// // System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.cs // // Author: // Rodrigo Moya (rodrigo@ximian.com) // Daniel Morgan (danmorg@sc.rr.com) // // (C) Ximian, Inc 2002 http://www.ximian.com/ // (C) Daniel Morgan, 2002 // // Credits: // SQL and concepts were used from libgda 0.8.190 (GNOME Data Access) // http://www.gnome-db.org/ // with permission from the authors of the // PostgreSQL provider in libgda: // Michael Lausch // Rodrigo Moya // Vivien Malerba // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier // // use #define DEBUG_SqlCommand if you want to spew debug messages // #define DEBUG_SqlCommand using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Xml; namespace System.Data.SqlClient { /// /// Represents a SQL statement that is executed /// while connected to a SQL database. /// // public sealed class SqlCommand : Component, IDbCommand, ICloneable public sealed class SqlCommand : IDbCommand { // FIXME: Console.WriteLine() is used for debugging throughout #region Fields private string sql = ""; private int timeout = 30; // default is 30 seconds // for command execution private SqlConnection conn = null; private SqlTransaction trans = null; private CommandType cmdType = CommandType.Text; private bool designTime = false; private SqlParameterCollection parmCollection = new SqlParameterCollection(); // SqlDataReader state data for ExecuteReader() private SqlDataReader dataReader; private string[] queries; private int currentQuery; CommandBehavior cmdBehavior; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors public SqlCommand() { sql = ""; } public SqlCommand (string cmdText) { sql = cmdText; } public SqlCommand (string cmdText, SqlConnection connection) { sql = cmdText; conn = connection; } public SqlCommand (string cmdText, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction) { sql = cmdText; conn = connection; trans = transaction; } #endregion // Constructors #region Methods [MonoTODO] public void Cancel () { // FIXME: use non-blocking Exec for this throw new NotImplementedException (); } // FIXME: is this the correct way to return a stronger type? [MonoTODO] IDbDataParameter IDbCommand.CreateParameter () { return CreateParameter (); } [MonoTODO] public SqlParameter CreateParameter () { return new SqlParameter (); } public int ExecuteNonQuery () { IntPtr pgResult; // PGresult int rowsAffected = -1; ExecStatusType execStatus; String rowsAffectedString; string query; if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) throw new InvalidOperationException( "ConnnectionState is not Open"); query = TweakQuery(sql, cmdType); // FIXME: PQexec blocks // while PQsendQuery is non-blocking // which is better to use? // int PQsendQuery(PGconn *conn, // const char *query); // execute SQL command // uses internal property to get the PGConn IntPtr pgResult = PostgresLibrary. PQexec (conn.PostgresConnection, query); execStatus = PostgresLibrary. PQresultStatus (pgResult); if(execStatus == ExecStatusType.PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { rowsAffectedString = PostgresLibrary. PQcmdTuples (pgResult); if(rowsAffectedString != null) if(rowsAffectedString.Equals("") == false) rowsAffected = int.Parse(rowsAffectedString); PostgresLibrary.PQclear (pgResult); } else { String errorMessage; errorMessage = PostgresLibrary. PQresStatus(execStatus); errorMessage += " " + PostgresLibrary. PQresultErrorMessage(pgResult); throw new SqlException(0, 0, errorMessage, 0, "", conn.DataSource, "SqlCommand", 0); } return rowsAffected; } [MonoTODO] IDataReader IDbCommand.ExecuteReader () { return ExecuteReader (); } [MonoTODO] public SqlDataReader ExecuteReader () { return ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default); } [MonoTODO] IDataReader IDbCommand.ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior behavior) { return ExecuteReader (behavior); } [MonoTODO] public SqlDataReader ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior behavior) { if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) throw new InvalidOperationException( "ConnectionState is not Open"); cmdBehavior = behavior; queries = null; currentQuery = -1; dataReader = new SqlDataReader(this); if((behavior & CommandBehavior.SingleResult) == CommandBehavior.SingleResult) { queries = new String[1]; queries[0] = sql; } else { queries = sql.Split(new Char[] {';'}); } dataReader.NextResult(); return dataReader; } internal SqlResult NextResult() { SqlResult res = new SqlResult(); res.Connection = this.Connection; string statement; currentQuery++; if(currentQuery < queries.Length && queries[currentQuery].Equals("") == false) { statement = TweakQuery(queries[currentQuery], cmdType); ExecuteQuery(statement, res); res.ResultReturned = true; } else { res.ResultReturned = false; } return res; } private string TweakQuery(string query, CommandType commandType) { string statement = ""; StringBuilder td; // TODO: need to handle parameters // finish building SQL based on CommandType switch(commandType) { case CommandType.Text: statement = query; break; case CommandType.StoredProcedure: statement = "SELECT " + query + "()"; break; case CommandType.TableDirect: string[] directTables = query.Split( new Char[] {','}); td = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM "); for(int tab = 0; tab < directTables.Length; tab++) { if(tab > 0 && tab < directTables.Length - 1) td.Append(','); td.Append(directTables[tab]); // FIXME: if multipe tables, how do we // join? based on Primary/Foreign Keys? // Otherwise, a Cartesian Product happens } statement = td.ToString(); break; default: // FIXME: throw an exception? statement = query; break; } return statement; } private void ExecuteQuery (string query, SqlResult res) { IntPtr pgResult; ExecStatusType execStatus; if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) throw new InvalidOperationException( "ConnectionState is not Open"); // FIXME: PQexec blocks // while PQsendQuery is non-blocking // which is better to use? // int PQsendQuery(PGconn *conn, // const char *query); // execute SQL command // uses internal property to get the PGConn IntPtr pgResult = PostgresLibrary. PQexec (conn.PostgresConnection, query); execStatus = PostgresLibrary. PQresultStatus (pgResult); if(execStatus == ExecStatusType.PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { res.BuildTableSchema(pgResult); } else { String errorMessage; errorMessage = PostgresLibrary. PQresStatus(execStatus); errorMessage += " " + PostgresLibrary. PQresultErrorMessage(pgResult); throw new SqlException(0, 0, errorMessage, 0, "", conn.DataSource, "SqlCommand", 0); } } // since SqlCommand has resources so SqlDataReader // can do Read() and NextResult(), need to free // those resources. Also, need to allow this SqlCommand // and this SqlConnection to things again. internal void CloseReader() { conn.OpenReader = false; dataReader = null; queries = null; } /// /// ExecuteScalar is used to retrieve one object /// from one result set /// that has one row and one column. /// It is lightweight compared to ExecuteReader. /// [MonoTODO] public object ExecuteScalar () { IntPtr pgResult; // PGresult ExecStatusType execStatus; object obj = null; // return int nRow = 0; // first row int nCol = 0; // first column String value; int nRows; int nFields; string query; if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) throw new InvalidOperationException( "ConnnectionState is not Open"); query = TweakQuery(sql, cmdType); // FIXME: PQexec blocks // while PQsendQuery is non-blocking // which is better to use? // int PQsendQuery(PGconn *conn, // const char *query); // execute SQL command // uses internal property to get the PGConn IntPtr pgResult = PostgresLibrary. PQexec (conn.PostgresConnection, query); execStatus = PostgresLibrary. PQresultStatus (pgResult); if(execStatus == ExecStatusType.PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { nRows = PostgresLibrary. PQntuples(pgResult); nFields = PostgresLibrary. PQnfields(pgResult); if(nRows > 0 && nFields > 0) { // get column name //String fieldName; //fieldName = PostgresLibrary. // PQfname(pgResult, nCol); int oid; string sType; DbType dbType; // get PostgreSQL data type (OID) oid = PostgresLibrary. PQftype(pgResult, nCol); sType = PostgresHelper. OidToTypname (oid, conn.Types); dbType = PostgresHelper. TypnameToSqlDbType(sType); int definedSize; // get defined size of column definedSize = PostgresLibrary. PQfsize(pgResult, nCol); // get data value value = PostgresLibrary. PQgetvalue( pgResult, nRow, nCol); int columnIsNull; // is column NULL? columnIsNull = PostgresLibrary. PQgetisnull(pgResult, nRow, nCol); int actualLength; // get Actual Length actualLength = PostgresLibrary. PQgetlength(pgResult, nRow, nCol); obj = PostgresHelper. ConvertDbTypeToSystem ( dbType, value); } // close result set PostgresLibrary.PQclear (pgResult); pgResult = IntPtr.Zero; } else { String errorMessage; errorMessage = PostgresLibrary. PQresStatus(execStatus); errorMessage += " " + PostgresLibrary. PQresultErrorMessage(pgResult); throw new SqlException(0, 0, errorMessage, 0, "", conn.DataSource, "SqlCommand", 0); } return obj; } [MonoTODO] public XmlReader ExecuteXmlReader () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public void Prepare () { // FIXME: parameters have to be implemented for this throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public SqlCommand Clone () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } #endregion // Methods #region Properties public string CommandText { get { return sql; } set { sql = value; } } public int CommandTimeout { get { return timeout; } set { // FIXME: if value < 0, throw // ArgumentException // if (value < 0) // throw ArgumentException; timeout = value; } } public CommandType CommandType { get { return cmdType; } set { cmdType = value; } } // FIXME: for property Connection, is this the correct // way to handle a return of a stronger type? IDbConnection IDbCommand.Connection { get { return Connection; } set { // FIXME: throw an InvalidOperationException // if the change was during a // transaction in progress // csc Connection = (SqlConnection) value; // mcs // Connection = value; // FIXME: set Transaction property to null } } public SqlConnection Connection { get { // conn defaults to null return conn; } set { // FIXME: throw an InvalidOperationException // if the change was during // a transaction in progress conn = value; // FIXME: set Transaction property to null } } public bool DesignTimeVisible { get { return designTime; } set{ designTime = value; } } // FIXME; for property Parameters, is this the correct // way to handle a stronger return type? IDataParameterCollection IDbCommand.Parameters { get { return Parameters; } } SqlParameterCollection Parameters { get { return parmCollection; } } // FIXME: for property Transaction, is this the correct // way to handle a return of a stronger type? IDbTransaction IDbCommand.Transaction { get { return Transaction; } set { // FIXME: error handling - do not allow // setting of transaction if transaction // has already begun // csc Transaction = (SqlTransaction) value; // mcs // Transaction = value; } } public SqlTransaction Transaction { get { return trans; } set { // FIXME: error handling trans = value; } } [MonoTODO] public UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource { // FIXME: do this once DbDataAdaptor // and DataRow are done get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } #endregion // Properties #region Inner Classes #endregion // Inner Classes #region Destructors [MonoTODO] public void Dispose() { // FIXME: need proper way to release resources // Dispose(true); } [MonoTODO] ~SqlCommand() { // FIXME: need proper way to release resources // Dispose(false); } #endregion //Destructors } // SqlResult is used for passing Result Set data // from SqlCommand to SqlDataReader internal class SqlResult { private DataTable dataTableSchema; // only will contain the schema private IntPtr pg_result; // native PostgreSQL PGresult private int rowCount; private int fieldCount; private string[] pgtypes; // PostgreSQL types (typname) private bool resultReturned = false; private SqlConnection con; internal SqlConnection Connection { set { con = value; } } internal bool ResultReturned { get { return resultReturned; } set { resultReturned = value; } } internal DataTable Table { get { return dataTableSchema; } } internal IntPtr PgResult { get { return pg_result; } } internal int RowCount { get { return rowCount; } } internal int FieldCount { get { return fieldCount; } } internal string[] PgTypes { get { return pgtypes; } } internal void BuildTableSchema (IntPtr pgResult) { pg_result = pgResult; int nCol; dataTableSchema = new DataTable(); rowCount = PostgresLibrary. PQntuples(pgResult); fieldCount = PostgresLibrary. PQnfields(pgResult); int oid; pgtypes = new string[fieldCount]; for(nCol = 0; nCol < fieldCount; nCol++) { DbType dbType; // get column name String fieldName; fieldName = PostgresLibrary. PQfname(pgResult, nCol); // get PostgreSQL data type (OID) oid = PostgresLibrary. PQftype(pgResult, nCol); pgtypes[nCol] = PostgresHelper. OidToTypname (oid, con.Types); int definedSize; // get defined size of column definedSize = PostgresLibrary. PQfsize(pgResult, nCol); // build the data column and add it the table DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(fieldName); dbType = PostgresHelper. TypnameToSqlDbType(pgtypes[nCol]); dc.DataType = PostgresHelper. DbTypeToSystemType(dbType); dc.MaxLength = definedSize; dc.SetTable(dataTableSchema); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add(dc); } } } }