// // XmlDataInferenceLoader.cs // // Author: // // Atsushi Enomoto // // (C)2004 Novell Inc. // // Design notes are the bottom of the source. // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.IO; // for Driver using System.Text; // for Driver using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace System.Data { internal enum ElementMappingType { Simple, Repeated, Complex } internal class TableMappingCollection : CollectionBase { public void Add (TableMapping map) { this.List.Add (map); } public TableMapping this [string name] { get { foreach (TableMapping map in List) if (map.Table.TableName == name) return map; return null; } } } internal class TableMapping { private bool existsInDataSet; public DataTable Table; public ArrayList Elements = new ArrayList (); public ArrayList Attributes = new ArrayList (); public DataColumn SimpleContent; public DataColumn PrimaryKey; public DataColumn ReferenceKey; #if NET_2_0 public int lastElementIndex = -1; #endif // Parent TableMapping public TableMapping ParentTable; // decoded LocalName -> TableMapping public TableMappingCollection ChildTables = new TableMappingCollection (); public TableMapping (string name, string ns) { Table = new DataTable (name); Table.Namespace = ns; } public TableMapping (DataTable dt) { existsInDataSet = true; Table = dt; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { switch (col.ColumnMapping) { case MappingType.Element: Elements.Add (col); break; case MappingType.Attribute: Attributes.Add (col); break; case MappingType.SimpleContent: SimpleContent = col; break; } } PrimaryKey = dt.PrimaryKey.Length > 0 ? dt.PrimaryKey [0] : null; } public bool ExistsInDataSet { get { return existsInDataSet; } } public bool ContainsColumn (string name) { return GetColumn (name) != null; } public DataColumn GetColumn (string name) { foreach (DataColumn col in Elements) if (col.ColumnName == name) return col; foreach (DataColumn col in Attributes) if (col.ColumnName == name) return col; if (SimpleContent != null && name == SimpleContent.ColumnName) return SimpleContent; if (PrimaryKey != null && name == PrimaryKey.ColumnName) return PrimaryKey; return null; } public void RemoveElementColumn (string name) { foreach (DataColumn col in Elements) { if (col.ColumnName == name) { Elements.Remove (col); return; } } } } internal class XmlDataInferenceLoader { public static void Infer (DataSet dataset, XmlDocument document, XmlReadMode mode, string [] ignoredNamespaces) { new XmlDataInferenceLoader (dataset, document, mode, ignoredNamespaces).ReadXml (); } private XmlDataInferenceLoader (DataSet ds, XmlDocument doc, XmlReadMode mode, string [] ignoredNamespaces) { dataset = ds; document = doc; this.mode = mode; this.ignoredNamespaces = ignoredNamespaces != null ? new ArrayList (ignoredNamespaces) : new ArrayList (); // Fill existing table info foreach (DataTable dt in dataset.Tables) tables.Add (new TableMapping (dt)); } DataSet dataset; XmlDocument document; XmlReadMode mode; ArrayList ignoredNamespaces; TableMappingCollection tables = new TableMappingCollection (); RelationStructureCollection relations = new RelationStructureCollection (); private void ReadXml () { if (document.DocumentElement == null) return; // If the root element is not a data table, treat // this element as DataSet. // Read one element. It might be DataSet element. XmlElement el = document.DocumentElement; if (el.NamespaceURI == XmlSchema.Namespace) throw new InvalidOperationException ("DataSet is not designed to handle XML Schema as data content. Please use ReadXmlSchema method instead of InferXmlSchema method."); if (IsDocumentElementTable ()) InferTopLevelTable (el); else { string localName = XmlHelper.Decode (el.LocalName); dataset.DataSetName = localName; dataset.Namespace = el.NamespaceURI; dataset.Prefix = el.Prefix; foreach (XmlNode n in el.ChildNodes) { if (n.NamespaceURI == XmlSchema.Namespace) continue; if (n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) InferTopLevelTable (n as XmlElement); } } foreach (TableMapping map in tables) { foreach (TableMapping ct in map.ChildTables) { ct.ReferenceKey = GetMappedColumn (ct, map.Table.TableName + "_Id", map.Table.Prefix, map.Table.Namespace, MappingType.Hidden); } } foreach (TableMapping map in tables) { if (map.ExistsInDataSet) continue; if (map.PrimaryKey != null) map.Table.Columns.Add (map.PrimaryKey); foreach (DataColumn col in map.Elements) map.Table.Columns.Add (col); foreach (DataColumn col in map.Attributes) map.Table.Columns.Add (col); if (map.SimpleContent != null) map.Table.Columns.Add (map.SimpleContent); if (map.ReferenceKey != null) map.Table.Columns.Add (map.ReferenceKey); dataset.Tables.Add (map.Table); } foreach (RelationStructure rs in relations) { string relName = rs.ExplicitName != null ? rs.ExplicitName : rs.ParentTableName + "_" + rs.ChildTableName; DataTable pt = dataset.Tables [rs.ParentTableName]; DataTable ct = dataset.Tables [rs.ChildTableName]; DataColumn pc = pt.Columns [rs.ParentColumnName]; DataColumn cc = ct.Columns [rs.ChildColumnName]; if (pt == null) throw new DataException ("Parent table was not found : " + rs.ParentTableName); else if (ct == null) throw new DataException ("Child table was not found : " + rs.ChildTableName); else if (pc == null) throw new DataException ("Parent column was not found :" + rs.ParentColumnName); else if (cc == null) throw new DataException ("Child column was not found :" + rs.ChildColumnName); DataRelation rel = new DataRelation (relName, pc, cc, rs.CreateConstraint); if (rs.IsNested) { rel.Nested = true; rel.ParentTable.PrimaryKey = rel.ParentColumns; } dataset.Relations.Add (rel); } } private void InferTopLevelTable (XmlElement el) { InferTableElement (null, el); } private void InferColumnElement (TableMapping table, XmlElement el) { string localName = XmlHelper.Decode (el.LocalName); DataColumn col = table.GetColumn (localName); if (col != null) { if (col.ColumnMapping != MappingType.Element) throw new DataException (String.Format ("Column {0} is already mapped to {1}.", localName, col.ColumnMapping)); #if NET_2_0 table.lastElementIndex = table.Elements.IndexOf (col); #endif return; } if (table.ChildTables [localName] != null) // Child is already mapped, or inferred as a table // (in that case, that takes precedence than // this simple column inference.) return; col = new DataColumn (localName, typeof (string)); col.Namespace = el.NamespaceURI; col.Prefix = el.Prefix; #if NET_2_0 table.Elements.Insert (++table.lastElementIndex, col); #else table.Elements.Add (col); #endif } private void CheckExtraneousElementColumn (TableMapping parentTable, XmlElement el) { if (parentTable == null) return; string localName = XmlHelper.Decode (el.LocalName); DataColumn elc = parentTable.GetColumn (localName); if (elc != null) parentTable.RemoveElementColumn (localName); } private void PopulatePrimaryKey (TableMapping table) { if (table.PrimaryKey != null) { if (table.PrimaryKey.ColumnName != table.Table.TableName + "_Id") throw new DataException ("There is already a primary key column."); return; } DataColumn col = new DataColumn (table.Table.TableName + "_Id"); col.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden; col.DataType = typeof (int); col.AllowDBNull = false; col.AutoIncrement = true; col.Namespace = table.Table.Namespace; col.Prefix = table.Table.Prefix; table.PrimaryKey = col; } private void PopulateRelationStructure (string parent, string child) { if (relations [parent, child] != null) return; RelationStructure rs = new RelationStructure (); rs.ParentTableName = parent; rs.ChildTableName = child; rs.ParentColumnName = parent + "_Id"; rs.ChildColumnName = parent + "_Id"; rs.CreateConstraint = true; rs.IsNested = true; relations.Add (rs); } private void InferRepeatedElement (TableMapping parentTable, XmlElement el) { string localName = XmlHelper.Decode (el.LocalName); // FIXME: can be checked later CheckExtraneousElementColumn (parentTable, el); TableMapping table = GetMappedTable (parentTable, localName, el.NamespaceURI); // If the mapping is actually complex type (not simple // repeatable), then ignore it. if (table.Elements.Count > 0) return; // If simple column already exists, do nothing if (table.SimpleContent != null) return; GetMappedColumn (table, localName + "_Column", el.Prefix, el.NamespaceURI, MappingType.SimpleContent); } private void InferTableElement (TableMapping parentTable, XmlElement el) { // If parent table already has the same name column but // mapped as Element, that must be removed. // FIXME: This can be done later (doing it here is // loss of performance. CheckExtraneousElementColumn (parentTable, el); string localName = XmlHelper.Decode (el.LocalName); TableMapping table = GetMappedTable (parentTable, localName, el.NamespaceURI); bool hasChildElements = false; bool hasAttributes = false; bool hasText = false; bool isElementRepeated = false; foreach (XmlAttribute attr in el.Attributes) { if (attr.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.XmlnsNS #if NET_2_0 || attr.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.XmlNS #endif ) continue; if (ignoredNamespaces != null && ignoredNamespaces.Contains (attr.NamespaceURI)) continue; hasAttributes = true; DataColumn col = GetMappedColumn (table, XmlHelper.Decode (attr.LocalName), attr.Prefix, attr.NamespaceURI, MappingType.Attribute); } foreach (XmlNode n in el.ChildNodes) { switch (n.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Comment: case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: // ignore continue; default: // text content hasText = true; if (GetElementMappingType (el, ignoredNamespaces, null) == ElementMappingType.Repeated) isElementRepeated = true; break; case XmlNodeType.Element: // child hasChildElements = true; XmlElement cel = n as XmlElement; string childLocalName = XmlHelper.Decode (cel.LocalName); switch (GetElementMappingType (cel, ignoredNamespaces, null)) { case ElementMappingType.Simple: InferColumnElement (table, cel); break; case ElementMappingType.Repeated: PopulatePrimaryKey (table); PopulateRelationStructure (table.Table.TableName, childLocalName); InferRepeatedElement (table, cel); break; case ElementMappingType.Complex: PopulatePrimaryKey (table); PopulateRelationStructure (table.Table.TableName, childLocalName); InferTableElement (table, cel); break; } break; } } // Attributes + !Children + Text = SimpleContent if (table.SimpleContent == null // no need to create && !hasChildElements && hasText && (hasAttributes || isElementRepeated)) { GetMappedColumn (table, table.Table.TableName + "_Text", String.Empty, String.Empty, MappingType.SimpleContent); } } private TableMapping GetMappedTable (TableMapping parent, string tableName, string ns) { TableMapping map = tables [tableName]; if (map != null) { if (parent != null && map.ParentTable != null && map.ParentTable != parent) throw new DataException (String.Format ("The table '{0}' is already allocated as a child of another table '{1}'. Cannot set table '{2}' as parent table.", tableName, map.ParentTable.Table.TableName, parent.Table.TableName)); } else { map = new TableMapping (tableName, ns); map.ParentTable = parent; tables.Add (map); } if (parent != null) { bool shouldAdd = true; foreach (TableMapping child in parent.ChildTables) { if (child.Table.TableName == tableName) { shouldAdd = false; break; } } if (shouldAdd) parent.ChildTables.Add (map); } return map; } private DataColumn GetMappedColumn (TableMapping table, string name, string prefix, string ns, MappingType type) { DataColumn col = table.GetColumn (name); // Infer schema if (col == null) { col = new DataColumn (name); col.Prefix = prefix; col.Namespace = ns; col.ColumnMapping = type; switch (type) { case MappingType.Element: table.Elements.Add (col); break; case MappingType.Attribute: table.Attributes.Add (col); break; case MappingType.SimpleContent: table.SimpleContent = col; break; case MappingType.Hidden: // To generate parent key col.DataType = typeof (int); table.ReferenceKey = col; break; } } else if (col.ColumnMapping != type) // Check mapping type throw new DataException (String.Format ("There are already another column that has different mapping type. Column is {0}, existing mapping type is {1}", col.ColumnName, col.ColumnMapping)); return col; } private static void SetAsExistingTable (XmlElement el, Hashtable existingTables) { if (existingTables == null) return; ArrayList al = existingTables [el.NamespaceURI] as ArrayList; if (al == null) { al = new ArrayList (); existingTables [el.NamespaceURI] = al; } if (al.Contains (el.LocalName)) return; al.Add (el.LocalName); } private static ElementMappingType GetElementMappingType ( XmlElement el, ArrayList ignoredNamespaces, Hashtable existingTables) { if (existingTables != null) { ArrayList al = existingTables [el.NamespaceURI] as ArrayList; if (al != null && al.Contains (el.LocalName)) // this is not precise, but it is enough // for IsDocumentElementTable(). return ElementMappingType.Complex; } foreach (XmlAttribute attr in el.Attributes) { if (attr.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.XmlnsNS #if NET_2_0 || attr.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.XmlNS #endif ) continue; if (ignoredNamespaces != null && ignoredNamespaces.Contains (attr.NamespaceURI)) continue; SetAsExistingTable (el, existingTables); return ElementMappingType.Complex; } foreach (XmlNode n in el.ChildNodes) { if (n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { SetAsExistingTable (el, existingTables); return ElementMappingType.Complex; } } for (XmlNode n = el.NextSibling; n != null; n = n.NextSibling) { if (n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && n.LocalName == el.LocalName) { SetAsExistingTable (el, existingTables); return GetElementMappingType (n as XmlElement, ignoredNamespaces, null) == ElementMappingType.Complex ? ElementMappingType.Complex : ElementMappingType.Repeated; } } return ElementMappingType.Simple; } private bool IsDocumentElementTable () { return IsDocumentElementTable ( document.DocumentElement, ignoredNamespaces); } internal static bool IsDocumentElementTable (XmlElement top, ArrayList ignoredNamespaces) { foreach (XmlAttribute attr in top.Attributes) { if (attr.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.XmlnsNS #if NET_2_0 || attr.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.XmlNS #endif ) continue; if (ignoredNamespaces != null && ignoredNamespaces.Contains (attr.NamespaceURI)) continue; // document element has attributes other than xmlns return true; } Hashtable existingTables = new Hashtable (); foreach (XmlNode n in top.ChildNodes) { XmlElement el = n as XmlElement; if (el == null) continue; if (GetElementMappingType (el, ignoredNamespaces, existingTables) == ElementMappingType.Simple) return true; } return false; } // Returns if it "might" be a column element (this method is // called per child element, thus it might still consist of // table, since it might be repeated). private bool IsPossibleColumnElement (XmlElement el) { foreach (XmlAttribute attr in el.Attributes) { if (attr.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.XmlnsNS #if NET_2_0 || attr.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.XmlNS #endif ) continue; return false; } foreach (XmlNode n in el.ChildNodes) if (n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) return false; return true; } } } #if TEST_STANDALONE_INFERENCE internal class Driver { private static void DumpDataTable (DataTable dt) { Console.WriteLine (""); Console.WriteLine (dt.TableName); Console.WriteLine ("ChildRelationCount: " + dt.ChildRelations.Count); Console.WriteLine ("ConstraintsCount: " + dt.Constraints.Count); Console.WriteLine ("ParentRelationCount: " + dt.ParentRelations.Count); Console.WriteLine ("Prefix: " + dt.Prefix); Console.WriteLine ("Namespace: " + dt.Namespace); Console.WriteLine ("Site: " + dt.Site); Console.WriteLine ("RowCount: " + dt.Rows.Count); Console.WriteLine (""); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) DumpDataColumn (col); Console.WriteLine (""); Console.WriteLine ("
"); } private static void DumpDataRelation (DataRelation rel) { Console.WriteLine (""); Console.WriteLine (rel.RelationName); Console.WriteLine (rel.Nested); Console.Write (" "); foreach (DataColumn col in rel.ParentColumns) Console.Write (col.ColumnName + " "); Console.WriteLine (""); Console.Write (" "); foreach (DataColumn col in rel.ChildColumns) Console.Write (col.ColumnName + " "); Console.WriteLine (""); if (rel.ParentKeyConstraint != null) { Console.WriteLine (" "); DumpUniqueConstraint (rel.ParentKeyConstraint); Console.WriteLine (" "); } if (rel.ChildKeyConstraint != null) { Console.WriteLine (" "); DumpForeignKeyConstraint (rel.ChildKeyConstraint); Console.WriteLine (" "); } Console.WriteLine (""); } public static void DumpUniqueConstraint (UniqueConstraint uc) { Console.WriteLine ("Name " + uc.ConstraintName); Console.WriteLine ("PK? " + uc.IsPrimaryKey); Console.Write (" "); foreach (DataColumn col in uc.Columns) Console.Write (col.ColumnName + " "); Console.WriteLine (""); } public static void DumpForeignKeyConstraint (ForeignKeyConstraint fk) { Console.WriteLine ("Name " + fk.ConstraintName); Console.WriteLine (" " + fk.AcceptRejectRule + ", " + fk.DeleteRule + ", " + fk.UpdateRule + ""); Console.Write (" "); foreach (DataColumn col in fk.Columns) Console.Write (col.ColumnName + " "); Console.WriteLine (""); Console.Write (" "); foreach (DataColumn col in fk.RelatedColumns) Console.Write (col.ColumnName + " "); Console.WriteLine (""); } private static void DumpDataSet (DataSet ds) { Console.WriteLine ("-----------------------"); Console.WriteLine ("name: " + ds.DataSetName); Console.WriteLine ("ns: " + ds.Namespace); Console.WriteLine ("prefix: " + ds.Prefix); Console.WriteLine ("extprop: " + ds.ExtendedProperties.Count); Console.WriteLine (""); foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables) DumpDataTable (dt); Console.WriteLine (""); Console.WriteLine (""); foreach (DataRelation rel in ds.Relations) DumpDataRelation (rel); Console.WriteLine (""); } public static void DumpDataColumn (DataColumn col) { Console.WriteLine (""); Console.WriteLine (" ColumnName: " + col.ColumnName); Console.WriteLine (" AllowDBNull? " + col.AllowDBNull); Console.WriteLine (" AutoIncrement? " + col.AutoIncrement); Console.WriteLine (" Seed: " + col.AutoIncrementSeed); Console.WriteLine (" Step: " + col.AutoIncrementStep); Console.WriteLine (" Caption " + col.Caption); Console.WriteLine (" Mapping: " + col.ColumnMapping); Console.WriteLine (" Type: " + col.DataType); Console.WriteLine (" DefaultValue: " + (col.DefaultValue == DBNull.Value ? "(DBNull)" : col.DefaultValue)); Console.WriteLine (" Expression: " + (col.Expression == "" ? "(empty)" : col.Expression)); Console.WriteLine (" MaxLength: " + col.MaxLength); Console.WriteLine (" Namespace: " + (col.Namespace == null ? "(null)" : col.Namespace)); Console.WriteLine (" Ordinal: " + col.Ordinal); Console.WriteLine (" Prefix: " + (col.Prefix == null ? "(null)" : col.Prefix)); Console.WriteLine (" ReadOnly: " + col.ReadOnly); Console.WriteLine (" Unique: " + col.Unique); Console.WriteLine (""); } public static void Main (string [] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine ("reader.exe xmlfilename"); return; } try { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer (typeof (DataSet)); DataSet ds = new DataSet (); XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader (args [0]); ds.ReadXml (xtr, XmlReadMode.Auto); DumpDataSet (ds); TextWriter sw = new StringWriter (); ser.Serialize (sw, ds); using (TextWriter w = new StreamWriter (Path.ChangeExtension (args [0], "ms.txt"), false, Encoding.ASCII)) { w.WriteLine (sw.ToString ()); } ds = new DataSet (); xtr = new XmlTextReader (args [0]); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (xtr); XmlDataInferenceLoader.Infer (ds, doc, XmlReadMode.Auto, null); DumpDataSet (ds); sw = new StringWriter (); sw = Console.Out; ser.Serialize (sw, ds); using (TextWriter w = new StreamWriter (Path.ChangeExtension (args [0], "my.txt"), false, Encoding.ASCII)) { w.WriteLine (sw.ToString ()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); } } } #endif // // * Design Notes // // This class is used to implement DataSet's ReadXml() and // InferXmlSchema() methods. That is, 1) to infer dataset schema // structure and 2) to read data rows. // // It is instantiated from DataSet, XmlReader and XmlReadMode. // // // ** General Design // // *** Read mode // // Data rows are not read when XmlReadMode is ReadSchema or InferSchema // (well, actually ReadSchema should not be passed). // // Schema inference is done only when XmlReadMode is Auto or InferSchema. // // *** Information Set // // Only elements, "attributes", and "text" are considered. Here "text" // includes text node and CDATA section, but does not include whitespace // and even significant whitespace (as MS does). Also, here "attributes" // does not include "namespace" nodes. // // // ** Inference Design // // *** MappingType // // There are four type of mapping in MappingType enumeration: // // Element : Mapped to a simple type element. // Attribute : Mapped to an attribute // SimpleContent : Mapped to the text content of complex type element. // (i.e. xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:simpleContent) // Hidden : Used for both key and reference, for auto-generated columns. // // *** Mapping strategy // // Attributes are always (except for namespace nodes) inferred as // DataColumn (of MappingType.Attribute). // // When an element has attributes, it always becomes a DataTable. // Otherwise if there is a child element, it becomes DataTable as well. // // When there is a text content, 1) if the container element has // attribute(s), the text content becomes a SimpleContent DataColumn // in the container "table" element (yes, it becomes a DataTable). // 2) if the container has no attribute, the element becomes DataColumn. // // If there are both text content and child element(s), the text content // is ignored (thus, it always become DataTable). // // *** Mapping conflicts // // If there has been already a different MappingType of DataColumn, // it is DataException. For example, it is an error if there are an // attribute and an element child those names are the same. // // Name remapping will never be done. It introduces complicated rules. // // *** Upgrading from DataColumn to DataTable // // If there has been the same Element type of mapping (that is, when // the same-name child elements appeared in the element), then the // child elements become a DataTable (so here must be a conversion // from DataColumn/value_DataRow to DataTable/value_DataRow in the new // table and reference_to_new_table in the old DataColumn. // // // ** Implementation // // *** XmlReader based implementation // // This class uses XmlReader to avoid having the entire XML document // object. The basic stategy is // // 1) handle attributes at startElement // 2) store text content (if it "stores" in data rows) while // EndElement // 3) dispose of elements at endElement // 4) Empty element without attributes is equal to a column // that holds "". // // In XmlSchemaMapper.cs (by Ville Palo) there is an enumeration type // ElementType (undefined, table, column). This concept is nice to reuse. // // *** Top level inference // // The process starts with ReadElement() for the top-level element. // (considering Fragment mode, it might not be the document element. // However, no inference is done in that mode.) // // If the top level element was not a DataTable and there is // no more content, the element is regarded as DataSet with no tables. // // *** First child of the DataSet element // // There are some special cases. // // *** ReadElement() // // The main inference process is ReadElement(). This method consumes // (should consume) exactly one element and interpret it as either // DataTable or DataColumn. //