// Tests for System.Drawing.SystemPens.cs // // Author: // Ravindra (rkumar@novell.com) // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Security.Permissions; namespace MonoTests.System.Drawing { [TestFixture] [SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Deny, UnmanagedCode = true)] public class SystemPensTest : Assertion { [TearDown] public void TearDown () {} [SetUp] public void SetUp () {} [Test] public void TestActiveCaptionText () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.ActiveCaptionText; CheckProperties (pen, "P1", SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText); CheckMethods (pen, "M1"); } [Test] public void TestControl () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.Control; CheckProperties (pen, "P2", SystemColors.Control); CheckMethods (pen, "M2"); } [Test] public void TestControlDark () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.ControlDark; CheckProperties (pen, "P3", SystemColors.ControlDark); CheckMethods (pen, "M3"); } [Test] public void TestControlDarkDark () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.ControlDarkDark; CheckProperties (pen, "P4", SystemColors.ControlDarkDark); CheckMethods (pen, "M4"); } [Test] public void TestControlLight () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.ControlLight; CheckProperties (pen, "P5", SystemColors.ControlLight); CheckMethods (pen, "M5"); } [Test] public void TestControlLightLight () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.ControlLightLight; CheckProperties (pen, "P6", SystemColors.ControlLightLight); CheckMethods (pen, "M6"); } [Test] public void TestControlText () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.ControlText; CheckProperties (pen, "P7", SystemColors.ControlText); CheckMethods (pen, "M7"); } [Test] public void TestGrayText () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.GrayText; CheckProperties (pen, "P8", SystemColors.GrayText); CheckMethods (pen, "M8"); } [Test] public void TestHighlight () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.Highlight; CheckProperties (pen, "P9", SystemColors.Highlight); CheckMethods (pen, "M9"); } [Test] public void TestHighlightText () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.HighlightText; CheckProperties (pen, "P10", SystemColors.HighlightText); CheckMethods (pen, "M10"); } [Test] public void TestInactiveCaptionText () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.InactiveCaptionText; CheckProperties (pen, "P11", SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText); CheckMethods (pen, "M11"); } [Test] public void TestInfoText () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.InfoText; CheckProperties (pen, "P12", SystemColors.InfoText); CheckMethods (pen, "M12"); } [Test] public void TestMenuText () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.MenuText; CheckProperties (pen, "P13", SystemColors.MenuText); CheckMethods (pen, "M13"); } [Test] public void TestWindowFrame () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.WindowFrame; CheckProperties (pen, "P14", SystemColors.WindowFrame); CheckMethods (pen, "M14"); } [Test] public void TestWindowText () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.WindowText; CheckProperties (pen, "P15", SystemColors.WindowText); CheckMethods (pen, "M15"); } [Test] public void TestFromSystemColor () { Pen pen; pen = SystemPens.FromSystemColor (SystemColors.MenuText); CheckProperties (pen, "P16", SystemColors.MenuText); CheckMethods (pen, "M16"); try { pen = SystemPens.FromSystemColor (Color.Red); Fail ("M17: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert ("M17", true); } } // helper test functions void CheckProperties (Pen pen, String tag, Color sysColor) { // Try modifying properties of a SystemPen. // ArgumentException must be thrown. Assert (tag + "#1", pen.Color.IsSystemColor); AssertEquals (tag + "#1", sysColor, pen.Color); try { pen.Alignment = PenAlignment.Center; Fail (tag + "#2: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#2", true); } try { pen.Brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); Fail (tag + "#3: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#3", true); } try { pen.Color = Color.Red; Fail (tag + "#4: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#4", true); } try { pen.Color = sysColor; Fail (tag + "#5" + ": must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#5", true); } /* try { // NotImplemented pen.CompoundArray = new float[2]; Fail (tag + "#6: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#6", true); } try { // NotImplemented pen.CustomEndCap = null; Fail (tag + "#7: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#7", true); } try { // NotImplemented pen.CustomStartCap = null; Fail (tag + "#8: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#8", true); } try { // NotImplemented pen.DashCap = DashCap.Flat; Fail (tag + "#9: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#9", true); } */ try { pen.DashOffset = 5.5F; Fail (tag + "#10: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#10", true); } try { pen.DashPattern = null; Fail (tag + "#11: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#11", true); } try { pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot; // hangs!prob Fail (tag + "#12: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#12", true); } /* try { // NotImplemented pen.EndCap = LineCap.Round; Fail (tag + "#13: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#13", true); } */ try { pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; Fail (tag + "#14: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#14", true); } try { pen.MiterLimit = 0.1f; Fail (tag + "#15: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#15", true); } /* try { // NotImplemented pen.StartCap = LineCap.Square; Fail (tag + "#16: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#16", true); } */ try { pen.Transform = new Matrix (); //Matrix hangs!problem Fail (tag + "#17: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#17", true); } try { pen.Width = 0.5F; Fail (tag + "#18: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#18", true); } } void CheckMethods (Pen pen, String tag) { // Try modifying a SystemPen by calling methods. // ArgumentException must be thrown in some cases. /* try { // NotImplemented pen.SetLineCap (LineCap.Flat, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Triangle); Fail (tag + "#1: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#1", true); } */ pen.ResetTransform (); pen.RotateTransform (90); pen.ScaleTransform (2, 1); pen.TranslateTransform (10, 20); pen.MultiplyTransform (new Matrix ()); pen.Clone (); try { pen.Dispose (); Fail (tag + "#8: must throw ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert (tag + "#8", true); } } } }