How to add a new test WCF Client/Server test: 1. In directory FeatureBased/Features.Contracts add a new contract and implementation class. It is best to copy an existing one and modify it. 2. In directory FeatureBased/Features.Serialization add a new test class. Again copy from a different test class, but remove all members. Maintain the inheritance from TestFixtureBase. However, since you don't have a client proxy yet, use 'object' instead. 3. Run the WCFServers executable. This will start the server so it is now running. 4. In command prompt, in directory Test\FeatureBased\Features.Client run "svcutil.exe /_wsdl /n:*,Proxy.MonoTests.Features.Client" e.g. svcutil http://localhost:9999/ExitProcessHelperServer_wsdl /n:*,Proxy.MonoTests.Features.Client 5. Include the file in the project 6. In the test class created in step #2, modify the name of the client proxy class to the name of the generated class.