// // System.Data.IDataRecord.cs // // Author: // Christopher Podurgiel (cpodurgiel@msn.com) // // (C) Chris Podurgiel // namespace System.Data { /// /// Provides access to the column values within /// each row for a DataReader, and is implemented by .NET data /// providers that access relational databases. /// public interface IDataRecord { bool GetBoolean(int i); byte GetByte(int i); long GetBytes(int i, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length); char GetChar(int i); long GetChars(int i, long fieldOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length); IDataReader GetData(int i); string GetDataTypeName(int i); DateTime GetDateTime(int i); decimal GetDecimal(int i); double GetDouble(int i); Type GetFieldType(int i); float GetFloat(int i); Guid GetGuid(int i); short GetInt16(int i); int GetInt32(int i); long GetInt64(int i); string GetName(int i); int GetOrdinal(string name); string GetString(int i); object GetValue(int i); int GetValues(object[] values); bool IsDBNull(int i); int FieldCount{get;} object this[string name]{get;} object this[int i]{get;} } }