// // System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptorTests test cases // // Authors: // Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ximian.com) // // (c) 2004 Novell, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com) // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Globalization; namespace MonoTests.System.ComponentModel { class MyDesigner: IDesigner { public MyDesigner() { } public IComponent Component {get{return null; }} public DesignerVerbCollection Verbs {get{return null; }} public void DoDefaultAction () { } public void Initialize (IComponent component) { } public void Dispose () { } } class MySite: ISite { public IComponent Component { get { return null; } } public IContainer Container { get { return null; } } public bool DesignMode { get { return true; } } public string Name { get { return "TestName"; } set { } } public object GetService (Type t) { if (t == typeof(ITypeDescriptorFilterService)) return new MyFilter (); return null; } } class MyFilter: ITypeDescriptorFilterService { public bool FilterAttributes (IComponent component,IDictionary attributes) { Attribute ea = new DefaultEventAttribute ("AnEvent"); attributes [ea.TypeId] = ea; ea = new DefaultPropertyAttribute ("TestProperty"); attributes [ea.TypeId] = ea; ea = new EditorAttribute (); attributes [ea.TypeId] = ea; return true; } public bool FilterEvents (IComponent component, IDictionary events) { events.Remove ("AnEvent"); return true; } public bool FilterProperties (IComponent component, IDictionary properties) { properties.Remove ("TestProperty"); return true; } } class AnotherSite: ISite { public IComponent Component { get { return null; } } public IContainer Container { get { return null; } } public bool DesignMode { get { return true; } } public string Name { get { return "TestName"; } set { } } public object GetService (Type t) { if (t == typeof(ITypeDescriptorFilterService)) { return new AnotherFilter (); } return null; } } class AnotherFilter: ITypeDescriptorFilterService { public bool FilterAttributes (IComponent component,IDictionary attributes) { Attribute ea = new DefaultEventAttribute ("AnEvent"); attributes [ea.TypeId] = ea; ea = new DefaultPropertyAttribute ("TestProperty"); attributes [ea.TypeId] = ea; ea = new EditorAttribute (); attributes [ea.TypeId] = ea; return true; } public bool FilterEvents (IComponent component, IDictionary events) { return true; } public bool FilterProperties (IComponent component, IDictionary properties) { return true; } } [DescriptionAttribute ("my test component")] [DesignerAttribute (typeof(MyDesigner), typeof(int))] public class MyComponent: Component { string prop; [DescriptionAttribute ("test")] public event EventHandler AnEvent; public event EventHandler AnotherEvent; public MyComponent () { } public MyComponent (ISite site) { Site = site; } [DescriptionAttribute ("test")] public string TestProperty { get { return prop; } set { prop = value; } } public string AnotherProperty { get { return prop; } set { prop = value; } } } [DefaultProperty("AnotherProperty")] [DefaultEvent("AnotherEvent")] [DescriptionAttribute ("my test component")] [DesignerAttribute (typeof(MyDesigner), typeof(int))] public class AnotherComponent: Component { string prop; [DescriptionAttribute ("test")] public event EventHandler AnEvent; public event EventHandler AnotherEvent; public AnotherComponent () { } public AnotherComponent (ISite site) { Site = site; } [DescriptionAttribute ("test")] public string TestProperty { get { return prop; } set { prop = value; } } public string AnotherProperty { get { return prop; } set { prop = value; } } } public interface ITestInterface { void TestFunction (); } public class TestClass { public TestClass() {} void TestFunction () {} } public struct TestStruct { public int TestVal; } [TestFixture] public class TypeDescriptorTests: Assertion { MyComponent com = new MyComponent (); MyComponent sitedcom = new MyComponent (new MySite ()); AnotherComponent anothercom = new AnotherComponent (); [Test] public void TestCreateDesigner () { IDesigner des = TypeDescriptor.CreateDesigner (com, typeof(int)); Assert ("t1", des is MyDesigner); des = TypeDescriptor.CreateDesigner (com, typeof(string)); AssertNull ("t2", des); } [Test] public void TestCreateEvent () { EventDescriptor ed = TypeDescriptor.CreateEvent (typeof(MyComponent), "AnEvent", typeof(EventHandler), null); AssertEquals ("t1", typeof(MyComponent), ed.ComponentType); AssertEquals ("t2", typeof(EventHandler), ed.EventType); AssertEquals ("t3", true, ed.IsMulticast); AssertEquals ("t4", "AnEvent", ed.Name); } [Test] public void TestCreateProperty () { PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty (typeof(MyComponent), "TestProperty", typeof(string), null); AssertEquals ("t1", typeof(MyComponent), pd.ComponentType); AssertEquals ("t2", "TestProperty", pd.Name); AssertEquals ("t3", typeof(string), pd.PropertyType); AssertEquals ("t4", false, pd.IsReadOnly); pd.SetValue (com, "hi"); AssertEquals ("t5", "hi", pd.GetValue(com)); } [Test] public void TestGetAttributes () { AttributeCollection col = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes (typeof(MyComponent)); Assert ("t2", col[typeof(DescriptionAttribute)] != null); Assert ("t3", col[typeof(DesignerAttribute)] != null); Assert ("t4", col[typeof(EditorAttribute)] == null); col = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes (com); Assert ("t6", col[typeof(DescriptionAttribute)] != null); Assert ("t7", col[typeof(DesignerAttribute)] != null); Assert ("t8", col[typeof(EditorAttribute)] == null); col = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes (sitedcom); Assert ("t10", col[typeof(DescriptionAttribute)] != null); Assert ("t11", col[typeof(DesignerAttribute)] != null); Assert ("t12", col[typeof(EditorAttribute)] != null); } [Test] public void TestGetClassName () { AssertEquals ("t1", typeof(MyComponent).FullName, TypeDescriptor.GetClassName (com)); } [Test] public void TestGetComponentName () { #if !NET_2_0 AssertEquals ("t1", "MyComponent", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (com)); AssertEquals ("t2", "MyComponent", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (com, false)); AssertEquals ("t3", "Exception", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (new Exception ())); AssertEquals ("t4", "Exception", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (new Exception (), false)); AssertNotNull ("t5", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (typeof (Exception))); AssertNotNull ("t6", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (typeof (Exception), false)); #else // in MS.NET 2.0, GetComponentName no longer returns // the type name if there's no custom typedescriptor // and no site AssertNull ("t1", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (com)); AssertNull ("t2", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (com, false)); AssertNull ("t3", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (new Exception ())); AssertNull ("t4", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (new Exception (), false)); AssertNull ("t5", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (typeof (Exception))); AssertNull ("t6", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (typeof (Exception), false)); #endif AssertEquals ("t7", "TestName", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (sitedcom)); AssertEquals ("t8", "TestName", TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName (sitedcom)); } [Test] public void TestGetConverter () { AssertEquals (typeof(BooleanConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (bool)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(ByteConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (byte)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(SByteConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (sbyte)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(StringConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (string)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(CharConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (char)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(Int16Converter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (short)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(Int32Converter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (int)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(Int64Converter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (long)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(UInt16Converter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (ushort)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(UInt32Converter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (uint)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(UInt64Converter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (ulong)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(SingleConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (float)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(DoubleConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (double)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(DecimalConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (decimal)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(ArrayConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (Array)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(CultureInfoConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (CultureInfo)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(DateTimeConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (DateTime)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(GuidConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (Guid)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(TimeSpanConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (TimeSpan)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(CollectionConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (ICollection)).GetType()); // Tests from bug #71444 AssertEquals (typeof(CollectionConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (IDictionary)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(ReferenceConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (ITestInterface)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(TypeConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (TestClass)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(TypeConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (TestStruct)).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(TypeConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (new TestClass ()).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(TypeConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (new TestStruct ()).GetType()); AssertEquals (typeof(CollectionConverter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (new Hashtable ()).GetType()); #if NET_2_0 // Test from bug #76686 AssertEquals (typeof (Int32Converter), TypeDescriptor.GetConverter ((int?) 1).GetType ()); #endif } [Test] public void TestGetDefaultEvent () { EventDescriptor des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent (typeof(MyComponent)); AssertNull ("t1", des); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent (com); AssertNull ("t2", des); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent (typeof(AnotherComponent)); AssertNotNull ("t3", des); AssertEquals ("t4", "AnotherEvent", des.Name); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent (anothercom); AssertNotNull ("t5", des); AssertEquals ("t6", "AnotherEvent", des.Name); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent (sitedcom); #if NET_2_0 AssertNull ("t7", des); #else AssertNotNull ("t7/1", des); AssertEquals ("t7/2", "AnotherEvent", des.Name); #endif des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent (new MyComponent(new AnotherSite ())); AssertNotNull ("t8", des); AssertEquals ("t9", "AnEvent", des.Name); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent (new AnotherComponent(new AnotherSite ())); AssertNotNull ("t10", des); AssertEquals ("t11", "AnEvent", des.Name); } [Test] public void TestGetDefaultProperty () { PropertyDescriptor des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty (typeof(MyComponent)); AssertNull ("t1", des); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty (com); AssertNull ("t2", des); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty (typeof(AnotherComponent)); AssertNotNull ("t1", des); AssertEquals ("t2", "AnotherProperty", des.Name); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty (anothercom); AssertNotNull ("t1", des); AssertEquals ("t2", "AnotherProperty", des.Name); } [Test] #if !NET_2_0 // throws NullReferenceException on MS.NET 1.x due to bug // which is fixed in MS.NET 2.0 [NUnit.Framework.Category("NotDotNet")] #endif public void TestGetDefaultProperty2 () { PropertyDescriptor des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty (sitedcom); AssertNull ("t1", des); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty (new MyComponent (new AnotherSite ())); AssertNotNull ("t2", des); AssertEquals ("t3", "TestProperty", des.Name); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty (new AnotherComponent (new AnotherSite ())); AssertNotNull ("t4", des); AssertEquals ("t5", "TestProperty", des.Name); des = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty (new AnotherComponent (new MySite ())); AssertNull ("t6", des); } [Test] public void TestGetEvents () { EventDescriptorCollection col = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents (typeof(MyComponent)); AssertEquals ("t1.1", 3, col.Count); Assert ("t1.2", col.Find ("AnEvent", true) != null); Assert ("t1.3", col.Find ("AnotherEvent", true) != null); Assert ("t1.4", col.Find ("Disposed", true) != null); col = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents (com); AssertEquals ("t2.1", 3, col.Count); Assert ("t2.2", col.Find ("AnEvent", true) != null); Assert ("t2.3", col.Find ("AnotherEvent", true) != null); Assert ("t2.4", col.Find ("Disposed", true) != null); col = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents (sitedcom); AssertEquals ("t3.1", 2, col.Count); Assert ("t3.2", col.Find ("AnotherEvent", true) != null); Assert ("t3.3", col.Find ("Disposed", true) != null); Attribute[] filter = new Attribute[] { new DescriptionAttribute ("test") }; col = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents (typeof(MyComponent), filter); AssertEquals ("t4.1", 1, col.Count); Assert ("t4.2", col.Find ("AnEvent", true) != null); col = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents (com, filter); AssertEquals ("t5.1", 1, col.Count); Assert ("t5.2", col.Find ("AnEvent", true) != null); col = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents (sitedcom, filter); AssertEquals ("t6", 0, col.Count); } [Test] public void TestGetProperties () { PropertyDescriptorCollection col = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (typeof(MyComponent)); Assert ("t1.1", col.Find ("TestProperty", true) != null); Assert ("t1.2", col.Find ("AnotherProperty", true) != null); col = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (com); Assert ("t2.1", col.Find ("TestProperty", true) != null); Assert ("t2.2", col.Find ("AnotherProperty", true) != null); Attribute[] filter = new Attribute[] { new DescriptionAttribute ("test") }; col = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (typeof(MyComponent), filter); Assert ("t4.1", col.Find ("TestProperty", true) != null); Assert ("t4.2", col.Find ("AnotherProperty", true) == null); col = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (com, filter); Assert ("t5.1", col.Find ("TestProperty", true) != null); Assert ("t5.2", col.Find ("AnotherProperty", true) == null); } [Test] #if !NET_2_0 // throws NullReferenceException on MS.NET 1.x due to bug // which is fixed in MS.NET 2.0 [NUnit.Framework.Category("NotDotNet")] #endif public void TestGetProperties2 () { PropertyDescriptorCollection col = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (sitedcom); Assert ("t3.1", col.Find ("TestProperty", true) == null); Assert ("t3.2", col.Find ("AnotherProperty", true) != null); Attribute[] filter = new Attribute[] { new DescriptionAttribute ("test") }; col = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (sitedcom, filter); Assert ("t6.1", col.Find ("TestProperty", true) == null); Assert ("t6.2", col.Find ("AnotherProperty", true) == null); } [TypeConverter (typeof (TestConverter))] class TestConverterClass { } class TestConverter : TypeConverter { public Type Type; public TestConverter (Type type) { this.Type = type; } } [Test] public void TestConverterCtorWithArgument () { TypeConverter t = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (typeof (TestConverterClass)); Assert ("#01", null != t.GetType ()); AssertEquals ("#02", typeof (TestConverter), t.GetType ()); TestConverter converter = (TestConverter) t; AssertEquals ("#03", typeof (TestConverterClass), converter.Type); } } }