// // System.Configuration.Configuration.cs // // Authors: // Duncan Mak (duncan@ximian.com) // Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration.Internal; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; using System.IO; namespace System.Configuration { // For configuration document, use this XmlDocument instead of the standard one. This ignores xmlns attribute for MS. internal class ConfigurationXmlDocument : XmlDocument { public override XmlElement CreateElement (string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI) { if (namespaceURI == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0") return base.CreateElement (String.Empty, localName, String.Empty); else return base.CreateElement (prefix, localName, namespaceURI); } } public sealed class Configuration { Configuration parent; Hashtable elementData = new Hashtable (); string streamName; ConfigurationSectionGroup rootSectionGroup; ConfigurationLocationCollection locations; SectionGroupInfo rootGroup; IConfigSystem system; bool hasFile; string rootNamespace; string configPath; string locationConfigPath; string locationSubPath; internal static event ConfigurationSaveEventHandler SaveStart; internal static event ConfigurationSaveEventHandler SaveEnd; internal Configuration (Configuration parent, string locationSubPath) { this.parent = parent; this.system = parent.system; this.rootGroup = parent.rootGroup; this.locationSubPath = locationSubPath; this.configPath = parent.ConfigPath; } internal Configuration (InternalConfigurationSystem system, string locationSubPath) { hasFile = true; this.system = system; system.InitForConfiguration (ref locationSubPath, out configPath, out locationConfigPath); Configuration parent = null; if (locationSubPath != null) { parent = new Configuration (system, locationSubPath); if (locationConfigPath != null) parent = parent.FindLocationConfiguration (locationConfigPath, parent); } Init (system, configPath, parent); } internal Configuration FindLocationConfiguration (string relativePath, Configuration defaultConfiguration) { Configuration parentConfig = defaultConfiguration; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (LocationConfigPath)) { Configuration parentFile = GetParentWithFile (); if (parentFile != null) { string parentRelativePath = system.Host.GetConfigPathFromLocationSubPath (configPath, relativePath); parentConfig = parentFile.FindLocationConfiguration (parentRelativePath, defaultConfiguration); } } string relConfigPath = configPath.Substring (1) + "/"; if (relativePath.StartsWith (relConfigPath, StringComparison.Ordinal)) relativePath = relativePath.Substring (relConfigPath.Length); ConfigurationLocation loc = Locations.FindBest (relativePath); if (loc == null) return parentConfig; loc.SetParentConfiguration (parentConfig); return loc.OpenConfiguration (); } internal void Init (IConfigSystem system, string configPath, Configuration parent) { this.system = system; this.configPath = configPath; streamName = system.Host.GetStreamName (configPath); this.parent = parent; if (parent != null) rootGroup = parent.rootGroup; else { rootGroup = new SectionGroupInfo (); rootGroup.StreamName = streamName; } if (streamName != null) Load (); } internal Configuration Parent { get { return parent; } set { parent = value; } } internal Configuration GetParentWithFile () { Configuration parentFile = Parent; while (parentFile != null && !parentFile.HasFile) parentFile = parentFile.Parent; return parentFile; } internal string FileName { get { return streamName; } } internal IInternalConfigHost ConfigHost { get { return system.Host; } } internal string LocationConfigPath { get { return locationConfigPath; } } internal string GetLocationSubPath () { Configuration confg = parent; string path = null; while (confg != null) { path = confg.locationSubPath; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (path)) return path; confg = confg.parent; } return path; } internal string ConfigPath { get { return configPath; } } public AppSettingsSection AppSettings { get { return (AppSettingsSection) GetSection ("appSettings"); } } public ConnectionStringsSection ConnectionStrings { get { return (ConnectionStringsSection) GetSection ("connectionStrings"); } } // MSDN: If the value for this FilePath property represents a merged view and // no actual file exists for the application, the path to the parent configuration // file is returned. public string FilePath { get { if (streamName == null && parent != null) return parent.FilePath; return streamName; } } public bool HasFile { get { return hasFile; } } ContextInformation evaluationContext; public ContextInformation EvaluationContext { get { if (evaluationContext == null) { object ctx = system.Host.CreateConfigurationContext (configPath, GetLocationSubPath() ); evaluationContext = new ContextInformation (this, ctx); } return evaluationContext; } } public ConfigurationLocationCollection Locations { get { if (locations == null) locations = new ConfigurationLocationCollection (); return locations; } } public bool NamespaceDeclared { get { return rootNamespace != null; } set { rootNamespace = value ? "http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0" : null; } } public ConfigurationSectionGroup RootSectionGroup { get { if (rootSectionGroup == null) { rootSectionGroup = new ConfigurationSectionGroup (); rootSectionGroup.Initialize (this, rootGroup); } return rootSectionGroup; } } public ConfigurationSectionGroupCollection SectionGroups { get { return RootSectionGroup.SectionGroups; } } public ConfigurationSectionCollection Sections { get { return RootSectionGroup.Sections; } } public ConfigurationSection GetSection (string path) { string[] parts = path.Split ('/'); if (parts.Length == 1) return Sections [parts[0]]; ConfigurationSectionGroup group = SectionGroups [parts[0]]; for (int n=1; group != null && n cannot be defined inside a element."); if (!system.Host.IsDefinitionAllowed (configPath, sec.SectionInformation.AllowDefinition, sec.SectionInformation.AllowExeDefinition)) { object ctx = sec.SectionInformation.AllowExeDefinition != ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToApplication ? (object) sec.SectionInformation.AllowExeDefinition : (object) sec.SectionInformation.AllowDefinition; throw new ConfigurationErrorsException ("The section <" + name + "> can't be defined in this configuration file (the allowed definition context is '" + ctx + "')."); } if (sec.SectionInformation.Type == null) sec.SectionInformation.Type = system.Host.GetConfigTypeName (sec.GetType ()); SectionInfo section = new SectionInfo (name, sec.SectionInformation); section.StreamName = streamName; section.ConfigHost = system.Host; group.AddChild (section); elementData [section] = sec; } internal void CreateSectionGroup (SectionGroupInfo parentGroup, string name, ConfigurationSectionGroup sec) { if (parentGroup.HasChild (name)) throw new ConfigurationException ("Cannot add a ConfigurationSectionGroup. A section or section group already exists with the name '" + name + "'"); if (sec.Type == null) sec.Type = system.Host.GetConfigTypeName (sec.GetType ()); sec.SetName (name); SectionGroupInfo section = new SectionGroupInfo (name, sec.Type); section.StreamName = streamName; section.ConfigHost = system.Host; parentGroup.AddChild (section); elementData [section] = sec; sec.Initialize (this, section); } internal void RemoveConfigInfo (ConfigInfo config) { elementData.Remove (config); } public void Save () { Save (ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified, false); } public void Save (ConfigurationSaveMode mode) { Save (mode, false); } public void Save (ConfigurationSaveMode mode, bool forceUpdateAll) { ConfigurationSaveEventHandler saveStart = SaveStart; ConfigurationSaveEventHandler saveEnd = SaveEnd; object ctx = null; Exception saveEx = null; Stream stream = system.Host.OpenStreamForWrite (streamName, null, ref ctx); try { if (saveStart != null) saveStart (this, new ConfigurationSaveEventArgs (streamName, true, null, ctx)); Save (stream, mode, forceUpdateAll); system.Host.WriteCompleted (streamName, true, ctx); } catch (Exception ex) { saveEx = ex; system.Host.WriteCompleted (streamName, false, ctx); throw; } finally { stream.Close (); if (saveEnd != null) saveEnd (this, new ConfigurationSaveEventArgs (streamName, false, saveEx, ctx)); } } public void SaveAs (string filename) { SaveAs (filename, ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified, false); } public void SaveAs (string filename, ConfigurationSaveMode mode) { SaveAs (filename, mode, false); } [MonoInternalNote ("Detect if file has changed")] public void SaveAs (string filename, ConfigurationSaveMode mode, bool forceUpdateAll) { string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (Path.GetFullPath (filename)); if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory (dir); Save (new FileStream (filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write), mode, forceUpdateAll); } void Save (Stream stream, ConfigurationSaveMode mode, bool forceUpdateAll) { XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter (new StreamWriter (stream)); tw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; try { tw.WriteStartDocument (); if (rootNamespace != null) tw.WriteStartElement ("configuration", rootNamespace); else tw.WriteStartElement ("configuration"); if (rootGroup.HasConfigContent (this)) { rootGroup.WriteConfig (this, tw, mode); } foreach (ConfigurationLocation loc in Locations) { if (loc.OpenedConfiguration == null) { tw.WriteRaw ("\n"); tw.WriteRaw (loc.XmlContent); } else { tw.WriteStartElement ("location"); tw.WriteAttributeString ("path", loc.Path); if (!loc.AllowOverride) tw.WriteAttributeString ("allowOverride", "false"); loc.OpenedConfiguration.SaveData (tw, mode, forceUpdateAll); tw.WriteEndElement (); } } SaveData (tw, mode, forceUpdateAll); tw.WriteEndElement (); } finally { tw.Flush (); tw.Close (); } } void SaveData (XmlTextWriter tw, ConfigurationSaveMode mode, bool forceUpdateAll) { rootGroup.WriteRootData (tw, this, mode); } bool Load () { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (streamName)) return true; Stream stream = null; try { stream = system.Host.OpenStreamForRead (streamName); if (stream == null) return false; } catch { return false; } using (XmlTextReader reader = new ConfigXmlTextReader (stream, streamName)) { ReadConfigFile (reader, streamName); } return true; } void ReadConfigFile (XmlReader reader, string fileName) { reader.MoveToContent (); if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || reader.Name != "configuration") ThrowException ("Configuration file does not have a valid root element", reader); if (reader.HasAttributes) { while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { if (reader.LocalName == "xmlns") { rootNamespace = reader.Value; continue; } ThrowException (String.Format ("Unrecognized attribute '{0}' in root element", reader.LocalName), reader); } } reader.MoveToElement (); if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { reader.Skip (); return; } reader.ReadStartElement (); reader.MoveToContent (); if (reader.LocalName == "configSections") { if (reader.HasAttributes) ThrowException ("Unrecognized attribute in .", reader); rootGroup.ReadConfig (this, fileName, reader); } rootGroup.ReadRootData (reader, this, true); } internal void ReadData (XmlReader reader, bool allowOverride) { rootGroup.ReadData (this, reader, allowOverride); } private void ThrowException (string text, XmlReader reader) { IXmlLineInfo li = reader as IXmlLineInfo; throw new ConfigurationException (text, streamName, li != null ? li.LineNumber : 0); } } } #endif