// created on 24/04/2003 at 15:35 // // System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapReader // // Authors: // Jean-Marc Andre (jean-marc.andre@polymtl.ca) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata; namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap { internal sealed class SoapReader { #region Fields private SerializationBinder _binder; private SoapTypeMapper mapper; private ObjectManager objMgr; private StreamingContext _context; private long _nextAvailableId = long.MaxValue; private ISurrogateSelector _surrogateSelector; private XmlTextReader xmlReader; private Hashtable _fieldIndices; private long _topObjectId = 1; class TypeMetadata { public MemberInfo[] MemberInfos; public Hashtable Indices; } #endregion #region Properties private long NextAvailableId { get { _nextAvailableId--; return _nextAvailableId; } } #endregion #region Constructors public SoapReader(SerializationBinder binder, ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context) { _binder = binder; objMgr = new ObjectManager(selector, context); _context = context; _surrogateSelector = selector; _fieldIndices = new Hashtable(); } #endregion #region Public Methods public object Deserialize(Stream inStream, ISoapMessage soapMessage) { var savedCi = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; try { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); Deserialize_inner(inStream, soapMessage); } finally { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = savedCi; } return TopObject; } void Deserialize_inner(Stream inStream, ISoapMessage soapMessage) { ArrayList headers = null; xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(inStream); xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None; mapper = new SoapTypeMapper(_binder); try { // SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlReader.MoveToContent(); xmlReader.ReadStartElement (); xmlReader.MoveToContent(); // Read headers while (!(xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xmlReader.LocalName == "Body" && xmlReader.NamespaceURI == SoapTypeMapper.SoapEnvelopeNamespace)) { if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xmlReader.LocalName == "Header" && xmlReader.NamespaceURI == SoapTypeMapper.SoapEnvelopeNamespace) { if (headers == null) headers = new ArrayList (); DeserializeHeaders (headers); } else xmlReader.Skip (); xmlReader.MoveToContent(); } // SOAP-ENV:Body xmlReader.ReadStartElement(); xmlReader.MoveToContent(); // The root object if (soapMessage != null) { if (DeserializeMessage (soapMessage)) { _topObjectId = NextAvailableId; RegisterObject (_topObjectId, soapMessage, null, 0, null, null); } xmlReader.MoveToContent(); if (headers != null) soapMessage.Headers = (Header[]) headers.ToArray (typeof(Header)); } while (xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) Deserialize(); // SOAP-ENV:Body xmlReader.ReadEndElement (); xmlReader.MoveToContent(); // SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlReader.ReadEndElement (); } finally { if(xmlReader != null) xmlReader.Close(); } } #endregion public SoapTypeMapper Mapper { get { return mapper; } } public XmlTextReader XmlReader { get { return xmlReader; } } #region Private Methods private object TopObject { get { objMgr.DoFixups(); objMgr.RaiseDeserializationEvent(); return objMgr.GetObject(_topObjectId); } } private bool IsNull() { string tmp = xmlReader["null", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace]; return (tmp == null || tmp == string.Empty)?false:true; } private long GetId() { long id = 0; string strId = xmlReader["id"]; if(strId == null || strId == String.Empty) return 0; id = Convert.ToInt64(strId.Substring(4)); return id; } private long GetHref() { long href = 0; string strHref = xmlReader["href"]; if(strHref == null || strHref == string.Empty) return 0; href = Convert.ToInt64(strHref.Substring(5)); return href; } private Type GetComponentType() { string strValue = xmlReader["type", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace]; if(strValue == null) { if(GetId() != 0) return typeof(string); return null; } return GetTypeFromQName (strValue); } private bool DeserializeMessage(ISoapMessage message) { string typeNamespace, assemblyName; if(xmlReader.Name == SoapTypeMapper.SoapEnvelopePrefix + ":Fault") { Deserialize(); return false; } SoapServices.DecodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace( xmlReader.NamespaceURI, out typeNamespace, out assemblyName); message.MethodName = xmlReader.LocalName; message.XmlNameSpace = xmlReader.NamespaceURI; ArrayList paramNames = new ArrayList(); ArrayList paramValues = new ArrayList(); long paramValuesId = NextAvailableId; int[] indices = new int[1]; if (!xmlReader.IsEmptyElement) { int initialDepth = xmlReader.Depth; xmlReader.Read(); int i = 0; while(xmlReader.Depth > initialDepth) { long paramId, paramHref; object objParam = null; paramNames.Add (xmlReader.Name); Type paramType = null; if (message.ParamTypes != null) { if (i >= message.ParamTypes.Length) throw new SerializationException ("Not enough parameter types in SoapMessages"); paramType = message.ParamTypes [i]; } indices[0] = i; objParam = DeserializeComponent( paramType, out paramId, out paramHref, paramValuesId, null, indices); indices[0] = paramValues.Add(objParam); if(paramHref != 0) { RecordFixup(paramValuesId, paramHref, paramValues.ToArray(), null, null, null, indices); } else if(paramId != 0) { // RegisterObject(paramId, objParam, null, paramValuesId, null, indices); } else { } i++; } xmlReader.ReadEndElement(); } else { xmlReader.Read(); } message.ParamNames = (string[]) paramNames.ToArray(typeof(string)); message.ParamValues = paramValues.ToArray(); RegisterObject(paramValuesId, message.ParamValues, null, 0, null, null); return true; } void DeserializeHeaders (ArrayList headers) { xmlReader.ReadStartElement (); xmlReader.MoveToContent (); while (xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { xmlReader.Skip(); continue; } if (xmlReader.GetAttribute ("root", SoapTypeMapper.SoapEncodingNamespace) == "1") headers.Add (DeserializeHeader ()); else Deserialize (); xmlReader.MoveToContent (); } xmlReader.ReadEndElement (); } Header DeserializeHeader () { Header h = new Header (xmlReader.LocalName, null); h.HeaderNamespace = xmlReader.NamespaceURI; h.MustUnderstand = xmlReader.GetAttribute ("mustUnderstand", SoapTypeMapper.SoapEnvelopeNamespace) == "1"; object value; long fieldId, fieldHref; long idHeader = NextAvailableId; FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(Header).GetField ("Value"); value = DeserializeComponent (null, out fieldId, out fieldHref, idHeader, fieldInfo, null); h.Value = value; if(fieldHref != 0 && value == null) { RecordFixup (idHeader, fieldHref, h, null, null, fieldInfo, null); } else if(value != null && value.GetType().IsValueType && fieldId != 0) { RecordFixup (idHeader, fieldId, h, null, null, fieldInfo, null); } else if(fieldId != 0) { RegisterObject (fieldId, value, null, idHeader, fieldInfo, null); } RegisterObject (idHeader, h, null, 0, null, null); return h; } private object DeserializeArray(long id) { // Special case for base64 byte arrays if (GetComponentType () == typeof(byte[])) { byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String (xmlReader.ReadElementString()); RegisterObject(id, data, null, 0, null, null); return data; } // Get the array properties string strArrayType = xmlReader["arrayType", SoapTypeMapper.SoapEncodingNamespace]; string[] arrayInfo = strArrayType.Split(':'); int arraySuffixInfo = arrayInfo[1].LastIndexOf('['); String arrayElementType = arrayInfo[1].Substring(0, arraySuffixInfo); String arraySuffix = arrayInfo[1].Substring(arraySuffixInfo); string[] arrayDims = arraySuffix.Substring(1,arraySuffix.Length-2).Trim().Split(','); int numberOfDims = arrayDims.Length; int[] lengths = new int[numberOfDims]; for (int i=0; i < numberOfDims; i++) { lengths[i] = Convert.ToInt32(arrayDims[i]); } int[] indices = new int[numberOfDims]; // Create the array Type arrayType = mapper.GetType (arrayElementType, xmlReader.LookupNamespace(arrayInfo[0])); Array array = Array.CreateInstance( arrayType, lengths); for(int i = 0; i < numberOfDims; i++) { indices[i] = array.GetLowerBound(i); } // Deserialize the array items int arrayDepth = xmlReader.Depth; xmlReader.Read(); while(xmlReader.Depth > arrayDepth) { Type itemType = GetComponentType(); if(itemType == null) itemType = array.GetType().GetElementType(); long itemId, itemHref; object objItem = DeserializeComponent(itemType, out itemId, out itemHref, id, null, indices); if(itemHref != 0) { object obj = objMgr.GetObject(itemHref); if(obj != null) array.SetValue(obj, indices); else RecordFixup(id, itemHref, array, null, null, null, indices); } else if(objItem != null && objItem.GetType().IsValueType && itemId != 0) { RecordFixup(id, itemId, array, null, null, null, indices); } else if(itemId != 0) { RegisterObject(itemId, objItem, null, id, null, indices); array.SetValue(objItem, indices); } else { array.SetValue(objItem, indices); } // Get the next indice for(int dim = array.Rank - 1; dim >= 0; dim--) { indices[dim]++; if(indices[dim] > array.GetUpperBound(dim)) { if(dim > 0) { indices[dim] = array.GetLowerBound(dim); continue; } } break; } } RegisterObject(id, array, null, 0, null, null); xmlReader.ReadEndElement(); return array; } private object Deserialize() { object objReturn = null; Type type = mapper.GetType (xmlReader.LocalName, xmlReader.NamespaceURI); // Get the Id long id = GetId(); id = (id == 0)?1:id; if(type == typeof(Array)) { objReturn = DeserializeArray(id); } else { objReturn = DeserializeObject(type, id, 0, null, null); } return objReturn; } private object DeserializeObject( Type type, long id, long parentId, MemberInfo parentMemberInfo, int[] indices) { SerializationInfo info = null; bool NeedsSerializationInfo = false; bool hasFixup; // in case of String & TimeSpan we should allways use 'ReadInternalSoapValue' method // in case of other internal types, we should use ReadInternalSoapValue' only if it is NOT // the root object, means it is a data member of another object that is being serialized. bool shouldReadInternal = (type == typeof(String) || type == typeof(TimeSpan) ); if(shouldReadInternal || mapper.IsInternalSoapType (type) && (indices != null || parentMemberInfo != null) ) { object obj = mapper.ReadInternalSoapValue (this, type); if(id != 0) RegisterObject(id, obj, info, parentId, parentMemberInfo, indices); return obj; } object objReturn = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type); objMgr.RaiseOnDeserializingEvent (objReturn); if(objReturn is ISerializable) NeedsSerializationInfo = true; if(_surrogateSelector != null && NeedsSerializationInfo == false) { ISurrogateSelector selector; ISerializationSurrogate surrogate = _surrogateSelector.GetSurrogate( type, _context, out selector); NeedsSerializationInfo |= (surrogate != null); } if(NeedsSerializationInfo) { objReturn = DeserializeISerializableObject(objReturn, id, out info, out hasFixup); } else { objReturn = DeserializeSimpleObject(objReturn, id, out hasFixup); if(!hasFixup && objReturn is IObjectReference) objReturn = ((IObjectReference)objReturn).GetRealObject(_context); } RegisterObject(id, objReturn, info, parentId, parentMemberInfo, indices); xmlReader.ReadEndElement(); return objReturn; } private object DeserializeSimpleObject( object obj, long id, out bool hasFixup ) { hasFixup = false; Type currentType = obj.GetType(); TypeMetadata tm = GetTypeMetadata (currentType); object[] data = new object[tm.MemberInfos.Length]; xmlReader.Read(); xmlReader.MoveToContent (); while (xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { xmlReader.Skip (); continue; } object fieldObject; long fieldId, fieldHref; object indexob = tm.Indices [xmlReader.LocalName]; if (indexob == null) throw new SerializationException ("Field \"" + xmlReader.LocalName + "\" not found in class " + currentType.FullName); int index = (int) indexob; FieldInfo fieldInfo = (tm.MemberInfos[index]) as FieldInfo; fieldObject = DeserializeComponent(fieldInfo.FieldType, out fieldId, out fieldHref, id, fieldInfo, null); data[index] = fieldObject; if(fieldHref != 0 && fieldObject == null) { RecordFixup(id, fieldHref, obj, null, null, fieldInfo, null); hasFixup = true; continue; } if(fieldObject != null && fieldObject.GetType().IsValueType && fieldId != 0) { RecordFixup(id, fieldId, obj, null, null, fieldInfo, null); hasFixup = true; continue; } if(fieldId != 0) { RegisterObject(fieldId, fieldObject, null, id, fieldInfo, null); } } FormatterServices.PopulateObjectMembers (obj, tm.MemberInfos, data); return obj; } private object DeserializeISerializableObject( object obj, long id, out SerializationInfo info, out bool hasFixup ) { long fieldId, fieldHref; info = new SerializationInfo(obj.GetType(), new FormatterConverter()); hasFixup = false; int initialDepth = xmlReader.Depth; xmlReader.Read(); while(xmlReader.Depth > initialDepth) { Type fieldType = GetComponentType(); string fieldName = XmlConvert.DecodeName (xmlReader.LocalName); object objField = DeserializeComponent( fieldType, out fieldId, out fieldHref, id, null, null); if(fieldHref != 0 && objField == null) { RecordFixup(id, fieldHref, obj, info, fieldName, null, null); hasFixup = true; continue; } else if(fieldId != 0 && objField.GetType().IsValueType) { RecordFixup(id, fieldId, obj, info, fieldName, null, null); hasFixup = true; continue; } if(fieldId != 0) { RegisterObject(fieldId, objField, null, id, null, null); } info.AddValue(fieldName, objField, (fieldType != null)?fieldType:typeof(object)); } return obj; } private object DeserializeComponent( Type componentType, out long componentId, out long componentHref, long parentId, MemberInfo parentMemberInfo, int[] indices) { object objReturn; componentId = 0; componentHref = 0; if(IsNull()) { xmlReader.Read(); return null; } Type xsiType = GetComponentType(); if(xsiType != null) componentType = xsiType; if(xmlReader.HasAttributes) { componentId = GetId(); componentHref = GetHref(); } if(componentId != 0) { // It's a string string str = xmlReader.ReadElementString(); objMgr.RegisterObject (str, componentId); return str; } if(componentHref != 0) { // Move the cursor to the next node xmlReader.Read(); return objMgr.GetObject(componentHref); } if(componentType == null) return xmlReader.ReadElementString(); componentId = NextAvailableId; objReturn = DeserializeObject( componentType, componentId, parentId, parentMemberInfo, indices); return objReturn; } public void RecordFixup( long parentObjectId, long childObjectId, object parentObject, SerializationInfo info, string fieldName, MemberInfo memberInfo, int[] indices) { if(info != null) { objMgr.RecordDelayedFixup(parentObjectId, fieldName, childObjectId); } else if (parentObject is Array) { if (indices.Length == 1) objMgr.RecordArrayElementFixup (parentObjectId, indices[0], childObjectId); else objMgr.RecordArrayElementFixup (parentObjectId, (int[])indices.Clone(), childObjectId); } else { objMgr.RecordFixup (parentObjectId, memberInfo, childObjectId); } } private void RegisterObject ( long objectId, object objectInstance, SerializationInfo info, long parentObjectId, MemberInfo parentObjectMember, int[] indices) { if (parentObjectId == 0) indices = null; if (!objectInstance.GetType ().IsValueType || parentObjectId == 0) { if (objMgr.GetObject(objectId) != objectInstance) objMgr.RegisterObject (objectInstance, objectId, info, 0, null, null); } else { if(objMgr.GetObject(objectId) != null) throw new SerializationException("Object already registered"); if (indices != null) indices = (int[])indices.Clone(); objMgr.RegisterObject ( objectInstance, objectId, info, parentObjectId, parentObjectMember, indices); } } TypeMetadata GetTypeMetadata (Type type) { TypeMetadata tm = _fieldIndices[type] as TypeMetadata; if (tm != null) return tm; tm = new TypeMetadata (); tm.MemberInfos = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers (type, _context); tm.Indices = new Hashtable(); for(int i = 0; i < tm.MemberInfos.Length; i++) { SoapFieldAttribute at = (SoapFieldAttribute) InternalRemotingServices.GetCachedSoapAttribute (tm.MemberInfos[i]); tm.Indices [XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName (at.XmlElementName)] = i; } _fieldIndices[type] = tm; return tm; } public Type GetTypeFromQName (string qname) { string[] strName = qname.Split(':'); string namespaceURI = xmlReader.LookupNamespace (strName[0]); return mapper.GetType (strName[1], namespaceURI); } #endregion } }