// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // // Authors: // Federico Di Gregorio // Jb Evain using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Linq.Expressions { [TestFixture] public class ExpressionTest_OrElse { [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void Arg1Null () { Expression.OrElse (null, Expression.Constant (1)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void Arg2Null () { Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (1), null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void NoOperatorClass () { Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (new NoOpClass ()), Expression.Constant (new NoOpClass ())); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void Double () { Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (1.0), Expression.Constant (2.0)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void Integer () { Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (1), Expression.Constant (2)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void MismatchedTypes () { Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (new OpClass ()), Expression.Constant (true)); } [Test] public void Boolean () { BinaryExpression expr = Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (true), Expression.Constant (false)); Assert.AreEqual (ExpressionType.OrElse, expr.NodeType, "OrElse#01"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (bool), expr.Type, "OrElse#02"); Assert.IsNull (expr.Method, "OrElse#03"); #if !NET_4_0 Assert.AreEqual ("(True || False)", expr.ToString(), "OrElse#04"); #endif } [Test] public void UserDefinedClass () { // We can use the simplest version of GetMethod because we already know only one // exists in the very simple class we're using for the tests. MethodInfo mi = typeof (OpClass).GetMethod ("op_BitwiseOr"); BinaryExpression expr = Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (new OpClass ()), Expression.Constant (new OpClass ())); Assert.AreEqual (ExpressionType.OrElse, expr.NodeType, "OrElse#05"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (OpClass), expr.Type, "OrElse#06"); Assert.AreEqual (mi, expr.Method, "OrElse#07"); Assert.AreEqual ("op_BitwiseOr", expr.Method.Name, "OrElse#08"); #if !NET_4_0 Assert.AreEqual ("(value(MonoTests.System.Linq.Expressions.OpClass) || value(MonoTests.System.Linq.Expressions.OpClass))", expr.ToString(), "OrElse#09"); #endif } public class BrokenMethod { public static int operator | (BrokenMethod a, BrokenMethod b) { return 1; } } public class BrokenMethod2 { public static BrokenMethod2 operator | (BrokenMethod2 a, int b) { return null; } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void MethodInfoReturnType () { Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (new BrokenMethod ()), Expression.Constant (new BrokenMethod ())); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void MethodInfoReturnType2 () { Expression.OrElse (Expression.Constant (new BrokenMethod2 ()), Expression.Constant (1)); } [Test] public void OrElseNotLifted () { var b = Expression.OrElse ( Expression.Constant (true, typeof (bool)), Expression.Constant (true, typeof (bool))); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (bool), b.Type); Assert.IsFalse (b.IsLifted); Assert.IsFalse (b.IsLiftedToNull); } [Test] public void OrElseTest () { var a = Expression.Parameter (typeof (bool), "a"); var b = Expression.Parameter (typeof (bool), "b"); var l = Expression.Lambda> ( Expression.OrElse (a, b), a, b); var be = l.Body as BinaryExpression; Assert.IsNotNull (be); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (bool), be.Type); Assert.IsFalse (be.IsLifted); Assert.IsFalse (be.IsLiftedToNull); var c = l.Compile (); Assert.AreEqual (true, c (true, true), "o1"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c (true, false), "o2"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c (false, true), "o3"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c (false, false), "o4"); } [Test] public void OrElseLifted () { var b = Expression.OrElse ( Expression.Constant (null, typeof (bool?)), Expression.Constant (null, typeof (bool?))); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (bool?), b.Type); Assert.IsTrue (b.IsLifted); Assert.IsTrue (b.IsLiftedToNull); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorkingInterpreter")] public void OrElseTestNullable () { var a = Expression.Parameter (typeof (bool?), "a"); var b = Expression.Parameter (typeof (bool?), "b"); var l = Expression.Lambda> ( Expression.OrElse (a, b), a, b); var be = l.Body as BinaryExpression; Assert.IsNotNull (be); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (bool?), be.Type); Assert.IsTrue (be.IsLifted); Assert.IsTrue (be.IsLiftedToNull); var c = l.Compile (); Assert.AreEqual (true, c (true, true), "o1"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c (true, false), "o2"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c (false, true), "o3"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c (false, false), "o4"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c (true, null), "o5"); Assert.AreEqual (null, c (false, null), "o6"); Assert.AreEqual (null, c (null, false), "o7"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c (true, null), "o8"); Assert.AreEqual (null, c (null, null), "o9"); } [Test] public void OrElseBoolItem () { var i = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Item), "i"); var and = Expression.Lambda, bool>> ( Expression.OrElse ( Expression.Property (i, "Left"), Expression.Property (i, "Right")), i).Compile (); var item = new Item (true, false); Assert.AreEqual (true, and (item)); Assert.IsTrue (item.LeftCalled); Assert.IsFalse (item.RightCalled); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorkingInterpreter")] public void OrElseNullableBoolItem () { var i = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Item), "i"); var and = Expression.Lambda, bool?>> ( Expression.OrElse ( Expression.Property (i, "Left"), Expression.Property (i, "Right")), i).Compile (); var item = new Item (true, false); Assert.AreEqual ((bool?) true, and (item)); Assert.IsTrue (item.LeftCalled); Assert.IsFalse (item.RightCalled); } struct Slot { public int Value; public Slot (int val) { this.Value = val; } public static Slot operator | (Slot a, Slot b) { return new Slot (a.Value | b.Value); } public static bool operator true (Slot a) { return a.Value != 0; } public static bool operator false (Slot a) { return a.Value == 0; } } [Test] [Category ("NotWorkingInterpreter")] public void UserDefinedOrElse () { var l = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Slot), "l"); var r = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Slot), "r"); var method = typeof (Slot).GetMethod ("op_BitwiseOr"); var node = Expression.OrElse (l, r, method); Assert.IsFalse (node.IsLifted); Assert.IsFalse (node.IsLiftedToNull); Assert.AreEqual (method, node.Method); var orelse = Expression.Lambda> (node, l, r).Compile (); Assert.AreEqual (new Slot (64), orelse (new Slot (64), new Slot (64))); Assert.AreEqual (new Slot (32), orelse (new Slot (32), new Slot (64))); } #if !NET_4_0 // dlr bug 5867 [Test] public void UserDefinedOrElseLiftedToNull () { var l = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Slot?), "l"); var r = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Slot?), "r"); var method = typeof (Slot).GetMethod ("op_BitwiseOr"); var node = Expression.OrElse (l, r, method); Assert.IsTrue (node.IsLifted); Assert.IsTrue (node.IsLiftedToNull); Assert.AreEqual (method, node.Method); var orelse = Expression.Lambda> (node, l, r).Compile (); Assert.AreEqual (new Slot (64), orelse (new Slot (64), new Slot (64))); Assert.AreEqual (new Slot (32), orelse (new Slot (32), new Slot (64))); Assert.AreEqual (new Slot (64), orelse (null, new Slot (64))); Assert.AreEqual (new Slot (32), orelse (new Slot (32), null)); Assert.AreEqual (null, orelse (null, null)); } #endif [Test] [Category ("NotWorkingInterpreter")] public void UserDefinedOrElseShortCircuit () { var i = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Item), "i"); var orelse = Expression.Lambda, Slot>> ( Expression.OrElse ( Expression.Property (i, "Left"), Expression.Property (i, "Right")), i).Compile (); var item = new Item (new Slot (1), new Slot (0)); Assert.AreEqual (new Slot (1), orelse (item)); Assert.IsTrue (item.LeftCalled); Assert.IsFalse (item.RightCalled); } [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=350228 [Category ("NotWorkingInterpreter")] public void UserDefinedLiftedOrElseShortCircuit () { var i = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Item), "i"); var orelse = Expression.Lambda, Slot?>> ( Expression.OrElse ( Expression.Property (i, "Left"), Expression.Property (i, "Right")), i).Compile (); var item = new Item (new Slot (1), null); Assert.AreEqual ((Slot?) new Slot (1), orelse (item)); Assert.IsTrue (item.LeftCalled); Assert.IsFalse (item.RightCalled); } struct Incomplete { public int Value; public Incomplete (int val) { Value = val; } public static Incomplete operator | (Incomplete a, Incomplete b) { return new Incomplete (a.Value | b.Value); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void IncompleteUserDefinedOrElse () { var l = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Incomplete), "l"); var r = Expression.Parameter (typeof (Incomplete), "r"); var method = typeof (Incomplete).GetMethod ("op_BitwiseOr"); Expression.OrElse (l, r, method); } } }