// // assembly: System // namespace: System.Text.RegularExpressions // file: regex.cs // // author: Dan Lewis (dlewis@gmx.co.uk) // (c) 2002 using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using RegularExpression = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Syntax.RegularExpression; using Parser = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Syntax.Parser; using System.Diagnostics; namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions { public delegate string MatchEvaluator (Match match); [Flags] public enum RegexOptions { None = 0x000, IgnoreCase = 0x001, Multiline = 0x002, ExplicitCapture = 0x004, Compiled = 0x008, Singleline = 0x010, IgnorePatternWhitespace = 0x020, RightToLeft = 0x040, ECMAScript = 0x100, CultureInvariant = 0x200 } [Serializable] public class Regex : ISerializable { public static void CompileToAssembly (RegexCompilationInfo[] regexes, AssemblyName aname) { Regex.CompileToAssembly(regexes, aname, new CustomAttributeBuilder[] {}, null); } public static void CompileToAssembly (RegexCompilationInfo[] regexes, AssemblyName aname, CustomAttributeBuilder[] attribs) { Regex.CompileToAssembly(regexes, aname, attribs, null); } [MonoTODO] public static void CompileToAssembly (RegexCompilationInfo[] regexes, AssemblyName aname, CustomAttributeBuilder[] attribs, string resourceFile) { throw new NotImplementedException (); // TODO : Make use of attribs and resourceFile parameters /* AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (aname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave); ModuleBuilder modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("InnerRegexModule",aname.Name); Parser psr = new Parser (); System.Console.WriteLine("CompileToAssembly"); for(int i=0; i < regexes.Length; i++) { System.Console.WriteLine("Compiling expression :" + regexes[i].Pattern); RegularExpression re = psr.ParseRegularExpression (regexes[i].Pattern, regexes[i].Options); // compile CILCompiler cmp = new CILCompiler (modBuilder, i); bool reverse = (regexes[i].Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) !=0; re.Compile (cmp, reverse); cmp.Close(); } // Define a runtime class with specified name and attributes. TypeBuilder builder = modBuilder.DefineType("ITest"); builder.CreateType(); asmBuilder.Save(aname.Name); */ } public static string Escape (string str) { return Parser.Escape (str); } public static string Unescape (string str) { return Parser.Unescape (str); } public static bool IsMatch (string input, string pattern) { return IsMatch (input, pattern, RegexOptions.None); } public static bool IsMatch (string input, string pattern, RegexOptions options) { Regex re = new Regex (pattern, options); return re.IsMatch (input); } public static Match Match (string input, string pattern) { return Regex.Match (input, pattern, RegexOptions.None); } public static Match Match (string input, string pattern, RegexOptions options) { Regex re = new Regex (pattern, options); return re.Match (input); } public static MatchCollection Matches (string input, string pattern) { return Matches (input, pattern, RegexOptions.None); } public static MatchCollection Matches (string input, string pattern, RegexOptions options) { Regex re = new Regex (pattern, options); return re.Matches (input); } public static string Replace (string input, string pattern, MatchEvaluator evaluator) { return Regex.Replace (input, pattern, evaluator, RegexOptions.None); } public static string Replace (string input, string pattern, MatchEvaluator evaluator, RegexOptions options) { Regex re = new Regex (pattern, options); return re.Replace (input, evaluator); } public static string Replace (string input, string pattern, string replacement) { return Regex.Replace (input, pattern, replacement, RegexOptions.None); } public static string Replace (string input, string pattern, string replacement, RegexOptions options) { Regex re = new Regex (pattern, options); return re.Replace (input, replacement); } public static string[] Split (string input, string pattern) { return Regex.Split (input, pattern, RegexOptions.None); } public static string[] Split (string input, string pattern, RegexOptions options) { Regex re = new Regex (pattern, options); return re.Split (input); } // private private static FactoryCache cache = new FactoryCache (200); // TODO put some meaningful number here // constructors protected Regex () { // XXX what's this constructor for? // : Used to compile to assembly (Custum regex inherit from Regex and use this constructor) } public Regex (string pattern) : this (pattern, RegexOptions.None) { } public Regex (string pattern, RegexOptions options) { this.pattern = pattern; this.roptions = options; this.machineFactory = cache.Lookup (pattern, options); if (this.machineFactory == null) { // parse and install group mapping Parser psr = new Parser (); RegularExpression re = psr.ParseRegularExpression (pattern, options); this.group_count = re.GroupCount; this.mapping = psr.GetMapping (); // compile ICompiler cmp; //if ((options & RegexOptions.Compiled) != 0) // //throw new Exception ("Not implemented."); // cmp = new CILCompiler (); //else cmp = new PatternCompiler (); re.Compile (cmp, RightToLeft); // install machine factory and add to pattern cache this.machineFactory = cmp.GetMachineFactory (); this.machineFactory.Mapping = mapping; cache.Add (pattern, options, this.machineFactory); } else { this.group_count = this.machineFactory.GroupCount; this.mapping = this.machineFactory.Mapping; } } private Regex (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : this (info.GetString ("pattern"), (RegexOptions) info.GetValue ("options", typeof (RegexOptions))) { } // fixes public API signature ~Regex () { } // public instance properties public RegexOptions Options { get { return roptions; } } public bool RightToLeft { get { return (roptions & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0; } } // public instance methods public string[] GetGroupNames () { string[] names = new string[mapping.Count]; mapping.Keys.CopyTo (names, 0); return names; } public int[] GetGroupNumbers () { int[] numbers = new int[mapping.Count]; mapping.Values.CopyTo (numbers, 0); return numbers; } public string GroupNameFromNumber (int i) { if (i > group_count) return ""; foreach (string name in mapping.Keys) { if ((int)mapping[name] == i) return name; } return ""; } public int GroupNumberFromName (string name) { if (mapping.Contains (name)) return (int)mapping[name]; return -1; } // match methods public bool IsMatch (string input) { if (RightToLeft) return IsMatch (input, input.Length); else return IsMatch (input, 0); } public bool IsMatch (string input, int startat) { return Match (input, startat).Success; } public Match Match (string input) { if (RightToLeft) return Match (input, input.Length); else return Match (input, 0); } public Match Match (string input, int startat) { return CreateMachine ().Scan (this, input, startat, input.Length); } public Match Match (string input, int startat, int length) { return CreateMachine ().Scan (this, input, startat, startat + length); } public MatchCollection Matches (string input) { if (RightToLeft) return Matches (input, input.Length); else return Matches (input, 0); } public MatchCollection Matches (string input, int startat) { MatchCollection ms = new MatchCollection (); Match m = Match (input, startat); while (m.Success) { ms.Add (m); m = m.NextMatch (); } return ms; } // replace methods public string Replace (string input, MatchEvaluator evaluator) { if (RightToLeft) return Replace (input, evaluator, Int32.MaxValue, input.Length); else return Replace (input, evaluator, Int32.MaxValue, 0); } public string Replace (string input, MatchEvaluator evaluator, int count) { if (RightToLeft) return Replace (input, evaluator, count, input.Length); else return Replace (input, evaluator, count, 0); } public string Replace (string input, MatchEvaluator evaluator, int count, int startat) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder (); int ptr = startat; Match m = Match (input, startat); while (m.Success && count -- > 0) { result.Append (input.Substring (ptr, m.Index - ptr)); result.Append (evaluator (m)); ptr = m.Index + m.Length; m = m.NextMatch (); } result.Append (input.Substring (ptr)); return result.ToString (); } public string Replace (string input, string replacement) { if (RightToLeft) return Replace (input, replacement, Int32.MaxValue, input.Length); else return Replace (input, replacement, Int32.MaxValue, 0); } public string Replace (string input, string replacement, int count) { if (RightToLeft) return Replace (input, replacement, count, input.Length); else return Replace (input, replacement, count, 0); } public string Replace (string input, string replacement, int count, int startat) { ReplacementEvaluator ev = new ReplacementEvaluator (this, replacement); return Replace (input, new MatchEvaluator (ev.Evaluate), count, startat); } // split methods public string[] Split (string input) { if (RightToLeft) return Split (input, Int32.MaxValue, input.Length); else return Split (input, Int32.MaxValue, 0); } public string[] Split (string input, int count) { if (RightToLeft) return Split (input, count, input.Length); else return Split (input, count, 0); } public string[] Split (string input, int count, int startat) { ArrayList splits = new ArrayList (); if (count == 0) count = Int32.MaxValue; int ptr = startat; while (--count > 0) { Match m = Match (input, ptr); if (!m.Success) break; if (RightToLeft) splits.Add (input.Substring (m.Index + m.Length , ptr - m.Index - m.Length )); else splits.Add (input.Substring (ptr, m.Index - ptr)); int gcount = m.Groups.Count; for (int gindex = 1; gindex < gcount; gindex++) { Group grp = m.Groups [gindex]; splits.Add (input.Substring (grp.Index, grp.Length)); } if (RightToLeft) ptr = m.Index; else ptr = m.Index + m.Length; } if (RightToLeft) { if ( ptr >= 0) { splits.Add (input.Substring(0, ptr)); } } else { if (ptr <= input.Length) { splits.Add (input.Substring (ptr)); } } return (string []) splits.ToArray (typeof (string)); } // MS undocummented method [MonoTODO] protected void InitializeReferences() { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] protected bool UseOptionC(){ throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] protected bool UseOptionR(){ throw new NotImplementedException (); } // object methods public override string ToString () { return pattern; } // ISerializable interface void ISerializable.GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { info.AddValue ("pattern", this.ToString (), typeof (string)); info.AddValue ("options", this.Options, typeof (RegexOptions)); } // internal internal int GroupCount { get { return group_count; } } // private private IMachine CreateMachine () { return machineFactory.NewInstance (); } private IMachineFactory machineFactory; private IDictionary mapping; private int group_count; // protected members protected internal string pattern; protected internal RegexOptions roptions; // MS undocumented members [MonoTODO] protected internal System.Collections.Hashtable capnames; [MonoTODO] protected internal System.Collections.Hashtable caps; [MonoTODO] protected internal int capsize; [MonoTODO] protected internal string[] capslist; [MonoTODO] protected internal RegexRunnerFactory factory; } [Serializable] public class RegexCompilationInfo { public RegexCompilationInfo (string pattern, RegexOptions options, string name, string nspace, bool isPublic) { this.pattern = pattern; this.options = options; this.name = name; this.nspace = nspace; this.isPublic = isPublic; } public bool IsPublic { get { return isPublic; } set { isPublic = value; } } public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } public string Namespace { get { return nspace; } set { nspace = value; } } public RegexOptions Options { get { return options; } set { options = value; } } public string Pattern { get { return pattern; } set { pattern = value; } } // private private string pattern, name, nspace; private RegexOptions options; private bool isPublic; } }