// // System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader // // Author: // Rodrigo Moya (rodrigo@ximian.com) // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // // Copyright (C) Rodrigo Moya, 2002 // Copyright (C) Tim Coleman, 2002 // using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System.Data.OleDb { public sealed class OleDbDataReader : MarshalByRefObject, IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord, IEnumerable { #region Fields private OleDbCommand command; private bool open; private ArrayList gdaResults; private int currentResult; private int currentRow; private bool disposed = false; #endregion #region Constructors internal OleDbDataReader (OleDbCommand command, ArrayList results) { this.command = command; open = true; if (results != null) gdaResults = results; else gdaResults = new ArrayList (); currentResult = -1; currentRow = -1; } #endregion #region Properties public int Depth { get { return 0; // no nested selects supported } } public int FieldCount { get { if (currentResult < 0 || currentResult >= gdaResults.Count) return 0; return libgda.gda_data_model_get_n_columns ( (IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult]); } } public bool IsClosed { get { return !open; } } public object this[string name] { get { int pos; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidOperationException (); pos = libgda.gda_data_model_get_column_position ( (IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], name); if (pos == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); return this[pos]; } } public object this[int index] { get { return (object) GetValue (index); } } public int RecordsAffected { get { int total_rows; if (currentResult < 0 || currentResult >= gdaResults.Count) return 0; total_rows = libgda.gda_data_model_get_n_rows ( (IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult]); if (total_rows > 0) { if (FieldCount > 0) { // It's a SELECT statement return -1; } } return FieldCount > 0 ? -1 : total_rows; } } #endregion #region Methods public void Close () { for (int i = 0; i < gdaResults.Count; i++) { IntPtr obj = (IntPtr) gdaResults[i]; libgda.FreeObject (obj); } gdaResults.Clear (); gdaResults = null; open = false; currentResult = -1; currentRow = -1; } public bool GetBoolean (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.Boolean) throw new InvalidCastException (); return libgda.gda_value_get_boolean (value); } public byte GetByte (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.Tinyint) throw new InvalidCastException (); return libgda.gda_value_get_tinyint (value); } [MonoTODO] public long GetBytes (int ordinal, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public char GetChar (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.Tinyint) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (char) libgda.gda_value_get_tinyint (value); } [MonoTODO] public long GetChars (int ordinal, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public OleDbDataReader GetData (int ordinal) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public string GetDataTypeName (int index) { IntPtr attrs; GdaValueType type; if (currentResult == -1) return "unknown"; attrs = libgda.gda_data_model_describe_column ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], index); if (attrs == IntPtr.Zero) return "unknown"; type = libgda.gda_field_attributes_get_gdatype (attrs); libgda.gda_field_attributes_free (attrs); return libgda.gda_type_to_string (type); } public DateTime GetDateTime (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; DateTime dt; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) == GdaValueType.Date) { GdaDate gdt; gdt = (GdaDate) Marshal.PtrToStructure (libgda.gda_value_get_date (value), typeof (GdaDate)); return new DateTime ((int) gdt.year, (int) gdt.month, (int) gdt.day); } else if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) == GdaValueType.Time) { GdaTime gdt; gdt = (GdaTime) Marshal.PtrToStructure (libgda.gda_value_get_time (value), typeof (GdaTime)); return new DateTime (0, 0, 0, (int) gdt.hour, (int) gdt.minute, (int) gdt.second, 0); } else if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) == GdaValueType.Timestamp) { GdaTimestamp gdt; gdt = (GdaTimestamp) Marshal.PtrToStructure (libgda.gda_value_get_timestamp (value), typeof (GdaTimestamp)); return new DateTime ((int) gdt.year, (int) gdt.month, (int) gdt.day, (int) gdt.hour, (int) gdt.minute, (int) gdt.second, (int) gdt.fraction); } throw new InvalidCastException (); } [MonoTODO] public decimal GetDecimal (int ordinal) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public double GetDouble (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.Double) throw new InvalidCastException (); return libgda.gda_value_get_double (value); } [MonoTODO] public Type GetFieldType (int index) { IntPtr value; GdaValueType type; if (currentResult == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], index, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); type = libgda.gda_value_get_type (value); switch (type) { case GdaValueType.Bigint : return typeof (long); case GdaValueType.Boolean : return typeof (bool); case GdaValueType.Date : return typeof (DateTime); case GdaValueType.Double : return typeof (double); case GdaValueType.Integer : return typeof (int); case GdaValueType.Single : return typeof (float); case GdaValueType.Smallint : return typeof (byte); case GdaValueType.String : return typeof (string); case GdaValueType.Time : return typeof (DateTime); case GdaValueType.Timestamp : return typeof (DateTime); case GdaValueType.Tinyint : return typeof (byte); } return typeof(string); // default } public float GetFloat (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.Single) throw new InvalidCastException (); return libgda.gda_value_get_single (value); } [MonoTODO] public Guid GetGuid (int ordinal) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public short GetInt16 (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.Smallint) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (short) libgda.gda_value_get_smallint (value); } public int GetInt32 (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.Integer) throw new InvalidCastException (); return libgda.gda_value_get_integer (value); } public long GetInt64 (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.Bigint) throw new InvalidCastException (); return libgda.gda_value_get_bigint (value); } public string GetName (int index) { if (currentResult == -1) return null; return libgda.gda_data_model_get_column_title ( (IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], index); } public int GetOrdinal (string name) { if (currentResult == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); for (int i = 0; i < FieldCount; i++) { if (GetName (i) == name) return i; } throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); } public DataTable GetSchemaTable () { DataTable dataTableSchema = null; // Only Results from SQL SELECT Queries // get a DataTable for schema of the result // otherwise, DataTable is null reference if(this.FieldCount > 0) { IntPtr attrs; GdaValueType gdaType; long columnSize = 0; if (currentResult == -1) { // FIXME: throw an exception? Console.WriteLine("Error: current result -1"); return null; } dataTableSchema = new DataTable (); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("ColumnName", typeof (string)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("ColumnOrdinal", typeof (int)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("ColumnSize", typeof (int)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("NumericPrecision", typeof (int)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("NumericScale", typeof (int)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsUnique", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsKey", typeof (bool)); DataColumn dc = dataTableSchema.Columns["IsKey"]; dc.AllowDBNull = true; // IsKey can have a DBNull dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("BaseCatalogName", typeof (string)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("BaseColumnName", typeof (string)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("BaseSchemaName", typeof (string)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("BaseTableName", typeof (string)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("DataType", typeof(Type)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("AllowDBNull", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("ProviderType", typeof (int)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsAliased", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsExpression", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsIdentity", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsAutoIncrement", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsRowVersion", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsHidden", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsLong", typeof (bool)); dataTableSchema.Columns.Add ("IsReadOnly", typeof (bool)); DataRow schemaRow; DbType dbType; Type typ; for (int i = 0; i < this.FieldCount; i += 1 ) { schemaRow = dataTableSchema.NewRow (); attrs = libgda.gda_data_model_describe_column ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], i); if (attrs == IntPtr.Zero){ // FIXME: throw exception Console.WriteLine("Error: attrs null"); return null; } gdaType = libgda.gda_field_attributes_get_gdatype (attrs); columnSize = libgda.gda_field_attributes_get_defined_size (attrs); libgda.gda_field_attributes_free (attrs); schemaRow["ColumnName"] = this.GetName(i); schemaRow["ColumnOrdinal"] = i + 1; schemaRow["ColumnSize"] = (int) columnSize; schemaRow["NumericPrecision"] = 0; schemaRow["NumericScale"] = 0; // TODO: need to get KeyInfo //if((cmdBehavior & CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) == CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) { // bool IsUnique, IsKey; // GetKeyInfo(field[i].Name, out IsUnique, out IsKey); //} //else { schemaRow["IsUnique"] = false; schemaRow["IsKey"] = DBNull.Value; //} schemaRow["BaseCatalogName"] = ""; schemaRow["BaseColumnName"] = this.GetName(i); schemaRow["BaseSchemaName"] = ""; schemaRow["BaseTableName"] = ""; schemaRow["DataType"] = this.GetFieldType(i); schemaRow["AllowDBNull"] = false; schemaRow["ProviderType"] = (int) gdaType; schemaRow["IsAliased"] = false; schemaRow["IsExpression"] = false; schemaRow["IsIdentity"] = false; schemaRow["IsAutoIncrement"] = false; schemaRow["IsRowVersion"] = false; schemaRow["IsHidden"] = false; schemaRow["IsLong"] = false; schemaRow["IsReadOnly"] = false; schemaRow.AcceptChanges(); dataTableSchema.Rows.Add (schemaRow); } #if DEBUG_OleDbDataReader Console.WriteLine("********** DEBUG Table Schema BEGIN ************"); foreach (DataRow myRow in dataTableSchema.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn myCol in dataTableSchema.Columns) Console.WriteLine(myCol.ColumnName + " = " + myRow[myCol]); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("********** DEBUG Table Schema END ************"); #endif // DEBUG_OleDbDataReader } return dataTableSchema; } public string GetString (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new InvalidCastException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidCastException (); if (libgda.gda_value_get_type (value) != GdaValueType.String) throw new InvalidCastException (); return libgda.gda_value_get_string (value); } [MonoTODO] public TimeSpan GetTimeSpan (int ordinal) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public object GetValue (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; GdaValueType type; if (currentResult == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); type = libgda.gda_value_get_type (value); switch (type) { case GdaValueType.Bigint : return GetInt64 (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Boolean : return GetBoolean (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Date : return GetDateTime (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Double : return GetDouble (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Integer : return GetInt32 (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Single : return GetFloat (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Smallint : return GetByte (ordinal); case GdaValueType.String : return GetString (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Time : return GetDateTime (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Timestamp : return GetDateTime (ordinal); case GdaValueType.Tinyint : return GetByte (ordinal); } return (object) libgda.gda_value_stringify (value); } [MonoTODO] public int GetValues (object[] values) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] IDataReader IDataRecord.GetData (int ordinal) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return new DbEnumerator (this); } public bool IsDBNull (int ordinal) { IntPtr value; if (currentResult == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); value = libgda.gda_data_model_get_value_at ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult], ordinal, currentRow); if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); return libgda.gda_value_is_null (value); } public bool NextResult () { int i = currentResult + 1; if (i >= 0 && i < gdaResults.Count) { currentResult++; return true; } return false; } public bool Read () { if (currentResult < 0 || currentResult >= gdaResults.Count) return false; currentRow++; if (currentRow < libgda.gda_data_model_get_n_rows ((IntPtr) gdaResults[currentResult])) return true; return false; } #endregion #region Destructors private void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (!this.disposed) { if (disposing) { // release any managed resources command = null; } // release any unmanaged resources if (gdaResults != null) { gdaResults.Clear (); gdaResults = null; } // close any handles if (open) Close (); this.disposed = true; } } void IDisposable.Dispose() { Dispose (true); } ~OleDbDataReader() { Dispose (false); } #endregion // Destructors } }