// // System.Drawing.Rectangle.cs // // Author: // Mike Kestner (mkestner@speakeasy.net) // // (C) 2001 Mike Kestner // using System; namespace System.Drawing { public struct Rectangle { // Private position and size fields. private Point loc; private Size sz; /// /// Empty Shared Field /// /// /// /// An uninitialized Rectangle Structure. /// public static readonly Rectangle Empty; /// /// Ceiling Shared Method /// /// /// /// Produces a Rectangle structure from a RectangleF /// structure by taking the ceiling of the X, Y, Width, /// and Height properties. /// public static Rectangle Ceiling (RectangleF value) { int x, y, w, h; checked { x = (int) Math.Ceiling (value.X); y = (int) Math.Ceiling (value.Y); w = (int) Math.Ceiling (value.Width); h = (int) Math.Ceiling (value.Height); } return new Rectangle (x, y, w, h); } /// /// FromLTRB Shared Method /// /// /// /// Produces a Rectangle structure from left, top, right, /// and bottom coordinates. /// public static Rectangle FromLTRB (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { return new Rectangle (left, top, right - left, bottom - top); } /// /// Inflate Shared Method /// /// /// /// Produces a new Rectangle by inflating an existing /// Rectangle by the specified coordinate values. /// public static Rectangle Inflate (Rectangle rect, int x, int y) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle (rect.Location, rect.Size); r.Inflate (x, y); return r; } /// /// Inflate Method /// /// /// /// Inflates the Rectangle by a specified width and height. /// public void Inflate (int width, int height) { Inflate (new Size (width, height)); } /// /// Inflate Method /// /// /// /// Inflates the Rectangle by a specified Size. /// public void Inflate (Size sz) { loc -= sz; Size ds = new Size (sz.Width * 2, sz.Height * 2); this.sz += ds; } /// /// Intersect Shared Method /// /// /// /// Produces a new Rectangle by intersecting 2 existing /// Rectangles. Returns null if there is no intersection. /// public static Rectangle Intersect (Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle (r1.Location, r1.Size); r.Intersect (r2); return r; } /// /// Intersect Method /// /// /// /// Replaces the Rectangle with the intersection of itself /// and another Rectangle. /// public void Intersect (Rectangle r) { if (!IntersectsWith (r)) { loc = Point.Empty; sz = Size.Empty; } X = Math.Max (Left, r.Left); Y = Math.Max (Top, r.Top); Width = Math.Min (Right, r.Right) - X; Height = Math.Min (Bottom, r.Bottom) - Y; } /// /// Round Shared Method /// /// /// /// Produces a Rectangle structure from a RectangleF by /// rounding the X, Y, Width, and Height properties. /// public static Rectangle Round (RectangleF value) { int x, y, w, h; checked { x = (int) Math.Round (value.X); y = (int) Math.Round (value.Y); w = (int) Math.Round (value.Width); h = (int) Math.Round (value.Height); } return new Rectangle (x, y, w, h); } /// /// Truncate Shared Method /// /// /// /// Produces a Rectangle structure from a RectangleF by /// truncating the X, Y, Width, and Height properties. /// // LAMESPEC: Should this be floor, or a pure cast to int? public static Rectangle Truncate (RectangleF value) { int x, y, w, h; checked { x = (int) value.X; y = (int) value.Y; w = (int) value.Width; h = (int) value.Height; } return new Rectangle (x, y, w, h); } /// /// Union Shared Method /// /// /// /// Produces a new Rectangle from the union of 2 existing /// Rectangles. /// public static Rectangle Union (Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2) { return FromLTRB (Math.Min (r1.Left, r2.Left), Math.Min (r1.Top, r2.Top), Math.Max (r1.Right, r2.Right), Math.Max (r1.Bottom, r2.Bottom)); } /// /// Equality Operator /// /// /// /// Compares two Rectangle objects. The return value is /// based on the equivalence of the Location and Size /// properties of the two Rectangles. /// public static bool operator == (Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2) { return ((r1.Location == r2.Location) && (r1.Size == r2.Size)); } /// /// Inequality Operator /// /// /// /// Compares two Rectangle objects. The return value is /// based on the equivalence of the Location and Size /// properties of the two Rectangles. /// public static bool operator != (Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2) { return ((r1.Location != r2.Location) || (r1.Size != r2.Size)); } // ----------------------- // Public Constructors // ----------------------- /// /// Rectangle Constructor /// /// /// /// Creates a Rectangle from Point and Size values. /// public Rectangle (Point loc, Size sz) { this.loc = loc; this.sz = sz; } /// /// Rectangle Constructor /// /// /// /// Creates a Rectangle from a specified x,y location and /// width and height values. /// public Rectangle (int x, int y, int width, int height) { loc = new Point (x, y); sz = new Size (width, height); } /// /// Bottom Property /// /// /// /// The Y coordinate of the bottom edge of the Rectangle. /// Read only. /// public int Bottom { get { return Y + Height; } } /// /// Height Property /// /// /// /// The Height of the Rectangle. /// public int Height { get { return sz.Height; } set { sz.Height = value; } } /// /// IsEmpty Property /// /// /// /// Indicates if the width or height are zero. Read only. /// public bool IsEmpty { get { return ((sz.Width == 0) || (sz.Height == 0)); } } /// /// Left Property /// /// /// /// The X coordinate of the left edge of the Rectangle. /// Read only. /// public int Left { get { return X; } } /// /// Location Property /// /// /// /// The Location of the top-left corner of the Rectangle. /// public Point Location { get { return loc; } set { loc = value; } } /// /// Right Property /// /// /// /// The X coordinate of the right edge of the Rectangle. /// Read only. /// public int Right { get { return X + Width; } } /// /// Size Property /// /// /// /// The Size of the Rectangle. /// public Size Size { get { return sz; } set { sz = value; } } /// /// Top Property /// /// /// /// The Y coordinate of the top edge of the Rectangle. /// Read only. /// public int Top { get { return Y; } } /// /// Width Property /// /// /// /// The Width of the Rectangle. /// public int Width { get { return sz.Width; } set { sz.Width = value; } } /// /// X Property /// /// /// /// The X coordinate of the Rectangle. /// public int X { get { return loc.X; } set { loc.X = value; } } /// /// Y Property /// /// /// /// The Y coordinate of the Rectangle. /// public int Y { get { return loc.Y; } set { loc.Y = value; } } /// /// Contains Method /// /// /// /// Checks if an x,y coordinate lies within this Rectangle. /// public bool Contains (int x, int y) { return ((x >= Left) && (x <= Right) && (y >= Top) && (y <= Bottom)); } /// /// Contains Method /// /// /// /// Checks if a Point lies within this Rectangle. /// public bool Contains (Point pt) { return Contains (pt.X, pt.Y); } /// /// Contains Method /// /// /// /// Checks if a Rectangle lies entirely within this /// Rectangle. /// public bool Contains (Rectangle rect) { return (rect == Intersect (this, rect)); } /// /// Equals Method /// /// /// /// Checks equivalence of this Rectangle and another object. /// public override bool Equals (object o) { if (!(o is Rectangle)) return false; return (this == (Rectangle) o); } /// /// GetHashCode Method /// /// /// /// Calculates a hashing value. /// public override int GetHashCode () { return loc.GetHashCode()^sz.GetHashCode(); } /// /// IntersectsWith Method /// /// /// /// Checks if a Rectangle intersects with this one. /// public bool IntersectsWith (Rectangle r) { return !((Left > r.Right) || (Right < r.Left) || (Top > r.Bottom) || (Bottom < r.Top)); } /// /// Offset Method /// /// /// /// Moves the Rectangle a specified distance. /// public void Offset (int dx, int dy) { X += dx; Y += dy; } /// /// Offset Method /// /// /// /// Moves the Rectangle a specified distance. /// public void Offset (Point pt) { loc.Offset(pt.X, pt.Y); } /// /// ToString Method /// /// /// /// Formats the Rectangle as a string in (x,y,w,h) notation. /// public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("[{0},{1},{2},{3}]", X, Y, Width, Height); } } }