// // EnumerableAsQueryableTest.cs // // Authors: // Roei Erez (roeie@mainsoft.com) // // Copyright (C) 2007 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; namespace MonoTests.System.Linq { [TestFixture] public class EnumerableAsQueryableTest { int [] _array; IQueryable _src; [SetUp] public void MyTestCleanup () { _array = new int [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; _src = _array.AsQueryable (); } [Test] public void NewQueryableExpression () { var queryable = _array.AsQueryable (); var expression = queryable.Expression; Assert.AreEqual (ExpressionType.Constant, expression.NodeType); var constant = (ConstantExpression) expression; Assert.AreEqual (queryable, constant.Value); } [Test] public void Aggregate () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Aggregate ((n, m) => n + m), _array.Aggregate ((n, m) => n + m)); } [Test] public void All () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.All ((n) => n < 11), _array.All ((n) => n < 11)); Assert.AreEqual (_src.All ((n) => n < 10), _array.All ((n) => n < 10)); } [Test] public void Any () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Any (i => i > 5), _array.Any (i => i > 5)); } [Test] public void Average () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Average ((n) => 11), _array.Average ((n) => 11)); } [Test] public void Concat () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Concat (_src).Count (), _array.Concat (_src).Count ()); } [Test] public void Contains () { for (int i = 1; i < 20; ++i) Assert.AreEqual (_src.Contains (i), _array.Contains (i)); } [Test] public void Count () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Count (), _array.Count ()); } [Test] public void Distinct () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Distinct ().Count (), _array.Distinct ().Count ()); Assert.AreEqual (_src.Distinct (new CustomEqualityComparer ()).Count (), _array.Distinct (new CustomEqualityComparer ()).Count ()); } [Test] public void ElementAt () { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Assert.AreEqual (_src.ElementAt (i), _array.ElementAt (i)); } [Test] public void ElementAtOrDefault () { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Assert.AreEqual (_src.ElementAtOrDefault (i), _array.ElementAtOrDefault (i)); Assert.AreEqual (_src.ElementAtOrDefault (100), _array.ElementAtOrDefault (100)); } [Test] public void Except () { int [] except = { 1, 2, 3 }; Assert.AreEqual (_src.Except (except.AsQueryable ()).Count (), _array.Except (except).Count ()); } [Test] public void First () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.First (), _array.First ()); } [Test] public void FirstOrDefault () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.FirstOrDefault ((n) => n > 5), _array.FirstOrDefault ((n) => n > 5)); Assert.AreEqual (_src.FirstOrDefault ((n) => n > 10), _array.FirstOrDefault ((n) => n > 10)); } [Test] public void GroupBy () { IQueryable> grouping = _src.GroupBy ((n) => n > 5); Assert.AreEqual (grouping.Count(), 2); foreach (IGrouping group in grouping) { Assert.AreEqual(group.Count(), 5); } } [Test] public void Intersect () { int [] subset = { 1, 2, 3 }; int[] intersection = _src.Intersect (subset.AsQueryable()).ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual (subset, intersection); } [Test] public void Last () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Last ((n) => n > 1), _array.Last ((n) => n > 1)); } [Test] public void LastOrDefault () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.LastOrDefault (), _array.LastOrDefault ()); } [Test] public void LongCount () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.LongCount (), _array.LongCount ()); } [Test] public void Max () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Max (), _array.Max ()); } [Test] public void Min () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Min (), _array.Min ()); } [Test] public void OfType () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.OfType ().Count (), _array.OfType ().Count ()); } [Test] public void OrderBy () { int [] arr1 = _array.OrderBy ((n) => n * -1).ToArray (); int [] arr2 = _src.OrderBy ((n) => n * -1).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void OrderByDescending () { int [] arr1 = _array.OrderBy ((n) => n).ToArray (); int [] arr2 = _src.OrderBy ((n) => n).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void Reverse () { int [] arr1 = _array.Reverse ().Reverse ().ToArray (); int [] arr2 = _src.Reverse ().Reverse ().ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void Select () { int [] arr1 = _array.Select ((n) => n - 1).ToArray (); int [] arr2 = _src.Select ((n) => n - 1).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void SelectMany () { int [] arr1 = _array.SelectMany ((n) => new int [] { n, n, n }).ToArray (); int [] arr2 = _src.SelectMany ((n) => new int [] { n, n, n }).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void SequenceEqual () { Assert.IsTrue (_src.SequenceEqual (_src)); } [Test] public void Single () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Single (n => n == 10), 10); } [Test] public void SingleOrDefault () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.SingleOrDefault (n => n == 10), 10); Assert.AreEqual (_src.SingleOrDefault (n => n == 11), 0); } [Test] public void Skip () { int [] arr1 = _array.Skip (5).ToArray (); int [] arr2 = _src.Skip (5).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void SkipWhile () { int[] arr1 = _src.SkipWhile ((n) => n < 6).ToArray(); int[] arr2 = _src.Skip (5).ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void Sum () { Assert.AreEqual (_src.Sum ((n) => n), _array.Sum ((n) => n)); Assert.AreEqual (_src.Sum ((n) => n + 1), _array.Sum ((n) => n + 1)); } [Test] public void Take () { int [] arr1 = _array.Take (3).ToArray (); int [] arr2 = _src.Take (3).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void TakeWhile () { int [] arr1 = _array.TakeWhile (n => n < 6).ToArray (); int [] arr2 = _src.TakeWhile (n => n < 6).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); } [Test] public void Union () { int [] arr1 = _src.ToArray (); int[] arr2 = _src.Union (_src).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (arr1, arr2); int [] arr = { 11,12,13}; Assert.AreEqual (_src.Union (arr).ToArray (), _array.Union (arr).ToArray ()); } [Test] public void Where () { int[] oddArray1 = _array.Where ((n) => (n % 2) == 1).ToArray(); int [] oddArray2 = _src.Where ((n) => (n % 2) == 1).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (oddArray1, oddArray2); } [Test] public void UserExtensionMethod () { BindingFlags extensionFlags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public; MethodInfo method = (from m in typeof (Ext).GetMethods (extensionFlags) where (m.Name == "UserQueryableExt1" && m.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (IQueryable<>)) select m).FirstOrDefault ().MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int)); Expression> exp = i => i; Expression e = Expression.Equal ( Expression.Constant ("UserEnumerableExt1"), Expression.Call (method, _src.Expression, Expression.Quote (exp))); Assert.AreEqual (_src.Provider.Execute (e), true, "UserQueryableExt1"); method = (from m in typeof (Ext).GetMethods (extensionFlags) where (m.Name == "UserQueryableExt2" && m.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (IQueryable<>)) select m).FirstOrDefault ().MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int)); e = Expression.Equal ( Expression.Constant ("UserEnumerableExt2"), Expression.Call (method, _src.Expression, Expression.Quote (exp))); Assert.AreEqual (_src.Provider.Execute (e), true, "UserQueryableExt2"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void UserExtensionMethodNegative () { BindingFlags extensionFlags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public; MethodInfo method = (from m in typeof (Ext).GetMethods (extensionFlags) where (m.Name == "UserQueryableExt3" && m.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (IQueryable<>)) select m).FirstOrDefault ().MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int)); Expression> exp = i => i; Expression e = Expression.Call (method, _src.Expression, Expression.Quote (exp), Expression.Constant (10)); _src.Provider.Execute (e); } [Test] public void NonGenericMethod () { BindingFlags extensionFlags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public; MethodInfo method = (from m in typeof (Ext).GetMethods (extensionFlags) where (m.Name == "NonGenericMethod" && m.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (IQueryable<>)) select m).FirstOrDefault (); Expression e = Expression.Call (method, _src.Expression); Assert.AreEqual (_src.Provider.Execute (e), "EnumerableNonGenericMethod", "NonGenericMethod"); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))] public void InstantiatedGenericMethod () { BindingFlags extensionFlags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public; MethodInfo method = (from m in typeof (Ext).GetMethods (extensionFlags) where (m.Name == "InstantiatedGenericMethod" && m.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (IQueryable<>)) select m).FirstOrDefault ().MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int)); Expression e = Expression.Call (method, _src.Expression, Expression.Constant(0)); _src.Provider.Execute (e); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void NullEnumerable () { IEnumerable a = null; a.AsQueryable (); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void NonGenericEnumerable1 () { new MyEnum ().AsQueryable (); } [Test] public void NonGenericEnumerable2 () { IEnumerable nonGen = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; Assert.IsTrue (nonGen.AsQueryable () is IQueryable); } } class MyEnum : IEnumerable { public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } class CustomEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals (int x, int y) { return true; } public int GetHashCode (int obj) { return 0; } } public static class Ext { public static string UserQueryableExt1 (this IQueryable e, Expression> ex) { return "UserQueryableExt1"; } public static string UserQueryableExt2 (this IQueryable e, Expression> ex) { return "UserQueryableExt2"; } public static string UserQueryableExt3 (this IQueryable e, Expression> ex, int dummy) { return "UserQueryableExt3"; } public static string UserQueryableExt1 (this IEnumerable e, Expression> ex) { return "UserEnumerableExt1"; } public static string UserQueryableExt2 (this IEnumerable e, Func ex) { return "UserEnumerableExt2"; } public static string NonGenericMethod (this IQueryable iq) { return "QueryableNonGenericMethod"; } public static string NonGenericMethod (this IEnumerable iq) { return "EnumerableNonGenericMethod"; } public static string InstantiatedGenericMethod (this IQueryable iq, T t) { return "QueryableInstantiatedGenericMethod"; } public static string InstantiatedGenericMethod (this IEnumerable ie, int t) { return "EnumerableInstantiatedGenericMethod"; } } }