2002-04-14 Rodrigo Moya * System.Data.SqlTypes/SqlBinary.cs: * System.Data.SqlTypes/INullable.cs: new skeletons. 2002-04-14 Daniel Morgan * System.Data.SqlClient/PostgresLibrary.cs: new internal class, which contains all calls the the PostgreSQL client library, to be used everywhere in System.Data.SqlClient. 2002-03-30 Rodrigo Moya * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlConnection.cs: implemented basic constructors. * System.Data.SqlTypes/SqlNullValueException.cs: new skeletons. 2002-03-29 Rodrigo Moya * System.Data.Common/DbDataRecord.cs: * System.Data.Common/DbEnumerator.cs: * System.Data.Common/RowUpdatedEventArgs.cs: * System.Data.Common/RowUpdatingEventArgs.cs: * System.Data.Common/DbDataPermissionAttribute.cs: new skeletons. 2002-03-28 Rodrigo Moya * System.Data.Common/DataTableMappingCollection.cs: * System.Data.Common/DbDataAdapter.cs: * System.Data.Common/DbDataPermission.cs: * System.Data.Common/DataTableMapping.cs: new skeletons. * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlDataAdapter.cs: * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlDataReader.cs: * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlErrors.cs: * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlError.cs: * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlException.cs: * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlParameter.cs: * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlParameterCollection.cs: * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlTransaction.cs: * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlCommand.cs: fixed skeletons. 2002-03-27 Rodrigo Moya * System.Data.Common/DataColumnMapping.cs: * System.Data.Common/DataColumnMappingCollection.cs: * System.Data.Common/DataAdapter.cs: created skeletons. * System.Data.build: exclude new directories from build. 2002-03-27 Rodrigo Moya * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlTransaction.cs: started implementation. * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlConnection.cs (BeginTransaction): implemented (2 methods). 2002-03-24 Duncan Mak * System.Data.build: Excluded System.Data.SqlClient from the build. The stubs are incomplete and they are stopping the build. * System.Data.SqlClient/SqlCommand.cs: Replaced 'implements' with ':'. 2002-03-24 Rodrigo Moya * System.Data.SqlClient/*: added skeletons for the SQL managed provider for ADO.Net, to be based initially in PostgreSQL. 2002-02-10 Christopher Podurgiel * Removed *.cs from System.Data as the correct files are in mcs/class/System.Data/System.Data * Updated all Enums, Interfaces, and Delegates in System.Data 2002-02-11 Christopher Podurgiel * DataColumnChangeEventArgs.cs : Added * DataColumnCollection.cs : Added 2002-03-01 Christopher Podurgiel * DataColumnCollection.cs : When an existing DataColumn is added, will now Assign a default name if the ColumnName is null. * DataSet.cs : Added * DataTable.cs : Added * DataRelationCollection.cs : Added * DataTableRelationCollection.cs : Added * DataColumn : Added 2002-03-15 Christopher Podurgiel Changed the Namespace on some Enums from mono.System.Data to System.Data