using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions { internal delegate bool EvalDelegate (RxInterpreter interp, int strpos, ref int strpos_result); sealed class RxInterpreter: BaseMachine { byte[] program; string str; int string_start; int string_end; int group_count; int match_start; int[] groups; EvalDelegate eval_del; // optimized EvalByteCode method created by the CILCompiler Mark[] marks = null; // mark stack int mark_start; // start of current checkpoint int mark_end; // end of checkpoint/next free mark static readonly bool trace_rx = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("RXD") != null; static int ReadInt (byte[] code, int pc) { int val = code [pc]; val |= code [pc + 1] << 8; val |= code [pc + 2] << 16; val |= code [pc + 3] << 24; return val; } public RxInterpreter (byte[] program, EvalDelegate eval_del) { this.program = program; this.eval_del = eval_del; group_count = 1 + (program [1] | (program [2] << 8)); groups = new int [group_count]; ResetGroups (); } public override Match Scan (Regex regex, string text, int start, int end) { str = text; string_start = start; string_end = end; int res = 0; bool match; if (eval_del != null) { match = eval_del (this, start, ref res); } else { match = EvalByteCode (11, start, ref res); } marks [groups [0]].End = res; if (match) { return GenerateMatch (regex); //Match m = new Match (regex, this, text, end, 0, match_start, res - match_start); //return m; } return Match.Empty; } // capture management private void Open (int gid, int ptr) { int m = groups [gid]; if (m < mark_start || marks [m].IsDefined) { m = CreateMark (m); groups [gid] = m; } marks [m].Start = ptr; } private void Close (int gid, int ptr) { marks [groups [gid]].End = ptr; } private bool Balance (int gid, int balance_gid, bool capture, int ptr) { int b = groups [balance_gid]; if (b == -1 || marks [b].Index < 0) { //Group not previously matched return false; } if (gid > 0 && capture){ Open (gid, marks [b].Index + marks [b].Length); Close (gid, ptr); } groups [balance_gid] = marks[b].Previous; return true; } private int Checkpoint () { mark_start = mark_end; return mark_start; } private void Backtrack (int cp) { for (int i = 0; i < groups.Length; ++ i) { int m = groups [i]; while (cp <= m) m = marks [m].Previous; groups [i] = m; } } private void ResetGroups () { int n = groups.Length; if (marks == null) marks = new Mark [n * 10]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) { groups [i] = i; marks [i].Start = -1; marks [i].End = -1; marks [i].Previous = -1; } mark_start = 0; mark_end = n; } private int GetLastDefined (int gid) { int m = groups [gid]; while (m >= 0 && !marks [m].IsDefined) m = marks [m].Previous; return m; } private int CreateMark (int previous) { if (mark_end == marks.Length) { Mark [] dest = new Mark [marks.Length * 2]; marks.CopyTo (dest, 0); marks = dest; } int m = mark_end ++; marks [m].Start = marks [m].End = -1; marks [m].Previous = previous; return m; } private void GetGroupInfo (int gid, out int first_mark_index, out int n_caps) { first_mark_index = -1; n_caps = 0; for (int m = groups [gid]; m >= 0; m = marks [m].Previous) { if (!marks [m].IsDefined) continue; if (first_mark_index < 0) first_mark_index = m; ++n_caps; } } private void PopulateGroup (Group g, int first_mark_index, int n_caps) { int i = 1; for (int m = marks [first_mark_index].Previous; m >= 0; m = marks [m].Previous) { if (!marks [m].IsDefined) continue; Capture cap = new Capture (str, marks [m].Index, marks [m].Length); g.Captures.SetValue (cap, n_caps - 1 - i); ++i; } } private Match GenerateMatch (Regex regex) { int n_caps, first_mark_index; Group g; GetGroupInfo (0, out first_mark_index, out n_caps); // Avoid fully populating the Match instance if not needed if (!needs_groups_or_captures) return new Match (regex, this, str, string_end, 0, marks [first_mark_index].Index, marks [first_mark_index].Length); Match retval = new Match (regex, this, str, string_end, groups.Length, marks [first_mark_index].Index, marks [first_mark_index].Length, n_caps); PopulateGroup (retval, first_mark_index, n_caps); for (int gid = 1; gid < groups.Length; ++ gid) { GetGroupInfo (gid, out first_mark_index, out n_caps); if (first_mark_index < 0) { g = Group.Fail; } else { g = new Group (str, marks [first_mark_index].Index, marks [first_mark_index].Length, n_caps); PopulateGroup (g, first_mark_index, n_caps); } retval.Groups.SetValue (g, gid); } return retval; } // used by the IL backend void SetStartOfMatch (int pos) { marks [groups [0]].Start = pos; } static bool IsWordChar (char c) { return Char.IsLetterOrDigit (c) || Char.GetUnicodeCategory (c) == UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation; } bool EvalByteCode (int pc, int strpos, ref int strpos_result) { // luckily the IL engine can deal with char_group_end at compile time // this code offset needs to be checked only in opcodes that handle // a single char and that are included in a TestCharGroup expression: // the engine is supposed to jump to this offset as soons as the // first opcode in the expression matches // The code pattern becomes: // on successfull match: check if char_group_end is nonzero and jump to // test_char_group_passed after adjusting strpos // on failure: try the next expression by simply advancing pc int char_group_end = 0; int length, start, end; while (true) { if (trace_rx) Console.WriteLine ("evaluating: {0} at pc: {1}, strpos: {2}, cge: {3}", (RxOp)program [pc], pc, strpos, char_group_end); switch ((RxOp)program [pc]) { case RxOp.True: if (char_group_end != 0) { pc = char_group_end; char_group_end = 0; continue; } strpos_result = strpos; return true; case RxOp.False: return false; case RxOp.AnyPosition: pc++; continue; case RxOp.StartOfString: if (strpos != 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.StartOfLine: if (strpos == 0 || str [strpos - 1] == '\n') { pc++; continue; } return false; case RxOp.StartOfScan: if (strpos != string_start) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.End: if (strpos == string_end || (strpos == string_end - 1 && str [strpos] == '\n')) { pc++; continue; } return false; case RxOp.EndOfString: if (strpos != string_end) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.EndOfLine: if (strpos == string_end || str [strpos] == '\n') { pc++; continue; } return false; case RxOp.WordBoundary: if (string_end == 0) return false; if (strpos == 0) { if (IsWordChar (str [strpos])) { pc++; continue; } } else if (strpos == string_end) { if (IsWordChar (str [strpos - 1])) { pc++; continue; } } else { if (IsWordChar (str [strpos]) != IsWordChar (str [strpos - 1])) { pc++; continue; } } return false; case RxOp.NoWordBoundary: if (string_end == 0) return false; if (strpos == 0) { if (!IsWordChar (str [strpos])) { pc++; continue; } } else if (strpos == string_end) { if (!IsWordChar (str [strpos - 1])) { pc++; continue; } } else { if (IsWordChar (str [strpos]) == IsWordChar (str [strpos - 1])) { pc++; continue; } } return false; case RxOp.Anchor: // FIXME: test anchor length = program [pc + 3] | (program [pc + 4] << 8); pc += program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); // it's important to test also the end of the string // position for things like: "" =~ /$/ end = string_end + 1; while (strpos < end) { int res = strpos; if (groups.Length > 1) { ResetGroups (); marks [groups [0]].Start = strpos; } if (EvalByteCode (pc, strpos, ref res)) { match_start = strpos; marks [groups [0]].Start = strpos; if (groups.Length > 1) marks [groups [0]].End = res; strpos_result = res; return true; } strpos++; } return false; case RxOp.Reference: length = GetLastDefined (program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8)); if (length < 0) return false; start = marks [length].Index; length = marks [length].Length; if (strpos + length > string_end) return false; for (end = start + length; start < end; ++start) { if (str [strpos] != str [start]) return false; strpos++; } pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.ReferenceIgnoreCase: length = GetLastDefined (program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8)); if (length < 0) return false; start = marks [length].Index; length = marks [length].Length; if (strpos + length > string_end) return false; for (end = start + length; start < end; ++start) { if (str [strpos] != str [start] && Char.ToLower (str [strpos]) != Char.ToLower (str [start])) return false; strpos++; } pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.IfDefined: if (GetLastDefined (program [pc + 3] | (program [pc + 4] << 8)) < 0) pc += 5; else pc += program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); continue; case RxOp.SubExpression: { int res = 0; if (EvalByteCode (pc + 3, strpos, ref res)) { pc += program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); continue; } return false; } case RxOp.Test: { int res = 0; // FIXME: checkpoint if (EvalByteCode (pc + 5, strpos, ref res)) { pc += program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); } else { pc += program [pc + 3] | (program [pc + 4] << 8); } continue; } case RxOp.OpenGroup: Open (program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8), strpos); pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.CloseGroup: Close (program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8), strpos); pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.Jump: pc += program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); continue; case RxOp.TestCharGroup: char_group_end = pc + program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.String: start = pc + 2; length = program [pc + 1]; if (strpos + length > string_end) return false; end = start + length; for (; start < end; ++start) { if (str [strpos] != program [start]) return false; strpos++; } pc = end; continue; case RxOp.StringIgnoreCase: start = pc + 2; length = program [pc + 1]; if (strpos + length > string_end) return false; end = start + length; for (; start < end; ++start) { if (str [strpos] != program [start] && Char.ToLower (str [strpos]) != program [start]) return false; strpos++; } pc = end; continue; case RxOp.UnicodeString: start = pc + 3; length = program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); if (strpos + length > string_end) return false; end = start + length * 2; for (; start < end; start += 2) { int c = program [start] | (program [start + 1] << 8); if (str [strpos] != c) return false; strpos++; } pc = end; continue; case RxOp.UnicodeStringIgnoreCase: start = pc + 3; length = program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); if (strpos + length > string_end) return false; end = start + length * 2; for (; start < end; start += 2) { int c = program [start] | (program [start + 1] << 8); if (str [strpos] != c && Char.ToLower (str [strpos]) != c) return false; strpos++; } pc = end; continue; case RxOp.Char: if (strpos < string_end && (str [strpos] == program [pc + 1])) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 2; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 2; continue; case RxOp.NoChar: if (strpos < string_end && (str [strpos] != program [pc + 1])) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 2; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 2; continue; case RxOp.CharIgnoreCase: if (strpos < string_end && (Char.ToLower (str [strpos]) == program [pc + 1])) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 2; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 2; continue; case RxOp.NoCharIgnoreCase: if (strpos < string_end && (Char.ToLower (str [strpos]) != program [pc + 1])) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 2; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 2; continue; case RxOp.Range: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; if (c >= program [pc + 1] && c <= program [pc + 2]) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.NoRange: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; if (c >= program [pc + 1] && c <= program [pc + 2]) { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; } strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.RangeIgnoreCase: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = Char.ToLower (str [strpos]); if (c >= program [pc + 1] && c <= program [pc + 2]) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.NoRangeIgnoreCase: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = Char.ToLower (str [strpos]); if (c >= program [pc + 1] && c <= program [pc + 2]) { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; } strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.Bitmap: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; c -= program [pc + 1]; length = program [pc + 2]; if (c < 0 || c >= (length << 3)) { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += length + 3; continue; } pc += 3; if ((program [pc + (c >> 3)] & (1 << (c & 0x7))) != 0) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += length; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += length; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3 + program [pc + 2]; continue; case RxOp.NoBitmap: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; c -= program [pc + 1]; length = program [pc + 2]; if (c < 0 || c >= (length << 3)) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3 + length; continue; } pc += 3; if ((program [pc + (c >> 3)] & (1 << (c & 0x7))) != 0) { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += length; continue; } else { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += length; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3 + program [pc + 2]; continue; case RxOp.BitmapIgnoreCase: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = Char.ToLower (str [strpos]); c -= program [pc + 1]; length = program [pc + 2]; if (c < 0 || c >= (length << 3)) { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += length + 3; continue; } pc += 3; if ((program [pc + (c >> 3)] & (1 << (c & 0x7))) != 0) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += length; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += length; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3 + program [pc + 2]; continue; case RxOp.NoBitmapIgnoreCase: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; c -= program [pc + 1]; length = program [pc + 2]; pc += 3; if (c < 0 || c >= (length << 3)) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += length; continue; } if ((program [pc + (c >> 3)] & (1 << (c & 0x7))) != 0) { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += length; continue; } else { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += length; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3 + program [pc + 2]; continue; case RxOp.UnicodeChar: if (strpos < string_end && (str [strpos] == (program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8)))) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.NoUnicodeChar: if (strpos < string_end && (str [strpos] != (program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8)))) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.UnicodeCharIgnoreCase: if (strpos < string_end && (Char.ToLower (str [strpos]) == (program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8)))) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.NoUnicodeCharIgnoreCase: if (strpos < string_end && (Char.ToLower (str [strpos]) != (program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8)))) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 3; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 3; continue; case RxOp.CategoryAny: if (strpos < string_end && str [strpos] != '\n') { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.CategoryWord: if (strpos < string_end) { char c = str [strpos]; if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit (c) || Char.GetUnicodeCategory (c) == UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.NoCategoryWord: if (strpos < string_end) { char c = str [strpos]; if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (c) && Char.GetUnicodeCategory (c) != UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.CategoryDigit: if (strpos < string_end && Char.IsDigit (str [strpos])) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.NoCategoryDigit: if (strpos < string_end && !Char.IsDigit (str [strpos])) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.CategoryWhiteSpace: if (strpos < string_end && Char.IsWhiteSpace (str [strpos])) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.NoCategoryWhiteSpace: if (strpos < string_end && !Char.IsWhiteSpace (str [strpos])) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.CategoryEcmaWord: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' || c == '_') { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.NoCategoryEcmaWord: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' || c == '_') { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; } strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.CategoryEcmaWhiteSpace: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f' || c == '\v') { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.NoCategoryEcmaWhiteSpace: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f' || c == '\v') { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; } strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.CategoryUnicodeSpecials: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; if ('\uFEFF' <= c && c <= '\uFEFF' || '\uFFF0' <= c && c <= '\uFFFD') { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.NoCategoryUnicodeSpecials: if (strpos < string_end) { int c = str [strpos]; if ('\uFEFF' <= c && c <= '\uFEFF' || '\uFFF0' <= c && c <= '\uFFFD') { if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; } strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc++; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc++; continue; case RxOp.CategoryUnicode: if (strpos < string_end && Char.GetUnicodeCategory (str [strpos]) == (UnicodeCategory)program [pc + 1]) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 2; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 2; continue; case RxOp.NoCategoryUnicode: if (strpos < string_end && Char.GetUnicodeCategory (str [strpos]) != (UnicodeCategory)program [pc + 1]) { strpos++; if (char_group_end != 0) goto test_char_group_passed; pc += 2; continue; } if (char_group_end == 0) return false; pc += 2; continue; case RxOp.Branch: { int res = 0; if (EvalByteCode (pc + 3, strpos, ref res)) { strpos_result = res; return true; } //Console.WriteLine ("branch offset: {0}", program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8)); pc += program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); continue; } case RxOp.Repeat: case RxOp.RepeatLazy: { int res = 0; start = ReadInt (program, pc + 3); end = ReadInt (program, pc + 7); //Console.WriteLine ("min: {0}, max: {1}", start, end); length = 0; int cp = Checkpoint (); while (length < end) { if (!EvalByteCode (pc + 11, strpos, ref res)) { if (length >= start) { goto repeat_success; } return false; } strpos = res; length++; Backtrack (cp); } if (length != end) return false; repeat_success: pc += program [pc + 1] | (program [pc + 2] << 8); continue; } default: Console.WriteLine ("evaluating: {0} at pc: {1}, strpos: {2}", (RxOp)program [pc], pc, strpos); throw new NotSupportedException (); } continue; test_char_group_passed: pc = char_group_end; char_group_end = 0; continue; } // end of while (true) } } }