// // UriTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.Uri // // Authors: // Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl) // Martin Willemoes Hansen (mwh@sysrq.dk) // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sourceforge.net) // // (C) 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen // (C) 2003 Ben Maurer // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace MonoTests.System { [TestFixture] public class UriTest { protected bool isWin32 = false; [TestFixtureSetUp] public void GetReady () { isWin32 = (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\'); } [Test] public void Constructors () { Uri uri = null; /* uri = new Uri ("http://www.ximian.com/foo" + ((char) 0xa9) + "/bar/index.cgi?a=1&b=" + ((char) 0xa9) + "left#fragm?ent2"); Print (uri); uri = new Uri ("http://www.ximian.com/foo/xxx\"()-._;<=>@{|}~-,.`_^]\\[xx/" + ((char) 0xa9) + "/bar/index.cgi#fra+\">=@[gg]~gment2"); Print (uri); uri = new Uri(""); Print (uri); uri = new Uri("http://[11:22:33::88]:9090"); Print (uri); uri = new Uri("http://[::]:8080"); Print (uri); uri = new Uri("http://[abcde::]:8080"); Print (uri); */ /* uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:1234/foo/bar/"); Print (uri); uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:1234/foo/bar"); Print (uri); uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:1234/"); Print (uri); uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:1234"); Print (uri); */ uri = new Uri(" \r \n http://test.com\r\n \r\r "); Assert.AreEqual ("http://test.com/", uri.ToString(), "#k0"); Assert.AreEqual ("http", uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.Scheme, UriFormat.UriEscaped), "#k0-gc"); uri = new Uri ("http://contoso.com?subject=uri"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.AbsolutePath, "#k1"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://contoso.com/?subject=uri", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#k2"); Assert.AreEqual ("contoso.com", uri.Authority, "#k3"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.Fragment, "#k4"); Assert.AreEqual ("contoso.com", uri.Host, "#k5"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, uri.HostNameType, "#k6"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsDefaultPort, "#k7"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsFile, "#k8"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsLoopback, "#k9"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsUnc, "#k10"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.LocalPath, "#k11"); Assert.AreEqual ("/?subject=uri", uri.PathAndQuery, "#k12"); Assert.AreEqual (80, uri.Port, "#k13"); Assert.AreEqual ("?subject=uri", uri.Query, "#k14"); Assert.AreEqual ("http", uri.Scheme, "#k15"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.UserEscaped, "#k16"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.UserInfo, "#k17"); uri = new Uri ("mailto:user:pwd@contoso.com?subject=uri"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.AbsolutePath, "#m1"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:user:pwd@contoso.com?subject=uri", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#m2"); Assert.AreEqual ("contoso.com", uri.Authority, "#m3"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.Fragment, "#m4"); Assert.AreEqual ("contoso.com", uri.Host, "#m5"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, uri.HostNameType, "#m6"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsDefaultPort, "#m7"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsFile, "#m8"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsLoopback, "#m9"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsUnc, "#m10"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.LocalPath, "#m11"); Assert.AreEqual ("?subject=uri", uri.PathAndQuery, "#m12"); Assert.AreEqual (25, uri.Port, "#m13"); Assert.AreEqual ("?subject=uri", uri.Query, "#m14"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto", uri.Scheme, "#m15"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.UserEscaped, "#m16"); Assert.AreEqual ("user:pwd", uri.UserInfo, "#m17"); uri = new Uri("myscheme://"); Assert.AreEqual ("myscheme://", uri.ToString(), "#c1"); uri = new Uri (@"\\myserver\mydir\mysubdir\myfile.ext"); Assert.AreEqual ("/mydir/mysubdir/myfile.ext", uri.AbsolutePath, "#n1"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://myserver/mydir/mysubdir/myfile.ext", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#n2"); Assert.AreEqual ("myserver", uri.Authority, "#n3"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.Fragment, "#n4"); Assert.AreEqual ("myserver", uri.Host, "#n5"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, uri.HostNameType, "#n6"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsDefaultPort, "#n7"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsFile, "#n8"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsLoopback, "#n9"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsUnc, "#n10"); if (isWin32) Assert.AreEqual (@"\\myserver\mydir\mysubdir\myfile.ext", uri.LocalPath, "#n11"); else // myserver never could be the part of Unix path. Assert.AreEqual ("/mydir/mysubdir/myfile.ext", uri.LocalPath, "#n11"); Assert.AreEqual ("/mydir/mysubdir/myfile.ext", uri.PathAndQuery, "#n12"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, uri.Port, "#n13"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.Query, "#n14"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", uri.Scheme, "#n15"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.UserEscaped, "#n16"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.UserInfo, "#n17"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com"), "Hello World.htm", true); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/Hello World.htm", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel1a"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.UserEscaped, "#rel1b"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com"), "Hello World.htm", false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/Hello%20World.htm", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel2a"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.UserEscaped, "#rel2b"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com"), "http://www.xxx.com/Hello World.htm", false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.xxx.com/Hello%20World.htm", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel3"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com"), "foo/bar/Hello World.htm?x=0:8", false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/foo/bar/Hello%20World.htm?x=0:8", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel5"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/xxx/yyy/index.htm"), "foo/bar/Hello World.htm?x=0:8", false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/xxx/yyy/foo/bar/Hello%20World.htm?x=0:8", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel6"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/xxx/yyy/index.htm"), "/foo/bar/Hello World.htm?x=0:8", false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/foo/bar/Hello%20World.htm?x=0:8", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel7"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/xxx/yyy/index.htm"), "../foo/bar/Hello World.htm?x=0:8", false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/xxx/foo/bar/Hello%20World.htm?x=0:8", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel8"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/xxx/yyy/index.htm"), "../../../foo/bar/Hello World.htm?x=0:8", false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/foo/bar/Hello%20World.htm?x=0:8", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel9"); Assert.AreEqual ("/foo/bar/Hello%20World.htm", uri.AbsolutePath, "#rel9-path"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/xxx/yyy/index.htm"), "./foo/bar/Hello World.htm?x=0:8", false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/xxx/yyy/foo/bar/Hello%20World.htm?x=0:8", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#rel10"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/foo/bar/index.html?x=0"), String.Empty, false); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/foo/bar/index.html?x=0", uri.ToString (), "#22"); uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.xxx.com"), "?x=0"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.xxx.com/?x=0", uri.ToString(), "#rel30"); #if !NET_4_0 uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.xxx.com/index.htm"), "?x=0"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.xxx.com/?x=0", uri.ToString(), "#rel31"); #endif uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.xxx.com/index.htm"), "#here"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.xxx.com/index.htm#here", uri.ToString(), "#rel32"); uri = new Uri ("relative", UriKind.Relative); uri = new Uri ("relative/abc", UriKind.Relative); uri = new Uri ("relative", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri, "#rel33"); Assert.AreEqual (uri.OriginalString, "relative", "#rel34"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.UserEscaped, "#rel35"); } [Test] public void Constructor_DualHostPort () { string relative = "foo:8080/bar/Hello World.htm"; Uri uri = new Uri (new Uri("http://www.contoso.com"), relative, false); Assert.AreEqual ("8080/bar/Hello%20World.htm", uri.AbsolutePath, "AbsolutePath"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo:8080/bar/Hello%20World.htm", uri.AbsoluteUri, "AbsoluteUri"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, uri.Authority, "Authority"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, uri.Fragment, "Fragment"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, uri.Host, "Host"); Assert.AreEqual ("8080/bar/Hello%20World.htm", uri.PathAndQuery, "PathAndQuery"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, uri.Port, "Port"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, uri.Query, "Query"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", uri.Scheme, "Scheme"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, uri.UserInfo, "Query"); Assert.AreEqual ("8080/", uri.Segments[0], "Segments[0]"); Assert.AreEqual ("bar/", uri.Segments[1], "Segments[1]"); Assert.AreEqual ("Hello%20World.htm", uri.Segments[2], "Segments[2]"); Assert.IsTrue (uri.IsDefaultPort, "IsDefaultPort"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsFile, "IsFile"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsLoopback, "IsLoopback"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsUnc, "IsUnc"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.UserEscaped, "UserEscaped"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, uri.HostNameType, "HostNameType"); Assert.IsTrue (uri.IsAbsoluteUri, "IsAbsoluteUri"); Assert.AreEqual (relative, uri.OriginalString, "OriginalString"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void Constructor_NullStringBool () { new Uri (null, "http://www.contoso.com/index.htm", false); } [Test] public void Constructor_UriNullBool () { new Uri (new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com"), null, false); } // regression for bug #47573 [Test] public void RelativeCtor () { Uri b = new Uri ("http://a/b/c/d;p?q"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://a/g", new Uri (b, "/g").ToString (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://g/", new Uri (b, "//g").ToString (), "#2"); #if !NET_4_0 Assert.AreEqual ("http://a/b/c/?y", new Uri (b, "?y").ToString (), "#3"); #endif Assert.IsTrue (new Uri (b, "#s").ToString ().EndsWith ("#s"), "#4"); Uri u = new Uri (b, "/g?q=r"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://a/g?q=r", u.ToString (), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("?q=r", u.Query, "#6"); u = new Uri (b, "/g?q=r;. a"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://a/g?q=r;. a", u.ToString (), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("?q=r;.%20a", u.Query, "#6"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void RelativeCtor_11_Crasher () { Uri b = new Uri ("http://a/b/c/d;p?q"); // this causes crash under MS.NET 1.1 Assert.AreEqual ("g:h", new Uri (b, "g:h").ToString (), "g:h"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void Bad_IPv6 () { new Uri ("http://0:0:0:0::]/"); } [Test] public void LeadingSlashes_ShouldFailOn1x () { // doesn't (but should) fail under 1.x Assert.AreEqual ("file:///", new Uri ("file:///").ToString (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///", new Uri ("file://").ToString (), "#2"); } [Test] public void LeadingSlashes_BadResultsOn1x () { // strange behaviours of 1.x - it's probably not worth to fix it // on Mono as 2.0 has been fixed Uri u = new Uri ("file:///foo/bar"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#3a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Basic, u.HostNameType, "#3b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///foo/bar", u.ToString (), "#3c"); Assert.AreEqual (false, u.IsUnc, "#3d"); u = new Uri ("mailto:/foo"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#13a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Basic, u.HostNameType, "#13b"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:/foo", u.ToString (), "#13c"); u = new Uri ("mailto://foo"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#14a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Basic, u.HostNameType, "#14b"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto://foo", u.ToString (), "#14c"); u = new Uri ("news:/"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#18a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, u.HostNameType, "#18b"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:/", u.ToString (), "#18c"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", u.AbsolutePath, "#18d"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:/", u.AbsoluteUri, "#18e"); u = new Uri ("news:/foo"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#19a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, u.HostNameType, "#19b"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:/foo", u.ToString (), "#19c"); Assert.AreEqual ("/foo", u.AbsolutePath, "#19d"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:/foo", u.AbsoluteUri, "#19e"); u = new Uri ("news://foo"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#20a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, u.HostNameType, "#20b"); Assert.AreEqual ("news://foo", u.ToString (), "#20c"); Assert.AreEqual ("//foo", u.AbsolutePath, "#20d"); Assert.AreEqual ("news://foo", u.AbsoluteUri, "#20e"); u = new Uri ("news://foo/bar"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#22a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, u.HostNameType, "#22b"); Assert.AreEqual ("news://foo/bar", u.ToString (), "#22c"); Assert.AreEqual ("//foo/bar", u.AbsolutePath, "#22d"); Assert.AreEqual ("news://foo/bar", u.AbsoluteUri, "#22e"); } [Test] public void LeadingSlashes_FailOn1x () { // 1.x throws an UriFormatException because it can't decode the host name Uri u = new Uri ("mailto:"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#10a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Basic, u.HostNameType, "#10b"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:", u.ToString (), "#10c"); // 1.x throws an UriFormatException because it can't decode the host name u = new Uri ("mailto:/"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#12a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Basic, u.HostNameType, "#12b"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:/", u.ToString (), "#12c"); // 1.x throws an UriFormatException because it cannot detect the format u = new Uri ("mailto:///foo"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#15a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Basic, u.HostNameType, "#15b"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:///foo", u.ToString (), "#15c"); // 1.x throws an UriFormatException because it cannot detect the format u = new Uri ("news:///foo"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#21a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, u.HostNameType, "#21b"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:///foo", u.ToString (), "#21c"); Assert.AreEqual ("///foo", u.AbsolutePath, "#21d"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:///foo", u.AbsoluteUri, "#21e"); } [Test] // some tests from bug 75144 public void LeadingSlashes () { Uri u = new Uri ("file://foo/bar"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", u.Host, "#5a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, u.HostNameType, "#5b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://foo/bar", u.ToString (), "#5c"); Assert.AreEqual (isWin32, u.IsUnc, "#5d"); u = new Uri ("file:////foo/bar"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", u.Host, "#7a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, u.HostNameType, "#7b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://foo/bar", u.ToString (), "#7c"); Assert.AreEqual (isWin32, u.IsUnc, "#7d"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://foo/bar", new Uri ("file://///foo/bar").ToString(), "#9"); u = new Uri ("mailto:foo"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", u.Host, "#11a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, u.HostNameType, "#11b"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:foo", u.ToString (), "#11c"); u = new Uri ("news:"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#16a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, u.HostNameType, "#16b"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:", u.ToString (), "#16c"); u = new Uri ("news:foo"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, u.Host, "#17a"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, u.HostNameType, "#17b"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:foo", u.ToString (), "#17c"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", u.AbsolutePath, "#17d"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:foo", u.AbsoluteUri, "#17e"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void HttpHostname1 () { new Uri ("http:"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void HttpHostname2 () { new Uri ("http:a"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void HttpHostname3 () { new Uri ("http:/"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void HttpHostname4 () { new Uri ("http:/foo"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void HttpHostname5 () { new Uri ("http://"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void HttpHostname6 () { new Uri ("http:///"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void HttpHostname7 () { new Uri ("http:///foo"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void InvalidFile1 () { new Uri ("file:"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void InvalidFile2 () { new Uri ("file:/"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void InvalidFile3 () { new Uri ("file:/foo"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void InvalidScheme () { new Uri ("_:/"); } [Test] public void ConstructorsRejectRelativePath () { string [] reluris = new string [] { "readme.txt", "thisdir/childdir/file", "./testfile" }; string [] winRelUris = new string [] { "c:readme.txt" }; for (int i = 0; i < reluris.Length; i++) { try { new Uri (reluris [i]); Assert.Fail ("Should be failed: " + reluris [i]); } catch (UriFormatException) { } } if (isWin32) { for (int i = 0; i < winRelUris.Length; i++) { try { new Uri (winRelUris [i]); Assert.Fail ("Should be failed: " + winRelUris [i]); } catch (UriFormatException) { } } } } [Test] public void LocalPath () { Uri uri = new Uri ("c:\\tmp\\hello.txt"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///c:/tmp/hello.txt", uri.ToString (), "#1a"); Assert.AreEqual ("c:\\tmp\\hello.txt", uri.LocalPath, "#1b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", uri.Scheme, "#1c"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.Host, "#1d"); Assert.AreEqual ("c:/tmp/hello.txt", uri.AbsolutePath, "#1e"); uri = new Uri ("file:////////cygwin/tmp/hello.txt"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://cygwin/tmp/hello.txt", uri.ToString (), "#3a"); if (isWin32) Assert.AreEqual ("\\\\cygwin\\tmp\\hello.txt", uri.LocalPath, "#3b win32"); else Assert.AreEqual ("/tmp/hello.txt", uri.LocalPath, "#3b *nix"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", uri.Scheme, "#3c"); Assert.AreEqual ("cygwin", uri.Host, "#3d"); Assert.AreEqual ("/tmp/hello.txt", uri.AbsolutePath, "#3e"); uri = new Uri ("file://mymachine/cygwin/tmp/hello.txt"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://mymachine/cygwin/tmp/hello.txt", uri.ToString (), "#4a"); if (isWin32) Assert.AreEqual ("\\\\mymachine\\cygwin\\tmp\\hello.txt", uri.LocalPath, "#4b win32"); else Assert.AreEqual ("/cygwin/tmp/hello.txt", uri.LocalPath, "#4b *nix"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", uri.Scheme, "#4c"); Assert.AreEqual ("mymachine", uri.Host, "#4d"); Assert.AreEqual ("/cygwin/tmp/hello.txt", uri.AbsolutePath, "#4e"); uri = new Uri ("file://///c:/cygwin/tmp/hello.txt"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///c:/cygwin/tmp/hello.txt", uri.ToString (), "#5a"); Assert.AreEqual ("c:\\cygwin\\tmp\\hello.txt", uri.LocalPath, "#5b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", uri.Scheme, "#5c"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.Host, "#5d"); Assert.AreEqual ("c:/cygwin/tmp/hello.txt", uri.AbsolutePath, "#5e"); } [Test] public void LocalPath_FileHost () { // Hmm, they should be regarded just as a host name, since all URIs are base on absolute path. Uri uri = new Uri("file://one_file.txt"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://one_file.txt/", uri.ToString(), "#6a"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.AbsolutePath, "#6e"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.PathAndQuery, "#6f"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://one_file.txt/", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#6g"); if (isWin32) Assert.AreEqual ("\\\\one_file.txt", uri.LocalPath, "#6b"); else Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.LocalPath, "#6b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", uri.Scheme, "#6c"); Assert.AreEqual ("one_file.txt", uri.Host, "#6d"); // same tests - but original Uri is now ending with a '/' uri = new Uri ("file://one_file.txt/"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://one_file.txt/", uri.ToString (), "#7a"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.AbsolutePath, "#7e"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.PathAndQuery, "#7f"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://one_file.txt/", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#7g"); #if !TARGET_JVM if (isWin32) Assert.AreEqual ("\\\\one_file.txt\\", uri.LocalPath, "#7b"); else Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.LocalPath, "#7b"); #endif Assert.AreEqual ("file", uri.Scheme, "#7c"); Assert.AreEqual ("one_file.txt", uri.Host, "#7d"); } [Test] public void LocalPath_Escape () { // escape Uri uri = new Uri ("file:///tmp/a%20a"); if (isWin32) { Assert.IsTrue (uri.LocalPath.EndsWith ("/tmp/a a"), "#7a:" + uri.LocalPath); } else Assert.AreEqual ("/tmp/a a", uri.LocalPath, "#7b"); uri = new Uri ("file:///tmp/foo%25bar"); if (isWin32) { Assert.IsTrue (uri.LocalPath.EndsWith ("/tmp/foo%bar"), "#8a:" + uri.LocalPath); Assert.IsTrue (uri.ToString ().EndsWith ("//tmp/foo%25bar"), "#8c:" + uri.ToString ()); } else { Assert.AreEqual ("/tmp/foo%bar", uri.LocalPath, "#8b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///tmp/foo%25bar", uri.ToString (), "#8d"); } // bug #76643 uri = new Uri ("file:///foo%25bar"); if (isWin32) { Assert.IsTrue (uri.LocalPath.EndsWith ("/foo%bar"), "#9a:" + uri.LocalPath); // ditto, file://tmp/foo%25bar (bug in 1.x) Assert.IsTrue (uri.ToString ().EndsWith ("//foo%25bar"), "#9c:" + uri.ToString ()); } else { Assert.AreEqual ("/foo%bar", uri.LocalPath, "#9b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///foo%25bar", uri.ToString (), "#9d"); } } // Novell Bugzilla #320614 [Test] public void QueryEscape () { Uri u1 = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/test.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fSearchDoc%2fSearcher.aspx"); Uri u2 = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/test.aspx?ReturnUrl=%252fSearchDoc%252fSearcher.aspx"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://localhost:8080/test.aspx?ReturnUrl=/SearchDoc/Searcher.aspx", u1.ToString (), "QE1"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://localhost:8080/test.aspx?ReturnUrl=%252fSearchDoc%252fSearcher.aspx", u2.ToString (), "QE2"); } [Test] public void UnixPath () { if (!isWin32) Assert.AreEqual ("file:///cygwin/tmp/hello.txt", new Uri ("/cygwin/tmp/hello.txt").ToString (), "#6a"); } [Test] public void Unc () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsUnc, "#1"); uri = new Uri ("news:123456@contoso.com"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsUnc, "#2"); uri = new Uri ("file://server/filename.ext"); Assert.AreEqual (isWin32, uri.IsUnc, "#3"); uri = new Uri (@"\\server\share\filename.ext"); Assert.IsTrue (uri.IsUnc, "#6"); uri = new Uri (@"a:\dir\filename.ext"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsUnc, "#8"); } [Test] [Category("NotDotNet")] public void UncFail () { if (!isWin32) { Uri uri = new Uri ("/home/user/dir/filename.ext"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsUnc, "#7"); } } [Test] public void FromHex () { Assert.AreEqual (0, Uri.FromHex ('0'), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (9, Uri.FromHex ('9'), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (10, Uri.FromHex ('a'), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (15, Uri.FromHex ('f'), "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (10, Uri.FromHex ('A'), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (15, Uri.FromHex ('F'), "#6"); try { Uri.FromHex ('G'); Assert.Fail ("#7"); } catch (ArgumentException) {} try { Uri.FromHex (' '); Assert.Fail ("#8"); } catch (ArgumentException) {} try { Uri.FromHex ('%'); Assert.Fail ("#8"); } catch (ArgumentException) {} } class UriEx : Uri { public UriEx (string s) : base (s) { } public string UnescapeString (string s) { return Unescape (s); } public static string UnescapeString (string uri, string target) { return new UriEx (uri).UnescapeString (target); } } [Test] public void Unescape () { Assert.AreEqual ("#", UriEx.UnescapeString ("file://localhost/c#", "%23"), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("c#", UriEx.UnescapeString ("file://localhost/c#", "c%23"), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("\xA9", UriEx.UnescapeString ("file://localhost/c#", "%A9"), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("#", UriEx.UnescapeString ("http://localhost/c#", "%23"), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("c#", UriEx.UnescapeString ("http://localhost/c#", "c%23"), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("\xA9", UriEx.UnescapeString ("http://localhost/c#", "%A9"), "#3"); } [Test] public void HexEscape () { Assert.AreEqual ("%20", Uri.HexEscape (' '), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("%A9", Uri.HexEscape ((char) 0xa9), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("%41", Uri.HexEscape ('A'), "#3"); try { Uri.HexEscape ((char) 0x0369); Assert.Fail ("#4"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} } [Test] public void MoreHexEscape() { string url = "http://guyc-2003-sp/wiki/wiki%20document%20library/בד%20יקה.docx"; string escapedAbsolutePath = "/wiki/wiki%20document%20library/%D7%91%D7%93%20%D7%99%D7%A7%D7%94.docx"; Uri u = new Uri(url); Assert.AreEqual (escapedAbsolutePath, u.AbsolutePath, "Escaped non-english combo"); } [Test] public void HexUnescape () { int i = 0; Assert.AreEqual (' ', Uri.HexUnescape ("%20", ref i), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (3, i, "#2"); i = 4; Assert.AreEqual ((char) 0xa9, Uri.HexUnescape ("test%a9test", ref i), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (7, i, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual ('t', Uri.HexUnescape ("test%a9test", ref i), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (8, i, "#6"); i = 4; Assert.AreEqual ('%', Uri.HexUnescape ("test%a", ref i), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (5, i, "#6"); Assert.AreEqual ('%', Uri.HexUnescape ("testx%xx", ref i), "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (6, i, "#8"); // Tests from bug 74872 - don't handle multi-byte characters as multi-byte i = 1; Assert.AreEqual (227, (int) Uri.HexUnescape ("a%E3%81%8B", ref i), "#9"); Assert.AreEqual (4, i, "#10"); i = 1; Assert.AreEqual (240, (int) Uri.HexUnescape ("a%F0%90%84%80", ref i), "#11"); Assert.AreEqual (4, i, "#12"); } [Test] public void HexUnescapeMultiByte () { // Tests from bug 74872 // Note: These won't pass exactly with MS.NET, due to differences in the // handling of backslashes/forwardslashes Uri uri; string path; // 3-byte character uri = new Uri ("file:///foo/a%E3%81%8Bb", true); path = uri.LocalPath; Assert.AreEqual (8, path.Length, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (0x304B, path [6], "#2"); // 4-byte character which should be handled as a surrogate uri = new Uri ("file:///foo/a%F3%A0%84%80b", true); path = uri.LocalPath; Assert.AreEqual (9, path.Length, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (0xDB40, path [6], "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (0xDD00, path [7], "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (0x62, path [8], "#6"); // 2-byte escape sequence, 2 individual characters uri = new Uri ("file:///foo/a%C2%F8b", true); path = uri.LocalPath; Assert.AreEqual (9, path.Length, "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (0xC2, path [6], "#8"); Assert.AreEqual (0xF8, path [7], "#9"); } [Test] public void IsHexDigit () { Assert.IsTrue (Uri.IsHexDigit ('a'), "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (Uri.IsHexDigit ('f'), "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (!Uri.IsHexDigit ('g'), "#3"); Assert.IsTrue (Uri.IsHexDigit ('0'), "#4"); Assert.IsTrue (Uri.IsHexDigit ('9'), "#5"); Assert.IsTrue (Uri.IsHexDigit ('A'), "#6"); Assert.IsTrue (Uri.IsHexDigit ('F'), "#7"); Assert.IsTrue (!Uri.IsHexDigit ('G'), "#8"); } [Test] public void IsHexEncoding () { Assert.IsTrue (Uri.IsHexEncoding ("test%a9test", 4), "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (!Uri.IsHexEncoding ("test%a9test", 3), "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (Uri.IsHexEncoding ("test%a9", 4), "#3"); Assert.IsTrue (!Uri.IsHexEncoding ("test%a", 4), "#4"); } [Test] public void GetLeftPart () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#main"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#3"); uri = new Uri ("mailto:user@contoso.com?subject=uri"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme), "#4"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:user@contoso.com", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#6"); uri = new Uri ("nntp://news.contoso.com/123456@contoso.com"); Assert.AreEqual ("nntp://", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme), "#7"); Assert.AreEqual ("nntp://news.contoso.com", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority), "#8"); Assert.AreEqual ("nntp://news.contoso.com/123456@contoso.com", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#9"); uri = new Uri ("news:123456@contoso.com"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme), "#10"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority), "#11"); Assert.AreEqual ("news:123456@contoso.com", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#12"); uri = new Uri ("file://server/filename.ext"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme), "#13"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://server", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority), "#14"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://server/filename.ext", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#15"); uri = new Uri (@"\\server\share\filename.ext"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme), "#20"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://server", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority), "#21"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://server/share/filename.ext", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#22"); uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:8080/index.htm#main"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme), "#23"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com:8080", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority), "#24"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso.com:8080/index.htm", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#25"); } [Test] public void NewsDefaultPort () { Uri uri = new Uri("news://localhost:119/"); Assert.AreEqual (uri.IsDefaultPort, true, "#1"); } [Test] public void Fragment_Escape () { Uri u = new Uri("http://localhost/index.asp#main#start", false); Assert.AreEqual (u.Fragment, "#main%23start", "#1"); u = new Uri("http://localhost/index.asp#main#start", true); Assert.AreEqual (u.Fragment, "#main#start", "#2"); // The other code path uses a BaseUri Uri b = new Uri ("http://www.gnome.org"); Uri n = new Uri (b, "blah#main#start"); Assert.AreEqual (n.Fragment, "#main%23start", "#3"); n = new Uri (b, "blah#main#start", true); Assert.AreEqual (n.Fragment, "#main#start", "#4"); } [Test] public void Fragment_RelativeUri () { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm?x=2"); Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/foo/bar/index.htm#fragment"); Uri relativeUri = uri1.MakeRelativeUri (uri2); try { string fragment = relativeUri.Fragment; Assert.Fail ("#1: " + fragment); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { // This operation is not supported for a relative URI Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), ex.GetType (), "#2"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4"); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(UriFormatException))] public void IncompleteSchemeDelimiter () { new Uri ("file:/filename.ext"); } [Test] [Category("NotDotNet")] public void CheckHostName1 () { // reported to MSDN Product Feedback Center (FDBK28671) Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName (":11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88"), "#36 known to fail with ms.net: this is not a valid IPv6 address."); } [Test] public void CheckHostName2 () { Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName (null), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName (""), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("^&()~`!@"), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName ("x"), "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv4, Uri.CheckHostName (""), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv4, Uri.CheckHostName ("0001.002.03.4"), "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName ("0001.002.03.256"), "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName ("9001.002.03.4"), "#8"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName ("www.contoso.com"), "#9"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName (".www.contoso.com"), "#10"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName ("www.contoso.com."), "#11"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName ("www.con-toso.com"), "#12"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName ("www.con_toso.com"), "#13"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("www.con,toso.com"), "#14"); // test IPv6 Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88"), "#15"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("11::33:44:55:66:77:88"), "#16"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("::22:33:44:55:66:77:88"), "#17"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("11:22:33:44:55:66:77::"), "#18"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("11::88"), "#19"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("11::77:88"), "#20"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("11:22::88"), "#21"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("11::"), "#22"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("::88"), "#23"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("::1"), "#24"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("::"), "#25"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("0:0:0:0:0:0:"), "#26"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("::"), "#27"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("::ffFF:"), "#28"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("2001:03A0::/35"), "#29"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("[2001:03A0::/35]"), "#30"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName ("2001::03A0:"), "#33"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("2001::03A0::/35"), "#31"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("2001:03A0::/35a"), "#32"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("::ffff:"), "#34"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName (":"), "#35"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("::11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88"), "#37"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88::"), "#38"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:"), "#39"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("::acbde"), "#40"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("::abce:"), "#41"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("::abcg"), "#42"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName (":::"), "#43"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName (":"), "#44"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("*"), "#45"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("*.go-mono.com"), "#46"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName ("www*.go-mono.com"), "#47"); } [Test] public void IsLoopback () { Uri uri = new Uri("http://loopback:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#1"); uri = new Uri("http://localhost:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#2"); uri = new Uri(""); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#3"); uri = new Uri(""); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#4"); uri = new Uri("http://[::1]"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#5"); uri = new Uri("http://[::1]:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#6"); uri = new Uri("http://[::0001]:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#7"); uri = new Uri("http://[0:0:0:0::1]:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#8"); uri = new Uri("http://[0:0:0:0::]:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsLoopback, "#9"); uri = new Uri("http://[0:0:0:0::]:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsLoopback, "#10"); uri = new Uri("http://[::ffff:]:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsLoopback, "#11"); uri = new Uri("http://[::ff00:7f11:2233]:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsLoopback, "#12"); uri = new Uri("http://[1:0:0:0::1]:8080"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsLoopback, "#13"); } [Test] public void IsLoopback_File () { Uri uri = new Uri ("file:///index.html"); Assert.IsTrue (uri.IsLoopback, "file"); } [Test] public void IsLoopback_Relative_Http () { string relative = "http:8080/bar/Hello World.htm"; Uri uri = new Uri (new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com"), relative, false); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsLoopback, "http"); } [Test] public void IsLoopback_Relative_Unknown () { string relative = "foo:8080/bar/Hello World.htm"; Uri uri = new Uri (new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com"), relative, false); Assert.IsTrue (!uri.IsLoopback, "foo"); } [Test] public void Equals1 () { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#main"); Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#fragment"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1.Equals (uri2), "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri2.Equals ("http://www.contoso.com/index.html?x=1"), "#3"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri1.Equals ("http://www.contoso.com:8080/index.htm?x=1"), "#4"); } [Test] public void Equals2 () { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#main"); Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm?x=1"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri1.Equals (uri2), "#2 known to fail with ms.net 1.x"); } [Test] public void Equals3 () { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("svn+ssh://atsushi@mono-cvs.ximian.com"); Uri uri2 = new Uri ("svn+ssh://anonymous@mono-cvs.ximian.com"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1.Equals (uri2)); } [Test] public void Equals4 () { var uri = new Uri ("http://w3.org"); Assert.IsFalse (uri.Equals ("-")); } [Test] public void TestEquals2 () { Uri a = new Uri ("http://www.go-mono.com"); Uri b = new Uri ("http://www.go-mono.com"); Assert.AreEqual (a, b, "#1"); a = new Uri ("mailto:user:pwd@go-mono.com?subject=uri"); b = new Uri ("MAILTO:USER:PWD@GO-MONO.COM?SUBJECT=URI"); Assert.IsTrue (a != b, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:user:pwd@go-mono.com?subject=uri", a.ToString (), "#2a"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:USER:PWD@go-mono.com?SUBJECT=URI", b.ToString (), "#2b"); a = new Uri ("http://www.go-mono.com/ports/"); b = new Uri ("http://www.go-mono.com/PORTS/"); Assert.IsTrue (!a.Equals (b), "#3"); } [Test] public void CaseSensitivity () { Uri mailto = new Uri ("MAILTO:USER:PWD@GO-MONO.COM?SUBJECT=URI"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto", mailto.Scheme, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("go-mono.com", mailto.Host, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:USER:PWD@go-mono.com?SUBJECT=URI", mailto.ToString (), "#3"); Uri http = new Uri ("HTTP://GO-MONO.COM/INDEX.HTML"); Assert.AreEqual ("http", http.Scheme, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual ("go-mono.com", http.Host, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://go-mono.com/INDEX.HTML", http.ToString (), "#6"); // IPv6 Address Uri ftp = new Uri ("FTP://[::ffFF:]/"); Assert.AreEqual ("ftp", ftp.Scheme, "#7"); Assert.AreEqual ("[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:A920:0E05]", ftp.Host, "#8"); Assert.AreEqual ("ftp://[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:A920:0E05]/", ftp.ToString (), "#9"); } [Test] public void GetHashCodeTest () { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#main"); Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#fragment"); Assert.AreEqual (uri1.GetHashCode (), uri2.GetHashCode (), "#1"); uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm?x=1"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1.GetHashCode () != uri2.GetHashCode (), "#2"); uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:80/index.htm"); Assert.AreEqual (uri1.GetHashCode (), uri2.GetHashCode (), "#3"); uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:8080/index.htm"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1.GetHashCode () != uri2.GetHashCode (), "#4"); } [Test] public void RelativeEqualsTest() { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("foo/bar", UriKind.Relative); Uri uri2 = new Uri ("foo/bar", UriKind.Relative); Uri uri3 = new Uri ("bar/man", UriKind.Relative); Uri uri4 = new Uri ("BAR/MAN", UriKind.Relative); Assert.IsTrue (uri1 == uri2, "#1a"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1.Equals(uri2), "#1b"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1 != uri3, "#2a"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri1.Equals(uri3), "#2b"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1 == uri2, "#3a"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1.Equals(uri2), "#3b"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1 != uri3, "#4a"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri1.Equals(uri3), "#4b"); Assert.IsTrue (uri3 != uri4, "#5a"); Assert.IsTrue (!uri3.Equals(uri4), "#5b"); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))] public void GetLeftPart_Partial1 () { Uri u = new Uri ("foo", UriKind.Relative); u.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme); } [ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))] [Test] public void GetLeftPart_Partial2 () { Uri u = new Uri ("foo", UriKind.Relative); u.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority); } [ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))] [Test] public void GetLeftPart_Partial3 () { Uri u = new Uri ("foo", UriKind.Relative); u.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path); } [Test] public void TestPartialToString () { Assert.AreEqual (new Uri ("foo", UriKind.Relative).ToString (), "foo", "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (new Uri ("foo#aa", UriKind.Relative).ToString (), "foo#aa", "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (new Uri ("foo?aa", UriKind.Relative).ToString (), "foo?aa", "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (new Uri ("foo#dingus?aa", UriKind.Relative).ToString (), "foo#dingus?aa", "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (new Uri ("foo?dingus#aa", UriKind.Relative).ToString (), "foo?dingus#aa", "#4"); } [Test] public void RelativeGetHashCodeTest() { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("foo/bar", UriKind.Relative); Uri uri2 = new Uri ("foo/bar", UriKind.Relative); Uri uri3 = new Uri ("bar/man", UriKind.Relative); Assert.AreEqual (uri1.GetHashCode(), uri2.GetHashCode(), "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (uri1.GetHashCode() != uri3.GetHashCode(), "#2"); } [Test] public void MakeRelative () { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm?x=2"); Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/foo/bar/index.htm#fragment"); Uri uri3 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/bar/foo/index.htm?y=1"); Uri uri4 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/bar/foo2/index.htm?x=0"); Uri uri5 = new Uri ("https://www.contoso.com/bar/foo/index.htm?y=1"); Uri uri6 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso2.com/bar/foo/index.htm?x=0"); Uri uri7 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso2.com/bar/foo/foobar.htm?z=0&y=5"); Uri uri8 = new Uri ("http://www.xxx.com/bar/foo/foobar.htm?z=0&y=5" + (char) 0xa9); Assert.AreEqual ("foo/bar/index.htm", uri1.MakeRelative (uri2), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("../../index.htm", uri2.MakeRelative (uri1), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("../../bar/foo/index.htm", uri2.MakeRelative (uri3), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("../../foo/bar/index.htm", uri3.MakeRelative (uri2), "#4"); Assert.AreEqual ("../foo2/index.htm", uri3.MakeRelative (uri4), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("../foo/index.htm", uri4.MakeRelative (uri3), "#6"); Assert.AreEqual ("https://www.contoso.com/bar/foo/index.htm?y=1", uri4.MakeRelative (uri5), "#7"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.contoso2.com/bar/foo/index.htm?x=0", uri4.MakeRelative (uri6), "#8"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri6.MakeRelative (uri6), "#9"); Assert.AreEqual ("foobar.htm", uri6.MakeRelative (uri7), "#10"); Uri uri10 = new Uri ("mailto:xxx@xxx.com"); Uri uri11 = new Uri ("mailto:xxx@xxx.com?subject=hola"); Assert.AreEqual ("", uri10.MakeRelative (uri11), "#11"); Uri uri12 = new Uri ("mailto:xxx@mail.xxx.com?subject=hola"); Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:xxx@mail.xxx.com?subject=hola", uri10.MakeRelative (uri12), "#12"); Uri uri13 = new Uri ("mailto:xxx@xxx.com/foo/bar"); Assert.AreEqual ("/foo/bar", uri10.MakeRelative (uri13), "#13"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.xxx.com/bar/foo/foobar.htm?z=0&y=5" + (char) 0xa9, uri1.MakeRelative (uri8), "#14"); } [Test] public void RelativeUri () { Uri u = new Uri("http://localhost/../../../a"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://localhost/a", u.ToString ()); u = new Uri ("http://localhost/../c/b/../a"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://localhost/c/a", u.ToString ()); } [Test] public void RelativeUri2 () { Assert.AreEqual ("hoge:ext", new Uri (new Uri ("hoge:foo:bar:baz"), "hoge:ext").ToString (), "#1"); if (isWin32) { Assert.AreEqual ("file:///d:/myhost/ext", new Uri (new Uri ("file:///c:/localhost/bar"), "file:///d:/myhost/ext").ToString (), "#2-w"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///c:/localhost/myhost/ext", new Uri (new Uri ("file:///c:/localhost/bar"), "file:myhost/ext").ToString (), "#3-w"); Assert.AreEqual ("uuid:ext", new Uri (new Uri ("file:///c:/localhost/bar"), "uuid:ext").ToString (), "#4-w"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///c:/localhost/ext", new Uri (new Uri ("file:///c:/localhost/bar"), "file:./ext").ToString (), "#5-w"); } else { Assert.AreEqual ("file:///d/myhost/ext", new Uri (new Uri ("file:///c/localhost/bar"), "file:///d/myhost/ext").ToString (), "#2-u"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///c/localhost/myhost/ext", new Uri (new Uri ("file:///c/localhost/bar"), "file:myhost/ext").ToString (), "#3-u"); Assert.AreEqual ("uuid:ext", new Uri (new Uri ("file:///c/localhost/bar"), "uuid:ext").ToString (), "#4-u"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///c/localhost/ext", new Uri (new Uri ("file:///c/localhost/bar"), "file:./ext").ToString (), "#5-u"); } Assert.AreEqual ("http://localhost/ext", new Uri (new Uri ("http://localhost/bar"), "http:./ext").ToString (), "#6"); } [Test] public void ToStringTest() { Uri uri = new Uri ("dummy://xxx"); Assert.AreEqual ("dummy://xxx/", uri.ToString (), "#1"); } [Test] public void CheckSchemeName () { Assert.AreEqual (false, Uri.CheckSchemeName (null), "#01"); Assert.AreEqual (false, Uri.CheckSchemeName (""), "#02"); Assert.AreEqual (true, Uri.CheckSchemeName ("http"), "#03"); Assert.AreEqual (true, Uri.CheckSchemeName ("http-"), "#04"); Assert.AreEqual (false, Uri.CheckSchemeName ("6http-"), "#05"); Assert.AreEqual (true, Uri.CheckSchemeName ("http6-"), "#06"); Assert.AreEqual (false, Uri.CheckSchemeName ("http6,"), "#07"); Assert.AreEqual (true, Uri.CheckSchemeName ("http6."), "#08"); Assert.AreEqual (false, Uri.CheckSchemeName ("+http"), "#09"); Assert.AreEqual (true, Uri.CheckSchemeName ("htt+p6"), "#10"); // 0x00E1 -> ã Assert.IsTrue (!Uri.CheckSchemeName ("htt\u00E1+p6"), "#11"); } [Test] public void CheckSchemeName_FirstChar () { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { string s = String.Format ("#{0}", i); char c = (char) i; bool b = Uri.CheckSchemeName (c.ToString ()); bool valid = (((i >= 0x41) && (i <= 0x5A)) || ((i >= 0x61) && (i <= 0x7A))); Assert.AreEqual (valid, b, s); } } [Test] public void CheckSchemeName_AnyOtherChar () { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { string s = String.Format ("#{0}", i); char c = (char) i; string scheme = String.Format ("a+b-c.d{0}", c); bool b = Uri.CheckSchemeName (scheme); bool common = Char.IsDigit (c) || (c == '+') || (c == '-') || (c == '.'); bool valid = (common || ((i >= 0x41) && (i <= 0x5A)) || ((i >= 0x61) && (i <= 0x7A))); Assert.AreEqual (valid, b, s); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void NoHostname () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://"); } [Test] public void NoHostname2 () { // bug 75144 Uri uri = new Uri ("file://"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsFile, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.IsUnc, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", uri.Scheme, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.LocalPath, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, uri.Query, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.AbsolutePath, "#6"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///", uri.AbsoluteUri, "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, uri.Authority, "#8"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, uri.Host, "#9"); Assert.AreEqual (UriHostNameType.Basic, uri.HostNameType, "#10"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, uri.Fragment, "#11"); Assert.AreEqual (true, uri.IsDefaultPort, "#12"); Assert.IsTrue (uri.IsLoopback, "#13"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", uri.PathAndQuery, "#14"); Assert.AreEqual (false, uri.UserEscaped, "#15"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, uri.UserInfo, "#16"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Authority), "#17"); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), "#18"); Assert.AreEqual ("file://", uri.GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Scheme), "#19"); } [Test] public void Segments1 () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://localhost/"); string [] segments = uri.Segments; Assert.AreEqual (1, segments.Length, "#01"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", segments [0], "#02"); } [Test] public void Segments2 () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://localhost/dir/dummypage.html"); string [] segments = uri.Segments; Assert.AreEqual (3, segments.Length, "#01"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", segments [0], "#02"); Assert.AreEqual ("dir/", segments [1], "#03"); Assert.AreEqual ("dummypage.html", segments [2], "#04"); } [Test] public void CachingSegments () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://localhost/dir/dummypage.html"); uri.Segments [0] = uri.Segments [1] = uri.Segments [2] = "*"; string [] segments = uri.Segments; Assert.AreEqual (3, segments.Length, "#01"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", segments [0], "#02"); Assert.AreEqual ("dir/", segments [1], "#03"); Assert.AreEqual ("dummypage.html", segments [2], "#04"); } [Test] public void Segments3 () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://localhost/dir/dummypage/"); string [] segments = uri.Segments; Assert.AreEqual (3, segments.Length, "#01"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", segments [0], "#02"); Assert.AreEqual ("dir/", segments [1], "#03"); Assert.AreEqual ("dummypage/", segments [2], "#04"); } [Test] public void Segments4 () { Uri uri = new Uri ("file:///c:/hello"); Assert.AreEqual ("c:/hello", uri.AbsolutePath, "AbsolutePath"); Assert.AreEqual ("c:\\hello", uri.LocalPath, "LocalPath"); string [] segments = uri.Segments; Assert.AreEqual (3, segments.Length, "#01"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", segments [0], "#02"); Assert.AreEqual ("c:/", segments[1], "#03"); Assert.AreEqual ("hello", segments [2], "#04"); } [Test] public void Segments5 () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://www.xxx.com/bar/foo/foobar.htm?z=0&y=5" + (char) 0xa9); string [] segments = uri.Segments; Assert.AreEqual (4, segments.Length, "#01"); Assert.AreEqual ("/", segments [0], "#02"); Assert.AreEqual ("bar/", segments [1], "#03"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo/", segments [2], "#04"); Assert.AreEqual ("foobar.htm", segments [3], "#05"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void UriStartingWithColon() { new Uri("://"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void EmptyScheme () { new Uri ("hey"); } // on .NET 2.0 a port number is limited to UInt16.MaxValue [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] [Test] public void InvalidPort1 () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:65536/foo/bar/"); Assert.AreEqual (65536, uri.Port); } [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] [Test] public void InvalidPort2 () { // UInt32.MaxValue gives port == -1 !!! Uri uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:4294967295/foo/bar/"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, uri.Port); } [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] [Test] public void InvalidPort3 () { // ((uint) Int32.MaxValue + (uint) 1) gives port == -2147483648 !!! Uri uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:2147483648/foo/bar/"); Assert.AreEqual (-2147483648, uri.Port); } [Test] public void PortMax () { // on .NET 2.0 a port number is limited to UInt16.MaxValue Uri uri = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com:65535/foo/bar/"); Assert.AreEqual (65535, uri.Port); } class UriEx2 : Uri { public UriEx2 (string s) : base (s) { } protected override void Parse () { } } // Parse method is no longer used on .NET 2.0 [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] [Test] public void ParseOverride () { // If this does not override base's Parse(), it will // fail since this argument is not Absolute URI. UriEx2 ex = new UriEx2 ("readme.txt"); } [Test] public void UnixLocalPath () { // This works--the location is not part of the absolute path string path = "file://localhost/tmp/foo/bar"; Uri fileUri = new Uri( path ); Assert.AreEqual ("/tmp/foo/bar", fileUri.AbsolutePath, path); // Empty path == localhost, in theory path = "file:///c:/tmp/foo/bar"; fileUri = new Uri( path ); Assert.AreEqual ("c:/tmp/foo/bar", fileUri.AbsolutePath, path); } [Test] public void WindowsLocalPath () { new Uri (@"file:///J:\Wrldwide\MSFin\Flash\FLASH.xls"); } [Test] public void TestEscapeDataString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) sb.Append ((char) i); Assert.AreEqual ( #if NET_4_0 "%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0A%0B%0C%0D%0E%0F%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1A%1B%1C%1D%1E%1F%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%2A%2B%2C-.%2F0123456789%3A%3B%3C%3D%3E%3F%40ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ%5B%5C%5D%5E_%60abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%7B%7C%7D~%7F", #else "%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0A%0B%0C%0D%0E%0F%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1A%1B%1C%1D%1E%1F%20!%22%23%24%25%26'()*%2B%2C-.%2F0123456789%3A%3B%3C%3D%3E%3F%40ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ%5B%5C%5D%5E_%60abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%7B%7C%7D~%7F", #endif Uri.EscapeDataString (sb.ToString ())); Assert.AreEqual ("%C3%A1", Uri.EscapeDataString ("á")); } [Test] public void TestEscapeUriString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) sb.Append ((char) i); Assert.AreEqual ( #if NET_4_0 "%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0A%0B%0C%0D%0E%0F%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1A%1B%1C%1D%1E%1F%20!%22#$%25&'()*+,-./0123456789:;%3C=%3E?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[%5C]%5E_%60abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%7B%7C%7D~%7F", #else "%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0A%0B%0C%0D%0E%0F%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1A%1B%1C%1D%1E%1F%20!%22#$%25&'()*+,-./0123456789:;%3C=%3E?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ%5B%5C%5D%5E_%60abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%7B%7C%7D~%7F", #endif Uri.EscapeUriString (sb.ToString ())); Assert.AreEqual ("%C3%A1", Uri.EscapeDataString ("á")); } //bnc #363320 [Test] public void TestUTF8Strings () { string [] tests = { "file:///tmp/x (%232).jpg", "file:///tmp/ü (%232).jpg" }; foreach (string test in tests) { Uri uri = new Uri (test); Assert.IsFalse (uri.IsWellFormedOriginalString (), "IsWellFormedOriginalString/" + test); Assert.AreEqual (test, uri.OriginalString, "OriginalString/" + test); Assert.AreEqual (test, uri.ToString (), "ToString/" + test); } } // This test doesn't work on Linux, and arguably shouldn't work. // new Uri("file:///tmp/foo/bar").AbsolutePath returns "/tmp/foo/bar" // on Linux, as anyone sane would expect. It *doesn't* under .NET 1.1 // Apparently "tmp" is supposed to be a hostname (!)... // Since "correct" behavior would confuse all Linux developers, and having // an expected failure is evil, we'll just ignore this for now... // // Furthermore, Microsoft fixed this so it behaves sensibly in .NET 2.0. // // You are surrounded by conditional-compilation code, all alike. // You are likely to be eaten by a Grue... [Test] public void UnixLocalPath_WTF () { // Empty path == localhost, in theory string path = "file:///tmp/foo/bar"; Uri fileUri = new Uri( path ); Assert.AreEqual ("/tmp/foo/bar", fileUri.AbsolutePath, path); // bug #76643 string path2 = "file:///foo%25bar"; fileUri = new Uri (path2); Assert.AreEqual ("file:///foo%25bar", fileUri.ToString (), path2); } public static void Print (Uri uri) { Console.WriteLine ("ToString: " + uri.ToString ()); Console.WriteLine ("AbsolutePath: " + uri.AbsolutePath); Console.WriteLine ("AbsoluteUri: " + uri.AbsoluteUri); Console.WriteLine ("Authority: " + uri.Authority); Console.WriteLine ("Fragment: " + uri.Fragment); Console.WriteLine ("Host: " + uri.Host); Console.WriteLine ("HostNameType: " + uri.HostNameType); Console.WriteLine ("IsDefaultPort: " + uri.IsDefaultPort); Console.WriteLine ("IsFile: " + uri.IsFile); Console.WriteLine ("IsLoopback: " + uri.IsLoopback); Console.WriteLine ("IsUnc: " + uri.IsUnc); Console.WriteLine ("LocalPath: " + uri.LocalPath); Console.WriteLine ("PathAndQuery : " + uri.PathAndQuery); Console.WriteLine ("Port: " + uri.Port); Console.WriteLine ("Query: " + uri.Query); Console.WriteLine ("Scheme: " + uri.Scheme); Console.WriteLine ("UserEscaped: " + uri.UserEscaped); Console.WriteLine ("UserInfo: " + uri.UserInfo); Console.WriteLine ("Segments:"); string [] segments = uri.Segments; if (segments == null) Console.WriteLine ("\tNo Segments"); else for (int i = 0; i < segments.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine ("\t" + segments[i]); Console.WriteLine (""); } [Test] public void FtpRootPath () { Uri u = new Uri ("ftp://a.b/%2fabc/def"); string p = u.PathAndQuery; Assert.AreEqual ("/%2fabc/def", p); p = Uri.UnescapeDataString (p).Substring (1); Assert.AreEqual ("/abc/def", p); u = new Uri (new Uri ("ftp://a.b/c/d/e/f"), p); Assert.AreEqual ("/abc/def", u.PathAndQuery); } //BNC#533572 [Test] public void LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign1 () { string path = "/some/path/file_with_an_@_sign.mp3"; string fullpath = "http://thehost" + path; Uri fileUri = new Uri (fullpath); Assert.AreEqual (fileUri.UserInfo, String.Empty, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign UserInfo"); Assert.AreEqual (fileUri.Host, "thehost", "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign Host"); Assert.IsFalse (fileUri.IsFile, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsFile"); Assert.IsTrue (fileUri.IsAbsoluteUri, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsAbsUri"); Assert.IsFalse (fileUri.IsUnc, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsUnc"); Assert.AreEqual (fullpath, fileUri.OriginalString, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign OriginalString"); Assert.AreEqual (path, new DerivedUri (fullpath).TestUnescape (path), "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign ProtectedUnescape"); Assert.AreEqual (path, fileUri.AbsolutePath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign AbsPath"); Assert.AreEqual (path, fileUri.LocalPath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign LocalPath"); } [Test] public void LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign2 () { string path = "/some/path/file_with_an_@_sign.mp3"; string fullpath = "http://user:password@thehost" + path; Uri fileUri = new Uri (fullpath); Assert.AreEqual (fileUri.UserInfo, "user:password", "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign UserInfo"); Assert.AreEqual (fileUri.Host, "thehost", "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign Host"); Assert.IsFalse (fileUri.IsFile, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsFile"); Assert.IsTrue (fileUri.IsAbsoluteUri, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsAbsUri"); Assert.IsFalse (fileUri.IsUnc, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsUnc"); Assert.AreEqual (fullpath, fileUri.OriginalString, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign OriginalString"); Assert.AreEqual (path, new DerivedUri (fullpath).TestUnescape (path), "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign ProtectedUnescape"); Assert.AreEqual (path, fileUri.AbsolutePath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign AbsPath"); Assert.AreEqual (path, fileUri.LocalPath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign LocalPath"); } [Test] public void LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign3 () { string path = "/some/path/file_with_an_@_sign.mp3"; string fullpath = "file://" + path; Uri fileUri = new Uri (fullpath); Assert.AreEqual (fileUri.UserInfo, String.Empty, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign UserInfo"); Assert.AreEqual (fileUri.Host, String.Empty, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign Host"); Assert.IsTrue (fileUri.IsFile, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsFile"); Assert.IsTrue (fileUri.IsAbsoluteUri, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsAbsUri"); Assert.IsFalse (fileUri.IsUnc, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsUnc"); Assert.AreEqual (fullpath, fileUri.OriginalString, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign OriginalString"); Assert.AreEqual (path, new DerivedUri (fullpath).TestUnescape (path), "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign ProtectedUnescape"); Assert.AreEqual (path, fileUri.AbsolutePath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign AbsPath"); Assert.AreEqual (path, fileUri.LocalPath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign LocalPath"); } [Test] public void LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign4 () { string path = "/some/path/file_with_an_@_sign.mp3"; string fullpath = "file://localhost" + path; Uri fileUri = new Uri (fullpath); Assert.AreEqual (fileUri.UserInfo, String.Empty, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign UserInfo"); Assert.AreEqual (fileUri.Host, "localhost", "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign Host"); Assert.IsTrue (fileUri.IsFile, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsFile"); Assert.IsTrue (fileUri.IsAbsoluteUri, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsAbsUri"); Assert.AreEqual (isWin32, fileUri.IsUnc, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign IsUnc"); Assert.AreEqual (fullpath, fileUri.OriginalString, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign OriginalString"); Assert.AreEqual (path, new DerivedUri (fullpath).TestUnescape (path), "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign ProtectedUnescape"); Assert.AreEqual (path, fileUri.AbsolutePath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign AbsPath"); //this test is marked as NotWorking below: //Assert.AreEqual ("\\\\localhost" + path.Replace ("/", "\\"), fileUri.LocalPath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign LocalPath"); } [Test] public void LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign5 () { string path = "/some/path/file_with_an_@_sign.mp3"; string fullpath = "file://localhost" + path; Uri fileUri = new Uri (fullpath); string expected = isWin32 ? "\\\\localhost" + path.Replace ("/", "\\") : "/some/path/file_with_an_@_sign.mp3"; Assert.AreEqual (expected, fileUri.LocalPath, "LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign LocalPath"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UriFormatException))] public void LocalPath_FileNameWithAtSign6 () { string path = "/some/path/file_with_an_@_sign.mp3"; string fullpath = "file://user:password@localhost" + path; Uri fileUri = new Uri (fullpath); } [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] public void UnixAbsoluteFilePath_WithSpecialChars1 () { Uri unixuri = new Uri ("/home/user/a@b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", unixuri.Scheme, "UnixAbsoluteFilePath_WithSpecialChars #1"); } [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] public void UnixAbsoluteFilePath_WithSpecialChars2 () { Uri unixuri = new Uri ("/home/user/a:b"); Assert.AreEqual ("file", unixuri.Scheme, "UnixAbsoluteFilePath_WithSpecialChars #2"); } [Test] public void RelativeUriWithColons () { string s = @"Transform?args=[{""__type"":""Record:#Nostr"",""Code"":""%22test%22SomeGloss"",""ID"":""1"",""Table"":""Glossary""},{""__type"":""Record:#Nostr"",""Code"":""%22test%22All"",""ID"":""2"",""Table"":""GlossView""}, {""__type"":""Record:#Nostr"",""Code"":""%22test%22Q"",""ID"":""3"",""Table"":""Glossary""}]"; // with related to bug #573795 new Uri (s, UriKind.Relative); new Uri (":", UriKind.Relative); new Uri ("1:", UriKind.Relative); } [Test] public void ConsecutiveSlashes () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://media.libsyn.com/bounce/http://cdn4.libsyn.com/nerdist/somestuff.txt"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://media.libsyn.com/bounce/http://cdn4.libsyn.com/nerdist/somestuff.txt", uri.ToString ()); } public class DerivedUri : Uri { public DerivedUri (string uriString) : base (uriString) { } internal string TestUnescape (string path) { return base.Unescape (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void GetComponents_Relative () { Uri rel = new Uri ("/relative/path/with?query", UriKind.Relative); rel.GetComponents (UriComponents.Query, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); } [Test] public void GetComponents_AbsoluteUri () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc#fragment%263"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc#fragment%263", uri.AbsoluteUri, "AbsoluteUri"); string safe = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.AbsoluteUri, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc#fragment%263", safe, "SafeUnescaped"); string unescaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.AbsoluteUri, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1&2&sort=asc#fragment&3", unescaped, "Unescaped"); string escaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.AbsoluteUri, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc#fragment%263", escaped, "UriEscaped"); } [Test] public void GetComponents_HttpRequestUrl () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc#fragment%263"); string safe = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc", safe, "SafeUnescaped"); string unescaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1&2&sort=asc", unescaped, "Unescaped"); string escaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc", escaped, "UriEscaped"); } [Test] public void GetComponents_KeepDelimiter () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc#fragment%263"); string safe = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.KeepDelimiter, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, safe, "SafeUnescaped"); string unescaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.KeepDelimiter, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, unescaped, "Unescaped"); string escaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.KeepDelimiter, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, escaped, "UriEscaped"); } [Test] public void GetComponents_StrongAuthority () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc#fragment%263"); string safe = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.StrongAuthority, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("mono-project.com:80", safe, "SafeUnescaped"); string unescaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.StrongAuthority, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("mono-project.com:80", unescaped, "Unescaped"); string escaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.StrongAuthority, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual ("mono-project.com:80", escaped, "UriEscaped"); } [Test] public void GetComponents_Path () { Uri uri1 = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/Main%20Page"); Assert.AreEqual ("/Main Page", uri1.LocalPath, "Path1"); string safe = uri1.GetComponents (UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("Main Page", safe, "SafeUnescaped1"); string unescaped = uri1.GetComponents (UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("Main Page", unescaped, "Unescaped1"); string escaped = uri1.GetComponents (UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual ("Main%20Page", escaped, "UriEscaped1"); // same result is unescaped original string Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/Main Page"); Assert.AreEqual ("/Main Page", uri2.LocalPath, "Path2"); safe = uri2.GetComponents (UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("Main Page", safe, "SafeUnescaped2"); unescaped = uri2.GetComponents (UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("Main Page", unescaped, "Unescaped2"); escaped = uri2.GetComponents (UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual ("Main%20Page", escaped, "UriEscaped2"); } [Test] public void GetComponents_PathAndQuery () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/MåÏn Påge?id=1%262&sort=asc"); Assert.AreEqual ("/M%C3%A5%C3%8Fn%20P%C3%A5ge?id=1%262&sort=asc", uri.PathAndQuery, "PathAndQuery"); string safe = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.PathAndQuery, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("/MåÏn Påge?id=1%262&sort=asc", safe, "SafeUnescaped"); string unescaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.PathAndQuery, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("/MåÏn Påge?id=1&2&sort=asc", unescaped, "Unescaped"); string escaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.PathAndQuery, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual ("/M%C3%A5%C3%8Fn%20P%C3%A5ge?id=1%262&sort=asc", escaped, "UriEscaped"); } [Test] public void GetComponents_Query () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/list?id=1%262&sort=asc"); Assert.AreEqual ("?id=1%262&sort=asc", uri.Query, "Query"); string safe = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.Query, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("id=1%262&sort=asc", safe, "SafeUnescaped"); string unescaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.Query, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("id=1&2&sort=asc", unescaped, "Unescaped"); string escaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.Query, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual ("id=1%262&sort=asc", escaped, "UriEscaped"); } [Test] public void GetComponents_Fragment () { Uri uri = new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/list#id=1%262&sort=asc"); Assert.AreEqual ("#id=1%262&sort=asc", uri.Fragment, "Fragment"); string safe = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.Fragment, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("id=1%262&sort=asc", safe, "SafeUnescaped"); string unescaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.Fragment, UriFormat.Unescaped); Assert.AreEqual ("id=1&2&sort=asc", unescaped, "Unescaped"); string escaped = uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.Fragment, UriFormat.UriEscaped); Assert.AreEqual ("id=1%262&sort=asc", escaped, "UriEscaped"); } } }