2006-09-27 Jordi Mas i Hernandez * PrintingServices.cs: Add LoadPrinterPaperSources member * PrintingServicesWin32.cs: Implements LoadPrinterPaperSources and reads the default paper source and size. * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: Add stub LoadPrinterPaperSources member * PrinterSettings.cs: Implements PaperSourceCollection property and makes default paper source and size from the system. 2006-08-02 Chris Toshok * PreviewPrintController.cs: scale the Graphics context we pass back from OnStartPage such that the preview looks the way the printed output will. 2006-07-28 Carlos Alberto Cortez * PrintDocument.cs: When null is passed to PrinterSettings, it should be set to a new PrinterSettings instance, and should never be null. * PrinterSettings.cs: Default value for Copies should be 1. Also add a space in the ToString method, to correctly show the printer info. 2006-07-26 Chris Toshok * PrinterSettings.cs: expose PrintFileName in the 1.1 case as an internal property, so we can get at it from MWF. * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: handle print to file, and also remove the temp file after sending the data to the printer. fix some dllimports to match the rest of system.drawing. * PreviewPrintController.cs: implement this (warning, it'll eat all your memory until we get a real Metafile implementation, as we're storing bitmaps). * PrintDocument.cs: shift the graphics context stuff around a bit in Print(), so that the events after OnStartPrint are passed the graphics context the controller created there, and we use the return value of OnStartPage to do all drawing. 2006-05-20 Jordi Mas i Hernandez * PrintingServices.cs: GetPrintDialogInfo definition * PrintingServicesWin32.cs GetPrintDialogInfo implementation * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: GetPrintDialogInfo stub 2006-04-14 Jordi Mas i Hernandez * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: Replace cupsGetPrinters deprecated API call 2006-04-13 Jordi Mas i Hernandez * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: Checks if cups is installed * PrinterSettings.cs: PrintToFile property and ToString method 2006-04-28 Sebastien Pouliot * PrintController.cs: corcompare fix. No public ctor in 2.0. * PrinterSettings.cs: corcompare fix. Clone method isn't virtual. 2006-03-21 Sebastien Pouliot * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: cupsGetPrinters(char***) requires to free each individual string and (finally) the list. Note that this call is deprecated. 2006-03-13 Peter Dennis Bartok * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: Handle not having a printer 2006-02-09 Peter Dennis Bartok * PrintingServicesWin32.cs: Simplyfied the code, removing the need for pointer calculations (part of 64bit cleanup) 2006-01-27 Sebastien Pouliot * PrintingServicesWin32.cs: Ensure Marshal.FreeHGlobal is called for all unmanaged memory allocated with AllocHGlobal. 2006-01-15 Jordi Mas i Hernandez * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: Allow setting the dpy's for the surface 2005-12-22 Jordi Mas i Hernandez * PrintingServices.cs: Printing services abstration class * PrintingServicesWin32.cs: Win32 printer driver * PrintingServicesUnix.cs: Unix printer driver * Margins.cs: Fixes exceptions error messages * PrinterResolution.cs: Fixes * PrintEventArgs.cs: New internal method * PrintPageEventArgs.cs: New internal method * StandardPrintController.cs: Fixes * PrinterUnitConvert.cs: Fixes conversion errors * PrintDocument.cs: Fixes to make it print * PageSettings.cs: Take margains into account * PrintController.cs: Fixes * PaperSize.cs: Method to set paper Kind * PrinterSettings.cs: Implements settings and fixes * 2005-12-07 Jordi Mas i Hernandez * PrinterResolutionKind.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PaperKind.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PaperSource.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * Margins.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PrinterResolution.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PrintEventArgs.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PrintAction.cs: New enum in .Net 2.0 * PageSettings.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PaperSourceKind.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PrintController.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * Duplex.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PaperSize.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PreviewPrintController.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PrinterSettings.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 * PrintRange.cs: Fixes signature for .Net 2.0 2005-09-16 Sebastien Pouliot * InvalidPrinterException.cs: Removed NotImplementedException (not required) and added a demand for SerializationFormatter on the GetObjectData method. * PrintingPermission.cs: Throw ArgumentException if the class or version attributes are missing in the supplied XML (only in 1.x). 2005-03-23 Jordi Mas i Hernandez * PaperKind.cs: fixes wrong enum values 2005-01-27 Lluis Sanchez Gual * MarginsConverter.cs: Implemented support for InstanceDescriptor.