// // KeyInfo.cs - Xml Signature KeyInfo implementation // // Author: // Sebastien Pouliot (spouliot@motus.com) // // (C) 2002, 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // using System.Collections; using System.Xml; namespace System.Security.Cryptography.Xml { public class KeyInfo : IEnumerable { private ArrayList Info; private string id; public KeyInfo() { Info = new ArrayList (); } public int Count { get { return Info.Count; } } public string Id { get { return id; } set { id = value; } } public void AddClause (KeyInfoClause clause) { Info.Add (clause); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () { return Info.GetEnumerator (); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator (Type requestedObjectType) { // Build a new ArrayList... ArrayList TypeList = new ArrayList (); IEnumerator e = Info.GetEnumerator (); while (true) { // ...with all object of specified type... if ((e.Current).GetType().Equals (requestedObjectType)) TypeList.Add (e.Current); if (!e.MoveNext ()) break; } // ...and return its enumerator return TypeList.GetEnumerator (); } public XmlElement GetXml () { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument (); XmlElement xel = document.CreateElement (XmlSignature.ElementNames.KeyInfo, XmlSignature.NamespaceURI); // we add References afterward so we don't end up with extraneous // xmlns="..." in each reference elements. foreach (KeyInfoClause kic in Info) { XmlNode xn = kic.GetXml (); XmlNode newNode = document.ImportNode (xn, true); xel.AppendChild (newNode); } return xel; } public void LoadXml (XmlElement value) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("value"); if ((value.LocalName == XmlSignature.ElementNames.KeyInfo) && (value.NamespaceURI == XmlSignature.NamespaceURI)) { foreach (XmlNode n in value.ChildNodes) { KeyInfoClause kic = null; if (n is XmlWhitespace) continue; switch (n.LocalName) { case XmlSignature.ElementNames.KeyValue: XmlNodeList xnl = n.ChildNodes; if (xnl.Count > 0) { // we must now treat the whitespace ! foreach (XmlNode m in xnl) { switch (m.LocalName) { case XmlSignature.ElementNames.DSAKeyValue: kic = (KeyInfoClause) new DSAKeyValue (); break; case XmlSignature.ElementNames.RSAKeyValue: kic = (KeyInfoClause) new RSAKeyValue (); break; } } } break; case XmlSignature.ElementNames.KeyName: kic = (KeyInfoClause) new KeyInfoName (); break; case XmlSignature.ElementNames.RetrievalMethod: kic = (KeyInfoClause) new KeyInfoRetrievalMethod (); break; case XmlSignature.ElementNames.X509Data: kic = (KeyInfoClause) new KeyInfoX509Data (); break; /* case XmlSignature.ElementNames.RSAKeyValue: kic = (KeyInfoClause) new RSAKeyValue (); break;*/ default: kic = (KeyInfoClause) new KeyInfoNode (); break; } if (kic != null) { kic.LoadXml ((XmlElement) n); AddClause (kic); } } } } } }