename) { #if TARGET_J2EE TextReader input = GetJavaTextReader(filename); if(input == null) return; #else if (!File.Exists (filename)) return; TextReader input = new StreamReader (File.OpenRead (filename)); #endif using (input) { string str; Hashtable allhash = new Hashtable (); int aux = 0; ArrayList browserData = new ArrayList (); while ((str = input.ReadLine ()) != null) { if (str.Length == 0 || str [0] == ';') continue; string userAgent = str.Substring (1, str.Length - 2); BrowserData data = new BrowserData (userAgent); ReadCapabilities (input, data); /* Ignore default browser and file version information */ if (userAgent == "*" || userAgent == "GJK_Browscap_Version") continue; string key = data.GetBrowser (); if (key == null || allhash.ContainsKey (key)) { allhash.Add (aux++, data); browserData.Add (data); } else { allhash.Add (key, data); browserData.Add (data); } } alldata = browserData; foreach (BrowserData data in alldata) { string pname = data.GetParentName (); if (pname == null) continue; data.Parent = (BrowserData) allhash [pname]; } } } static char [] eq = new char []{'='}; static void ReadCapabilities (TextReader input, BrowserData data) { string str, key; string [] keyvalue; while ((str = input.ReadLine ()) != null && str.Length != 0) { keyvalue = str.Split (eq, 2); key = keyvalue [0].ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim (); if (key.Length == 0) continue; data.Add (key, keyvalue [1]); } } } }