namespace System.Data.DataSetExtensions { static partial class Strings { const string DataSetLinq_InvalidEnumerationValue_ = "The {0} enumeration value, {1}, is not valid."; public const string DataSetLinq_EmptyDataRowSource = "The source contains no DataRows."; public const string DataSetLinq_NullDataRow = "The source contains a DataRow reference that is null."; public const string DataSetLinq_CannotLoadDeletedRow = "The source contains a deleted DataRow that cannot be copied to the DataTable."; public const string DataSetLinq_CannotLoadDetachedRow = "The source contains a detached DataRow that cannot be copied to the DataTable."; public const string DataSetLinq_CannotCompareDeletedRow = "The DataRowComparer does not work with DataRows that have been deleted since it only compares current values."; const string DataSetLinq_NonNullableCast_ = "Cannot cast DBNull.Value to type '{0}'. Please use a nullable type."; public const string ToLDVUnsupported = "Can not create DataView after using projection"; const string LDV_InvalidNumOfKeys_ = "Must provide '{0}' keys to find"; public static string DataSetLinq_InvalidEnumerationValue (params object[] args) { return SR.GetString (DataSetLinq_InvalidEnumerationValue_, args); } public static string DataSetLinq_NonNullableCast (object arg) { return SR.GetString (DataSetLinq_NonNullableCast_, arg); } public static string LDV_InvalidNumOfKeys (params object[] args) { return SR.GetString (LDV_InvalidNumOfKeys_, args); } // Missing public const string LDVRowStateError = "LDVRowStateError"; } }