// // System.Net.WebClient // // Authors: // Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // Atsushi Enomoto (atsushi@ximian.com) // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Stephane Delcroix (sdelcroix@novell.com) // // Copyright 2003 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com) // Copyright 2006, 2008, 2009-2010 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.IO; using System.Security; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace System.Net { // note: this type is effectively sealed to transparent code since it's default .ctor is marked with [SecuritySafeCritical] public class WebClient { WebHeaderCollection headers; WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders; bool response_supports_headers = true; // will be set to false, if needed, when we get a response string baseAddress; Uri base_address_uri; bool is_busy; Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8; bool allow_read_buffering = true; bool allow_write_buffering = true; WebRequest request; object locker; CallbackData callback_data; long upload_length; public WebClient () { // kind of calling NativeMethods.plugin_instance_get_source_location (PluginHost.Handle) // but without adding dependency on System.Windows.dll. GetData is [SecurityCritical] // this makes the default .ctor [SecuritySafeCritical] which would be a problem (inheritance) // but it happens that MS SL2 also has this default .ctor as SSC :-) BaseAddress = (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData ("xap_uri") as string); locker = new object (); UseDefaultCredentials = true; } // Properties public string BaseAddress { get { return baseAddress; } set { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) { baseAddress = String.Empty; base_address_uri = null; } else { if (!Uri.TryCreate (value, UriKind.Absolute, out base_address_uri)) throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid URI"); baseAddress = Uri.UnescapeDataString (base_address_uri.AbsoluteUri); } } } [MonoTODO ("provide credentials to the client stack")] public ICredentials Credentials { get; set; } // this is an unvalidated collection, HttpWebRequest is responsable to validate it public WebHeaderCollection Headers { get { if (headers == null) headers = new WebHeaderCollection (); return headers; } set { headers = value; } } public WebHeaderCollection ResponseHeaders { get { if (!response_supports_headers) throw new NotImplementedException (); return responseHeaders; } } public Encoding Encoding { get { return encoding; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("value"); encoding = value; } } public bool IsBusy { get { return is_busy; } } [MonoTODO ("value is unused, current implementation always works like it's true (default)")] public bool AllowReadStreamBuffering { get { return allow_read_buffering; } set { allow_read_buffering = value; } } // new in SL4 RC [MonoTODO ("value is unused, current implementation always works like it's true (default)")] public bool AllowWriteStreamBuffering { get { return allow_write_buffering; } set { allow_write_buffering = value; } } public bool UseDefaultCredentials { get; set; } // Methods void CheckBusy () { if (IsBusy) throw new NotSupportedException ("WebClient does not support concurrent I/O operations."); } void SetBusy () { lock (locker) { CheckBusy (); is_busy = true; } } private string DetermineMethod (Uri address, string method) { if (method != null) return method; if (address.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeFtp) return "RETR"; return "POST"; } public event DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler DownloadProgressChanged; public event DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler DownloadStringCompleted; public event OpenReadCompletedEventHandler OpenReadCompleted; public event OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler OpenWriteCompleted; public event UploadProgressChangedEventHandler UploadProgressChanged; public event UploadStringCompletedEventHandler UploadStringCompleted; public event WriteStreamClosedEventHandler WriteStreamClosed; WebRequest SetupRequest (Uri uri, string method, CallbackData callbackData) { callback_data = callbackData; WebRequest request = GetWebRequest (uri); // do not send a relative URI to Determine method request.Method = DetermineMethod (request.RequestUri, method); // copy headers to the request - some needs special treatments foreach (string header in Headers) { switch (header.ToLowerInvariant ()) { case "content-length": long cl = 0; if (Int64.TryParse (Headers [header], out cl) && (cl >= 0)) request.ContentLength = cl; break; case "accept": case "content-type": // this skip the normal/user validation on headers request.Headers.SetHeader (header, Headers [header]); break; default: request.Headers [header] = Headers [header]; break; } } // original headers are removed after calls Headers.Clear (); return request; } Stream ProcessResponse (WebResponse response) { response_supports_headers = response.SupportsHeaders; if (response_supports_headers) responseHeaders = response.Headers; HttpWebResponse hwr = (response as HttpWebResponse); if (hwr == null) throw new NotSupportedException (); HttpStatusCode status_code = HttpStatusCode.NotFound; Stream s = null; try { status_code = hwr.StatusCode; if (status_code == HttpStatusCode.OK) s = response.GetResponseStream (); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebException ("NotFound", e, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, response); } finally { if (status_code != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new WebException ("NotFound", null, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, response); } return s; } public void CancelAsync () { if (request != null) request.Abort (); upload_length = 0; } void CompleteAsync () { is_busy = false; upload_length = 0; } internal class CallbackData { public object user_token; public SynchronizationContext sync_context; public byte [] data; public CallbackData (object user_token, byte [] data) { this.user_token = user_token; this.data = data; this.sync_context = SynchronizationContext.Current ?? new SynchronizationContext (); } public CallbackData (object user_token) : this (user_token, null) { } } // DownloadStringAsync public void DownloadStringAsync (Uri address) { DownloadStringAsync (address, null); } public void DownloadStringAsync (Uri address, object userToken) { if (address == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("address"); lock (locker) { SetBusy (); try { request = SetupRequest (address, "GET", new CallbackData (userToken)); request.BeginGetResponse (new AsyncCallback (DownloadStringAsyncCallback), null); } catch (Exception e) { WebException wex = new WebException ("Could not start operation.", e); OnDownloadStringCompleted ( new DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs (null, wex, false, userToken)); } } } private void DownloadStringAsyncCallback (IAsyncResult result) { string data = null; Exception ex = null; bool cancel = false; try { WebResponse response = request.EndGetResponse (result); Stream stream = ProcessResponse (response); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (stream, encoding, true)) { data = sr.ReadToEnd (); } } catch (WebException web) { cancel = (web.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); ex = web; } catch (SecurityException se) { // SecurityException inside a SecurityException (not a WebException) for SL compatibility ex = new SecurityException (String.Empty, se); } catch (Exception e) { ex = new WebException ("Could not complete operation.", e, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, null); } finally { callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { OnDownloadStringCompleted (new DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs (data, ex, cancel, callback_data.user_token)); }, null); } } // OpenReadAsync public void OpenReadAsync (Uri address) { OpenReadAsync (address, null); } public void OpenReadAsync (Uri address, object userToken) { if (address == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("address"); lock (locker) { SetBusy (); try { request = SetupRequest (address, "GET", new CallbackData (userToken)); request.BeginGetResponse (new AsyncCallback (OpenReadAsyncCallback), null); } catch (Exception e) { WebException wex = new WebException ("Could not start operation.", e); OnOpenReadCompleted ( new OpenReadCompletedEventArgs (null, wex, false, userToken)); } } } private void OpenReadAsyncCallback (IAsyncResult result) { Stream stream = null; Exception ex = null; bool cancel = false; try { WebResponse response = request.EndGetResponse (result); stream = ProcessResponse (response); } catch (WebException web) { cancel = (web.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); ex = web; } catch (SecurityException se) { // SecurityException inside a SecurityException (not a WebException) for SL compatibility ex = new SecurityException (String.Empty, se); } catch (Exception e) { ex = new WebException ("Could not complete operation.", e, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, null); } finally { callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { OnOpenReadCompleted (new OpenReadCompletedEventArgs (stream, ex, cancel, callback_data.user_token)); }, null); } } // OpenWriteAsync public void OpenWriteAsync (Uri address) { OpenWriteAsync (address, null); } public void OpenWriteAsync (Uri address, string method) { OpenWriteAsync (address, method, null); } public void OpenWriteAsync (Uri address, string method, object userToken) { if (address == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("address"); lock (locker) { SetBusy (); try { request = SetupRequest (address, method, new CallbackData (userToken)); request.BeginGetRequestStream (new AsyncCallback (OpenWriteAsyncCallback), null); } catch (Exception e) { WebException wex = new WebException ("Could not start operation.", e); OnOpenWriteCompleted ( new OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs (null, wex, false, userToken)); } } } private void OpenWriteAsyncCallback (IAsyncResult result) { Stream stream = null; Exception ex = null; bool cancel = false; InternalWebRequestStreamWrapper internal_stream; try { stream = request.EndGetRequestStream (result); internal_stream = (InternalWebRequestStreamWrapper) stream; internal_stream.WebClient = this; internal_stream.WebClientData = callback_data; } catch (WebException web) { cancel = (web.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); ex = web; } catch (Exception e) { ex = new WebException ("Could not complete operation.", e, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, null); } finally { callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { OnOpenWriteCompleted (new OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs (stream, ex, cancel, callback_data.user_token)); }, null); } } internal void WriteStreamClosedCallback (object WebClientData, long length) { try { request.BeginGetResponse (OpenWriteAsyncResponseCallback, WebClientData); } catch (Exception e) { callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { OnWriteStreamClosed (new WriteStreamClosedEventArgs (e)); }, null); } finally { // kind of dummy, 0% progress, that is always emitted upload_length = length; callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { OnUploadProgressChanged ( new UploadProgressChangedEventArgs (0, -1, length, -1, 0, callback_data.user_token)); }, null); } } private void OpenWriteAsyncResponseCallback (IAsyncResult result) { Exception ex = null; try { WebResponse response = request.EndGetResponse (result); ProcessResponse (response); } catch (SecurityException se) { // SecurityException inside a SecurityException (not a WebException) for SL compatibility ex = new SecurityException (String.Empty, se); } catch (Exception e) { ex = new WebException ("Could not complete operation.", e, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, null); } finally { callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { OnWriteStreamClosed (new WriteStreamClosedEventArgs (ex)); }, null); } } // UploadStringAsync public void UploadStringAsync (Uri address, string data) { UploadStringAsync (address, null, data); } public void UploadStringAsync (Uri address, string method, string data) { UploadStringAsync (address, method, data, null); } public void UploadStringAsync (Uri address, string method, string data, object userToken) { if (address == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("address"); if (data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("data"); lock (locker) { SetBusy (); try { CallbackData cbd = new CallbackData (userToken, encoding.GetBytes (data)); request = SetupRequest (address, method, cbd); request.BeginGetRequestStream (new AsyncCallback (UploadStringRequestAsyncCallback), cbd); } catch (Exception e) { WebException wex = new WebException ("Could not start operation.", e); OnUploadStringCompleted ( new UploadStringCompletedEventArgs (null, wex, false, userToken)); } } } private void UploadStringRequestAsyncCallback (IAsyncResult result) { try { Stream stream = request.EndGetRequestStream (result); stream.Write (callback_data.data, 0, callback_data.data.Length); request.BeginGetResponse (new AsyncCallback (UploadStringResponseAsyncCallback), null); } catch { request.Abort (); throw; } finally { // kind of dummy, 0% progress, that is always emitted upload_length = callback_data.data.Length; callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { OnUploadProgressChanged ( new UploadProgressChangedEventArgs (0, -1, upload_length, -1, 0, callback_data.user_token)); }, "null"); } } private void UploadStringResponseAsyncCallback (IAsyncResult result) { string data = null; Exception ex = null; bool cancel = false; try { WebResponse response = request.EndGetResponse (result); Stream stream = ProcessResponse (response); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (stream, encoding, true)) { data = sr.ReadToEnd (); } } catch (WebException web) { cancel = (web.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); ex = web; } catch (SecurityException se) { // SecurityException inside a SecurityException (not a WebException) for SL compatibility ex = new SecurityException (String.Empty, se); } catch (Exception e) { ex = new WebException ("Could not complete operation.", e, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, null); } finally { callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { OnUploadStringCompleted (new UploadStringCompletedEventArgs (data, ex, cancel, callback_data.user_token)); }, null); } } protected virtual void OnDownloadProgressChanged (DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e) { DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler handler = DownloadProgressChanged; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnOpenReadCompleted (OpenReadCompletedEventArgs args) { CompleteAsync (); OpenReadCompletedEventHandler handler = OpenReadCompleted; if (handler != null) handler (this, args); } protected virtual void OnDownloadStringCompleted (DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs args) { CompleteAsync (); DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler handler = DownloadStringCompleted; if (handler != null) handler (this, args); } protected virtual void OnOpenWriteCompleted (OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs args) { CompleteAsync (); OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler handler = OpenWriteCompleted; if (handler != null) handler (this, args); } protected virtual void OnUploadProgressChanged (UploadProgressChangedEventArgs e) { UploadProgressChangedEventHandler handler = UploadProgressChanged; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual void OnUploadStringCompleted (UploadStringCompletedEventArgs args) { CompleteAsync (); UploadStringCompletedEventHandler handler = UploadStringCompleted; if (handler != null) handler (this, args); } protected virtual void OnWriteStreamClosed (WriteStreamClosedEventArgs e) { CompleteAsync (); WriteStreamClosedEventHandler handler = WriteStreamClosed; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } protected virtual WebRequest GetWebRequest (Uri address) { if (address == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("address"); // if the URI is relative then we use our base address URI to make an absolute one Uri uri = address.IsAbsoluteUri || base_address_uri == null ? address : new Uri (base_address_uri, address); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (uri); request.AllowReadStreamBuffering = AllowReadStreamBuffering; request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = AllowWriteStreamBuffering; request.UseDefaultCredentials = UseDefaultCredentials; request.progress = delegate (long read, long length) { callback_data.sync_context.Post (delegate (object sender) { if (upload_length > 0) { // always emitted as 50% with an unknown (-1) TotalBytesToSend OnUploadProgressChanged (new UploadProgressChangedEventArgs (read, length, upload_length, -1, 50, callback_data.user_token)); } else { OnDownloadProgressChanged (new DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs (read, length, callback_data.user_token)); } }, null); }; return request; } protected virtual WebResponse GetWebResponse (WebRequest request, IAsyncResult result) { return request.EndGetResponse (result); } } }