// // TestSqlParameters.cs - test parameters for the PostgreSQL .NET Data Provider in Mono // using PgSqlParameter and PgSqlParameterCollection // // Note: it currently only tests input parameters. Output is next on the list. // Then output/input and return parameters. // // Author: // Daniel Morgan // // (c)copyright 2002 Daniel Morgan // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient; namespace TestSystemDataPgSqlClient { public class TestParameters { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("** Start Test..."); String connectionString = null; connectionString = "host=localhost;" + "dbname=test;" + "user=postgres"; PgSqlConnection con; Console.WriteLine("** Creating connection..."); con = new PgSqlConnection(connectionString); Console.WriteLine("** opening connection..."); con.Open(); string tableName = "pg_type"; string sql; sql = "SELECT * FROM PG_TABLES WHERE TABLENAME = :inTableName"; Console.WriteLine("** Creating command..."); PgSqlCommand cmd = new PgSqlCommand(sql, con); // add parameter for inTableName Console.WriteLine("** Create parameter..."); PgSqlParameter parm = new PgSqlParameter("inTableName", DbType.String); Console.WriteLine("** set dbtype of parameter to string"); parm.DbType = DbType.String; Console.WriteLine("** set direction of parameter to input"); parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; Console.WriteLine("** set value to the tableName string..."); parm.Value = tableName; Console.WriteLine("** add parameter to parameters collection in the command..."); cmd.Parameters.Add(parm); PgSqlDataReader rdr; Console.WriteLine("** ExecuteReader()..."); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("[][] And now we are going to our results [][]..."); int c; int results = 0; do { results++; Console.WriteLine("Result Set " + results + "..."); // get the DataTable that holds // the schema DataTable dt = rdr.GetSchemaTable(); // number of columns in the table Console.WriteLine(" Total Columns: " + dt.Columns.Count); // display the schema foreach (DataRow schemaRow in dt.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn schemaCol in dt.Columns) Console.WriteLine(schemaCol.ColumnName + " = " + schemaRow[schemaCol]); Console.WriteLine(); } string output, metadataValue, dataValue; int nRows = 0; // Read and display the rows while(rdr.Read()) { Console.WriteLine(" Row " + nRows + ": "); for(c = 0; c < rdr.FieldCount; c++) { // column meta data DataRow dr = dt.Rows[c]; metadataValue = " Col " + c + ": " + dr["ColumnName"]; // column data if(rdr.IsDBNull(c) == true) dataValue = " is NULL"; else dataValue = ": " + rdr.GetValue(c); // display column meta data and data output = metadataValue + dataValue; Console.WriteLine(output); } nRows++; } Console.WriteLine(" Total Rows: " + nRows); } while(rdr.NextResult()); Console.WriteLine("Total Result sets: " + results); con.Close(); } } }