// // System.Data.DataTableCollection.cs // // Authors: // Christopher Podurgiel (cpodurgiel@msn.com) // Tim Coleman // // (C) Chris Podurgiel // (C) Copyright 2002 Tim Coleman // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Data { /// /// Represents the collection of tables for the DataSet. /// [Editor ("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.TablesCollectionEditor, " + Consts.AssemblyMicrosoft_VSDesigner, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)] [DefaultEvent ("CollectionChanged")] [ListBindable (false)] #if !NET_2_0 [Serializable] #endif public #if NET_2_0 sealed #endif class DataTableCollection : InternalDataCollectionBase { DataSet dataSet; #region Constructors internal DataTableCollection (DataSet dataSet) : base () { this.dataSet = dataSet; } #endregion #region Properties public DataTable this[int index] { get { if (index < 0 || index >= List.Count) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(String.Format("Cannot find table {0}", index)); return (DataTable)(List[index]); } } public DataTable this[string name] { get { int index = IndexOf (name, true); return index < 0 ? null : (DataTable) List[index]; } } #if NET_2_0 [MonoTODO] public DataTable this [string name, string tbNamespace] { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } #endif protected override ArrayList List { get { return base.List; } } #endregion #region Methods public #if !NET_2_0 virtual #endif DataTable Add () { DataTable Table = new DataTable (); Add (Table); return Table; } public #if !NET_2_0 virtual #endif void Add (DataTable table) { OnCollectionChanging (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Add, table)); // check if the reference is a null reference if(table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("table"); // check if the list already contains this tabe. if(List.Contains(table)) throw new ArgumentException("DataTable already belongs to this DataSet."); // check if table is part of another DataSet if (table.DataSet != null && table.DataSet != this.dataSet) throw new ArgumentException ("DataTable already belongs to another DataSet"); // if the table name is null or empty string. // give her a name. if (table.TableName == null || table.TableName == string.Empty) NameTable (table); // check if the collection has a table with the same name. int tmp = IndexOf(table.TableName); // if we found a table with same name we have to check // that it is the same case. // indexof can return a table with different case letters. if (tmp != -1) { if(table.TableName == this[tmp].TableName) throw new DuplicateNameException("A DataTable named '" + table.TableName + "' already belongs to this DataSet."); } List.Add (table); table.dataSet = dataSet; OnCollectionChanged (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Add, table)); } public #if !NET_2_0 virtual #endif DataTable Add (string name) { DataTable table = new DataTable (name); this.Add (table); return table; } #if NET_2_0 public DataTable Add (string name, string tbNamespace) { DataTable table = new DataTable (name, tbNamespace); this.Add (table); return table; } #endif public void AddRange (DataTable[] tables) { if (tables == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++){ DataTable table = tables[i]; if (table != null) this.Add (table); } } public bool CanRemove (DataTable table) { return CanRemove(table, false); } public void Clear () { List.Clear (); } public bool Contains (string name) { return (-1 != IndexOf (name, false)); } public #if !NET_2_0 virtual #endif int IndexOf (DataTable table) { return List.IndexOf (table); } public #if !NET_2_0 virtual #endif int IndexOf (string name) { return IndexOf (name, false); } public void Remove (DataTable table) { OnCollectionChanging (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Remove, table)); if (CanRemove(table, true)) table.dataSet = null; List.Remove(table); table.dataSet = null; OnCollectionChanged (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Remove, table)); } public void Remove (string name) { if ( IndexOf (name, false) == -1) throw new ArgumentException ("Table " + name + " does not belong to this DataSet"); Remove (this [name]); } public void RemoveAt (int index) { Remove(this[index]); } #endregion #region Protected methods protected internal #if !NET_2_0 virtual #endif void OnCollectionChanging (CollectionChangeEventArgs Args) { if (CollectionChanging != null) CollectionChanging (this, Args); } protected #if !NET_2_0 virtual #endif void OnCollectionChanged (CollectionChangeEventArgs Args) { if (CollectionChanged != null) CollectionChanged (this, Args); } #endregion #region Private methods private int IndexOf (string name, bool error) { int count = 0, match = -1; for (int i = 0; i < List.Count; i++) { String name2 = ((DataTable) List[i]).TableName; if (String.Compare (name, name2, true) == 0) { if (String.Compare (name, name2, false) == 0) return i; match = i; count++; } } if (count == 1) return match; if (count > 1 && error) throw new ArgumentException ("There is no match for the name in the same case and there are multiple matches in different case."); return -1; } /// /// gives name to Table (Table1, Table2, Table3,...) /// private void NameTable (DataTable Table) { string Name = "Table"; int i = 1; while (Contains (Name + i)) i++; Table.TableName = Name + i; } // check if a table can be removed from this collectiuon. // if the table can not be remved act according to throwException parameter. // if it is true throws an Exception, else return false. private bool CanRemove(DataTable table, bool throwException) { // check if table is null reference if (table == null) { if(throwException) throw new ArgumentNullException("table"); return false; } // check if the table doesnot belong to this collection bool tableexists = true; int tmp = IndexOf(table.TableName); // if we found a table with same name we have to check // that it is the same case. // indexof can return a table with different case letters. if (tmp != -1) { if(table.TableName != this[tmp].TableName) tableexists = false; } else tableexists = false; if (!tableexists) { if(throwException) throw new ArgumentException("Table does not exist in collection"); return false; } // check if the table has the same DataSet as this collection. if(table.DataSet != this.dataSet) { if(throwException) throw new ArgumentException("Table " + table.TableName + " does not belong to this DataSet."); return false; } // check the table has a relation attached to it. if (table.ParentRelations.Count > 0 || table.ChildRelations.Count > 0) { if(throwException) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot remove a table that has existing relations. Remove relations first."); return false; } // now we check if any ForeignKeyConstraint is referncing 'table'. IEnumerator tableEnumerator = this.dataSet.Tables.GetEnumerator(); // loop on all tables in dataset while (tableEnumerator.MoveNext()) { IEnumerator constraintEnumerator = ((DataTable) tableEnumerator.Current).Constraints.GetEnumerator(); // loop on all constrains in the current table while (constraintEnumerator.MoveNext()) { Object o = constraintEnumerator.Current; // we only check ForeignKeyConstraint if (o is ForeignKeyConstraint) { ForeignKeyConstraint fc = (ForeignKeyConstraint) o; if(fc.Table == table || fc.RelatedTable == table) { if(throwException) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot remove table " + table.TableName + ", because it referenced in ForeignKeyConstraint " + fc.ConstraintName + ". Remove the constraint first."); return false; } } } } return true; } #endregion // Private methods #region Events [ResDescriptionAttribute ("Occurs whenever this collection's membership changes.")] public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged; public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanging; #endregion } }