// // HttpListener2Test.cs // - Unit tests for System.Net.HttpListener - connection testing // // Author: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using NUnit.Framework; // *************************************************************************************** // NOTE: when adding prefixes, make then unique per test, as MS might take 'some time' to // unregister it even after explicitly closing the listener. // *************************************************************************************** namespace MonoTests.System.Net { [TestFixture] #if TARGET_JVM [Ignore ("The class HttpListener is not supported")] #endif public class HttpListener2Test { public class MyNetworkStream : NetworkStream { public MyNetworkStream (Socket sock) : base (sock, true) { } public Socket GetSocket () { return Socket; } } public static HttpListener CreateAndStartListener (string prefix) { HttpListener listener = new HttpListener (); listener.Prefixes.Add (prefix); listener.Start (); return listener; } public static HttpListener CreateAndStartListener (string prefix, AuthenticationSchemes authSchemes) { HttpListener listener = new HttpListener (); listener.AuthenticationSchemes = authSchemes; listener.Prefixes.Add (prefix); listener.Start (); return listener; } public static MyNetworkStream CreateNS (int port) { Socket sock = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); sock.Connect (new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Loopback, port)); return new MyNetworkStream (sock); } public static void Send (Stream stream, string str) { byte [] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (str); stream.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } public static string Receive (Stream stream, int size) { byte [] bytes = new byte [size]; int nread = stream.Read (bytes, 0, size); return Encoding.ASCII.GetString (bytes, 0, nread); } public static string ReceiveWithTimeout (Stream stream, int size, int timeout, out bool timed_out) { byte [] bytes = new byte [size]; IAsyncResult ares = stream.BeginRead (bytes, 0, size, null, null); timed_out = !ares.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne (timeout, false); if (timed_out) return null; int nread = stream.EndRead (ares); return Encoding.ASCII.GetString (bytes, 0, nread); } public static HttpListenerContext GetContextWithTimeout (HttpListener listener, int timeout, out bool timed_out) { IAsyncResult ares = listener.BeginGetContext (null, null); timed_out = !ares.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne (timeout, false); if (timed_out) return null; return listener.EndGetContext (ares); } [Test] public void Test1 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"); // No host string response = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 400")); } [Test] public void Test2 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"); // no prefix string response = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 400")); } [Test] public void Test3 () { StringBuilder bad = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++){ if (i != 13) bad.Append ((char) i); } bad.Append ('('); bad.Append (')'); bad.Append ('['); bad.Append (']'); bad.Append ('<'); bad.Append ('>'); bad.Append ('@'); bad.Append (','); bad.Append (';'); bad.Append (':'); bad.Append ('\\'); bad.Append ('"'); bad.Append ('/'); bad.Append ('?'); bad.Append ('='); bad.Append ('{'); bad.Append ('}'); foreach (char b in bad.ToString ()){ HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, String.Format ("MA{0} / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n", b)); // bad method string response = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.AreEqual (true, response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 400"), String.Format ("Failed on {0}", (int) b)); } } [Test] public void Test4 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST /test4/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"); // length required string response = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 411")); } [Test] public void Test5 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nTransfer-Encoding: pepe\r\n\r\n"); // not implemented string response = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 501")); } [Test] public void Test6 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); // not implemented! This is against the RFC. Should be a bad request/length required Send (ns, "POST /test6/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nTransfer-Encoding: identity\r\n\r\n"); string response = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 501")); } [Test] public void Test7 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST /test7/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\n123"); HttpListenerContext ctx = listener.GetContext (); Send (ctx.Response.OutputStream, "%%%OK%%%"); string response = Receive (ns, 1024); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 200")); Assert.IsTrue (-1 != response.IndexOf ("Transfer-Encoding: chunked")); } [Test] public void Test8 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); // Just like Test7, but 1.0 Send (ns, "POST /test8/ HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\n123"); HttpListenerContext ctx = listener.GetContext (); Send (ctx.Response.OutputStream, "%%%OK%%%"); string response = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 200")); Assert.IsTrue (-1 == response.IndexOf ("Transfer-Encoding: chunked")); } [Test] public void Test9 () { // 1.0 + "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST /test9/ HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n3\r\n123\r\n0\r\n\r\n"); bool timeout; string response = ReceiveWithTimeout (ns, 512, 1000, out timeout); Assert.IsFalse (timeout); listener.Close (); ns.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 411")); } [Test] public void Test10 () { // Same as Test9, but now we shutdown the socket for sending. HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); MyNetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST /test10/ HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n3\r\n123\r\n0\r\n\r\n"); ns.GetSocket ().Shutdown (SocketShutdown.Send); bool timeout; string response = ReceiveWithTimeout (ns, 512, 1000, out timeout); Assert.IsFalse (timeout); listener.Close (); ns.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 411")); } [Test] public void Test11 () { // 0.9 HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); MyNetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST /test11/ HTTP/0.9\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n123"); ns.GetSocket ().Shutdown (SocketShutdown.Send); string input = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (input.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 400")); } [Test] public void Test12 () { // 0.9 HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); MyNetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST /test12/ HTTP/0.9\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\n123"); ns.GetSocket ().Shutdown (SocketShutdown.Send); string input = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (input.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 400")); } [Test] public void Test13 () { // 0.9 HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); MyNetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "GEt /test13/ HTTP/0.9\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"); ns.GetSocket ().Shutdown (SocketShutdown.Send); string input = Receive (ns, 512); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (input.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 400")); } HttpListenerRequest test14_request; ManualResetEvent test_evt; bool test14_error; [Test] public void Test14 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); MyNetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST /test14/ HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\n123"); HttpListenerContext c = listener.GetContext (); test14_request = c.Request; test_evt = new ManualResetEvent (false); Thread thread = new Thread (ReadToEnd); thread.Start (); if (test_evt.WaitOne (3000, false) == false) { thread.Abort (); test_evt.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (false, "Timed out"); } test_evt.Close (); Assert.AreEqual ("123", read_to_end, "Did not get the expected input."); c.Response.Close (); ns.Close (); } string read_to_end; void ReadToEnd () { using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader (test14_request.InputStream)) { read_to_end = r.ReadToEnd (); test_evt.Set (); } } [Test] public void Test15 () { // 2 separate writes -> 2 packets. Body size > 8kB HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); MyNetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "POST /test15/ HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 8888\r\n\r\n"); Thread.Sleep (800); string data = new string ('a', 8888); Send (ns, data); HttpListenerContext c = listener.GetContext (); HttpListenerRequest req = c.Request; using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader (req.InputStream)) { read_to_end = r.ReadToEnd (); } Assert.AreEqual (read_to_end.Length, data.Length, "Wrong length"); Assert.IsTrue (data == read_to_end, "Wrong data"); c.Response.Close (); ns.Close (); } [Test] public void Test16 () { // 1 single write with headers + body (size > 8kB) HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); MyNetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("POST /test16/ HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 8888\r\n\r\n"); string eights = new string ('b', 8888); sb.Append (eights); string data = sb.ToString (); Send (ns, data); HttpListenerContext c = listener.GetContext (); HttpListenerRequest req = c.Request; using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader (req.InputStream)) { read_to_end = r.ReadToEnd (); } Assert.AreEqual (read_to_end.Length, read_to_end.Length, "Wrong length"); Assert.IsTrue (eights == read_to_end, "Wrong data"); c.Response.Close (); ns.Close (); } [Test] public void Test17 () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "RANDOM /test17/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\n123"); HttpListenerContext ctx = listener.GetContext (); Send (ctx.Response.OutputStream, "%%%OK%%%"); string response = Receive (ns, 1024); ns.Close (); listener.Close (); Assert.IsTrue (response.StartsWith ("HTTP/1.1 200")); Assert.IsTrue (-1 != response.IndexOf ("Transfer-Encoding: chunked")); } void SendCookie () { NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "GET /SendCookie/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n"+ "Cookie:$Version=\"1\"; "+ "Cookie1=Value1; $Path=\"/\"; "+ "CookieM=ValueM; $Path=\"/p2\"; $Domain=\"test\"; $Port=\"99\";"+ "Cookie2=Value2; $Path=\"/foo\";"+ "\r\n"+ "\r\n"); ns.Flush (); Thread.Sleep (200); ns.Close(); } [Test] public void ReceiveCookiesFromClient () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); Thread clientThread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (SendCookie)); clientThread.Start (); HttpListenerContext context = listener.GetContext(); HttpListenerRequest request = context.Request; Assert.AreEqual (3, request.Cookies.Count, "#1"); foreach (Cookie c in request.Cookies) { if (c.Name == "Cookie1") { Assert.AreEqual ("Value1", c.Value, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("\"/\"", c.Path, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, c.Port.Length, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, c.Domain.Length, "#5"); } else if (c.Name == "CookieM") { Assert.AreEqual ("ValueM", c.Value, "#6"); Assert.AreEqual ("\"/p2\"", c.Path, "#7"); Assert.AreEqual ("\"99\"", c.Port, "#8"); Assert.AreEqual ("\"test\"", c.Domain, "#9"); } else if (c.Name == "Cookie2") { Assert.AreEqual ("Value2", c.Value, "#10"); Assert.AreEqual ("\"/foo\"", c.Path, "#11"); Assert.AreEqual (0, c.Port.Length, "#12"); Assert.AreEqual (0, c.Domain.Length, "#13"); } else Assert.Fail ("Invalid cookie name " + c.Name); } listener.Close (); } private object _lock = new Object(); private string cookieResponse; void ReceiveCookie () { lock (_lock) { NetworkStream ns = CreateNS (9000); Send (ns, "GET /ReceiveCookie/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"); cookieResponse = Receive (ns, 512); } } [Test] public void SendCookiestoClient () { HttpListener listener = CreateAndStartListener (""); Thread clientThread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (ReceiveCookie)); clientThread.Start (); HttpListenerContext context = listener.GetContext(); HttpListenerRequest request = context.Request; HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response; Cookie cookie = new Cookie (); cookie.Name = "Name0"; cookie.Value = "Value0"; cookie.Domain = "blue"; cookie.Path = "/path/"; cookie.Port = "\"80\""; cookie.Version = 1; response.Cookies.Add (cookie); string responseString = "----"; byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString); response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length; Stream output = response.OutputStream; output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); output.Flush (); response.Close(); lock (_lock) { bool foundCookie = false; foreach (String str in cookieResponse.Split ('\n')) { if (!str.StartsWith ("Set-Cookie2")) continue; Dictionary dic = new Dictionary(); foreach (String p in str.Substring (str.IndexOf (":") + 1).Split (';')) { String[] parts = p.Split('='); dic.Add (parts [0].Trim (), parts [1].Trim ()); } Assert.AreEqual ("Value0", dic ["Name0"], "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("blue", dic ["Domain"], "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("\"/path/\"", dic ["Path"], "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("\"80\"", dic ["Port"], "#4"); Assert.AreEqual ("1", dic ["Version"], "#5"); foundCookie = true; break; } Assert.IsTrue (foundCookie, "#6"); } listener.Close (); } } [TestFixture] public class HttpListenerBugs { [Test] public void TestNonChunkedAsync () { HttpListener listener = HttpListener2Test.CreateAndStartListener (""); listener.BeginGetContext (callback, listener); HttpListener2Test.MyNetworkStream ns = HttpListener2Test.CreateNS (9123); string message = ""; string s = String.Format ("POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: {0}\r\n\r\n{1}", message.Length, message); HttpListener2Test.Send (ns, s); bool timedout; string response = HttpListener2Test.ReceiveWithTimeout (ns, 1024, 3000, out timedout); ns.Close (); Assert.IsFalse (timedout); } void callback (IAsyncResult ar) { HttpListener l = (HttpListener) ar.AsyncState; HttpListenerContext c = l.EndGetContext (ar); HttpListenerRequest request = c.Request; StreamReader r = new StreamReader (request.InputStream); string sr =r.ReadToEnd (); HttpListener2Test.Send (c.Response.OutputStream, "Miguel is love"); } } } #endif