// // SqlDataAdapterTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for testing the // SqlDataAdapter class // Author: // Senganal T (tsenganal@novell.com) // // Copyright (c) 2004 Novell Inc., and the individuals listed // on the ChangeLog entries. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Net; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Collections; namespace MonoTests.System.Data { [TestFixture] [Category ("sqlserver")] public class SqlConnectionTest { SqlConnection conn = null ; String connectionString = ConnectionManager.Singleton.ConnectionString; ArrayList invalidConnectionStrings = null; int stateChangeEventCount = 0; int disposedEventCount = 0; int infoMessageEventCount = 0; void populateTestData () { invalidConnectionStrings = new ArrayList (); // shud be got from a config file .. //list of invalid and valid conn strings; invalidConnectionStrings.Add ("InvalidConnectionString"); invalidConnectionStrings.Add ("invalidKeyword=10"); invalidConnectionStrings.Add ("Packet Size=511"); invalidConnectionStrings.Add ("Packet Size=32768"); invalidConnectionStrings.Add ("Connect Timeout=-1"); invalidConnectionStrings.Add ("Max Pool Size=-1"); invalidConnectionStrings.Add ("Min Pool Size=-1"); } [SetUp] public void SetUp () { } [TearDown] public void TearDown () { if (conn != null) conn.Dispose (); } [Test] public void DefaultConstructorTest () { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection (); Assert.AreEqual ("", conn.ConnectionString, "#1 Default Connection String should be empty"); Assert.AreEqual (15, conn.ConnectionTimeout, "#2 Default ConnectionTimeout should be 15" ); Assert.AreEqual ("", conn.Database, "#3 Default Database should be empty"); Assert.AreEqual ("", conn.DataSource, "#4 Default DataSource should be empty"); Assert.AreEqual (8192, conn.PacketSize,"#5 Default Packet Size is 8192"); Assert.AreEqual (Dns.GetHostName().ToUpper (), conn.WorkstationId.ToUpper (), "#6 Default Workstationid shud be hostname"); Assert.AreEqual (ConnectionState.Closed, conn.State, "#7 Connection State shud be closed by default"); } [Test] public void OverloadedConstructorTest () { // Test Exceptions are thrown for Invalid Connection Strings int count=0 ; populateTestData (); foreach (String invalidConnString in invalidConnectionStrings) { count++; try { conn = new SqlConnection ((string)invalidConnString); Assert.Fail ("#1 Exception must be thrown"); }catch (AssertionException e) { throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof(ArgumentException), e.GetType(), "Incorrect Exception" + e.StackTrace); } } //check synonyms.. //do i need to check for all the synonyms.. conn = new SqlConnection ( "Timeout=10;Connect Timeout=20;Connection Timeout=30"); Assert.AreEqual (30, conn.ConnectionTimeout, "## The last set value shud be taken"); conn = new SqlConnection ( "Connect Timeout=100;Connection Timeout=200;Timeout=300"); Assert.AreEqual (300, conn.ConnectionTimeout, "## The last set value shud be taken"); conn = new SqlConnection ( "Connection Timeout=1000;Timeout=2000;Connect Timeout=3000"); Assert.AreEqual (3000, conn.ConnectionTimeout, "## The last set value shud be taken"); // Test if properties are set correctly //'==' doesent work correctly in both msdotnet and mono /* conn = new SqlConnection ("server=local==host;database=tmp;"); Assert.AreEqual ("local==host", conn.DataSource, "# Datasource name is set incorrectly"); */ string connStr = "Server='loca\"lhost';Database='''Db'; packet Size=\"512\";"; connStr += "connect Timeout=20;Workstation Id=\"'\"\"desktop\";"; conn = new SqlConnection (connStr); Assert.AreEqual (connStr , conn.ConnectionString , "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("loca\"lhost" , conn.DataSource , "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("'Db" , conn.Database , "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (512 , conn.PacketSize , "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (20 , conn.ConnectionTimeout , "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("'\"desktop" , conn.WorkstationId , "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (ConnectionState.Closed , conn.State , "#7"); } [Test] public void OpenTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); ArrayList validIncorrectConnStrings = new ArrayList(); string validConnString = connectionString; validIncorrectConnStrings.Add ( validConnString+"user id=invalidLogin"); validIncorrectConnStrings.Add ( validConnString+"database=invalidDB"); validIncorrectConnStrings.Add ( validConnString+";password=invalidPassword"); validIncorrectConnStrings.Add ( validConnString+";server=invalidServerName"); int count=0; foreach (string connString in validIncorrectConnStrings) { count++; try { conn.ConnectionString = connString; conn.Open(); Assert.Fail (String.Format ( "#1_{0} Incorrect Connection String",count)); }catch (AssertionException e) { throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof (SqlException), e.GetType (), "#2 Incorrect Exception" + e.StackTrace); } } // Test connection is Opened for a valid Connection String conn.ConnectionString = connectionString; conn.Open (); Assert.AreEqual (ConnectionState.Open, conn.State, "#3 Connection State Should be OPEN"); // Test Exception is thrown on opening an OPEN Connection try { conn.Open (); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), null, "#1 Connection is Already Open"); }catch (AssertionException e) { throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof(InvalidOperationException), e.GetType (), "#2 Incorect Exception."); } conn.Close(); /* // Test if localhost is assumed when servername is empty/missing // NOTE : msdotnet contradicts doc Assumes the server is localhost .. need to test this with mono on windows conn.ConnectionString = connectionString + "server=;"; try { conn.Open (); }catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail ("## If server name is not given or empty ,localhost shud be tried"); } ex = null; conn.Close (); */ } [Test] public void OpenTest_1 () { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection (); conn.ConnectionString = ""; try { conn.Open (); Assert.Fail ("#1 Should throw ArgumentException and not SqlException"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } conn.ConnectionString = " "; try { conn.Open (); Assert.Fail ("#2 Should throw ArgumentException and not SqlException"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } [Test] public void CreateCommandTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); IDbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand (); Assert.AreSame (conn, cmd.Connection, "#1 Connection instance should be the same"); } [Test] public void CloseTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); conn.Open (); Assert.AreEqual (ConnectionState.Open, conn.State, "#1 Connection State should be : Open"); conn.Close (); Assert.AreEqual (ConnectionState.Closed, conn.State, "#1 Connection State Should : Closed"); // Test Closing an already closed connection is Valid.. conn.Close (); } [Test] public void DisposeTest () { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); conn.Dispose (); Assert.AreEqual ("", conn.ConnectionString, "#1 Dispose shud make the Connection String empty"); Assert.AreEqual (15, conn.ConnectionTimeout, "#2 Default ConnectionTimeout : 15" ); Assert.AreEqual ("", conn.Database, "#3 Default Database : empty"); Assert.AreEqual ("", conn.DataSource, "#4 Default DataSource : empty"); Assert.AreEqual (8192, conn.PacketSize, "#5 Default Packet Size : 8192"); Assert.AreEqual (Dns.GetHostName().ToUpper (), conn.WorkstationId.ToUpper (), "#6 Default Workstationid : hostname"); Assert.AreEqual (ConnectionState.Closed, conn.State, "#7 Default State : CLOSED "); conn = new SqlConnection (); //shud not throw exception conn.Dispose (); } [Test] public void ChangeDatabaseTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); String database = conn.Database; //Test if exception is thrown if connection is closed try { conn.ChangeDatabase ("database"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), null, "#1 Connection is Closed"); }catch (AssertionException e){ throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), e.GetType(), "#2 Incorrect Exception : " + e.StackTrace); } //Test if exception is thrown for invalid Database Names //need to add more to the list conn.Open (); String[] InvalidDatabaseNames = {"", null, " "}; for (int i = 0; i < InvalidDatabaseNames.Length ; ++i) { try { conn.ChangeDatabase (InvalidDatabaseNames[i]); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentException), null, string.Format ("#3_{0} Exception not thrown",i)); }catch (AssertionException e) { throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof(ArgumentException), e.GetType (), string.Format( "#4_{0} Incorrect Exception : {1}", i, e.StackTrace)); } Assert.AreEqual (database, conn.Database, "#4 The Database shouldnt get changed if Operation Failed"); } //Test if exception is thrown if database name is non-existent try { conn.ChangeDatabase ("invalidDB"); Assert.Fail ("#5 Exception must be thrown if database doesent exist"); }catch (AssertionException e) { throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof(SqlException), e.GetType (), "#6 Incorrect Exception" + e.StackTrace); } conn.Close (); //Test if '-' is a valid character in a database name //TODO : Check for database names that have more special Characters.. conn.ConnectionString = connectionString; conn.Open (); try { conn.ChangeDatabase ("mono-test"); Assert.AreEqual ("mono-test", conn.Database, "#7 Database name should be mono-test"); }catch (AssertionException e) { throw e; }catch (Exception e){ Assert.Fail ("#8 Unexpected Exception : DB Name can have a '-' : " + e); } } [Test] public void BeginTransactionTest() { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); SqlTransaction trans = null ; try { trans = conn.BeginTransaction (); Assert.Fail ("#1 Connection must be Open to Begin a Transaction"); }catch (AssertionException e) { throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), e.GetType(), "#2 Incorrect Exception" + e.StackTrace); } conn.Open (); trans = conn.BeginTransaction (); Assert.AreSame (conn, trans.Connection, "#3 Transaction should reference the same connection"); Assert.AreEqual (IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, trans.IsolationLevel, "#4 Isolation Level shud be ReadCommitted"); trans.Rollback (); try { trans = conn.BeginTransaction (); trans = conn.BeginTransaction (); conn.BeginTransaction (); Assert.Fail ("#5 Parallel Transactions are not supported"); }catch (AssertionException e) { throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof(InvalidOperationException), e.GetType(), "#6 Incorrect Exception" + e.StackTrace); }finally { trans.Rollback(); } try { trans = conn.BeginTransaction (); trans.Rollback (); trans = conn.BeginTransaction (); trans.Commit(); trans = conn.BeginTransaction (); }catch { Assert.Fail ("#7 Transaction can be opened after a rollback/commit"); }finally { trans.Rollback (); } } [Test] public void ConnectionStringPropertyTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString) ; // Test Repeated Keyoword ..Should take the latest value conn.ConnectionString = conn.ConnectionString + ";server=RepeatedServer;" ; Assert.AreEqual ("RepeatedServer", ((SqlConnection)conn).DataSource, "#1 if keyword is repeated, the latest value should be taken"); conn.ConnectionString += ";database=gen;Initial Catalog=gen1"; Assert.AreEqual ("gen1", conn.Database, "#2 database and initial catalog are synonyms .. "); // Test if properties are set correctly string str = "server=localhost1;database=db;user id=user;"; str += "password=pwd;Workstation ID=workstation;Packet Size=512;"; str += "Connect Timeout=10"; conn.ConnectionString = str; Assert.AreEqual ("localhost1", conn.DataSource, "#3 DataSource name should be same as passed"); Assert.AreEqual ("db", conn.Database, "#4 Database name shud be same as passed"); Assert.AreEqual (ConnectionState.Closed, conn.State, "#5 Connection shud be in closed state"); Assert.AreEqual ("workstation", conn.WorkstationId, "#6 Workstation Id shud be same as passed"); Assert.AreEqual (512, conn.PacketSize, "#7 Packetsize shud be same as passed"); Assert.AreEqual (10, conn.ConnectionTimeout, "#8 ConnectionTimeout shud be same as passed"); // Test if any leftover values exist from previous invocation. conn.ConnectionString = connectionString; conn.ConnectionString = ""; Assert.AreEqual ("", conn.DataSource, "#9 Datasource shud be reset to Default : Empty"); Assert.AreEqual ("", conn.Database, "#10 Database shud reset to Default : Empty"); Assert.AreEqual (8192, conn.PacketSize, "#11 Packetsize shud be reset to Default : 8192"); Assert.AreEqual (15, conn.ConnectionTimeout, "#12 ConnectionTimeour shud be reset to Default : 15"); Assert.AreEqual (Dns.GetHostName ().ToUpper (), conn.WorkstationId.ToUpper (), "#13 WorkstationId shud be reset to Default : Hostname"); // Test Argument Exception is thrown for Invalid Connection Strings foreach (string connString in invalidConnectionStrings) { try { conn.ConnectionString = connString; Assert.Fail ( "#14 Exception should be thrown"); }catch (AssertionException e){ throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentException), e.GetType(), "#15 Incorrect Exception" + e.StackTrace); } } // Test if ConnectionString is read-only when Connection is OPEN conn.ConnectionString = connectionString; conn.Open() ; try { Assert.AreEqual (conn.State, ConnectionState.Open, "#16 Connection shud be open"); conn.ConnectionString = "server=localhost;database=tmp;" ; Assert.Fail ( "#17 ConnectionString should Read-Only when Connection is Open"); }catch (AssertionException e){ throw e; }catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof(InvalidOperationException), e.GetType(), "#18 Incorrect Exception" + e.StackTrace); } conn.Close (); } [Test] public void ServerVersionTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); // Test InvalidOperation Exception is thrown if Connection is CLOSED try { string s = conn.ServerVersion; Assert.Fail ("#1 InvalidOperation Exception Must be thrown if conn is closed"); Assert.AreEqual ("", s, "#1a Should be an empty string"); } catch (AssertionException e){ throw e; } catch (Exception e){ Assert.AreEqual(typeof (InvalidOperationException), e.GetType (), "#2 Incorrect Exception" + e.StackTrace); } // Test if Release Version is as per specification. conn.Open (); String[] version = conn.ServerVersion.Split ('.') ; Assert.AreEqual (2, version[0].Length, "#2 The Major release shud be exactly 2 characters"); Assert.AreEqual (2, version[1].Length, "#3 The Minor release shud be exactly 2 characters"); Assert.AreEqual (4, version[2].Length, "#4 The Release version should be exactly 4 digits"); } [Test] public void DatabasePropertyTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); string database = conn.Database ; // Test if database property is updated when a query changes database conn.Open (); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("use [mono-test]" , conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); Assert.AreEqual ("mono-test", conn.Database, "#1 DATABASE name shud change if query changes the db"); conn.Close (); Assert.AreEqual (database, conn.Database, "#2 Shud be back to default value"); // Test if the database property is reset on re-opening the connection conn.ConnectionString = connectionString; conn.Open (); Assert.AreEqual (database, conn.Database, "#3 Shud be back to original value"); conn.Close (); } [Test] public void StateChangeEventTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); conn.StateChange += new StateChangeEventHandler ( StateChangeHandlerTest1); using (conn) { conn.Open (); } Assert.AreEqual (2, stateChangeEventCount, "#1 The handler shud be called twice"); stateChangeEventCount =0 ; conn.StateChange -= new StateChangeEventHandler ( StateChangeHandlerTest1); // NOTE : Need to check the behavior if an exception is raised // in a handler } [Test] public void DisposedEventTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); conn.Disposed += new EventHandler (DisposedEventHandlerTest1); conn.Dispose (); Assert.AreEqual (1, disposedEventCount, "#1 Disposed eventhandler shud be called"); } void StateChangeHandlerTest1 (object sender , StateChangeEventArgs e) { Assert.IsTrue ((e.CurrentState != e.OriginalState), "#1 Current and Original state shud be different"); Assert.AreEqual (e.CurrentState, conn.State, "The conn state and the arg received in event shud be same"); stateChangeEventCount++ ; } void DisposedEventHandlerTest1 (object sender , EventArgs e) { disposedEventCount++; } #if NET_2_0 [Test] public void FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrorsTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (); Assert.AreEqual(false, conn.FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors, "#1 The default value should be false"); conn.FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors = true; Assert.AreEqual(true, conn.FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors, "#1 The value should be true after setting the property to true"); } [Test] public void StatisticsEnabledTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (); Assert.AreEqual(false, conn.StatisticsEnabled, "#1 The default value should be false"); conn.StatisticsEnabled = true; Assert.AreEqual(true, conn.StatisticsEnabled, "#1 The value should be true after setting the property to true"); } [Test] public void ChangePasswordTest () { string tmpPassword = "modifiedbymonosqlclient"; SqlConnection.ChangePassword (connectionString, tmpPassword); SqlConnectionStringBuilder connBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder (connectionString); string oldPassword = connBuilder.Password; connBuilder.Password = tmpPassword; SqlConnection.ChangePassword (connBuilder.ConnectionString, oldPassword); // Modify to the original password } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void ChangePasswordNullConnStringTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); SqlConnection.ChangePassword (null, "mono"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void ChangePasswordNullPasswordTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); SqlConnection.ChangePassword (connectionString, null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void ChangePasswordEmptyPasswordTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); SqlConnection.ChangePassword (connectionString, ""); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void ChangePasswordExceedPasswordTest () { conn = new SqlConnection (connectionString); SqlConnection.ChangePassword (connectionString,"ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"); } #endif } #if NET_2_0 [TestFixture] [Category ("sqlserver")] public class GetSchemaTest { SqlConnection conn = null; String connectionString = ConnectionManager.Singleton.ConnectionString; [SetUp] public void Setup() { conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { conn.Close(); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest1() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("databases"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "database_name" && row[col].ToString() == "monotest") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS1 failed"); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void GetSchemaTest2() { conn.GetSchema(null); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest3() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("ForeignKeys"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "TABLE_NAME" && row[col].ToString() == "tmptable1") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS3 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest4() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Indexes"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "table_name" && row[col].ToString() == "binary_family") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS4 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest5() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("IndexColumns"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "table_name" && row[col].ToString() == "binary_family") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS5 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest6() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Procedures"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "SPECIFIC_NAME" && row[col].ToString() == "sp_get_age") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS6 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest7() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("ProcedureParameters"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "SPECIFIC_NAME" && row[col].ToString() == "sp_get_age") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS7 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest8() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Tables"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "TABLE_NAME" && row[col].ToString() == "binary_family") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS8 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest9() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Columns"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "TABLE_NAME" && row[col].ToString() == "binary_family") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS9 failed"); } public void GetSchemaTest10() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Users"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "user_name" && row[col].ToString() == "public") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS10 failed"); } public void GetSchemaTest11() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Views"); flag = true; // FIXME: Currently MS-SQL 2005 returns empty table. Remove this flag ASAP. foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values. */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "user_name" && row[col].ToString() == "public") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS11 failed"); } public void GetSchemaTest12() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("ViewColumns"); flag = true; // FIXME: Currently MS-SQL 2005 returns empty table. Remove this flag ASAP. foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values. */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "user_name" && row[col].ToString() == "public") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS12 failed"); } public void GetSchemaTest13() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("UserDefineTypes"); flag = true; // FIXME: Currently MS-SQL 2005 returns empty table. Remove this flag ASAP. foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values. */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "user_name" && row[col].ToString() == "public") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS13 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest14() { bool flag = false; string [] restrictions = new string[4]; restrictions[0] = "monotest"; restrictions[1] = "dbo"; restrictions[2] = null; restrictions[3] = "BASE TABLE"; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Tables", restrictions); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "TABLE_NAME" && row[col].ToString() == "binary_family") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS14 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest15() { bool flag = false; string [] restrictions = new string[4]; restrictions[0] = "monotest"; restrictions[1] = null; restrictions[2] = "binary_family"; restrictions[3] = null; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("IndexColumns", restrictions); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "table_name" && row[col].ToString() == "binary_family") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS15 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest16() { bool flag = false; string [] restrictions = new string[4]; restrictions[0] = "monotest"; restrictions[1] = null; restrictions[2] = "sp_get_age"; restrictions[3] = null; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Procedures", restrictions); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "ROUTINE_NAME" && row[col].ToString() == "sp_get_age") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS16 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest17() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema(); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "CollectionName" && row[col].ToString() == "UserDefinedTypes") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS17 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest18() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("RESTRICTIONS"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "RestrictionDefault" && row[col].ToString() == "CONSTRAINT_NAME") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS18 failed"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void GetSchemaTest19 () { String [] restrictions = new String[1]; conn.GetSchema("RESTRICTIONS", restrictions); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest20 () { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("DataTypes"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "TypeName" && row[col].ToString() == "uniqueidentifier") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS20 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest21() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema(); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "CollectionName" && row[col].ToString() == "UserDefinedTypes") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS21 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest22() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("ReservedWords"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "ReservedWord" && row[col].ToString() == "UPPER") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(true, flag, "#GS22 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest23() { bool flag = false; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("ReservedWords"); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "ReservedWord" && row[col].ToString() == "upper") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(false, flag, "#GS23 failed"); } [Test] public void GetSchemaTest24() { bool flag = false; string [] restrictions = new string[4]; restrictions[0] = "monotest"; restrictions[1] = null; restrictions[2] = "sp_get_age"; restrictions[3] = null; DataTable tab1 = conn.GetSchema("Procedures", restrictions); foreach (DataRow row in tab1.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in tab1.Columns) { /* * We need to consider multiple values */ if (col.ColumnName.ToString() == "ROUTINE_NAME" && row[col].ToString() == "mono") { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) break; } Assert.AreEqual(false, flag, "#GS24 failed"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void GetSchemaTest25 () { String [] restrictions = new String [1]; conn.GetSchema ("Mono", restrictions); } } #endif }