// // DefaultMessageOperationFormatter.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // Eyal Alaluf // // Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com // Copyright (C) 2008 Mainsoft Co. http://www.mainsoft.com // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher { // This type is introduced for moonlight compatibility. internal class OperationFormatter : IDispatchMessageFormatter, IClientMessageFormatter { BaseMessagesFormatter impl; string operation_name; public OperationFormatter (OperationDescription od, bool isRpc, bool isEncoded) { Validate (od, isRpc, isEncoded); impl = BaseMessagesFormatter.Create (od); operation_name = od.Name; } public string OperationName { get { return operation_name; } } public bool IsValidReturnValue (MessagePartDescription part) { return part != null && part.Type != typeof (void); } void Validate (OperationDescription od, bool isRpc, bool isEncoded) { bool hasParameter = false, hasVoid = false; foreach (var md in od.Messages) { if (md.IsTypedMessage || md.IsUntypedMessage) { if (isRpc && !isEncoded) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Message with action {0} is either strongly-typed or untyped, but defined as RPC and encoded."); if (hasParameter && !md.IsVoid) throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("Operation '{0}' contains a message with parameters. Strongly-typed or untyped message can be paired only with strongly-typed, untyped or void message.", od.Name)); if (isRpc && hasVoid) throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("This operation '{0}' is defined as RPC and contains a message with void, which is not allowed.", od.Name)); } else { hasParameter |= !md.IsVoid; hasVoid |= md.IsVoid; } } } public object DeserializeReply (Message message, object [] parameters) { return impl.DeserializeReply (message, parameters); } public Message SerializeRequest (MessageVersion messageVersion, object [] parameters) { return impl.SerializeRequest (messageVersion, parameters); } public void DeserializeRequest (Message message, object [] parameters) { impl.DeserializeRequest (message, parameters); } public Message SerializeReply (MessageVersion messageVersion, object [] parameters, object result) { return impl.SerializeReply (messageVersion, parameters, result); } } internal abstract class BaseMessagesFormatter : IDispatchMessageFormatter, IClientMessageFormatter { MessageDescriptionCollection messages; bool isAsync; ParameterInfo [] requestMethodParams; ParameterInfo [] replyMethodParams; public BaseMessagesFormatter (MessageDescriptionCollection messages) { this.messages = messages; } public BaseMessagesFormatter (OperationDescription desc) : this (desc.Messages) { if (desc.SyncMethod != null) { isAsync = false; requestMethodParams = replyMethodParams = desc.SyncMethod.GetParameters (); return; } isAsync = true; ParameterInfo [] methodParams = desc.BeginMethod.GetParameters (); requestMethodParams = new ParameterInfo [methodParams.Length - 2]; Array.Copy (methodParams, requestMethodParams, requestMethodParams.Length); methodParams = desc.EndMethod.GetParameters (); replyMethodParams = new ParameterInfo [methodParams.Length - 1]; Array.Copy (methodParams, replyMethodParams, replyMethodParams.Length); } public static BaseMessagesFormatter Create (OperationDescription desc) { MethodInfo attrProvider = desc.SyncMethod ?? desc.BeginMethod; object [] attrs; #if !NET_2_1 attrs = attrProvider.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (XmlSerializerFormatAttribute), false); if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0) return new XmlMessagesFormatter (desc, (XmlSerializerFormatAttribute) attrs [0]); #endif attrs = attrProvider.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (DataContractFormatAttribute), false); DataContractFormatAttribute dataAttr = null; if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0) dataAttr = (DataContractFormatAttribute) attrs [0]; return new DataContractMessagesFormatter (desc, dataAttr); } protected abstract Message PartsToMessage ( MessageDescription md, MessageVersion version, string action, object [] parts); protected abstract object [] MessageToParts (MessageDescription md, Message message); public Message SerializeRequest ( MessageVersion version, object [] parameters) { MessageDescription md = null; foreach (MessageDescription mdi in messages) if (mdi.Direction == MessageDirection.Input) md = mdi; object [] parts = CreatePartsArray (md.Body); if (md.MessageType != null) MessageObjectToParts (md, parameters [0], parts); else { int index = 0; foreach (ParameterInfo pi in requestMethodParams) if (!pi.IsOut) parts [index++] = parameters [pi.Position]; } return PartsToMessage (md, version, md.Action, parts); } public Message SerializeReply ( MessageVersion version, object [] parameters, object result) { // use_response_converter MessageDescription md = null; foreach (MessageDescription mdi in messages) if (mdi.Direction == MessageDirection.Output) md = mdi; object [] parts = CreatePartsArray (md.Body); if (md.MessageType != null) MessageObjectToParts (md, result, parts); else { if (HasReturnValue (md.Body)) parts [0] = result; int index = ParamsOffset (md.Body); int paramsIdx = 0; foreach (ParameterInfo pi in replyMethodParams) if (pi.IsOut || pi.ParameterType.IsByRef) parts [index++] = parameters [paramsIdx++]; } string action = version.Addressing == AddressingVersion.None ? null : md.Action; return PartsToMessage (md, version, action, parts); } public void DeserializeRequest (Message message, object [] parameters) { string action = message.Headers.Action; MessageDescription md = messages.Find (action); if (md == null) throw new ActionNotSupportedException (String.Format ("Action '{0}' is not supported by this operation.", action)); object [] parts = MessageToParts (md, message); if (md.MessageType != null) { #if NET_2_1 parameters [0] = Activator.CreateInstance (md.MessageType); #else parameters [0] = Activator.CreateInstance (md.MessageType, true); #endif PartsToMessageObject (md, parts, parameters [0]); } else { int index = 0; foreach (ParameterInfo pi in requestMethodParams) if (!pi.IsOut) { parameters [index] = parts [index]; index++; } } } public object DeserializeReply (Message message, object [] parameters) { MessageDescription md = null; foreach (MessageDescription mdi in messages) if (mdi.Direction == MessageDirection.Output) md = mdi; object [] parts = MessageToParts (md, message); if (md.MessageType != null) { #if NET_2_1 object msgObject = Activator.CreateInstance (md.MessageType); #else object msgObject = Activator.CreateInstance (md.MessageType, true); #endif PartsToMessageObject (md, parts, msgObject); return msgObject; } else { int index = ParamsOffset (md.Body); foreach (ParameterInfo pi in requestMethodParams) if (pi.IsOut || pi.ParameterType.IsByRef) parameters [pi.Position] = parts [index++]; return HasReturnValue (md.Body) ? parts [0] : null; } } void PartsToMessageObject (MessageDescription md, object [] parts, object msgObject) { foreach (MessagePartDescription partDesc in md.Body.Parts) if (partDesc.MemberInfo is FieldInfo) ((FieldInfo) partDesc.MemberInfo).SetValue (msgObject, parts [partDesc.Index]); else ((PropertyInfo) partDesc.MemberInfo).SetValue (msgObject, parts [partDesc.Index], null); } void MessageObjectToParts (MessageDescription md, object msgObject, object [] parts) { foreach (MessagePartDescription partDesc in md.Body.Parts) if (partDesc.MemberInfo is FieldInfo) parts [partDesc.Index] = ((FieldInfo) partDesc.MemberInfo).GetValue (msgObject); else parts [partDesc.Index] = ((PropertyInfo) partDesc.MemberInfo).GetValue (msgObject, null); } internal static bool HasReturnValue (MessageBodyDescription desc) { return desc.ReturnValue != null && desc.ReturnValue.Type != typeof (void); } protected static int ParamsOffset (MessageBodyDescription desc) { return HasReturnValue (desc) ? 1 : 0; } protected static object [] CreatePartsArray (MessageBodyDescription desc) { if (HasReturnValue (desc)) return new object [desc.Parts.Count + 1]; return new object [desc.Parts.Count]; } } #if !NET_2_1 class XmlMessagesFormatter : BaseMessagesFormatter { XmlSerializerFormatAttribute attr; Dictionary bodySerializers = new Dictionary (); public XmlMessagesFormatter (OperationDescription desc, XmlSerializerFormatAttribute attr) : base (desc) { this.attr = attr; } public XmlMessagesFormatter (MessageDescriptionCollection messages, XmlSerializerFormatAttribute attr) : base (messages) { this.attr = attr; } private XmlReflectionMember CreateReflectionMember (MessagePartDescription partDesc, bool isReturnValue) { XmlReflectionMember m = new XmlReflectionMember (); m.IsReturnValue = isReturnValue; m.MemberName = partDesc.Name; m.MemberType = partDesc.Type; return m; } protected override Message PartsToMessage ( MessageDescription md, MessageVersion version, string action, object [] parts) { return Message.CreateMessage (version, action, new XmlBodyWriter (GetSerializer (md.Body), parts)); } protected override object [] MessageToParts (MessageDescription md, Message message) { if (message.IsEmpty) return null; XmlDictionaryReader r = message.GetReaderAtBodyContents (); return (object []) GetSerializer (md.Body).Deserialize (r); } // FIXME: Handle ServiceKnownTypes XmlSerializer GetSerializer (MessageBodyDescription desc) { if (bodySerializers.ContainsKey (desc)) return bodySerializers [desc]; int count = desc.Parts.Count + (HasReturnValue (desc) ? 1 : 0); XmlReflectionMember [] members = new XmlReflectionMember [count]; int ind = 0; if (HasReturnValue (desc)) members [ind++] = CreateReflectionMember (desc.ReturnValue, true); foreach (MessagePartDescription partDesc in desc.Parts) members [ind++] = CreateReflectionMember (partDesc, false); // FIXME: Register known types into xmlImporter. XmlReflectionImporter xmlImporter = new XmlReflectionImporter (); XmlMembersMapping [] partsMapping = new XmlMembersMapping [1]; partsMapping [0] = xmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping (desc.WrapperName, desc.WrapperNamespace, members, true); bodySerializers [desc] = XmlSerializer.FromMappings (partsMapping) [0]; return bodySerializers [desc]; } class XmlBodyWriter : BodyWriter { XmlSerializer serializer; object body; public XmlBodyWriter (XmlSerializer serializer, object parts) : base (false) { this.serializer = serializer; this.body = parts; } protected override BodyWriter OnCreateBufferedCopy (int maxBufferSize) { return new XmlBodyWriter (serializer, body); } protected override void OnWriteBodyContents (XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { serializer.Serialize (writer, body); } } } #endif class DataContractMessagesFormatter : BaseMessagesFormatter { DataContractFormatAttribute attr; public DataContractMessagesFormatter (OperationDescription desc, DataContractFormatAttribute attr) : base (desc) { this.attr = attr; } public DataContractMessagesFormatter (MessageDescriptionCollection messages, DataContractFormatAttribute attr) : base (messages) { this.attr = attr; } Dictionary serializers = new Dictionary (); protected override Message PartsToMessage ( MessageDescription md, MessageVersion version, string action, object [] parts) { return Message.CreateMessage (version, action, new DataContractBodyWriter (md.Body, this, parts)); } protected override object [] MessageToParts ( MessageDescription md, Message message) { if (message.IsEmpty) return null; int offset = ParamsOffset (md.Body); object [] parts = CreatePartsArray (md.Body); XmlDictionaryReader r = message.GetReaderAtBodyContents (); if (md.Body.WrapperName != null) r.ReadStartElement (md.Body.WrapperName, md.Body.WrapperNamespace); for (r.MoveToContent (); r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element; r.MoveToContent ()) { XmlQualifiedName key = new XmlQualifiedName (r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI); MessagePartDescription rv = md.Body.ReturnValue; if (rv != null && rv.Name == key.Name && rv.Namespace == key.Namespace) parts [0] = GetSerializer (md.Body.ReturnValue).ReadObject (r); else if (md.Body.Parts.Contains (key)) { MessagePartDescription p = md.Body.Parts [key]; parts [p.Index + offset] = GetSerializer (p).ReadObject (r); } else // Skip unknown elements r.Skip (); } if (md.Body.WrapperName != null && !r.EOF) r.ReadEndElement (); return parts; } // FIXME: Handle ServiceKnownTypes XmlObjectSerializer GetSerializer (MessagePartDescription partDesc) { if (!serializers.ContainsKey (partDesc)) serializers [partDesc] = new DataContractSerializer ( partDesc.Type, partDesc.Name, partDesc.Namespace); return serializers [partDesc]; } class DataContractBodyWriter : BodyWriter { MessageBodyDescription desc; object [] parts; DataContractMessagesFormatter parent; public DataContractBodyWriter (MessageBodyDescription desc, DataContractMessagesFormatter parent, object [] parts) : base (false) { this.desc = desc; this.parent = parent; this.parts = parts; } protected override void OnWriteBodyContents (XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { int offset = HasReturnValue (desc) ? 1 : 0; if (desc.WrapperName != null) writer.WriteStartElement (desc.WrapperName, desc.WrapperNamespace); if (HasReturnValue (desc)) WriteMessagePart (writer, desc, desc.ReturnValue, parts [0]); foreach (MessagePartDescription partDesc in desc.Parts) WriteMessagePart (writer, desc, partDesc, parts [partDesc.Index + offset]); if (desc.WrapperName != null) writer.WriteEndElement (); } void WriteMessagePart ( XmlDictionaryWriter writer, MessageBodyDescription desc, MessagePartDescription partDesc, object obj) { parent.GetSerializer (partDesc).WriteObject (writer, obj); } } } }