// // JsonSerializationReader.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Xml; namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Json { class JsonSerializationReader { DataContractJsonSerializer serializer; XmlReader reader; int serialized_object_count; bool verify_object_name; Dictionary typemaps = new Dictionary (); Type root_type; public JsonSerializationReader (DataContractJsonSerializer serializer, XmlReader reader, Type rootType, bool verifyObjectName) { this.serializer = serializer; this.reader = reader; this.root_type = rootType; this.verify_object_name = verifyObjectName; } public XmlReader Reader { get { return reader; } } public object ReadRoot () { TypeMap rootMap = GetTypeMap (root_type); object v = ReadObject (root_type); return v; } public object ReadObject (Type type) { if (serialized_object_count ++ == serializer.MaxItemsInObjectGraph) throw SerializationError (String.Format ("The object graph exceeded the maximum object count '{0}' specified in the serializer", serializer.MaxItemsInObjectGraph)); bool isNull = reader.GetAttribute ("type") == "null"; switch (Type.GetTypeCode (type)) { case TypeCode.DBNull: string dbn = reader.ReadElementContentAsString (); if (dbn != String.Empty) throw new SerializationException (String.Format ("The only expected DBNull value string is '{{}}'. Tha actual input was '{0}'.", dbn)); return DBNull.Value; case TypeCode.String: if (isNull) { reader.ReadElementContentAsString (); return null; } else return reader.ReadElementContentAsString (); case TypeCode.Single: return reader.ReadElementContentAsFloat (); case TypeCode.Double: return reader.ReadElementContentAsDouble (); case TypeCode.Decimal: return reader.ReadElementContentAsDecimal (); case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.UInt32: int i = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt (); if (type.IsEnum) return Enum.ToObject (type, (object)i); else return Convert.ChangeType (i, type, null); case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.UInt64: long l = reader.ReadElementContentAsLong (); if (type.IsEnum) return Enum.ToObject (type, (object)l); else return Convert.ChangeType (l, type, null); case TypeCode.Boolean: return reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean (); case TypeCode.DateTime: // it does not use ReadElementContentAsDateTime(). Different string format. var s = reader.ReadElementContentAsString (); if (s.Length < 2 || !s.StartsWith ("/Date(", StringComparison.Ordinal) || !s.EndsWith (")/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) throw new XmlException ("Invalid JSON DateTime format. The value format should be '/Date(UnixTime)/'"); return new DateTime (1970, 1, 1).AddMilliseconds (long.Parse (s.Substring (6, s.Length - 8))); default: if (type == typeof (Guid)) { return new Guid (reader.ReadElementContentAsString ()); } else if (type == typeof (Uri)) { if (isNull) { reader.ReadElementContentAsString (); return null; } else return new Uri (reader.ReadElementContentAsString ()); } else if (type == typeof (XmlQualifiedName)) { s = reader.ReadElementContentAsString (); int idx = s.IndexOf (':'); return idx < 0 ? new XmlQualifiedName (s) : new XmlQualifiedName (s.Substring (0, idx), s.Substring (idx + 1)); } else if (type != typeof (object)) { // strongly-typed object if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { // empty -> null array or object reader.Read (); return null; } Type ct = GetCollectionType (type); if (ct != null) { return DeserializeGenericCollection (type, ct); } else { TypeMap map = GetTypeMap (type); return map.Deserialize (this); } } else return ReadInstanceDrivenObject (); } } Type GetRuntimeType (string name) { name = ToRuntimeTypeName (name); if (serializer.KnownTypes != null) foreach (Type t in serializer.KnownTypes) if (t.FullName == name) return t; var ret = root_type.Assembly.GetType (name, false) ?? Type.GetType (name, false); if (ret != null) return ret; #if !NET_2_1 // how to do that in ML? // We probably have to iterate all the existing // assemblies that are loaded in current domain. foreach (var ass in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ()) { ret = ass.GetType (name, false); if (ret != null) return ret; } #endif return null; } object ReadInstanceDrivenObject () { string type = reader.GetAttribute ("type"); if (type == "object") { string runtimeType = reader.GetAttribute ("__type"); if (runtimeType != null) { Type t = GetRuntimeType (runtimeType); if (t == null) throw SerializationError (String.Format ("Cannot load type '{0}'", runtimeType)); return ReadObject (t); } } string v = reader.ReadElementContentAsString (); switch (type) { case "boolean": switch (v) { case "true": return true; case "false": return false; default: throw SerializationError (String.Format ("Invalid JSON boolean value: {0}", v)); } case "string": return v; case "null": if (v != "null") throw SerializationError (String.Format ("Invalid JSON null value: {0}", v)); return null; case "number": int i; if (int.TryParse (v, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out i)) return i; long l; if (long.TryParse (v, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out l)) return l; ulong ul; if (ulong.TryParse (v, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ul)) return ul; double dbl; if (double.TryParse (v, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dbl)) return dbl; decimal dec; if (decimal.TryParse (v, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dec)) return dec; throw SerializationError (String.Format ("Invalid JSON input: {0}", v)); default: throw SerializationError (String.Format ("Unexpected type: {0}", type)); } } string FormatTypeName (Type type) { return type.Namespace == null ? type.Name : String.Format ("{0}:#{1}", type.Name, type.Namespace); } string ToRuntimeTypeName (string s) { int idx = s.IndexOf (":#", StringComparison.Ordinal); return idx < 0 ? s : String.Concat (s.Substring (idx + 2), ".", s.Substring (0, idx)); } Type GetCollectionType (Type type) { if (type.IsArray) return type.GetElementType (); if (type.IsGenericType) { // returns T for ICollection Type [] ifaces = type.GetInterfaces (); foreach (Type i in ifaces) if (i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition ().Equals (typeof (ICollection<>))) return i.GetGenericArguments () [0]; } if (typeof (IList).IsAssignableFrom (type)) // return typeof(object) for mere collection. return typeof (object); else return null; } object DeserializeGenericCollection (Type collectionType, Type elementType) { reader.ReadStartElement (); object ret; if (typeof (IList).IsAssignableFrom (collectionType)) { #if NET_2_1 Type listType = collectionType.IsArray ? typeof (List<>).MakeGenericType (elementType) : null; #else Type listType = collectionType.IsArray ? typeof (ArrayList) : null; #endif IList c = (IList) Activator.CreateInstance (listType ?? collectionType); for (reader.MoveToContent (); reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement; reader.MoveToContent ()) { if (!reader.IsStartElement ("item")) throw SerializationError (String.Format ("Expected element 'item', but found '{0}' in namespace '{1}'", reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI)); Type et = elementType == typeof (object) || elementType.IsAbstract ? null : elementType; object elem = ReadObject (et ?? typeof (object)); c.Add (elem); } #if NET_2_1 if (collectionType.IsArray) { Array array = Array.CreateInstance (elementType, c.Count); c.CopyTo (array, 0); ret = array; } else ret = c; #else ret = collectionType.IsArray ? ((ArrayList) c).ToArray (elementType) : c; #endif } else { object c = Activator.CreateInstance (collectionType); MethodInfo add = collectionType.GetMethod ("Add", new Type [] {elementType}); if (add == null) { var icoll = typeof (ICollection<>).MakeGenericType (elementType); if (icoll.IsAssignableFrom (c.GetType ())) add = icoll.GetMethod ("Add"); } for (reader.MoveToContent (); reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement; reader.MoveToContent ()) { if (!reader.IsStartElement ("item")) throw SerializationError (String.Format ("Expected element 'item', but found '{0}' in namespace '{1}'", reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI)); object elem = ReadObject (elementType); add.Invoke (c, new object [] {elem}); } ret = c; } reader.ReadEndElement (); return ret; } TypeMap GetTypeMap (Type type) { TypeMap map; if (!typemaps.TryGetValue (type, out map)) { map = TypeMap.CreateTypeMap (type); typemaps [type] = map; } return map; } Exception SerializationError (string basemsg) { IXmlLineInfo li = reader as IXmlLineInfo; if (li == null || !li.HasLineInfo ()) return new SerializationException (basemsg); else return new SerializationException (String.Format ("{0}. Error at {1} ({2},{3})", basemsg, reader.BaseURI, li.LineNumber, li.LinePosition)); } } }