// DataRowTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.DataRow // // Authors: // Franklin Wise (gracenote@earthlink.net) // Daniel Morgan // Roopa Wilson (rowilson@novell.com) // // (C) Copyright 2002 Franklin Wise // (C) Copyright 2003 Daniel Morgan // (C) Copyright 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Data; namespace MonoTests.System.Data { [TestFixture] public class DataRowTest : Assertion { private DataTable _tbl; private DataTable table; private DataRow row; [SetUp] public void GetReady() { _tbl = new DataTable(); table = MakeTable (); row = table.NewRow (); row ["FName"] = "Hello"; row ["LName"] = "World"; table.Rows.Add (row); } private DataTable MakeTable () { DataTable namesTable = new DataTable ("Names"); DataColumn idColumn = new DataColumn (); idColumn.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.Int32"); idColumn.ColumnName = "Id"; idColumn.AutoIncrement = true; namesTable.Columns.Add (idColumn); DataColumn fNameColumn = new DataColumn (); fNameColumn.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.String"); fNameColumn.ColumnName = "Fname"; fNameColumn.DefaultValue = "Fname"; namesTable.Columns.Add (fNameColumn); DataColumn lNameColumn = new DataColumn (); lNameColumn.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.String"); lNameColumn.ColumnName = "LName"; lNameColumn.DefaultValue="LName"; namesTable.Columns.Add (lNameColumn); // Set the primary key for the table DataColumn [] keys = new DataColumn [1]; keys [0] = idColumn; namesTable.PrimaryKey = keys; // Return the new DataTable. return namesTable; } [Test] public void SetColumnErrorTest () { string errorString; errorString = "Some error!"; // Set the error for the specified column of the row. row.SetColumnError (1, errorString); GetColumnErrorTest (); GetAllErrorsTest (); } private void GetColumnErrorTest () { // Print the error of a specified column. AssertEquals ("#A01", "Some error!", row.GetColumnError (1)); } private void GetAllErrorsTest () { DataColumn [] colArr; if (row.HasErrors) { colArr = row.GetColumnsInError (); for (int i = 0; i < colArr.Length; i++) { AssertEquals ("#A02", table.Columns [1], colArr [i]); } row.ClearErrors (); } } [Test] public void RowEditTest() { DeleteRowTest (); EditModeTest (); ParentRowTest (); } private void DeleteRowTest () { DataRow newRow; for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { newRow = table.NewRow (); newRow ["FName"] = "Name " + i; newRow ["LName"] = " Last Name" + i; table.Rows.Add (newRow); } table.AcceptChanges (); int cnt = 1; for (int i = 1; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow r = table.Rows [i]; AssertEquals ("#A03", "Name " + cnt, r ["fName"]); cnt++; } // Create a DataView with the table. DataRowCollection rc = table.Rows; rc [0].Delete (); rc [2].Delete (); AssertEquals ("#A04", "Deleted", rc [0].RowState.ToString ()); AssertEquals ("#A05", "Deleted", rc [2].RowState.ToString ()); // Accept changes table.AcceptChanges (); AssertEquals ("#A06", "Name 1", (table.Rows [0]) [1]); try { Console.WriteLine (rc [2]); Fail ("#A07"); } catch (Exception e) { AssertEquals ("#A08", "There is no row at position 2.", e.Message); } } private void EditModeTest () { try { //Clear all existing values from table for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { table.Rows[i].Delete (); } table.AcceptChanges (); row = table.NewRow (); row["FName"] = "My FName"; table.Rows.Add (row); // Stage 1 //Initially: After Add (Row) But Before Accept Changes"); AssertEquals ("#A09", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A10", "LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A11", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Current]); AssertEquals ("#A12", "LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Current]); try { Console.WriteLine (row [1, DataRowVersion.Original]); Console.WriteLine (row [1, DataRowVersion.Proposed]); Fail ("#A13"); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.GetType () != typeof (AssertionException)) { AssertEquals ("#A14", typeof (VersionNotFoundException), e.GetType ()); } } // Stage 2 //After Accept Changes table.AcceptChanges (); AssertEquals ("#A15", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A16", "LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A17", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Current]); AssertEquals ("#A18", "LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Current]); try { Console.WriteLine (row [1, DataRowVersion.Proposed]); Fail ("#A19"); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.GetType () != typeof (AssertionException)) { AssertEquals ("#A20", typeof (VersionNotFoundException), e.GetType ()); } } // Stage 3 // Edit Mode table.Rows [0].BeginEdit (); table.Rows [0] ["LName"] = "My LName"; AssertEquals ("#A21", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A22", "My LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A23", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Current]); AssertEquals ("#A24", "LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Current]); AssertEquals ("#A25", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Original]); AssertEquals ("#A26", "LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Original]); AssertEquals ("#A26", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Proposed]); AssertEquals ("#A27", "My LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Proposed]); // Stage 4 //After Edit sessions for (int i=0; i < table.Rows.Count;i++) table.Rows [i].EndEdit (); AssertEquals ("#A28", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A29", "My LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A30", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Original]); AssertEquals ("#A31", "LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Original]); AssertEquals ("#A32", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Current]); AssertEquals ("#A33", "My LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Current]); try { Console.WriteLine (row [1, DataRowVersion.Proposed]); Fail ("#A34"); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.GetType ()!=typeof (AssertionException)) { AssertEquals ("#A35", typeof (VersionNotFoundException), e.GetType ()); } } //Stage 5 //After Accept Changes table.AcceptChanges (); AssertEquals ("#A36", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A37", "My LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Default]); AssertEquals ("#A38", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Original]); AssertEquals ("#A39", "My LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Original]); AssertEquals ("#A40", "My FName", row [1, DataRowVersion.Current]); AssertEquals ("#A41", "My LName", row [2, DataRowVersion.Current]); try { Console.WriteLine (row [1, DataRowVersion.Proposed]); Fail ("#A42"); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.GetType () != typeof (AssertionException)) { AssertEquals ("#A43", typeof (VersionNotFoundException), e.GetType ()); } } } catch (Exception e){ Console.WriteLine (e + "" + e.StackTrace); } } private void ParentRowTest (){ //Clear all existing values from table for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { table.Rows[i].Delete (); } table.AcceptChanges (); row = table.NewRow (); row["FName"] = "My FName"; row["Id"] = 0; table.Rows.Add (row); DataTable tableC = new DataTable ("Child"); DataColumn colC; DataRow rowC; colC = new DataColumn (); colC.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.Int32"); colC.ColumnName = "Id"; colC.AutoIncrement=true; tableC.Columns.Add (colC); colC = new DataColumn (); colC.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.String"); colC.ColumnName = "Name"; tableC.Columns.Add (colC); rowC = tableC.NewRow (); rowC["Name"] = "My FName"; tableC.Rows.Add (rowC); DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.Tables.Add (table); ds.Tables.Add (tableC); DataRelation dr = new DataRelation ("PO", table.Columns ["Id"], tableC.Columns ["Id"]); ds.Relations.Add (dr); rowC.SetParentRow (table.Rows [0], dr); AssertEquals ("#A44", table.Rows [0], (tableC.Rows [0]).GetParentRow (dr)); } // tests item at row, column in table to be DBNull.Value private void DBNullTest (string message, DataTable dt, int row, int column) { object val = dt.Rows[row].ItemArray[column]; AssertEquals(message, DBNull.Value, val); } // tests item at row, column in table to be null private void NullTest (string message, DataTable dt, int row, int column) { object val = dt.Rows[row].ItemArray[column]; AssertEquals(message, null, val); } // tests item at row, column in table to be private void ValueTest (string message, DataTable dt, int row, int column, object value) { object val = dt.Rows[row].ItemArray[column]; AssertEquals(message, value, val); } // test set null, DBNull.Value, and ItemArray short count [Test] public void NullInItemArray () { string zero = "zero"; string one = "one"; string two = "two"; DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(zero, typeof(string))); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(one, typeof(string))); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(two, typeof(string))); object[] obj = new object[3]; // -- normal ----------------- obj[0] = zero; obj[1] = one; obj[2] = two; // results: // table.Rows[0].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[0].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = "one" // table.Rows[0].ItemArray.ItemArray[2] = "two" DataRow row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e1) { Fail("DR1: Exception Caught: " + e1); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- null ---------- obj[1] = null; // results: // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = DBNull.Value // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[2] = "two" row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e2) { Fail("DR2: Exception Caught: " + e2); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- DBNull.Value ------------- obj[1] = DBNull.Value; // results: // table.Rows[2].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[2].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = DBNull.Value // table.Rows[2].ItemArray.ItemArray[2] = "two" row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e3) { Fail("DR3: Exception Caught: " + e3); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- object array smaller than number of columns ----- string abc = "abc"; string def = "def"; obj = new object[2]; obj[0] = abc; obj[1] = def; // results: // table.Rows[3].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "abc" // table.Rows[3].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = "def" // table.Rows[3].ItemArray.ItemArray[2] = DBNull.Value; row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e3) { Fail("DR4: Exception Caught: " + e3); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- normal ----------------- ValueTest("DR5: normal value test", table, 0, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR6: normal value test", table, 0, 1, one); ValueTest("DR7: normal value test", table, 0, 2, two); // -- null ---------- ValueTest("DR8: null value test", table, 1, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR9: null value test", table, 1, 1, DBNull.Value); ValueTest("DR10: null value test", table, 1, 2, two); // -- DBNull.Value ------------- ValueTest("DR11: DBNull.Value value test", table, 2, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR12: DBNull.Value value test", table, 2, 1, DBNull.Value); ValueTest("DR13: DBNull.Value value test", table, 2, 2, two); // -- object array smaller than number of columns ----- ValueTest("DR14: array smaller value test", table, 3, 0, abc); ValueTest("DR15: array smaller value test", table, 3, 1, def); ValueTest("DR16: array smaller value test", table, 3, 2, DBNull.Value); } // test DefaultValue when setting ItemArray [Test] public void DefaultValueInItemArray () { string zero = "zero"; DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("zero", typeof(string))); DataColumn column = new DataColumn("num", typeof(int)); column.DefaultValue = 15; table.Columns.Add(column); object[] obj = new object[2]; // -- normal ----------------- obj[0] = "zero"; obj[1] = 8; // results: // table.Rows[0].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[0].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = 8 DataRow row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e1) { Fail("DR17: Exception Caught: " + e1); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- null ---------- obj[1] = null; // results: // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = 15 row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e2) { Fail("DR18: Exception Caught: " + e2); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- DBNull.Value ------------- obj[1] = DBNull.Value; // results: // table.Rows[2].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[2].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = DBNull.Value // even though internally, the v row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e3) { Fail("DR19: Exception Caught: " + e3); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- object array smaller than number of columns ----- string abc = "abc"; string def = "def"; obj = new object[2]; obj[0] = abc; // results: // table.Rows[3].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "abc" // table.Rows[3].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = DBNull.Value row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e3) { Fail("DR20: Exception Caught: " + e3); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- normal ----------------- ValueTest("DR20: normal value test", table, 0, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR21: normal value test", table, 0, 1, 8); // -- null ---------- ValueTest("DR22: null value test", table, 1, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR23: null value test", table, 1, 1, 15); // -- DBNull.Value ------------- ValueTest("DR24: DBNull.Value value test", table, 2, 0, zero); DBNullTest("DR25: DBNull.Value value test", table, 2, 1); // -- object array smaller than number of columns ----- ValueTest("DR26: array smaller value test", table, 3, 0, abc); ValueTest("DR27: array smaller value test", table, 3, 1, 15); } // test AutoIncrement when setting ItemArray [Test] public void AutoIncrementInItemArray () { string zero = "zero"; string num = "num"; DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(zero, typeof(string))); DataColumn column = new DataColumn("num", typeof(int)); column.AutoIncrement = true; table.Columns.Add(column); object[] obj = new object[2]; // -- normal ----------------- obj[0] = "zero"; obj[1] = 8; // results: // table.Rows[0].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[0].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = 8 DataRow row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e1) { Fail("DR28: Exception Caught: " + e1); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- null 1---------- obj[1] = null; // results: // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = 9 row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e2) { Fail("DR29: Exception Caught: " + e2); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- null 2---------- obj[1] = null; // results: // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = 10 row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e2) { Fail("DR30: Exception Caught: " + e2); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- null 3---------- obj[1] = null; // results: // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = 11 row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e2) { Fail("DR31: Exception Caught: " + e2); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- DBNull.Value ------------- obj[1] = DBNull.Value; // results: // table.Rows[2].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[2].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = DBNull.Value // even though internally, the AutoIncrement value // is incremented row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e3) { Fail("DR32: Exception Caught: " + e3); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- null 4---------- obj[1] = null; // results: // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "zero" // table.Rows[1].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = 13 row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e2) { Fail("DR48: Exception Caught: " + e2); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- object array smaller than number of columns ----- string abc = "abc"; string def = "def"; obj = new object[2]; obj[0] = abc; // results: // table.Rows[3].ItemArray.ItemArray[0] = "abc" // table.Rows[3].ItemArray.ItemArray[1] = 14 row = table.NewRow(); try { row.ItemArray = obj; } catch(Exception e3) { Fail("DR33: Exception Caught: " + e3); } table.Rows.Add(row); // -- normal ----------------- ValueTest("DR34: normal value test", table, 0, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR35: normal value test", table, 0, 1, 8); // -- null 1---------- ValueTest("DR36: null value test", table, 1, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR37: null value test", table, 1, 1, 9); // -- null 2---------- ValueTest("DR38: null value test", table, 2, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR39: null value test", table, 2, 1, 10); // -- null 3---------- ValueTest("DR40: null value test", table, 3, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR41: null value test", table, 3, 1, 11); // -- DBNull.Value ------------- ValueTest("DR42: DBNull.Value value test", table, 4, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR43: DBNull.Value value test", table, 4, 1, DBNull.Value); // -- null 4---------- ValueTest("DR44: null value test", table, 5, 0, zero); ValueTest("DR45: null value test", table, 5, 1, 13); // -- object array smaller than number of columns ----- ValueTest("DR46: array smaller value test", table, 6, 0, abc); ValueTest("DR47: array smaller value test", table, 6, 1, 14); } [Test] public void AutoIncrementColumnIntegrity () { // AutoIncrement-column shouldn't raise index out of range // exception because of size mismatch of internal itemarray. DataTable dt = new DataTable (); dt.Columns.Add ("foo"); dt.Rows.Add (new object [] {"value"}); DataColumn col = new DataColumn ("bar"); col.AutoIncrement = true; dt.Columns.Add (col); dt.Rows [0] [0] = "test"; } [Test] public void EnforceConstraint () { int id = 100; // Setup stuff DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable parent = ds.Tables.Add("parent"); parent.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int)); DataTable child = ds.Tables.Add("child"); child.Columns.Add("idref", typeof(int)); Constraint uniqueId = null; parent.Constraints.Add(uniqueId = new UniqueConstraint("uniqueId", new DataColumn[] {parent.Columns["id"]}, true)); ForeignKeyConstraint fkc = new ForeignKeyConstraint("ParentChildConstraint", new DataColumn[] { parent.Columns["id"] }, new DataColumn[] { child.Columns["idref"]}); child.Constraints.Add(fkc); DataRelation relateParentChild = new DataRelation("relateParentChild", new DataColumn[] {parent.Columns["id"] }, new DataColumn[] {child.Columns["idref"] }, false); ds.Relations.Add(relateParentChild); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; DataRow parentRow = parent.Rows.Add(new object[] { id }); DataRow childRow = child.Rows.Add(new object[] { id }); if (parentRow == childRow.GetParentRow(relateParentChild)) { foreach(DataColumn dc in parent.Columns) AssertEquals(100,parentRow[dc]); } } } }