// // DataSetReadXmlSchemaTest.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Xml; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Data { [TestFixture] public class DataSetReadXmlSchemaTest : DataSetAssertion { private DataSet CreateTestSet () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.Tables.Add ("Table1"); ds.Tables.Add ("Table2"); ds.Tables [0].Columns.Add ("Column1_1"); ds.Tables [0].Columns.Add ("Column1_2"); ds.Tables [0].Columns.Add ("Column1_3"); ds.Tables [1].Columns.Add ("Column2_1"); ds.Tables [1].Columns.Add ("Column2_2"); ds.Tables [1].Columns.Add ("Column2_3"); ds.Tables [0].Rows.Add (new object [] {"ppp", "www", "xxx"}); ds.Relations.Add ("Rel1", ds.Tables [0].Columns [2], ds.Tables [1].Columns [0]); return ds; } CultureInfo currentCultureBackup; [SetUp] public void Setup () { currentCultureBackup = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("fi-FI"); } [TearDown] public void Teardown () { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCultureBackup; } [Test] public void SingleElementTreatmentDifference () { // This is one of the most complicated case. When the content // type particle of 'Root' element is a complex element, it // is DataSet element. Otherwise, it is just a data table. // // But also note that there is another test named // LocaleOnRootWithoutIsDataSet(), that tests if locale on // the (mere) data table modifies *DataSet's* locale. // Moreover, when the schema contains another element // (regardless of its schema type), the elements will // never be treated as a DataSet. string xsbase = @" {0} "; string xsbase2 = @" {0} "; string simple = ""; string complex = @" "; string elref = ""; string xs2 = @" "; DataSet ds = new DataSet (); string xs = String.Format (xsbase, simple); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); AssertDataSet ("simple", ds, "hoge", 1, 0); AssertDataTable ("simple", ds.Tables [0], "Root", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // reference to global complex type ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs2)); AssertDataSet ("external complexType", ds, "hoge", 2, 1); AssertDataTable ("external Tab1", ds.Tables [0], "Root", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); AssertDataTable ("external Tab2", ds.Tables [1], "Child", 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); // xsbase2 + complex -> datatable ds = new DataSet (); xs = String.Format (xsbase2, complex); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); AssertDataSet ("complex", ds, "hoge", 2, 1); AssertDataTable ("complex", ds.Tables [0], "Root", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("complex", dt, "Child", 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); AssertDataColumn ("a1", dt.Columns ["a1"], "a1", true, false, 0, 1, "a1", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, /*0*/-1, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("a2", dt.Columns ["a2"], "a2", true, false, 0, 1, "a2", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (long), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, /*1*/-1, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("Root_Id", dt.Columns [2], "Root_Id", true, false, 0, 1, "Root_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 2, String.Empty, false, false); // xsbase + complex -> dataset ds = new DataSet (); xs = String.Format (xsbase, complex); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); AssertDataSet ("complex", ds, "Root", 1, 0); ds = new DataSet (); xs = String.Format (xsbase2, elref); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); AssertDataSet ("complex", ds, "hoge", 1, 0); AssertDataTable ("complex", ds.Tables [0], "Root", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } [Test] public void SuspiciousDataSetElement () { string schema = @" "; DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (schema)); AssertDataSet ("ds", ds, "doc", 1, 0); AssertDataTable ("table", ds.Tables [0], "elem", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } [Test] public void UnusedComplexTypesIgnored () { string xs = @" "; DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); // Here "unusedType" table is never imported. AssertDataSet ("ds", ds, "hoge", 1, 0); AssertDataTable ("dt", ds.Tables [0], "Root", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } [Test] public void SimpleTypeComponentsIgnored () { string xs = @" "; DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); // nothing is imported. AssertDataSet ("ds", ds, "NewDataSet", 0, 0); } [Test] public void IsDataSetAndTypeIgnored () { string xsbase = @" "; // Even if a global element uses a complexType, it will be // ignored if the element has msdata:IsDataSet='true' string xs = String.Format (xsbase, "true"); DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); AssertDataSet ("ds", ds, "Root", 0, 0); // name is "Root" // But when explicit msdata:IsDataSet value is "false", then // treat as usual. xs = String.Format (xsbase, "false"); ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); AssertDataSet ("ds", ds, "NewDataSet", 1, 0); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void NestedReferenceNotAllowed () { string xs = @" "; // DataSet element cannot be converted into a DataTable. // (i.e. cannot be referenced in any other elements) DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); } [Test] public void IsDataSetOnLocalElementIgnored () { string xsbase = @" "; // msdata:IsDataSet does not affect even if the value is invalid string xs = String.Format (xsbase, "true"); DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); // Child should not be regarded as DataSet element AssertDataSet ("ds", ds, "NewDataSet", 1, 0); } [Test] public void LocaleOnRootWithoutIsDataSet () { string xs = @" "; DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); AssertDataSet ("ds", ds, "NewDataSet", 1, 0); Assert.AreEqual ("fi-FI", ds.Locale.Name); // DataSet's Locale comes from current thread DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("dt", dt, "Root", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual ("ja-JP", dt.Locale.Name); // DataTable's Locale comes from msdata:Locale AssertDataColumn ("col1", dt.Columns [0], "Attr", true, false, 0, 1, "Attr", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (Int64), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("col2", dt.Columns [1], "Child", false, false, 0, 1, "Child", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 1, String.Empty, false, false); } [Test] public void ElementHasIdentityConstraint () { string constraints = @" "; string xsbase = @" {0} {1} {2} "; // Constraints on DataSet element. // Note that in xs:key xpath is crazy except for the last step string xs = String.Format (xsbase, constraints, String.Empty, String.Empty); DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); Assert.AreEqual (1, ds.Relations.Count); // Constraints on another global element - just ignored xs = String.Format (xsbase, String.Empty, constraints, String.Empty); ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); Assert.AreEqual (0, ds.Relations.Count); // Constraints on local element - just ignored xs = String.Format (xsbase, String.Empty, String.Empty, constraints); ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); Assert.AreEqual (0, ds.Relations.Count); } [Test] public void PrefixedTargetNS () { string xs = @" "; // No prefixes on tables and columns DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new StringReader (xs)); AssertDataSet ("ds", ds, "DS", 3, 1); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("R3", dt, "R3", 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("col1", dt.Columns [0], "Attr", true, false, 0, 1, "Attr", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (Int64), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); } [Test] public void ReadTest1 () { DataSet ds = CreateTestSet (); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); ds.WriteXmlSchema (sw); string schema = sw.ToString (); // ReadXmlSchema() ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema (new XmlTextReader (schema, XmlNodeType.Document, null)); ReadTest1Check (ds); // ReadXml() should also be the same ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXml (new XmlTextReader (schema, XmlNodeType.Document, null)); ReadTest1Check (ds); } private void ReadTest1Check (DataSet ds) { AssertDataSet ("dataset", ds, "NewDataSet", 2, 1); AssertDataTable ("tbl1", ds.Tables [0], "Table1", 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0); AssertDataTable ("tbl2", ds.Tables [1], "Table2", 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); DataRelation rel = ds.Relations [0]; AssertDataRelation ("rel", rel, "Rel1", false, new string [] {"Column1_3"}, new string [] {"Column2_1"}, true, true); AssertUniqueConstraint ("uc", rel.ParentKeyConstraint, "Constraint1", false, new string [] {"Column1_3"}); AssertForeignKeyConstraint ("fk", rel.ChildKeyConstraint, "Rel1", AcceptRejectRule.None, Rule.Cascade, Rule.Cascade, new string [] {"Column2_1"}, new string [] {"Column1_3"}); } [Test] // 001-004 public void TestSampleFileNoTables () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test001.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("001", ds, "NewDataSet", 0, 0); ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test002.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("002", ds, "NewDataSet", 0, 0); ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test003.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("003", ds, "NewDataSet", 0, 0); ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test004.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("004", ds, "NewDataSet", 0, 0); } [Test] public void TestSampleFileSimpleTables () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test005.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("005", ds, "NewDataSet", 1, 0); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("tab", dt, "foo", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("attr", dt.Columns [0], "attr", true, false, 0, 1, "attr", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("text", dt.Columns [1], "foo_text", false, false, 0, 1, "foo_text", MappingType.SimpleContent, typeof (long), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 1, String.Empty, false, false); ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test006.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("006", ds, "NewDataSet", 1, 0); dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("tab", dt, "foo", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("att1", dt.Columns ["att1"], "att1", true, false, 0, 1, "att1", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, /*0*/-1, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("att2", dt.Columns ["att2"], "att2", true, false, 0, 1, "att2", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (int), 2, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, /*1*/-1, String.Empty, false, false); } [Test] public void TestSampleFileComplexTables () { // Nested simple type element DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test007.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("007", ds, "NewDataSet", 2, 1); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("tab1", dt, "uno", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); AssertDataColumn ("id", dt.Columns [0], "uno_Id", false, true, 0, 1, "uno_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, "urn:foo", 0, String.Empty, false, true); dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("tab2", dt, "des", 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); AssertDataColumn ("child", dt.Columns [0], "tres", false, false, 0, 1, "tres", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("id", dt.Columns [1], "uno_Id", true, false, 0, 1, "uno_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 1, String.Empty, false, false); // External simple type element ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test008.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("008", ds, "NewDataSet", 2, 1); dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("tab1", dt, "uno", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); AssertDataColumn ("id", dt.Columns [0], "uno_Id", false, true, 0, 1, "uno_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, "urn:foo", 0, String.Empty, false, true); dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("tab2", dt, "des", 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); AssertDataColumn ("child", dt.Columns [0], "tres", false, false, 0, 1, "tres", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, "urn:foo", 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("id", dt.Columns [1], "uno_Id", true, false, 0, 1, "uno_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 1, String.Empty, false, false); } [Test] [Ignore (".NET has a bug on handling default value of referenced attribute.")] public void TestSampleFileValueConstraints () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test009.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("009", ds, "NewDataSet", 2, 1); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("tab1", dt, "uno", 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); AssertDataColumn ("global", dt.Columns [0], "global", true, false, 0, 1, "global", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), "er", String.Empty, -1, "urn:foo", 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("id", dt.Columns [1], "uno_Id", false, true, 0, 1, "uno_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, "urn:foo", 1, String.Empty, false, true); // Here "XmlSchemaComplexType.AttributeUses" does not // always return attribute uses in a certain order, thus // here Columns indexer is accessed by name (actually // MS.NET returns "global" in prior to "local" for // Columns[0], even though "local" is defined in prior. dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("dos", dt, "des", 4, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); AssertDataColumn ("dos.child", dt.Columns ["local"], "local", true, false, 0, 1, "local", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), "san", String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, /*0*/-1, String.Empty, false, false); // LAMESPEC: (MS BUG) default value is overwritten, but MS.NET is ignorant of that. #if BUGGY_MS_COMPATIBLE AssertDataColumn ("dos.global", dt.Columns ["global"], "global", true, false, 0, 1, "global", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), "er", String.Empty, -1, "urn:foo", /*1*/-1, String.Empty, false, false); #else AssertDataColumn ("dos.global", dt.Columns ["global"], "global", true, false, 0, 1, "global", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), "si", String.Empty, -1, "urn:foo", /*1*/-1, String.Empty, false, false); #endif AssertDataColumn ("dos.tres", dt.Columns [2], "tres", false, false, 0, 1, "tres", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), "yi", String.Empty, -1, "urn:foo", 2, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("uno.id", dt.Columns [3], "uno_Id", true, false, 0, 1, "uno_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 3, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataRelation ("rel", ds.Relations [0], "uno_des", true, new string [] {"uno_Id"}, new string [] {"uno_Id"}, true, true); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] public void TestSampleFileImportSimple () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); XmlTextReader xtr = null; try { xtr = new XmlTextReader ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test010.xsd"); xtr.XmlResolver = null; ds.ReadXmlSchema (xtr); } finally { if (xtr != null) xtr.Close (); } AssertDataSet ("010", ds, "NewDataSet", 1, 0); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("root", dt, "foo", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("simple", dt.Columns [0], "bar", false, false, 0, 1, "bar", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] public void TestSampleFileComplexTables2 () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test011.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("011", ds, "NewDataSet", 2, 1); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("root", dt, "e", 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); AssertDataColumn ("attr", dt.Columns [0], "a", true, false, 0, 1, "a", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, "http://xsdtesting", 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("simple", dt.Columns [1], "e_text", false, false, 0, 1, "e_text", MappingType.SimpleContent, typeof (decimal), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, "http://xsdtesting", 1, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("hidden", dt.Columns [2], "root_Id", true, false, 0, 1, "root_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, "http://xsdtesting", 2, String.Empty, false, false); dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("root", dt, "root", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); AssertDataColumn ("elem", dt.Columns [0], "root_Id", false, true, 0, 1, "root_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, "http://xsdtesting", 0, String.Empty, false, true); AssertDataRelation ("rel", ds.Relations [0], "root_e", true, new string [] {"root_Id"}, new string [] {"root_Id"}, true, true); } [Test] public void TestSampleFileComplexTables3 () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test013.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("013", ds, "root", 1, 0); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("root", dt, "e", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("attr", dt.Columns [0], "a", true, false, 0, 1, "a", MappingType.Attribute, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("simple", dt.Columns [1], "e_text", false, false, 0, 1, "e_text", MappingType.SimpleContent, typeof (decimal), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 1, String.Empty, false, false); } // bug #58744 [Test] public void TestSampleFileXPath () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test103.xsd"); } [Test] public void TestAnnotatedRelation1 () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test101.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("101", ds, "root", 2, 1); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("parent_table", dt, "p", 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("pk", dt.Columns [0], "pk", false, false, 0, 1, "pk", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("child_table", dt, "c", 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("fk", dt.Columns [0], "fk", false, false, 0, 1, "fk", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataRelation ("rel", ds.Relations [0], "rel", false, new string [] {"pk"}, new string [] {"fk"}, false, false); } [Test] public void TestAnnotatedRelation2 () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test102.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("102", ds, "ds", 2, 1); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("parent_table", dt, "p", 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("pk", dt.Columns [0], "pk", false, false, 0, 1, "pk", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("child_table", dt, "c", 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); AssertDataColumn ("fk", dt.Columns [0], "fk", false, false, 0, 1, "fk", MappingType.Element, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataRelation ("rel", ds.Relations [0], "rel", true, new string [] {"pk"}, new string [] {"fk"}, false, false); } [Test] public void RepeatableSimpleElement () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test012.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("012", ds, "NewDataSet", 2, 1); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("parent", dt, "Foo", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); AssertDataColumn ("key", dt.Columns [0], "Foo_Id", false, true, 0, 1, "Foo_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, true); dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("repeated", dt, "Bar", 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); AssertDataColumn ("data", dt.Columns [0], "Bar_Column", false, false, 0, 1, "Bar_Column", MappingType.SimpleContent, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("refkey", dt.Columns [1], "Foo_Id", true, false, 0, 1, "Foo_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 1, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataRelation ("rel", ds.Relations [0], "Foo_Bar", true, new string [] {"Foo_Id"}, new string [] {"Foo_Id"}, true, true); } [Test] public void TestMoreThanOneRepeatableColumns () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test014.xsd"); AssertDataSet ("014", ds, "NewDataSet", 3, 2); DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; AssertDataTable ("parent", dt, "root", 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1); AssertDataColumn ("key", dt.Columns [0], "root_Id", false, true, 0, 1, "root_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, true); dt = ds.Tables [1]; AssertDataTable ("repeated", dt, "x", 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); AssertDataColumn ("data_1", dt.Columns [0], "x_Column", false, false, 0, 1, "x_Column", MappingType.SimpleContent, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("refkey_1", dt.Columns [1], "root_Id", true, false, 0, 1, "root_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 1, String.Empty, false, false); dt = ds.Tables [2]; AssertDataTable ("repeated", dt, "y", 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); AssertDataColumn ("data", dt.Columns [0], "y_Column", false, false, 0, 1, "y_Column", MappingType.SimpleContent, typeof (string), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataColumn ("refkey", dt.Columns [1], "root_Id", true, false, 0, 1, "root_Id", MappingType.Hidden, typeof (int), DBNull.Value, String.Empty, -1, String.Empty, 1, String.Empty, false, false); AssertDataRelation ("rel", ds.Relations [0], "root_x", true, new string [] {"root_Id"}, new string [] {"root_Id"}, true, true); AssertDataRelation ("rel", ds.Relations [1], "root_y", true, new string [] {"root_Id"}, new string [] {"root_Id"}, true, true); } [Test] public void AutoIncrementStep () { DataSet ds = new DataSet("testds"); DataTable tbl = ds.Tables.Add("testtbl"); DataColumn col = tbl.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int)); col.AutoIncrement = true; col.AutoIncrementSeed = -1; col.AutoIncrementStep = -1; tbl.Columns.Add("data", typeof(string)); Assert.IsTrue (ds.GetXmlSchema ().IndexOf ("AutoIncrementStep") > 0); } [Test] public void ReadConstraints () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test015.xsd"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ds.Relations.Count, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, ds.Tables [0].Constraints.Count, "#2" ); Assert.AreEqual (1, ds.Tables [1].Constraints.Count, "#3" ); Assert.AreEqual ("fk1", ds.Tables [1].Constraints [0].ConstraintName, "#4"); } [Test] public void ReadAnnotatedRelations_MultipleColumns () { DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Data/schemas/test016.xsd"); Assert.AreEqual (1, ds.Relations.Count, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("rel", ds.Relations [0].RelationName, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (2, ds.Relations [0].ParentColumns.Length, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (2, ds.Relations [0].ChildColumns.Length, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ds.Tables [0].Constraints.Count, "#5" ); Assert.AreEqual (0, ds.Tables [1].Constraints.Count, "#6" ); AssertDataRelation ("TestRel", ds.Relations [0], "rel", false, new String[] {"col 1","col2"}, new String[] {"col1","col 2"}, false, false); } } }