// // System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase.cs // // Authors: // Jonathan Pryor (jonpryor@vt.edu) // Sebastien Pouliot // // (C) 2002 // Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Security.Permissions { [Serializable] public abstract class ResourcePermissionBase : CodeAccessPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission { private const int version = 1; private ArrayList _list; private bool _unrestricted; private Type _type; private string[] _tags; protected ResourcePermissionBase () { _list = new ArrayList (); } protected ResourcePermissionBase (PermissionState state) : this () { PermissionHelper.CheckPermissionState (state, true); _unrestricted = (state == PermissionState.Unrestricted); } public const string Any = "*"; public const string Local = "."; protected Type PermissionAccessType { get { return _type; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("PermissionAccessType"); if (!value.IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException ("!Enum", "PermissionAccessType"); _type = value; } } protected string[] TagNames { get { return _tags; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("TagNames"); if (value.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException ("Length==0", "TagNames"); _tags = value; } } protected void AddPermissionAccess (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry) { CheckEntry (entry); if (Exists (entry)) { string msg = Locale.GetText ("Entry already exists."); throw new InvalidOperationException (msg); } _list.Add (entry); } protected void Clear () { _list.Clear (); } public override IPermission Copy () { ResourcePermissionBase copy = CreateFromType (this.GetType (), _unrestricted); if (_tags != null) copy._tags = (string[]) _tags.Clone (); copy._type = _type; // FIXME: shallow or deep copy ? copy._list.AddRange (_list); return copy; } [MonoTODO ("incomplete - need more test")] public override void FromXml (SecurityElement securityElement) { if (securityElement == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("securityElement"); #if !BOOTSTRAP_BASIC CheckSecurityElement (securityElement, "securityElement", version, version); // Note: we do not (yet) care about the return value // as we only accept version 1 (min/max values) #endif _list.Clear (); _unrestricted = PermissionHelper.IsUnrestricted (securityElement); if ((securityElement.Children == null) || (securityElement.Children.Count < 1)) return; string[] names = new string [1]; foreach (SecurityElement child in securityElement.Children) { // TODO: handle multiple names names [0] = child.Attribute ("name"); int access = (int) Enum.Parse (PermissionAccessType, child.Attribute ("access")); ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry = new ResourcePermissionBaseEntry (access, names); AddPermissionAccess (entry); } } protected ResourcePermissionBaseEntry[] GetPermissionEntries () { ResourcePermissionBaseEntry[] entries = new ResourcePermissionBaseEntry [_list.Count]; _list.CopyTo (entries, 0); return entries; } public override IPermission Intersect (IPermission target) { ResourcePermissionBase rpb = Cast (target); if (rpb == null) return null; bool su = this.IsUnrestricted (); bool tu = rpb.IsUnrestricted (); // if one is empty we return null (unless the other one is unrestricted) if (IsEmpty () && !tu) return null; if (rpb.IsEmpty () && !su) return null; ResourcePermissionBase result = CreateFromType (this.GetType (), (su && tu)); foreach (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry in _list) { if (tu || rpb.Exists (entry)) result.AddPermissionAccess (entry); } foreach (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry in rpb._list) { // don't add twice if ((su || this.Exists (entry)) && !result.Exists (entry)) result.AddPermissionAccess (entry); } return result; } public override bool IsSubsetOf (IPermission target) { if (target == null) { // do not use Cast - different permissions (and earlier Fx) return false :-/ return true; } ResourcePermissionBase rpb = (target as ResourcePermissionBase); if (rpb == null) return false; if (rpb.IsUnrestricted ()) return true; if (IsUnrestricted ()) return rpb.IsUnrestricted (); foreach (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry in _list) { if (!rpb.Exists (entry)) return false; } return true; } public bool IsUnrestricted () { return _unrestricted; } protected void RemovePermissionAccess (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry) { CheckEntry (entry); for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++) { ResourcePermissionBaseEntry rpbe = (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry) _list [i]; if (Equals (entry, rpbe)) { _list.RemoveAt (i); return; } } string msg = Locale.GetText ("Entry doesn't exists."); throw new InvalidOperationException (msg); } public override SecurityElement ToXml () { SecurityElement se = PermissionHelper.Element (this.GetType (), version); if (IsUnrestricted ()) { se.AddAttribute ("Unrestricted", "true"); } else { foreach (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry in _list) { SecurityElement container = se; string access = null; if (PermissionAccessType != null) access = Enum.Format (PermissionAccessType, entry.PermissionAccess, "g"); for (int i=0; i < _tags.Length; i++) { SecurityElement child = new SecurityElement (_tags [i]); child.AddAttribute ("name", entry.PermissionAccessPath [i]); if (access != null) child.AddAttribute ("access", access); container.AddChild (child); child = container; } } } return se; } public override IPermission Union (IPermission target) { ResourcePermissionBase rpb = Cast (target); if (rpb == null) return Copy (); if (IsEmpty () && rpb.IsEmpty ()) return null; if (rpb.IsEmpty ()) return Copy (); if (IsEmpty ()) return rpb.Copy (); bool unrestricted = (IsUnrestricted () || rpb.IsUnrestricted ()); ResourcePermissionBase result = CreateFromType (this.GetType (), unrestricted); // strangely unrestricted union doesn't process the elements (while intersect does) if (!unrestricted) { foreach (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry in _list) { result.AddPermissionAccess (entry); } foreach (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry in rpb._list) { // don't add twice if (!result.Exists (entry)) result.AddPermissionAccess (entry); } } return result; } // helpers private bool IsEmpty () { return (!_unrestricted && (_list.Count == 0)); } private ResourcePermissionBase Cast (IPermission target) { if (target == null) return null; ResourcePermissionBase rp = (target as ResourcePermissionBase); if (rp == null) { PermissionHelper.ThrowInvalidPermission (target, typeof (ResourcePermissionBase)); } return rp; } internal void CheckEntry (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry) { if (entry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("entry"); if ((entry.PermissionAccessPath == null) || (entry.PermissionAccessPath.Length != _tags.Length)) { string msg = Locale.GetText ("Entry doesn't match TagNames"); throw new InvalidOperationException (msg); } } internal bool Equals (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry1, ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry2) { if (entry1.PermissionAccess != entry2.PermissionAccess) return false; if (entry1.PermissionAccessPath.Length != entry2.PermissionAccessPath.Length) return false; for (int i=0; i < entry1.PermissionAccessPath.Length; i++) { if (entry1.PermissionAccessPath [i] != entry2.PermissionAccessPath [i]) return false; } return true; } internal bool Exists (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry entry) { if (_list.Count == 0) return false; foreach (ResourcePermissionBaseEntry rpbe in _list) { if (Equals (rpbe, entry)) return true; } return false; } // static helpers private static char[] invalidChars = new char[] { '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', '\\', '\x160' }; internal static void ValidateMachineName (string name) { // FIXME: maybe other checks are required (but not documented) if ((name == null) || (name.Length == 0) || (name.IndexOfAny (invalidChars) != -1)) { string msg = Locale.GetText ("Invalid machine name '{0}'."); if (name == null) name = "(null)"; msg = String.Format (msg, name); throw new ArgumentException (msg, "MachineName"); } } internal static ResourcePermissionBase CreateFromType (Type type, bool unrestricted) { object[] parameters = new object [1]; parameters [0] = (object) ((unrestricted) ? PermissionState.Unrestricted : PermissionState.None); // we must return the derived type - this is why an empty constructor is required ;-) return (ResourcePermissionBase) Activator.CreateInstance (type, parameters); } } }