// // Test Font class testing unit // // Author: // // Jordi Mas i Hernandez, jordi@ximian.com // Peter Dennis Bartok, pbartok@novell.com // // (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace MonoTests.System.Drawing{ [TestFixture] public class FontTest { private string name; [TestFixtureSetUp] public void FixtureSetUp () { try { using (FontFamily ff = new FontFamily (GenericFontFamilies.Monospace)) { name = ff.Name; } } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert.Ignore ("No font family could be found."); } } // Test basic Font clone, properties and contructor [Test] [SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Deny, UnmanagedCode = true)] public void TestClone() { Font f = new Font("Arial",12); Font f2 = (Font) f.Clone(); Assert.AreEqual (f.Bold, f2.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (f.FontFamily, f2.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (f.GdiCharSet, f2.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.AreEqual (f.GdiVerticalFont, f2.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Height, f2.Height, "Height"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Italic, f2.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f2.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Size, f2.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (f.SizeInPoints, f2.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Strikeout, f2.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Style, f2.Style, "Style"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Underline, f2.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Unit, f2.Unit, "Unit"); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] class LOGFONT { public int lfHeight; public int lfWidth; public int lfEscapement; public int lfOrientation; public int lfWeight; public byte lfItalic; public byte lfUnderline; public byte lfStrikeOut; public byte lfCharSet; public byte lfOutPrecision; public byte lfClipPrecision; public byte lfQuality; public byte lfPitchAndFamily; [ MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=32) ] public string lfFaceName; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] struct LOGFONT_STRUCT { public int lfHeight; public int lfWidth; public int lfEscapement; public int lfOrientation; public int lfWeight; public byte lfItalic; public byte lfUnderline; public byte lfStrikeOut; public byte lfCharSet; public byte lfOutPrecision; public byte lfClipPrecision; public byte lfQuality; public byte lfPitchAndFamily; [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)] public string lfFaceName; } #if !TARGET_JVM [Test] [Category ("CAS")] [ExpectedException (typeof (SecurityException))] [SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Deny, UnmanagedCode = true)] public void ToLogFont_DenyUnmanagedCode () { Font f; LOGFONT lf; lf = new LOGFONT(); f = new Font("Arial", 10); f.ToLogFont(lf); } [Test] [SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)] public void ToLogFont_AssertUnmanagedCode () { Font f = new Font("Arial", 10); LOGFONT lf = new LOGFONT(); f.ToLogFont (lf); Assert.AreEqual (400, lf.lfWeight, "lfWeight"); Assert.AreEqual (1, lf.lfCharSet, "lfCharSet"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, lf.lfFaceName, "lfFaceName"); LOGFONT_STRUCT lfs = new LOGFONT_STRUCT (); f.ToLogFont (lfs); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfWeight, "struct-lfWeight"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfCharSet, "struct-lfCharSet"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfHeight, "struct-lfHeight"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfWidth, "struct-lfWidth"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfEscapement, "struct-lfEscapement"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfOrientation, "struct-lfOrientation"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfWeight, "struct-lfWeight"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfItalic, "struct-lfItalic"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfUnderline, "struct-lfUnderline"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfStrikeOut, "struct-lfStrikeOut"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfCharSet, "struct-lfCharSet"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfOutPrecision, "struct-lfOutPrecision"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfClipPrecision, "struct-lfClipPrecision"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfQuality, "struct-lfQuality"); Assert.AreEqual (0, lfs.lfPitchAndFamily, "struct-lfPitchAndFamily"); Assert.IsNull (lfs.lfFaceName, "struct-lfFaceName"); } [Test] [SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void ToLogFont_TooSmall () { Font f = new Font ("Arial", 10); object o = new object (); f.ToLogFont (o); // no PInvoke conversion exists !?!? } [Test] [SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)] public void ToLogFont_Int () { Font f = new Font ("Arial", 10); int i = 1; f.ToLogFont (i); Assert.AreEqual (1, i); } [Test] [SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)] #if NET_2_0 [ExpectedException (typeof (AccessViolationException))] #else [ExpectedException (typeof (NullReferenceException))] #endif public void ToLogFont_Null () { Font f = new Font ("Arial", 10); f.ToLogFont (null); } #endif [Test] #if ONLY_1_1 [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] #endif #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_StringNull_Float () { string family = null; Font f = new Font (family, 12.5f); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Point, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_String_Float () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (1, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsFalse (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Point, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_String_Float_FontStyle () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f, FontStyle.Bold); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (1, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsFalse (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Point, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_String_Float_FontStyle_GraphicsUnit () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f, FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); Assert.IsFalse (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (1, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsFalse (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Pixel, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_String_Float_FontStyle_GraphicsUnit_Display () { new Font (name, 12.5f, FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Display); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_String_Float_FontStyle_GraphicsUnit_Byte () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f, FontStyle.Strikeout, GraphicsUnit.Inch, Byte.MaxValue); Assert.IsFalse (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (Byte.MaxValue, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsFalse (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (900f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Inch, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_String_Float_FontStyle_GraphicsUnit_Byte_Bool () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f, FontStyle.Underline, GraphicsUnit.Document, Byte.MinValue, true); Assert.IsFalse (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (Byte.MinValue, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsTrue (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (3f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Document, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void Font_FontFamilyNull_Float () { FontFamily ff = null; new Font (ff, 12.5f); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_FontFamily_Float () { Font f = new Font (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12.5f); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (1, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsFalse (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Point, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_FontFamily_Float_FontStyle () { Font f = new Font (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12.5f, FontStyle.Bold); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (1, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsFalse (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Point, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_FontFamily_Float_FontStyle_GraphicsUnit () { Font f = new Font (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12.5f, FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Millimeter); Assert.IsFalse (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (1, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsFalse (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (35.43307f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Millimeter, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_FontFamily_Float_FontStyle_GraphicsUnit_Display () { new Font (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12.5f, FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Display); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_FontFamily_Float_FontStyle_GraphicsUnit_Byte () { Font f = new Font (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12.5f, FontStyle.Strikeout, GraphicsUnit.Inch, Byte.MaxValue); Assert.IsFalse (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (Byte.MaxValue, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsFalse (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (900f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Inch, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Font_FontFamily_Float_FontStyle_GraphicsUnit_Byte_Bool () { Font f = new Font (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12.5f, FontStyle.Underline, GraphicsUnit.Document, Byte.MinValue, true); Assert.IsFalse (f.Bold, "Bold"); Assert.AreEqual (Byte.MinValue, f.GdiCharSet, "GdiCharSet"); Assert.IsTrue (f.GdiVerticalFont, "GdiVerticalFont"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Height > 0, "Height"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Italic, "Italic"); Assert.AreEqual (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, f.FontFamily, "FontFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FontFamily.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); Assert.AreEqual (3f, f.SizeInPoints, "SizeInPoints"); Assert.IsFalse (f.Strikeout, "Strikeout"); Assert.IsTrue (f.Underline, "Underline"); Assert.AreEqual (GraphicsUnit.Document, f.Unit, "Unit"); } [Test] public void Dispose_Double () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f); f.Dispose (); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void Dispose_UseAfter_Works () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f); string fname = f.Name; f.Dispose (); // most properties don't throw, everything seems to be cached Assert.AreEqual (fname, f.Name, "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (12.5f, f.Size, "Size"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Dispose_Height () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f); f.Dispose (); Assert.AreEqual (0, f.Height, "Name"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Dispose_ToLogFont () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f); f.Dispose (); LOGFONT lf = new LOGFONT(); f.ToLogFont (lf); } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Dispose_ToLogFont_LoopCharSet () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f); f.Dispose (); LOGFONT lf = new LOGFONT (); for (int i = Byte.MinValue; i < Byte.MaxValue; i++) { byte b = (byte) i; lf.lfHeight = b; lf.lfWidth = b; lf.lfEscapement = b; lf.lfOrientation = b; lf.lfWeight = b; lf.lfItalic = b; lf.lfUnderline = b; lf.lfStrikeOut = b; lf.lfCharSet = b; lf.lfOutPrecision = b; lf.lfClipPrecision = b; lf.lfQuality = b; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = b; lf.lfFaceName = b.ToString (); try { f.ToLogFont (lf); } catch (ArgumentException) { Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfHeight, "lfHeight"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfWidth, "lfWidth"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfEscapement, "lfEscapement"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfOrientation, "lfOrientation"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfWeight, "lfWeight"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfItalic, "lfItalic"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfUnderline, "lfUnderline"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfStrikeOut, "lfStrikeOut"); // special case for 0 Assert.AreEqual ((i == 0) ? (byte)1 : b, lf.lfCharSet, "lfCharSet"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfOutPrecision, "lfOutPrecision"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfClipPrecision, "lfClipPrecision"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfQuality, "lfQuality"); Assert.AreEqual (b, lf.lfPitchAndFamily, "lfPitchAndFamily"); Assert.AreEqual (b.ToString (), lf.lfFaceName, "lfFaceName"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail ("Unexcepted exception {0} at iteration {1}", e, i); } } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void Dispose_ToHFont () { Font f = new Font (name, 12.5f); f.Dispose (); f.ToHfont (); } } }