// // System.Drawing.ColorConverter // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // Ravindra (rkumar@novell.com) // // Copyright (C) 2002 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; using System.Reflection; namespace System.Drawing { public class ColorConverter : TypeConverter { static StandardValuesCollection cached; static object creatingCached = new object (); public ColorConverter () { } public override bool CanConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { if (sourceType == typeof (string)) return true; return base.CanConvertFrom (context, sourceType); } public override bool CanConvertTo (ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType) { if (destinationType == typeof (InstanceDescriptor)) return true; return base.CanConvertTo (context, destinationType); } public override object ConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value) { string s = value as string; if (s == null) return base.ConvertFrom (context, culture, value); s = s.Trim (); if (s.Length == 0) { return Color.Empty; } object named = Color.NamedColors [s]; if (named != null) return (Color) named; named = Color.SystemColors [s]; if (named != null) return (Color) named; String numSeparator = culture.TextInfo.ListSeparator; Int32Converter converter = new Int32Converter (); object result = null; if (s.IndexOf (numSeparator) == -1) { if ((s.Length == 8 && (s.StartsWith ("0x") || s.StartsWith ("0X"))) || (s.Length == 7 && s.StartsWith ("#"))) { result = Color.FromArgb (-16777216 | (int) converter. ConvertFromString (context, culture, s)); } } if (result == null) { String [] components = s.Split (numSeparator.ToCharArray ()); // MS seems to convert the indivual component to int before // checking the number of components int[] numComponents = new int[components.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < numComponents.Length; i++) { numComponents[i] = (int) converter.ConvertFrom (context, culture, components[i]); } switch (components.Length) { case 1: result = Color.FromArgb (numComponents[0]); break; case 3: result = Color.FromArgb (numComponents[0], numComponents[1], numComponents[2]); break; case 4: result = Color.FromArgb (numComponents[0], numComponents[1], numComponents[2], numComponents[3]); break; default: throw new ArgumentException (s + " is not a valid color value."); } } if (result != null) { Color resultColor = (Color) result; // Look for a named or system color with those values foreach (Color c in Color.NamedColors.Values) { if (c == resultColor) return c; } foreach (Color c in Color.SystemColors.Values) { if (c == resultColor) return c; } } return result; } public override object ConvertTo (ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { if ((destinationType == typeof (string)) && (value is Color)) { Color color = (Color) value; if (color == Color.Empty) { return string.Empty; } if (color.IsKnownColor) { return color.Name; } if (color.IsNamedColor) return color.Name; String numSeparator = culture.TextInfo.ListSeparator; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); if (color.A != 255) { sb.Append (color.A); sb.Append (numSeparator); sb.Append (" "); } sb.Append (color.R); sb.Append (numSeparator); sb.Append (" "); sb.Append (color.G); sb.Append (numSeparator); sb.Append (" "); sb.Append (color.B); return sb.ToString (); } if (destinationType == typeof (InstanceDescriptor) && value is Color) { Color c = (Color)value; if (c.IsKnownColor){ return new InstanceDescriptor (typeof (SystemColors).GetProperty (c.Name), null); } else { MethodInfo met = typeof(Color).GetMethod ("FromArgb", new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) } ); return new InstanceDescriptor (met, new object[] {c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B }); } } return base.ConvertTo (context, culture, value, destinationType); } public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues (ITypeDescriptorContext context) { if (cached != null) return cached; lock (creatingCached) { if (cached != null) return cached; ICollection named = (ICollection) Color.NamedColors.Values; ICollection system = (ICollection) Color.SystemColors.Values; Array colors = Array.CreateInstance (typeof (Color), named.Count + system.Count); named.CopyTo (colors, 0); system.CopyTo (colors, named.Count); Array.Sort (colors, 0, colors.Length, new CompareColors ()); cached = new StandardValuesCollection (colors); } return cached; } public override bool GetStandardValuesSupported (ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return true; } class CompareColors : IComparer { public int Compare (object x, object y) { return String.Compare (((Color) x).Name, ((Color) y).Name); } } } }