// // ChannelDispatcher.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // Copyright (C) 2005,2009 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Reflection; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.Threading; using System.Transactions; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Description; namespace System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher { public class ChannelDispatcher : ChannelDispatcherBase { class EndpointDispatcherCollection : SynchronizedCollection { public EndpointDispatcherCollection (ChannelDispatcher owner) { this.owner = owner; } ChannelDispatcher owner; protected override void ClearItems () { foreach (var ed in this) ed.ChannelDispatcher = null; base.ClearItems (); } protected override void InsertItem (int index, EndpointDispatcher item) { item.ChannelDispatcher = owner; base.InsertItem (index, item); } protected virtual void RemoveItem (int index) { if (index < Count) this [index].ChannelDispatcher = null; base.RemoveItem (index); } protected virtual void SetItem (int index, EndpointDispatcher item) { item.ChannelDispatcher = owner; base.SetItem (index, item); } } ServiceHostBase host; string binding_name; Collection error_handlers = new Collection (); IChannelListener listener; internal IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts timeouts; // FIXME: remove internal MessageVersion message_version; bool receive_sync, include_exception_detail_in_faults, manual_addressing, is_tx_receive; int max_tx_batch_size; SynchronizedCollection initializers = new SynchronizedCollection (); IsolationLevel tx_isolation_level; TimeSpan tx_timeout; ServiceThrottle throttle; Guid identifier = Guid.NewGuid (); ManualResetEvent async_event = new ManualResetEvent (false); ListenerLoopManager loop_manager; SynchronizedCollection endpoints; [MonoTODO ("get binding info from config")] public ChannelDispatcher (IChannelListener listener) : this (listener, null) { } public ChannelDispatcher ( IChannelListener listener, string bindingName) : this (listener, bindingName, null) { } public ChannelDispatcher ( IChannelListener listener, string bindingName, IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts timeouts) { if (listener == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("listener"); Init (listener, bindingName, timeouts); } private void Init (IChannelListener listener, string bindingName, IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts timeouts) { this.listener = listener; this.binding_name = bindingName; // IChannelListener is often a ChannelListenerBase // which implements IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts. this.timeouts = timeouts ?? listener as IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts ?? DefaultCommunicationTimeouts.Instance; endpoints = new EndpointDispatcherCollection (this); } internal void InitializeServiceEndpoint (Type serviceType, ServiceEndpoint se) { this.MessageVersion = se.Binding.MessageVersion; if (this.MessageVersion == null) this.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Default; //Attach one EndpointDispacher to the ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher ed = new EndpointDispatcher (se.Address, se.Contract.Name, se.Contract.Namespace); this.Endpoints.Add (ed); ed.InitializeServiceEndpoint (false, serviceType, se); } public string BindingName { get { return binding_name; } } public SynchronizedCollection ChannelInitializers { get { return initializers; } } protected internal override TimeSpan DefaultCloseTimeout { get { return timeouts.CloseTimeout; } } protected internal override TimeSpan DefaultOpenTimeout { get { return timeouts.OpenTimeout; } } public Collection ErrorHandlers { get { return error_handlers; } } public SynchronizedCollection Endpoints { get { return endpoints; } } [MonoTODO] public bool IsTransactedAccept { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public bool IsTransactedReceive { get { return is_tx_receive; } set { is_tx_receive = value; } } public bool ManualAddressing { get { return manual_addressing; } set { manual_addressing = value; } } public int MaxTransactedBatchSize { get { return max_tx_batch_size; } set { max_tx_batch_size = value; } } public override ServiceHostBase Host { get { return host; } } public override IChannelListener Listener { get { return listener; } } public MessageVersion MessageVersion { get { return message_version; } set { message_version = value; } } public bool ReceiveSynchronously { get { return receive_sync; } set { ThrowIfDisposedOrImmutable (); receive_sync = value; } } public bool IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults { get { return include_exception_detail_in_faults; } set { include_exception_detail_in_faults = value; } } public ServiceThrottle ServiceThrottle { get { return throttle; } set { throttle = value; } } public IsolationLevel TransactionIsolationLevel { get { return tx_isolation_level; } set { tx_isolation_level = value; } } public TimeSpan TransactionTimeout { get { return tx_timeout; } set { tx_timeout = value; } } protected internal override void Attach (ServiceHostBase host) { this.host = host; } public override void CloseInput () { if (loop_manager != null) loop_manager.CloseInput (); } protected internal override void Detach (ServiceHostBase host) { this.host = null; } protected override void OnAbort () { if (loop_manager != null) loop_manager.Stop (TimeSpan.FromTicks (1)); } Action open_delegate; Action close_delegate; protected override IAsyncResult OnBeginClose (TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { if (close_delegate == null) close_delegate = new Action (OnClose); return close_delegate.BeginInvoke (timeout, callback, state); } protected override IAsyncResult OnBeginOpen (TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { if (open_delegate == null) open_delegate = new Action (OnClose); return open_delegate.BeginInvoke (timeout, callback, state); } protected override void OnClose (TimeSpan timeout) { if (loop_manager != null) loop_manager.Stop (timeout); } protected override void OnClosed () { if (host != null) host.ChannelDispatchers.Remove (this); base.OnClosed (); } protected override void OnEndClose (IAsyncResult result) { close_delegate.EndInvoke (result); } protected override void OnEndOpen (IAsyncResult result) { open_delegate.EndInvoke (result); } protected override void OnOpen (TimeSpan timeout) { if (Host == null || MessageVersion == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Service host is not attached to this ChannelDispatcher."); loop_manager = new ListenerLoopManager (this, timeout); } [MonoTODO ("what to do here?")] protected override void OnOpening () { } protected override void OnOpened () { loop_manager.Setup (); } internal void StartLoop () { // FIXME: not sure if it should be filled here. if (ServiceThrottle == null) ServiceThrottle = new ServiceThrottle (); loop_manager.Start (); } } // isolated from ChannelDispatcher class ListenerLoopManager { ChannelDispatcher owner; AutoResetEvent throttle_wait_handle = new AutoResetEvent (false); AutoResetEvent creator_handle = new AutoResetEvent (false); ManualResetEvent stop_handle = new ManualResetEvent (false); bool loop; Thread loop_thread; DateTime close_started; TimeSpan open_timeout, close_timeout; Func channel_acceptor; List channels = new List (); public ListenerLoopManager (ChannelDispatcher owner, TimeSpan openTimeout) { this.owner = owner; open_timeout = openTimeout; } public void Setup () { if (owner.Listener.State != CommunicationState.Opened) owner.Listener.Open (open_timeout); // It is tested at Open(), but strangely it is not instantiated at this point. foreach (var ed in owner.Endpoints) if (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceContextProvider == null && (ed.DispatchRuntime.Type == null || ed.DispatchRuntime.Type.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes) == null)) throw new InvalidOperationException ("There is no default constructor for the service Type in the DispatchRuntime"); SetupChannelAcceptor (); } public void Start () { foreach (var ed in owner.Endpoints) if (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceContextProvider == null) ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceContextProvider = new DefaultInstanceContextProvider (); if (loop_thread == null) loop_thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (Loop)); loop_thread.Start (); } Func CreateAcceptor (IChannelListener l) where TChannel : class, IChannel { IChannelListener r = l as IChannelListener; if (r == null) return null; AsyncCallback callback = delegate (IAsyncResult result) { try { ChannelAccepted (r.EndAcceptChannel (result)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine ("Exception during finishing channel acceptance."); Console.WriteLine (ex); } }; return delegate { try { return r.BeginAcceptChannel (callback, null); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine ("Exception during accepting channel."); Console.WriteLine (ex); throw; } }; } void SetupChannelAcceptor () { var l = owner.Listener; channel_acceptor = CreateAcceptor (l) ?? CreateAcceptor (l) ?? CreateAcceptor (l) ?? CreateAcceptor (l) ?? CreateAcceptor (l) ?? CreateAcceptor (l); if (channel_acceptor == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("Unrecognized channel listener type: {0}", l.GetType ())); } public void Stop (TimeSpan timeout) { if (loop_thread == null) return; close_started = DateTime.Now; close_timeout = timeout; loop = false; creator_handle.Set (); throttle_wait_handle.Set (); // break primary loop if (stop_handle != null) { stop_handle.WaitOne (timeout > TimeSpan.Zero ? timeout : TimeSpan.FromTicks (1)); stop_handle.Close (); stop_handle = null; } if (owner.Listener.State != CommunicationState.Closed) owner.Listener.Abort (); if (loop_thread != null && loop_thread.IsAlive) loop_thread.Abort (); loop_thread = null; } public void CloseInput () { foreach (var ch in channels.ToArray ()) { if (ch.State == CommunicationState.Closed) channels.Remove (ch); // zonbie, if exists else { try { ch.Close (close_timeout - (DateTime.Now - close_started)); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: log it. Console.WriteLine (ex); ch.Abort (); } } } } void Loop () { try { LoopCore (); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: log it Console.WriteLine ("ChannelDispatcher caught an exception inside dispatcher loop, which is likely thrown by the channel listener {0}", owner.Listener); Console.WriteLine (ex); } finally { if (stop_handle != null) stop_handle.Set (); } } void LoopCore () { loop = true; // FIXME: use WaitForChannel() for (*only* for) transacted channel listeners. // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wcf/thread/3faa4a5e-8602-4dbe-a181-73b3f581835e //FIXME: The logic here should be somewhat different as follows: //1. Get the message //2. Get the appropriate EndPointDispatcher that can handle the message // which is done using the filters (AddressFilter, ContractFilter). //3. Let the appropriate endpoint handle the request. while (loop) { while (loop && channels.Count < owner.ServiceThrottle.MaxConcurrentSessions) { channel_acceptor (); creator_handle.WaitOne (); // released by ChannelAccepted() } if (!loop) break; throttle_wait_handle.WaitOne (); // released by IChannel.Close() } try { owner.Listener.Close (); } finally { // make sure to close both listener and channels. owner.CloseInput (); } } void ChannelAccepted (IChannel ch) { try { if (ch == null) // could happen when it was aborted return; if (!loop) { var dis = ch as IDisposable; if (dis != null) dis.Dispose (); return; } channels.Add (ch); ch.Opened += delegate { ch.Faulted += delegate { if (channels.Contains (ch)) channels.Remove (ch); throttle_wait_handle.Set (); // release loop wait lock. }; ch.Closed += delegate { if (channels.Contains (ch)) channels.Remove (ch); throttle_wait_handle.Set (); // release loop wait lock. }; }; ch.Open (); } finally { creator_handle.Set (); } ProcessRequestOrInput (ch); } void ProcessRequestOrInput (IChannel ch) { var reply = ch as IReplyChannel; var input = ch as IInputChannel; if (reply != null) { if (owner.ReceiveSynchronously) { RequestContext rc; if (reply.TryReceiveRequest (owner.timeouts.ReceiveTimeout, out rc)) ProcessRequest (reply, rc); } else { reply.BeginTryReceiveRequest (owner.timeouts.ReceiveTimeout, TryReceiveRequestDone, reply); } } else if (input != null) { if (owner.ReceiveSynchronously) { Message msg; if (input.TryReceive (owner.timeouts.ReceiveTimeout, out msg)) ProcessInput (input, msg); } else { input.BeginTryReceive (owner.timeouts.ReceiveTimeout, TryReceiveDone, input); } } } void TryReceiveRequestDone (IAsyncResult result) { RequestContext rc; var reply = (IReplyChannel) result.AsyncState; if (reply.EndTryReceiveRequest (result, out rc)) ProcessRequest (reply, rc); } void TryReceiveDone (IAsyncResult result) { Message msg; var input = (IInputChannel) result.AsyncState; if (input.EndTryReceive (result, out msg)) ProcessInput (input, msg); } void SendEndpointNotFound (RequestContext rc, EndpointNotFoundException ex) { try { MessageVersion version = rc.RequestMessage.Version; FaultCode fc = new FaultCode ("DestinationUnreachable", version.Addressing.Namespace); Message res = Message.CreateMessage (version, fc, "error occured", rc.RequestMessage.Headers.Action); rc.Reply (res); } catch (Exception e) { } } void ProcessRequest (IReplyChannel reply, RequestContext rc) { try { EndpointDispatcher candidate = FindEndpointDispatcher (rc.RequestMessage); new InputOrReplyRequestProcessor (candidate.DispatchRuntime, reply). ProcessReply (rc); } catch (EndpointNotFoundException ex) { SendEndpointNotFound (rc, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: log it. Console.WriteLine (ex); } finally { if (rc != null) rc.Close (); // unless it is closed by session/call manager, move it back to the loop to receive the next message. if (reply.State != CommunicationState.Closed) ProcessRequestOrInput (reply); } } void ProcessInput (IInputChannel input, Message message) { try { EndpointDispatcher candidate = null; candidate = FindEndpointDispatcher (message); new InputOrReplyRequestProcessor (candidate.DispatchRuntime, input). ProcessInput (message); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: log it. Console.WriteLine (ex); } finally { // unless it is closed by session/call manager, move it back to the loop to receive the next message. if (input.State != CommunicationState.Closed) ProcessRequestOrInput (input); } } EndpointDispatcher FindEndpointDispatcher (Message message) { EndpointDispatcher candidate = null; for (int i = 0; i < owner.Endpoints.Count; i++) { if (MessageMatchesEndpointDispatcher (message, owner.Endpoints [i])) { var newdis = owner.Endpoints [i]; if (candidate == null || candidate.FilterPriority < newdis.FilterPriority) candidate = newdis; else if (candidate.FilterPriority == newdis.FilterPriority) throw new MultipleFilterMatchesException (); } } if (candidate == null && owner.Host != null) owner.Host.OnUnknownMessageReceived (message); return candidate; } bool MessageMatchesEndpointDispatcher (Message req, EndpointDispatcher endpoint) { Uri to = req.Headers.To; if (to == null) return false; if (to.AbsoluteUri == Constants.WsaAnonymousUri) return false; return endpoint.AddressFilter.Match (req) && endpoint.ContractFilter.Match (req); } } }