// // System.Data.ConstraintCollection.cs // // Author: // Franklin Wise // Daniel Morgan // // (C) Ximian, Inc. 2002 // (C) 2002 Franklin Wise // (C) 2002 Daniel Morgan // using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; namespace System.Data { [Editor] [Serializable] internal delegate void DelegateValidateRemoveConstraint(ConstraintCollection sender, Constraint constraintToRemove, ref bool fail,ref string failReason); /// /// hold collection of constraints for data table /// [DefaultEvent ("CollectionChanged")] [Serializable] public class ConstraintCollection : InternalDataCollectionBase { //private bool beginInit = false; public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged; internal event DelegateValidateRemoveConstraint ValidateRemoveConstraint; //Don't allow public instantiation //Will be instantianted from DataTable internal ConstraintCollection(){} public virtual Constraint this[string name] { get { //If the name is not found we just return null int index = IndexOf(name); //case insensitive if (-1 == index) return null; return this[index]; } } public virtual Constraint this[int index] { get { if (index < 0 || index >= List.Count) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); return (Constraint)List[index]; } } private void _handleBeforeConstraintNameChange(object sender, string newName) { //null or empty if (newName == null || newName == "") throw new ArgumentException("ConstraintName cannot be set to null or empty " + " after it has been added to a ConstraintCollection."); if (_isDuplicateConstraintName(newName,(Constraint)sender)) throw new DuplicateNameException("Constraint name already exists."); } private bool _isDuplicateConstraintName(string constraintName, Constraint excludeFromComparison) { string cmpr = constraintName.ToUpper(); foreach (Constraint cst in List) { //Case insensitive comparision if ( cmpr.CompareTo(cst.ConstraintName.ToUpper()) == 0 && cst != excludeFromComparison) { return true; } } return false; } //finds an open name slot of ConstraintXX //where XX is a number private string _createNewConstraintName() { bool loopAgain = false; int index = 1; do { loopAgain = false; foreach (Constraint cst in List) { //Case insensitive if (cst.ConstraintName.ToUpper().CompareTo("CONSTRAINT" + index.ToString()) == 0 ) { loopAgain = true; index++; } } } while (loopAgain); return "Constraint" + index.ToString(); } // Overloaded Add method (5 of them) // to add Constraint object to the collection public void Add(Constraint constraint) { //not null if (null == constraint) throw new ArgumentNullException("Can not add null."); //check constraint membership //can't already exist in this collection or any other if (this == constraint.ConstraintCollection) throw new ArgumentException("Constraint already belongs to this collection."); if (null != constraint.ConstraintCollection) throw new ArgumentException("Constraint already belongs to another collection."); //check for duplicate name if (_isDuplicateConstraintName(constraint.ConstraintName,null) ) throw new DuplicateNameException("Constraint name already exists."); //Allow constraint to run validation rules and setup constraint.AddToConstraintCollectionSetup(this); //may throw if it can't setup //Run Constraint to check existing data in table constraint.AssertConstraint(); //if name is null or empty give it a name if (constraint.ConstraintName == null || constraint.ConstraintName == "" ) { constraint.ConstraintName = _createNewConstraintName(); } //Add event handler for ConstraintName change constraint.BeforeConstraintNameChange += new DelegateConstraintNameChange( _handleBeforeConstraintNameChange); constraint.ConstraintCollection = this; List.Add(constraint); if (constraint is UniqueConstraint) ((UniqueConstraint)constraint).UpdatePrimaryKey(); OnCollectionChanged( new CollectionChangeEventArgs( CollectionChangeAction.Add, this) ); } public virtual Constraint Add(string name, DataColumn column, bool primaryKey) { UniqueConstraint uc = new UniqueConstraint(name, column, primaryKey); Add(uc); return uc; } public virtual Constraint Add(string name, DataColumn primaryKeyColumn, DataColumn foreignKeyColumn) { ForeignKeyConstraint fc = new ForeignKeyConstraint(name, primaryKeyColumn, foreignKeyColumn); Add(fc); return fc; } public virtual Constraint Add(string name, DataColumn[] columns, bool primaryKey) { UniqueConstraint uc = new UniqueConstraint(name, columns, primaryKey); Add(uc); return uc; } public virtual Constraint Add(string name, DataColumn[] primaryKeyColumns, DataColumn[] foreignKeyColumns) { ForeignKeyConstraint fc = new ForeignKeyConstraint(name, primaryKeyColumns, foreignKeyColumns); Add(fc); return fc; } [MonoTODO] public void AddRange(Constraint[] constraints) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public bool CanRemove(Constraint constraint) { //Rule A UniqueConstraint can't be removed if there is //a foreign key relationship to that column //not null //LAMESPEC: MSFT implementation throws and exception here //spec says nothing about this if (null == constraint) throw new ArgumentNullException("Constraint can't be null."); //LAMESPEC: spec says return false (which makes sense) and throw exception for False case (?). //TODO: I may want to change how this is done //maybe put a CanRemove on the Constraint class //and have the Constraint fire this event //discover if there is a related ForeignKey string failReason =""; return _canRemoveConstraint(constraint, ref failReason); } [MonoTODO] public void Clear() { //CanRemove? See Lamespec below. //the Constraints have a reference to us //and we listen to name change events //we should remove these before clearing foreach (Constraint con in List) { con.ConstraintCollection = null; con.BeforeConstraintNameChange -= new DelegateConstraintNameChange( _handleBeforeConstraintNameChange); } //LAMESPEC: MSFT implementation allows this //even when a ForeignKeyConstraint exist for a UniqueConstraint //thus violating the CanRemove logic List.Clear(); //Will violate CanRemove rule OnCollectionChanged( new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, this) ); } public bool Contains(string name) { return (-1 != IndexOf(name)); } public int IndexOf(Constraint constraint) { return List.IndexOf(constraint); } public virtual int IndexOf(string constraintName) { //LAMESPEC: Spec doesn't say case insensitive //it should to be consistant with the other //case insensitive comparisons in this class int index = 0; foreach (Constraint con in List) { if (constraintName.ToUpper().CompareTo( con.ConstraintName.ToUpper() ) == 0) { return index; } index++; } return -1; //not found } public void Remove(Constraint constraint) { //LAMESPEC: spec doesn't document the ArgumentException the //will be thrown if the CanRemove rule is violated //LAMESPEC: spec says an exception will be thrown //if the element is not in the collection. The implementation //doesn't throw an exception. ArrayList.Remove doesn't throw if the //element doesn't exist //ALSO the overloaded remove in the spec doesn't say it throws any exceptions //not null if (null == constraint) throw new ArgumentNullException(); string failReason = ""; if (! _canRemoveConstraint(constraint, ref failReason) ) { if (failReason != null || failReason != "") throw new ArgumentException(failReason); else throw new ArgumentException("Can't remove constraint."); } constraint.RemoveFromConstraintCollectionCleanup(this); List.Remove(constraint); OnCollectionChanged( new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Remove,this)); } public void Remove(string name) { //if doesn't exist fail quietly int index = IndexOf(name); if (-1 == index) return; Remove(this[index]); } public void RemoveAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index + 1 > List.Count) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Index out of range, index = " + index.ToString() + "."); this[index].RemoveFromConstraintCollectionCleanup(this); List.RemoveAt(index); OnCollectionChanged( new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Remove,this)); } protected override ArrayList List { get{ return base.List; } } protected virtual void OnCollectionChanged( CollectionChangeEventArgs ccevent) { if (null != CollectionChanged) { CollectionChanged(this, ccevent); } } private bool _canRemoveConstraint(Constraint constraint, ref string failReason ) { bool cancel = false; string tmp = ""; if (null != ValidateRemoveConstraint) { ValidateRemoveConstraint(this, constraint, ref cancel, ref tmp); } failReason = tmp; return !cancel; } } }