// // System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement.cs // // Authors: // Duncan Mak (duncan@ximian.com) // Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // #if NET_2_0 using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.Reflection; using System.IO; using System.ComponentModel; namespace System.Configuration { public abstract class ConfigurationElement { string rawXml; bool modified; ElementMap map; ConfigurationPropertyCollection keyProps; ConfigurationElementCollection defaultCollection; bool readOnly; ElementInformation elementInfo; ConfigurationElementProperty elementProperty; protected ConfigurationElement () { } internal virtual void InitFromProperty (PropertyInformation propertyInfo) { elementInfo = new ElementInformation (this, propertyInfo); Init (); } public ElementInformation ElementInformation { get { if (elementInfo == null) elementInfo = new ElementInformation (this, null); return elementInfo; } } internal string RawXml { get { return rawXml; } set { // FIXME: this hack is nasty. We should make // some refactory on the entire assembly. if (rawXml == null || value != null) rawXml = value; } } protected internal virtual void Init () { } protected internal virtual ConfigurationElementProperty ElementProperty { get { if (elementProperty == null) elementProperty = new ConfigurationElementProperty (ElementInformation.Validator); return elementProperty; } } [MonoTODO] protected ContextInformation EvaluationContext { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } ConfigurationLockCollection lockAllAttributesExcept; public ConfigurationLockCollection LockAllAttributesExcept { get { if (lockAllAttributesExcept == null) { lockAllAttributesExcept = new ConfigurationLockCollection (this, ConfigurationLockType.Attribute | ConfigurationLockType.Exclude); } return lockAllAttributesExcept; } } ConfigurationLockCollection lockAllElementsExcept; public ConfigurationLockCollection LockAllElementsExcept { get { if (lockAllElementsExcept == null) { lockAllElementsExcept = new ConfigurationLockCollection (this, ConfigurationLockType.Element | ConfigurationLockType.Exclude); } return lockAllElementsExcept; } } ConfigurationLockCollection lockAttributes; public ConfigurationLockCollection LockAttributes { get { if (lockAttributes == null) { lockAttributes = new ConfigurationLockCollection (this, ConfigurationLockType.Attribute); } return lockAttributes; } } ConfigurationLockCollection lockElements; public ConfigurationLockCollection LockElements { get { if (lockElements == null) { lockElements = new ConfigurationLockCollection (this, ConfigurationLockType.Element); } return lockElements; } } bool lockItem; public bool LockItem { get { return lockItem; } set { lockItem = value; } } [MonoTODO] protected virtual void ListErrors (IList list) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] protected void SetPropertyValue (ConfigurationProperty prop, object value, bool ignoreLocks) { try { /* XXX all i know for certain is that Validation happens here */ prop.Validate (value); /* XXX presumably the actual setting of the * property happens here instead of in the * set_Item code below, but that would mean * the Value needs to be stuffed in the * property, not the propertyinfo (or else the * property needs a ref to the property info * to correctly set the value). */ } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException (String.Format ("The value for the property '{0}' is not valid. The error is: {1}", prop.Name, e.Message), e); } } internal ConfigurationPropertyCollection GetKeyProperties () { if (keyProps != null) return keyProps; if (map != null && map.Properties == Properties) keyProps = map.KeyProperties; else { keyProps = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection (); foreach (ConfigurationProperty prop in Properties) { if (prop.IsKey) keyProps.Add (prop); } } return keyProps; } internal ConfigurationElementCollection GetDefaultCollection () { if (defaultCollection != null) return defaultCollection; ConfigurationProperty defaultCollectionProp = null; if (map != null && map.Properties == Properties) { defaultCollectionProp = map.DefaultCollectionProperty; } else { foreach (ConfigurationProperty prop in Properties) { if (prop.IsDefaultCollection) { defaultCollectionProp = prop; break; } } } if (defaultCollectionProp != null) { defaultCollection = this [defaultCollectionProp] as ConfigurationElementCollection; } return defaultCollection; } protected internal object this [ConfigurationProperty property] { get { return this [property.Name]; } set { this [property.Name] = value; } } protected internal object this [string property_name] { get { PropertyInformation pi = ElementInformation.Properties [property_name]; if (pi == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Property '" + property_name + "' not found in configuration element"); return pi.Value; } set { PropertyInformation pi = ElementInformation.Properties [property_name]; if (pi == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Property '" + property_name + "' not found in configuration element"); SetPropertyValue (pi.Property, value, false); pi.Value = value; modified = true; } } protected internal virtual ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { if (map == null) map = ElementMap.GetMap (GetType()); return map.Properties; } } public override bool Equals (object compareTo) { ConfigurationElement other = compareTo as ConfigurationElement; if (other == null) return false; if (GetType() != other.GetType()) return false; foreach (ConfigurationProperty prop in Properties) { if (!object.Equals (this [prop], other [prop])) return false; } return true; } public override int GetHashCode () { int code = 0; foreach (ConfigurationProperty prop in Properties) code += this [prop].GetHashCode (); return code; } internal virtual bool HasValues () { foreach (PropertyInformation pi in ElementInformation.Properties) if (pi.ValueOrigin != PropertyValueOrigin.Default) return true; return false; } protected internal virtual void DeserializeElement (XmlReader reader, bool serializeCollectionKey) { Hashtable readProps = new Hashtable (); reader.MoveToContent (); while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { PropertyInformation prop = ElementInformation.Properties [reader.LocalName]; if (prop == null || (serializeCollectionKey && !prop.IsKey)) { /* handle the built in ConfigurationElement attributes here */ if (reader.LocalName == "lockAllAttributesExcept") { LockAllAttributesExcept.SetFromList (reader.Value); } else if (reader.LocalName == "lockAllElementsExcept") { LockAllElementsExcept.SetFromList (reader.Value); } else if (reader.LocalName == "lockAttributes") { LockAttributes.SetFromList (reader.Value); } else if (reader.LocalName == "lockElements") { LockElements.SetFromList (reader.Value); } else if (reader.LocalName == "lockItem") { LockItem = (reader.Value.ToLower() == "true"); } else if (reader.LocalName == "xmlns") { /* ignore */ } else if (!OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute (reader.LocalName, reader.Value)) throw new ConfigurationException ("Unrecognized attribute '" + reader.LocalName + "'."); continue; } if (readProps.ContainsKey (prop)) throw new ConfigurationException ("The attribute '" + prop.Name + "' may only appear once in this element."); prop.SetStringValue (reader.Value); readProps [prop] = prop.Name; } reader.MoveToElement (); if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { reader.Skip (); } else { int depth = reader.Depth; reader.ReadStartElement (); reader.MoveToContent (); do { if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { reader.Skip (); continue; } PropertyInformation prop = ElementInformation.Properties [reader.LocalName]; if (prop == null || (serializeCollectionKey && !prop.IsKey)) { if (!OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement (reader.LocalName, reader)) { if (prop == null) { ConfigurationElementCollection c = GetDefaultCollection (); if (c != null && c.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement (reader.LocalName, reader)) continue; } throw new ConfigurationException ("Unrecognized element '" + reader.LocalName + "'."); } continue; } if (!prop.IsElement) throw new ConfigurationException ("Property '" + prop.Name + "' is not a ConfigurationElement."); if (readProps.Contains (prop)) throw new ConfigurationException ("The element <" + prop.Name + "> may only appear once in this section."); ConfigurationElement val = (ConfigurationElement) prop.Value; val.DeserializeElement (reader, serializeCollectionKey); readProps [prop] = prop.Name; reader.Read(); } while (depth < reader.Depth); if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) reader.Read (); } modified = false; foreach (PropertyInformation prop in ElementInformation.Properties) if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.Name) && prop.IsRequired && !readProps.ContainsKey (prop)) { object val = OnRequiredPropertyNotFound (prop.Name); if (!object.Equals (val, prop.DefaultValue)) { prop.Value = val; prop.IsModified = false; } } PostDeserialize (); } protected virtual bool OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute (string name, string value) { return false; } protected virtual bool OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement (string element, XmlReader reader) { return false; } protected virtual object OnRequiredPropertyNotFound (string name) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException ("Required attribute '" + name + "' not found."); } protected virtual void PreSerialize (XmlWriter writer) { } protected virtual void PostDeserialize () { } protected internal virtual void InitializeDefault () { } protected internal virtual bool IsModified () { return modified; } protected internal virtual void SetReadOnly () { readOnly = true; } public virtual bool IsReadOnly () { return readOnly; } protected internal virtual void Reset (ConfigurationElement parentElement) { if (parentElement != null) ElementInformation.Reset (parentElement.ElementInformation); else InitializeDefault (); } protected internal virtual void ResetModified () { modified = false; foreach (PropertyInformation p in ElementInformation.Properties) p.IsModified = false; } protected internal virtual bool SerializeElement (XmlWriter writer, bool serializeCollectionKey) { PreSerialize (writer); if (serializeCollectionKey) { ConfigurationPropertyCollection props = GetKeyProperties (); foreach (ConfigurationProperty prop in props) writer.WriteAttributeString (prop.Name, prop.ConvertToString (this[prop.Name])); return props.Count > 0; } bool wroteData = false; foreach (PropertyInformation prop in ElementInformation.Properties) { if (prop.IsElement || prop.ValueOrigin == PropertyValueOrigin.Default) continue; if (!object.Equals (prop.Value, prop.DefaultValue)) { writer.WriteAttributeString (prop.Name, prop.GetStringValue ()); wroteData = true; } } foreach (PropertyInformation prop in ElementInformation.Properties) { if (!prop.IsElement) continue; ConfigurationElement val = (ConfigurationElement) prop.Value; if (val != null && val.HasValues ()) { wroteData = val.SerializeToXmlElement (writer, prop.Name) || wroteData; } } return wroteData; } protected internal virtual bool SerializeToXmlElement ( XmlWriter writer, string elementName) { if (elementName != null && elementName != "") writer.WriteStartElement (elementName); bool res = SerializeElement (writer, false); if (elementName != null && elementName != "") writer.WriteEndElement (); return res; } protected internal virtual void Unmerge ( ConfigurationElement source, ConfigurationElement parent, ConfigurationSaveMode updateMode) { if (parent != null && source.GetType() != parent.GetType()) throw new ConfigurationException ("Can't unmerge two elements of different type"); foreach (PropertyInformation prop in source.ElementInformation.Properties) { if (prop.ValueOrigin == PropertyValueOrigin.Default) continue; PropertyInformation unmergedProp = ElementInformation.Properties [prop.Name]; object sourceValue = prop.Value; if (parent == null || !parent.HasValue (prop.Name)) { unmergedProp.Value = sourceValue; continue; } else if (sourceValue != null) { object parentValue = parent [prop.Name]; if (prop.IsElement) { if (parentValue != null) { ConfigurationElement copy = (ConfigurationElement) unmergedProp.Value; copy.Unmerge ((ConfigurationElement) sourceValue, (ConfigurationElement) parentValue, updateMode); } else unmergedProp.Value = sourceValue; } else { if (!object.Equals (sourceValue, parentValue) || (updateMode == ConfigurationSaveMode.Full) || (updateMode == ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified && prop.ValueOrigin == PropertyValueOrigin.SetHere)) unmergedProp.Value = sourceValue; } } } } internal bool HasValue (string propName) { PropertyInformation info = ElementInformation.Properties [propName]; return info != null && info.ValueOrigin != PropertyValueOrigin.Default; } internal bool IsReadFromConfig (string propName) { PropertyInformation info = ElementInformation.Properties [propName]; return info != null && info.ValueOrigin == PropertyValueOrigin.SetHere; } } internal class ElementMap { static Hashtable elementMaps = new Hashtable (); ConfigurationPropertyCollection properties; ConfigurationPropertyCollection keyProperties; ConfigurationProperty defaultCollectionProperty; ConfigurationCollectionAttribute collectionAttribute; public static ElementMap GetMap (Type t) { lock (elementMaps) { ElementMap map = elementMaps [t] as ElementMap; if (map != null) return map; map = new ElementMap (t); elementMaps [t] = map; return map; } } public ElementMap (Type t) { ReflectProperties (t); } protected void ReflectProperties (Type t) { collectionAttribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (t, typeof(ConfigurationCollectionAttribute)) as ConfigurationCollectionAttribute; PropertyInfo[] props = t.GetProperties (); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props) { ConfigurationPropertyAttribute at = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (prop, typeof(ConfigurationPropertyAttribute)) as ConfigurationPropertyAttribute; if (at == null) continue; string name = at.Name != null ? at.Name : prop.Name; ConfigurationValidatorAttribute validatorAttr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (t, typeof(ConfigurationValidatorAttribute)) as ConfigurationValidatorAttribute; ConfigurationValidatorBase validator = validatorAttr != null ? validatorAttr.ValidatorInstance : null; TypeConverterAttribute convertAttr = (TypeConverterAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (t, typeof (TypeConverterAttribute)); TypeConverter converter = convertAttr != null ? (TypeConverter) Activator.CreateInstance (Type.GetType (convertAttr.ConverterTypeName)) : null; ConfigurationProperty cp = new ConfigurationProperty (name, prop.PropertyType, at.DefaultValue, converter, validator, at.Options); cp.CollectionAttribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (prop, typeof(ConfigurationCollectionAttribute)) as ConfigurationCollectionAttribute; if (properties == null) properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection (); properties.Add (cp); } } public bool HasProperties { get { return properties != null && properties.Count > 0; } } public ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { if (properties == null) properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection (); return properties; } } public ConfigurationPropertyCollection KeyProperties { get { if (keyProperties == null) { keyProperties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection (); if (properties != null) foreach (ConfigurationProperty p in properties) if (p.IsKey) keyProperties.Add (p); } return keyProperties; } } public ConfigurationCollectionAttribute CollectionAttribute { get { return collectionAttribute; } } public ConfigurationProperty DefaultCollectionProperty { get { if (defaultCollectionProperty == null) { if (properties != null) foreach (ConfigurationProperty p in properties) { if (p.IsDefaultCollection) { defaultCollectionProperty = p; break; } } } return defaultCollectionProperty; } } } } #endif