// // ColumnReference.cs // // Author: // Juraj Skripsky (juraj@hotfeet.ch) // // (C) 2004 HotFeet GmbH (http://www.hotfeet.ch) // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.ComponentModel; namespace Mono.Data.SqlExpressions { internal enum ReferencedTable { Self, Parent, Child } internal class ColumnReference : BaseExpression { ReferencedTable refTable; string relationName, columnName; DataColumn _cachedColumn; DataRelation _cachedRelation; public ColumnReference (string columnName) : this (ReferencedTable.Self, null, columnName) {} public ColumnReference (ReferencedTable refTable, string relationName, string columnName) { this.refTable = refTable; this.relationName = relationName; this.columnName = columnName; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (!base.Equals (obj)) return false; if (!(obj is ColumnReference)) return false; ColumnReference other = (ColumnReference) obj; if (other.refTable != refTable) return false; if (other.columnName != columnName) return false; if (other.relationName != relationName) return false; return true; } public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = base.GetHashCode (); hashCode ^= refTable.GetHashCode (); hashCode ^= columnName.GetHashCode (); hashCode ^= relationName.GetHashCode (); return hashCode; } public ReferencedTable ReferencedTable { get { return refTable; } } private DataRelation GetRelation (DataRow row) { if (_cachedRelation == null) { DataTable table = row.Table; DataRelationCollection relations; if (relationName != null) { relations = table.DataSet.Relations; _cachedRelation = relations [relations.IndexOf (relationName)]; } else { if (refTable == ReferencedTable.Parent) relations = table.ParentRelations; else relations = table.ChildRelations; if (relations.Count > 1) throw new EvaluateException (String.Format ( "The table [{0}] is involved in more than one relation." + "You must explicitly mention a relation name.", table.TableName)); else _cachedRelation = relations [0]; } _cachedRelation.DataSet.Relations.CollectionChanged += new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnRelationRemoved); } return _cachedRelation; } private DataColumn GetColumn (DataRow row) { if (_cachedColumn == null) { DataTable table = row.Table; switch (refTable) { case ReferencedTable.Parent: table = GetRelation (row).ParentTable; break; case ReferencedTable.Child: table = GetRelation (row).ChildTable; break; } _cachedColumn = table.Columns [columnName]; if (_cachedColumn == null) throw new EvaluateException (String.Format ("Cannot find column [{0}].", columnName)); _cachedColumn.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler (OnColumnPropertyChanged); _cachedColumn.Table.Columns.CollectionChanged += new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnColumnRemoved); } return _cachedColumn; } public DataRow GetReferencedRow (DataRow row) { // Verify the column reference is valid GetColumn (row); switch (refTable) { case ReferencedTable.Self: default: return row; case ReferencedTable.Parent: return row.GetParentRow (GetRelation (row)); case ReferencedTable.Child: return row.GetChildRows (GetRelation (row)) [0]; } } public DataRow[] GetReferencedRows (DataRow row) { // Verify the column reference is valid GetColumn (row); switch (refTable) { case ReferencedTable.Self: default: DataRow[] rows = row.Table.NewRowArray(row.Table.Rows.Count); row.Table.Rows.CopyTo (rows, 0); return rows; case ReferencedTable.Parent: return row.GetParentRows (GetRelation (row)); case ReferencedTable.Child: return row.GetChildRows (GetRelation (row)); } } public object[] GetValues (DataRow[] rows) { object[] values = new object [rows.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) values [i] = Unify (rows [i][GetColumn (rows [i])]); return values; } private object Unify (object val) { if (Numeric.IsNumeric (val)) return Numeric.Unify ((IConvertible)val); if (val == null || val == DBNull.Value) return null; if (val is bool || val is string || val is DateTime || val is Guid || val is char) return val; if (val is Enum) return (int)val; throw new EvaluateException (String.Format ("Cannot handle data type found in column '{0}'.", columnName)); } public override object Eval (DataRow row) { DataRow referencedRow = GetReferencedRow (row); if (referencedRow == null) return null; object val; try { referencedRow._inExpressionEvaluation = true; val = referencedRow [GetColumn (row)]; referencedRow._inExpressionEvaluation = false; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { throw new EvaluateException (String.Format ("Cannot find column [{0}].", columnName)); } return Unify (val); } public override bool EvalBoolean (DataRow row) { DataColumn col = GetColumn (row); if (col.DataType != typeof (bool)) throw new EvaluateException ("Not a Boolean Expression"); object result = Eval (row); if (result == null || result == DBNull.Value) return false; else return (bool)result; } override public bool DependsOn(DataColumn other) { return refTable == ReferencedTable.Self && columnName == other.ColumnName; } private void DropCached (DataColumnCollection columnCollection, DataRelationCollection relationCollection) { if (_cachedColumn != null) { // unregister column listener _cachedColumn.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler (OnColumnPropertyChanged); // unregister column collection listener if (columnCollection != null) columnCollection.CollectionChanged -= new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnColumnRemoved); else if (_cachedColumn.Table != null) _cachedColumn.Table.Columns.CollectionChanged -= new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnColumnRemoved); _cachedColumn = null; } if (_cachedRelation != null) { // unregister relation collection listener if (relationCollection != null) relationCollection.CollectionChanged -= new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnRelationRemoved); else if (_cachedRelation.DataSet != null) _cachedRelation.DataSet.Relations.CollectionChanged -= new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnRelationRemoved); _cachedRelation = null; } } private void OnColumnPropertyChanged (object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { if (!(sender is DataColumn)) return; DataColumn dc = (DataColumn) sender; if ((dc == _cachedColumn) && args.PropertyName == "ColumnName") DropCached (null, null); } private void OnColumnRemoved (object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs args) { if (!(args.Element is DataColumnCollection)) return; if (args.Action != CollectionChangeAction.Remove) return; DataColumnCollection columnCollection = (DataColumnCollection) args.Element; if (_cachedColumn != null && columnCollection != null && (columnCollection.IndexOf (_cachedColumn)) == -1) DropCached (columnCollection, null); } private void OnRelationRemoved (object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs args) { if (!(args.Element is DataRelationCollection)) return; if (args.Action != CollectionChangeAction.Remove) return; DataRelationCollection relationCollection = (DataRelationCollection) args.Element; if (_cachedRelation != null && relationCollection != null && (relationCollection.IndexOf (_cachedRelation)) == -1) DropCached (null, relationCollection); } } }